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Soma Rasam referred to in the Vedic rites

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Namo RaamAnujAya !

Namo NaarAyaNAya !


Dear BhakthAs:


There was recently a question about Soma Rasam.

One BhakthA wanted to know how the Gods can accept

some thing intoxicating as Soma rasam in the context

of the most sacred Yaj~nam .


Here are some Information points on Soma Rasam:



Soma paanam and SurA Paanam



Soma has to be differentiated from SurA

(physically intoxiating alcohol ) made from

grapes or grains). Soma is a CONCEPTUAL

beverage of Gods , which is described as

Truth (Sathyam), Auspiciousness( Sri:) ,

light /radiance (Jyothi:) . SurA in contrast

is untruth (anrutham), misery (Paapmaa) and

darkness ( tama:). SomA leads to Jn~Anam

(enlightenment ) and Anandham ( bliss):


"sathyam vai SrI: JyOthi: SOma:

anrutha paapmA tama: SuraithE "

--Satapatha BrahmaNam: VI.1.3.10


SomA is not produced by crushing and filtering

a Creeper with the name of SomA. The creeeper is

also a conceptual creeper , the juice of which is

presented in a RITUALISTIC manner in Soma Yaagams .


Where are the Manthrams for Soma Yaagam ?


The Soma PavamAna sections (Rg &Saama Vedams)

deals exclusively with the conceptual effusion ,

filtration and purification of the Soma rasam

from the mythical Soma creeper.


Soma rasam & GeethAchAryan


GeethAchAryan states in GitA that He is SomA

among medicinal herbs . By that He means that

all the medicinal herbs owe their curative powers

to the POWER OF SomA present in them. All the medicinal

herbs on this earth are recognized as the gift

of SomA , which is not cultivable by Humans.


The significance of Soma rasam offering


SomA is offered to Indra in Soma Yaagam , since it is

considered as his favorite drink. At a metaphysical level ,

IndrA is the Atman and the SomA is the spiritual

love and affection that flows from the Supreme Lord to

fill the inner conscience of the man with Jn~Anam

and Aanandham.


Soma Yaagams


There are Seven Paaka Yaj~nams , Seven Havir Yaj~nams

and Seven SOMA YAJ~NAMS. Here , " Soma rasam (juice)"

is squeezed and offered unto the fire for different

DevathAs , whose antharyAni is Sriman NaarAyaNan.

These seven Soma Yaj~nams are: AgnishtOmam ,

AthyagnishtOmam,Ukthyam , ShOdasee , VaajabhEyam ,

AthirAthram and AbdhOryAmam .


Some of them take many days to complete with the help

of four Ritvikhs ( HothA , adhvaryu , UdhgAthru

and BrahmmA ).HothA is for recitation of Rg Veda

manthrams , UdhgAthru is for the singing of Saama

Vedam ; Adhvaryau priests are for performing Homams.

BrahmA class of priests are for supervision so that

every thing is done according to saasthrAs.


Soma Yaagams are the loftiest of the Yaj~nams.



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