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Kainkaryam to aacharyan

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Dear Bakthas:

One of my astrolger told me that I have some kainkaryam to my

aacharyan. They told me, it can be compensated by doing a

sumangali-pratanai. Now I do not know who my Aacharyan is, I am put


a trouble spot.


Please suggest.


Adiyen Ramanuja Dasi



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Dear Srimathi Aandal:


Typically , Sri VaishnavAls belong

to one of the following AchArya paramparai:


A.Vadakalai/ Munithrayam


1.Sri Ahobila Matam

2.Sri Parakala Matam

3.Sriamth PeriyANdavan of Srirangam

4.Srimath Poundarikapuram ANDavan of Srirangam


TennAchArya SampradhAyam:



1.VaanamAmalai Srimath Kaliyan Jeeyar Swamy

2.SriperumbhUthUr EmbAr matam

3.Thiruppathi Jeeyar

4.Sri Thirukkurungudi Jeeyar

5.Azhwar Thirunagari Jeeyar

6.Other AchAryAs I am not familiar with.


SvayamAchArya PurushAL



Yourself and your family should belong to one of

the above AchArya paramparai.


If you can not trace that paramparai

from discussion with the elders in your family ,

You can choose one AchArya paramparai ,

receive pancha SamskArams from the Jeeyar

and get initiated into that paramaprai.


Sumangali PrArthanai is in essence

offering worship to a Sumanagali or Sumnagalis

( Presentation of Pudavai, Ravikkai

ThuNdu ,Kumkumam , ThAmbhUlam and BhOjanam).


The MahA and nithya Sumangali , the object of

worship in Sumnagali prArthanai is none other than

our ThAyAr , MahA lakshmi.

Best wishes,



AchArya sambhandham is very ,very important

for Sri VaishNavALs.


Best Wishes,


At 06:08 PM 8/14/00 -0000, you wrote:

>Dear Bakthas:

>One of my astrolger told me that I have some kainkaryam to my

>aacharyan. They told me, it can be compensated by doing a

>sumangali-pratanai. Now I do not know who my Aacharyan is, I am put


>a trouble spot.


>Please suggest.


>Adiyen Ramanuja Dasi








> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

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In the interests of accuracy, I would like to offer

the following small corrections to Sri Sadagopan's

detailed post:

> Typically , Sri VaishnavAls belong

> to one of the following AchArya paramparai:


> A.Vadakalai/ Munithrayam

> **************************

> 1.Sri Ahobila Matam



Neither the Ahobila Matham nor the Parakaala Matham fall

under the 'munitraya' umbrella. The term 'munitraya'

applies to those who trace their acharya parampara

through Sri Tirukkudandai Gopala Desika (early 18th century)

and his three primary disciples. These three sannyasis,

Sri Srinivasa Swami, Sri Ranganatha Swami, and Sri

Vedanta Ramanuja Swami, came to be known as the 'munitraya'

(three saints).


The Srirangam Andavan Ashramam, Poundarikapuram Andavan

Ashramam, and most of the present-day Vadagalai 'svayam-acharya

purusha' families are directly connected to this acharya

parampara and follow the worship and ritual patterns outlined

by Sri Gopala Desika.


The Ahobila Matha traces its parampara through an unbroken

series of 'yatis' or sannyasis who bear the title 'Azhagiya

Singar', after Lord Narasimha, who is their 'ArAdhana mUrti'.

The first of these sannyasis was Sri Adi Van Sathakopa Jiyar (b. 1379).

It is not a widely known fact that Sri Adi Van Sathakopa Jiyar

himself traces his 'samASrayaNa' acharya parampara through the

same acharyas as what we know as the Thengalai or Thennacharya

sampradAya. One of the daily guru parampara anusandhAna slokas

of the Ahobila Matha sampradaya mentions this connection, which

goes through Sri Vadakku Tiruveedi Pillai (Krishna Pada),

the father of Sri Pillai Lokacharya. Sri Adi Van Sathakopa Jiyar's

connection to Sri Vedanta Desika is through his learning of

Sribhashya from Sri Ghatikasatam (Ammal) Varadacharya, who had

a direct connection to Sri Desika.


