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Om Vishnave Namaha




In Srimad Bhagavath Gita, Krishna ParamAthmA says one

should be involved in one's own Swadharma and should

not get involved in the activities not prescribed to

him. Here I would like to have some clarifications. I

am a Brahmin (Sri Vaishnava) and I have my own

Swadharma. But I am not doing my duty of approaching

my AchArya for Enlightenment. As a Brahmin my

Swadharma is to engage myself full time for spiritual

progress and learn about Him through AchArya's grace.

But I am not doing this. I am a final year student of

BITS,Pilani and next year will proceed for Atomic

Research. So I am moving miles away from my Swadharma!

I don't do anything other than daily reciting

ThirupallAndu, Vishnu Sahasranam, Hayagriva slokam and

Sundarakandam(kanto 36). Nothing more! I feel very

guilty of not following His advice in Gita. I don't

think I will get chance to learn directly from

AchAryas. I would like to have advise from you all.


Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha.



Aravind Gopalan.




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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:


Dear Sri Arvind,


Your query is very interesting and a valid one too for all of us. I am glad that

you have started feeling at this young age. We are all sailing in the same boat.

No doubt, we should be learning Vedas and saathras, and follow our swadharmam.

BUT.. due to various reasons, over a period of time, we all have been drifting

away from that.


See. Lord KrishNA, when he was a Sarathy, he used to wash the horses and remove

the insects from their necks- such was His perfection to His duties. Lord Rama,

though appeared as Kshathriya, never said "I was born a king, and am the eldest.

How can I be deprived of the kingdom and am asked to go to forest?" Never did He

utter a word. All that He did was to obey the father's words.


Why am I saying this?- Because, ask your father. He wants you to study English

education.. complete BITS Pilani, engg degree. Perhaps go abroad and earn for a

better living. etc.. etc.. Follow that first. Simultaneously, what you have been

doing is fantastic. Reciting few slOkas that you have learnt, during the course

of the day, reading the posts appear in bhakti list and getting your doubts

clarified on sampradayam- You are doing just fine, dear.


At any cost, never stop doing sandhyAvandhanam. If you do not do that, you are a

karma brashtan- karma chaNdALan. You have nithya theettu. Not qualified to even

enter the temple, - why to talk of other things? Keep doing..


On the other hand, we have Sriman Anand Karalapakkam, also an ex BITSIAN.. did

his MS from Connecticut, completed in flying colours naturally (like any other

Indian). Now he is doing full time VedAnthic studies and saasthrAs at Chennai,

with 12 ThirumaN, and sikhA. We also have Sri Narendran Thaiyar at Chennai,

after completeing his degree in USA,; we do have Sri TA Varadan returning back

to Chennai after his tenure of about 6-7? years at USA. We have number of

Srivaishnavas, coming back to do grantha kaalakshEpams.


We also have a 35 year old great Srivaishnavaite Sriman U Ve Velukkudi KrishNan

Swami, a Management consultant who delivers in his inimitable style great

upanyasams so simple to understand in both Tamil and in English. We do have a Ph

D sanskrit scholar Dr MV Anantha Padmanabhan, a 27 year old, at Chennai, who

has now taken over a co-editor for Sri Nrusimhapriya. We have at Singapore, one

Sri MS Hari, a 25 year old, an MCA and a computer software consultant, who has

studied all nine works of Ramanuja's and many works of Swamy Desikan's too. He

has been taking tremendous efforts to drill into our heads the depth and content

of Visishtadvaita Srivaishnava Sri sampradayam. We also find our Sri Mani

Varadarajan, brought up from childhood in the States, is one of the founders of

this list and maintains Srivaishnava Home page. He is a very learned member of

our list, who is in his mid twenties.


We are also blessed with Sri Satakopan mama, Sri Anbil Ramaswamy mama, the

elderly members and erudite scholars to guide us on the right track.


Thus, There is a silver lining in the cloud. There is light at the end of the

tunnel. And you need not feel bad or guilty. The very fact that we are

discussing all this is due to the limitless grace of Divya Dampathi Sri

Ranganyaki Sametha Sri Ranganathan. Nothing else.


"adhuvum avanadhu innaruLE". Don't worry. the most benevolent AchAryAs, the

walking Gods are all there..they all know our limitations and problems just like

the Lord Himself. Approach your AchArya, and undergo samsrayaNam, and perform

prappati at His Feet. Get to know of our rich samprayadayam by mere browsing

thru these articles written by these Bhagawathas. Ask if there is any question,

however stupid or silly it is. (Don't ask me. I don't know. Ask others please)


anEka AseervAdhams to you and wish you all success both on- sampradyam and off


Narayana Narayana

adiyEn Narayana dAsan madhavakkannan (also from BITS, Pilani, 1983)



Sri Arvind Gopalan wrote:





In Srimad Bhagavath Gita, Krishna ParamAthmA says one

should be involved in one's own Swadharma and should

not get involved in the activities not prescribed to

him. Here I would like to have some clarifications. I

am a Brahmin (Sri Vaishnava) and I have my own

Swadharma. But I am not doing my duty of approaching

my AchArya for Enlightenment. As a Brahmin my

Swadharma is to engage myself full time for spiritual

progress and learn about Him through AchArya's grace.

But I am not doing this. I am a final year student of

BITS,Pilani and next year will proceed for Atomic

Research. So I am moving miles away from my Swadharma!

I don't do anything other than daily reciting

ThirupallAndu, Vishnu Sahasranam, Hayagriva slokam and

Sundarakandam(kanto 36). Nothing more! I feel very

guilty of not following His advice in Gita. I don't

think I will get chance to learn directly from

AchAryas. I would like to have advise from you all.





