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Shukla and KrishNa YV

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Dear Bhagavathaas,


The info on the KrishnA and Shukla YV shared by many bhagavathaas

has been interesting and illuminating. I just have few comments on

Sri Sudarshanan's posting. His narration as to the origin of

name Taittiriya (Shishyas in the form of Taittiri birds absorbed the

KYV vomitted by yagnavalkya) is interesting, because, the only

available version of KYV is Taittiriya branch (shaaka). Thus, it

would appear that the Taittiri word is applicable to the whole

body of KYV and not just to the small portion called

Taittiriya Upanishad.


Just as the other Vedas, KYV is also divided into four parts

as indicated below. I have also indicated the length of the texts

as measured by length of audio tapes that cover them.

In standard Reader's digest size Kannada texts with swaras,

the KYV is covered in roughly 2000 pages.


1. Samhita (Taittiriya Samhita)- TS (14 tapes , 78 minutes each)

Starts with Ishetvorjetva....


2. BrahmaNa (Taittiriya BrahmaNa)-TB (10 tapes, 78 minutes each)

Ends with Ahwamedha Prashna


3. Aranyaka (Taittiriya Aranyaka)-TA (5 tapes, 78 minutes each)

This contains Purusha Suktam etc.,. This tape

also contains Taittiriya Upanishad and Maha Narayana Upanishad.


4. Upanishads (Three Upanishads: Taittiriya, Katha and Maitreye)

Of these, only Taittirya Upanishad is chanted like Vedic mantra, while the

other Upanishads are recited like Bhagavadgita. In fact, Katha Upanishad

in parts can easily be mistaken for Gita verses). As noted above Taittiriya

Upanishad is covered under Taittiriya Aranyaka in teh audio tapes.


In comparison to this Shukla YajurVeda is just 9 tapes- including

Ishavaasya and Brihadaaranyaka Upanishads.



I just had the pleasure of completely listening to the 29 tapes of KYV as

produced by Sri Krishnan of Veda Prasara Samiti. Sriman Sadagopan

has previously enlightened us about the work undertaken by Mr. Krishnan

for preservation of all the Vedas in the traditional Ghoshti style chanting

by Shrotreeyas. I have previously listened to the entire Rig, Shukla YV,

AtharvaNa and Sama Vedas produced by Mr. Krishnan. KYV just became

available (again thanks to Sriman Sadagopan who informed us about it

on this net), for which I was eagerly awaiting (as I belong to KYV), I


got it in July 2000, and have been enjoying it ever since.


I have been told that most North Indians are Shukla Yajurvedis,

as most north Indians including Maharashtra follow SYV.

The swara markings are quite different for SYV as compared to KYV,

even for those portions, where the text is identical to KYV.


After listening to the entire Vedas (Rig, Sama, KYV, SYV and Atharva)

in my opinion, Atharva comes closest to KYV in the chanting style.

I liked KYV chanting style the most.


If anyone is interested in getting these tapes, you may

contact Mr. Krishnan at : dvt




K. Sreekrishna Tatachar

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tatachar wrote:


> Dear Bhagavathaas,


> The info on the KrishnA and Shukla YV  shared by many bhagavathaas

> has been interesting and illuminating. I just have few comments on

> Sri Sudarshanan's posting. His narration as to the origin of

> name Taittiriya (Shishyas in the form of Taittiri birds absorbed the

> KYV vomitted by yagnavalkya) is interesting, because, the only

> available version of KYV is Taittiriya branch (shaaka). Thus, it

> would appear that the Taittiri word is applicable to the whole

> body of KYV and not just to the small portion called

> Taittiriya Upanishad.


Vishal: Namaste! I apologize for the delay in the response, which I intend to

post in multiple parts. Here is the first one. The above statement, in my

opinion, is true and also not ture. There is a distinction between Krishna

Yajurveda and Taittiriya Yajurveda. The latter is a type of the former.