The Parakala Matha also traces its parampara through an unbroken

series of sannyasis, all bearing the title 'Brahmatantra Svatantra',

meaning Master of the Vedanta. The first of these sannyasis was

Sri Brahmatantra Svatantra Jiyar, a direct disciple of Sri Vedanta



Therefore, neither the Ahobila Matha nor the Parakala Matha falls

under the 'munitraya' acharya parampara. However, the Parakala Matha's

worship and ritual practices tend to be the same as what Sri Gopala

Desika has outlined, to my knowledge.

> TennAchArya SampradhAyam:

> *************************



The followers of the Thennacharya sampradaya either are connected

to one of the mathas or jiyars listed by Sri Sadagopan, or belong

to a 'tirumALigai' (sacred house), where the acharya traces his

descent from one of the 74 original primary disciples of Sri Ramanuja.

In fact, the majority of Thengalai Sri Vaishnavas are connected

to acharyas who belong to one of these tirumALigais. Such a situation

also existed earlier among Vadagalai Sri Vaishnavas as well, but

these days most such people have been absorbed into one of the

mathas or ashramas.


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,


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Dear Sri Mani Varadarajan :


Thanks very much for your welcome clarification

of my abbreviated statements.


What I meant was Swamy Desika sampradhayam ,

(Vada kalai)includes Ahobila Matam , ParakAla matam

along with Munithraya sampradhAyam. That

was the intention behind the title:

" Vadakalai/Munithrayam ". I can see where

there could have been room for confusion .


Those who wish to know more about the Life

and works of the Founder of the Munithraya

SampradhAyam (Sri Thirukkudanthai Gopala

MahA Desikan ) are requested to browse my detailed

earlier postings on the AparyApthAmrutha DhyAna SopAnam

composed by Sri Thirukkudanthai Gopala MahA Desikan

archived in the Bhakthi List. I have commented

extensively on each of these slOkams on

Sri AarAvamudhan of Thirukkudanthai, which is

modelled after Sawmy Desikan's Sri Bahgavath

DhyAna SOpAanam on Lord RanganAtha,which in turn

is modelled after TheiuppANAzhwAr's AmalanAdhipirAn.


Regarding the origin of the name Munithrayam,

some say it is associated with the three other

Munis: Naatha Muni, Yaamuna Muni and RaamAnuja

Muni. That explanation does not seem to fit well

since Sri VaishNavAs of all samprahdAyams

have these three AchAryAs in common.Perhaps,

sishyAls of the Munithraya SampradhAyam can

throw additional light on this point.Sri Mani

Varadarajan's explanation seems more appropriate.


Srirangam Mudhal ThirumALikai TatAchAr is

one of the Vadakalai svayamAchArya PurushALs.

Same for Thirupputkuzhi TatachAr , the Editor

of the Journal PeraruLALan . Taata Desikans of

KumbakONam Iyengar Theru are also other examples

of these Vadakalai SvayamAchArya paramparai.


As a Sri Matam sishyan (samAsrayanam from

HH The 43rd DeavanArviLAgam Jeeyar and BharanyAsam

from HH the prakrutham 45th Jeeyar of Ahobilam ) ,

it is my understanding that the Vadakalai sampradhAyam

branches off after Vadakku ThiruveedhippiLLai.

These points should not create too much

controversies.We all belong to the Bhagaavth

RaamAnuja SidhAntham .




At 02:10 PM 8/15/00 -0700, you wrote:


>In the interests of accuracy, I would like to offer

>the following small corrections to Sri Sadagopan's

>detailed post:


>> Typically , Sri VaishnavAls belong

>> to one of the following AchArya paramparai:


>> A.Vadakalai/ Munithrayam

>> **************************

>> 1.Sri Ahobila Matam

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