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Yajur Upakarma

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I attach e-mail with URLs about the Yajur upakarma.

The info was provided by Shreyas Sarangan of NJ in another list.



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Yajur upaakarma / Gayatri Japam



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Dear Suresh,


I have posted the upAkarma procedure on the Web at:




I have updated it for this year.


Please also read the article on the significance of

the upAkarma at the same place, very nicely written by

Sri Vijayaraghavan Srinivasan.


By the way, there is no significant difference in the

procedure between Sri Vaishnavas (either Vadagalai or

Thengalai), or smArtas. Of course, there are minor

differences in the guru-paramparA anusandhAna at the

beginning and in the sankalpa. But upAkarma being

a Vedic rite dictated by one's dharma-sUtra is practiced

the same way almost everywhere. What differences exist

are dictated more by region or family than by sect.


Upakarma Date



After a careful reading of Srimad Azhagiya Singar's 'Ahnika grantha',

I have calculated the following dates for the upAkarma:


USA: upAkarma -> Mon, August 14, gAyatrI japa -> Tue, August 15

Singapore: upAkarma -> Tue, August 15, gAyatrI japa -> Wed, August 16


I am purposely omitting dates for those of you in India because

you all have access to vidvAns and vAdyArs who can give you the

correct information. (In some traditions, for those in India,

both gAyatrI japa and upAkarma fall on the same day this year.

Furthermore, there may be a 'doSa' for first-time upAkarmins which

pushes their upAkarma to the next month.)


Those who are interested in the gory details of how I arrived

at these dates can contact me privately.


We are truly indebted to Srimad Azhagiya Singar for so thoroughly

and carefully explaining the pramANa-s behind various observances

and calculations in 'Ahnika grantha'. That work has been indispensable

on more than one occasion recently, when I had some 'sandeha-s' (doubts)

concerning some anushThAnams. I sing 'pallANDu, pallANDu' for Srimad

Azhagiya Singar so he may bless us for years to come in a similar fashion.


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan


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  • 6 years later...

The Yajur Upakarma 2007

Sama Upakarma 2007

and all other Vaidhika rituals procedures are available

in text, pdf, audio, video formats in

ahobilam .com website






Can anyone send me the procedures and mantra's required for "Yajur

Upakarma for Thengalai(if different).




PB Suresh

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