As many members have elaborated, the text that Sri Yajnavalkya vomitted became

the Taittiriya Yajurveda. In my opinion, this story, though mentioned in some

Puranas, is false and a latter concoction because Tittiri is mentioned as the

name of a Sage who was also the disciple of Maharshi Vaishampayana (aka Charaka)

in the Panini Ganapatha. Apparently, since the Taittiriya Amnaya (Samhita +

Brahmana + Aranyaka) is haphazardly arranged with the corresponding mantra and

Brahmana portions occuring in a disjointed manner (for instance the mantra

portion of the Pravargya occurs in Prpathaka X etc. of the Taittiriya Aranyaka

whereas the Pravargya Brahmana is in Prapathaka IV), the story seemed to explain

the nature of the text very well. The Taittiriya Shakha, as it exists, is called

the 'Sarasvata' pAtha and in the Kalpasutras (like that of Baudhayana) is also

described the 'Arsheya ' Patha of the Taittiriya Shakha which is more systematic

(and has been published as the 'Mula Yajurv!

eda' by Maharshi Daivarata).


The Taittiriya Shakha represents only that particular Shakha of Krishna

Yajurveda which was returned by Maharshi Yajnavalkya to Maharshi Vaishampayana.

Before Yajnvavalkya, Maharshi Vaishampayana had taught the Krishna Yajurveda

also to his other disciples and this gave rise to other Shakhas like the

Kathaka, Maitrayaniya and so on (More details will follow).


The Bhagavatas have already listed several reasons on the nomenclature of Shukla

and Krishna. One additional reason I have seen (maybe someone already mentioned

it) is that since Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa taught the Yajurveda to

Vaishampayana and he in turn taught it to his disciples, it came to be known as

'Krishna Yajurveda' And since Vaishampayana was also known as Charaka, the

Krishna Yajurvedins also began to be called collectively as the 'Charakas'.


Another story that I have heard regarding the word Charaka is the following: In

Magadha/Eastern UP to this day, the word Charaka is used as a synonymn for a

particular variety of leprosy that is marked by white spots. According to

tradition and the Ayurveda texts, this form of leprosy is a result of

Brahmahatya, a sin of which Vaishampayana was accused of. Therefore, according

to the story I have heardm Vaishampayana died of this leprosy and got the name

of the disease as his nick name (or vice versa) and his disciples also acquired

this name as a result. (As an example, the words 'Dushkrityaya charakacharyam'

occur in the Madhyandina Shukla Yajurveda Samhita).


For the last 15 centuries or so, the Taittiriyas have been the most prominent of

the Krishna Yajurvedins all over India and therefore the word KYV has almost

become synonymous with Taittiriya YV, just as the Baudhyana and Apastamba sutras

of the Taittiriya Shakha are considered Kalpasutra par excellence by even non

KYV schools to some extent (whereas earlier, the Kathaka texts occupied this

place of honor in North India at least).


> Just as the other Vedas, KYV is also divided into four parts

> as indicated below. I have also indicated the length of the  texts

> as measured by length of audio tapes that cover them.

> In standard Reader's digest size Kannada texts with swaras,

> the KYV is covered in roughly 2000 pages.


> 1. Samhita (Taittiriya Samhita)- TS (14 tapes , 78 minutes each)

> Starts with Ishetvorjetva....


> 2. BrahmaNa (Taittiriya BrahmaNa)-TB (10 tapes, 78 minutes each)

> Ends with Ahwamedha Prashna


> 3. Aranyaka (Taittiriya Aranyaka)-TA (5 tapes, 78 minutes each)

> This contains Purusha Suktam etc.,. This tape

> also contains Taittiriya Upanishad and Maha Narayana Upanishad.


> 4. Upanishads (Three Upanishads: Taittiriya, Katha and Maitreye)


VA: The Maitreyi Upanishad actually belongs to the Maitrayani Shakha of Krishna

Yajurveda which is still extant in some villages of Nasik, Dhule, Nandurbar in

Maharashtra. Proficient Vaidiks can recite this Aranyaka/Upanishad according to

Vedic tradition, with accents, and the accented text has actually been published

by Satavalekara from Gujarat. The Katha and Svetashvatara Upanishads have lost

their accents as the Kathaka Shakha (found earlier in Punjab and Kashmir) has

lost its oral traditions. The following texts survive of this Shakha

1. KATHAKA sAMHITA: Only 1/3 is accented

2. Kathaka Brahmana: Several long fragments as 'Kathaka Sankalana' published by


3. Kathaka Aranyaka: Published from Nepa by Dr. Witzel of Harvard

4. KathaKA Upanishad Mantrasamhita: It had 15 chapters of which only 1-4 and

113-15 survive. The last two chapters are actually the Kathavalli Upanishad and

there is another Upanishad called the Kathasruti Upanishad emedded in the

initial portin of the Mantrasamhita.