Aravind Gopalan.

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Why am I saying this?- Because, ask your father. He wants you to study English

education.. complete BITS Pilani, engg degree. Perhaps go abroad and earn for a

better living. etc.. etc.. Follow that first. Simultaneously, what you have been

doing is fantastic. Reciting few slOkas that you have learnt, during the course

of the day, reading the posts appear in bhakti list and getting your doubts

clarified on sampradayam- You are doing just fine, dear.



I have a doubt. Is it possible to spread Srivaishnavism or any other Vaidika

Sampradaya without India re-emerging as a healthy, proud and self-reliant

nation? What are we supposed to do for that?







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Dear Sri Aravind,


I would like to join Sri Madhavakannan in expressing my

compliments to you on your insightful question, as it really

holds a mirror to all of us. Be that as it may, however, I have

to say with some regret that except for the fortunate few, most

of us will never be able to live a life in which we can clearly

say that we are following our swadharma. Given that this is

case, I think it is important that we now make an effort to

redirect our feelings of guilt and helplessness towards a more

positive direction, one that will allow us to recognize

SriVaishnavam as a more universal spiritual experience that

benefits both the individual and society as a whole.


The fundamental basis for following SriVaishnavam lies in the

recognition that all this, this world, the beings who dwell here,

the conditions, codes and ambiguities that form it, really

belong solely to Sriman Narayana, and under HIs Careful

Direction. Consequently, whatever opportunities that are being

given to us are His Loving Gift to us, and are based on what He

feels is best for us. Our is but to accept these gifts, and as

they really only belong to Him, utilize them for His Service.

Putting this into practical application requires cultivating 3

fundamental qualities that our AzhwArs and AchAryas have



1. Wholeheartedly knowing and accepting Sriman Narayana as the

sole object of our adoration and sole means of sustenance and

eventual salvation

2. Seeking out the company of His devotees and serving them in

the mood of adoration to Him

3. Recognizing the Divine Nature of all things that leads to a

sense of love, compassion and friendship to all beings, and the

sincere desire that they too should find the joy of serving His

Lotus Feet.


Such an attitude of humility, faith, service and friendship is

universal, whether one is a devout Brahmin living in a divya

dEsam, a student in BITS, or an engineer in the USA. It is, of

course, nurtured through the practice of prescribed obligatory

duties, such as sandhya vandanam, as they are the direct means by

which we can serve Him. But, it should involve the same

dedication to our secular duties as a means to His Service, as

well, for these duties allow us to use our talents to benefit the

world around us.


This ideal of service to God, His devotees, and His world really

can only be best understood and best experienced under the kind

direction and guidance of an AchAryan. But, based on personal

experience and those of others, I have found that the AchAryan

really only comes to you, you really do little to seek him. Up

until that time, though, seek out the company and wisdom of

bhAgavathas through personal contact and through electronic

forums such as this one, and make a conscious effort to operate

from a mood that whatever you are doing, you are doing in His



I wish you continued success in your material and spiritual



adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

mohan raghavan



Aravind Gopalan <balaji_gop


Thursday, February 08, 2001 5:07 AM



> Om Vishnave Namaha


> Namaskars,


> In Srimad Bhagavath Gita, Krishna ParamAthmA says one

> should be involved in one's own Swadharma and should

> not get involved in the activities not prescribed to

> him. Here I would like to have some clarifications. I

> am a Brahmin (Sri Vaishnava) and I have my own

> Swadharma. But I am not doing my duty of approaching

> my AchArya for Enlightenment. As a Brahmin my

> Swadharma is to engage myself full time for spiritual

> progress and learn about Him through AchArya's grace.

> But I am not doing this. I am a final year student of

> BITS,Pilani and next year will proceed for Atomic

> Research. So I am moving miles away from my Swadharma!

> I don't do anything other than daily reciting

> ThirupallAndu, Vishnu Sahasranam, Hayagriva slokam and

> Sundarakandam(kanto 36). Nothing more! I feel very

> guilty of not following His advice in Gita. I don't

> think I will get chance to learn directly from

> AchAryas. I would like to have advise from you all.


> Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha.


> AdiyEn,

> Aravind Gopalan.




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> -----------------------------

> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

> To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list




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Dear SrI Aravind Gopalan <balaji_gop,


I am delighted to get to know about your interest in

SrI VaishNavam, Vaidika-dharmam. The amount of importance

that you have attached to SrImath Bhagavath GeethA's

divine order is interesting. I appreciate your interest.


You have written:

> I don't do anything other than daily reciting

> ThirupallAndu, Vishnu Sahasranam, Hayagriva slokam and

> Sundarakandam(kanto 36). Nothing more!


Please add doing sandyAvandanam three times (morning, afternoon

and evening) daily without fail. sandyAvandanam is a AgnyA karma and it

cannot be skipped. Without doing this, a dvija has no eligibility

to do other karmas. A dvija who has failed to do sandyAvandanam

is not even eligible to enter VishNu's temple. Even if you

fail to recite all the things that you have listed, please do not fail

to do sandyAvandanam three times daily. The classification of

karmas into AgnyA and anugnyA must be comprehended. I am not against

anugnyA karma but I stress that AgnyA karma is mandatory.


For more details please refer the following link where I have

written some more points regarding the same subject:



You wrote:

> I feel very guilty of not following His advice in Gita.

> I don't think I will get chance to learn directly from

> AchAryas. I would like to have advise from you all.


If you start doing your nitya karma with sAtvika tyAgam,

SrI GeethAchAryan SrIman NArAyaNan will surely bless you

and you will reach SrI VaishNava AchArya sannadhi.


Thanks & Regards

M.S.HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari)



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