> Of these, only Taittirya Upanishad is chanted like Vedic mantra, while  the

> other Upanishads are recited like  Bhagavadgita. In fact, Katha Upanishad

> in parts can easily be mistaken for Gita verses). As noted above Taittiriya

> Upanishad is covered under Taittiriya Aranyaka in teh audio tapes.


> In comparison to this Shukla YajurVeda is just 9 tapes- including

> Ishavaasya and Brihadaaranyaka Upanishads.

Vishal: Does the recitation of the SYV include the Brahmana also? In my

opinion, of the Samhita and Brahmana are both recited, they are much more than

1/3 the length of the Taittiriya Amnaya. In north India (especially in Varanasi)

there are Vaidiks who can recite the entire Madhyandina Shatapatha Brahmana with

the Bhashika Vedic Accent and the accented text has also been published although

it is somewhat corrupt.




> I just had the pleasure of completely listening to the 29 tapes of KYV as

> produced by Sri Krishnan of Veda Prasara Samiti. Sriman Sadagopan

> has previously enlightened us about the work undertaken by Mr. Krishnan

> for preservation of all the Vedas in the traditional Ghoshti style chanting

> by Shrotreeyas. I have previously listened to the entire Rig, Shukla YV,

> AtharvaNa and Sama Vedas produced by Mr. Krishnan. KYV just became

> available (again thanks to Sriman Sadagopan who informed us about it

> on this net), for which I was eagerly awaiting (as I belong to  KYV), I

> promtly

> got it in July 2000, and have been enjoying it ever since.

ViSHAL: We are really grateful to Sri Krishnan for recording the Vedic Samhitas.

However, if you know him, could you request him to record the Maitrayaniya

chantings as well? My Uncle recorded the recitations of several 100 recitors at

a Vedic sammelan in 27 video tapes (3 hours duration each or so )at Prayaga in

1992 and donated them to the office of Vishva Hindu Parishad at Delhi.


The reason why KrishnaYV and AV recitations are similar to each other is because

they are both similar to the RV and because in South India, the Taittiriyas have

strongly influence the chanting of all the Vedas because of their large numbers.

The AV recitations of Pancholi Brahmins of Gujarat (authentic style) are said to

be different but I have not heard them and moreover, Shri Krishnan also says

that his AV recordings are also those of some students of a Gujarati Pancholi

Brahmin. Actually, some traditions say that the AV tradition almost became

extinct 300 years ago and the Peshwas, to revive this Veda, offered incentives

to Rigvedin Brahmins to learn the Shaunaka Shakha of AV. This is why the AV is

recited to a great extent as the RV (I will check the details though).


> I have been told that most North Indians are Shukla Yajurvedis,

> as most north Indians including Maharashtra follow SYV.

> The swara markings are quite different for SYV as compared to KYV,

> even for those portions, where the text is identical to KYV.

Vishal: North Indian Vaidkiks are Madhyandina Yajurvedins whereas Maharashtrians

are both Madhyandinas (minority) and Kanvas (majority). The oral accents of

Kanvas are the same as marked on their written texts but the Madhyandina

recitations are, contrary to ALL the other Shakhas of ALL the Vedas, independent

of the svaras marked on the manuscripts. Obviously then, the Madhyandina

recitations are different not only from those of KYV but also from those of

Kanva Shukla Yajurveda.


> After listening to the entire Vedas (Rig, Sama, KYV, SYV and Atharva)

> in my opinion, Atharva comes closest to KYV in the chanting style.

> I liked KYV chanting style the most.

Vishal: It is indeed the most melodious to ears.






(More will follow in a systematic manner)

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