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Story of Maha Lakshmi and Jaya Vijaya-s

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I want to thank Shreenivaas Vijamuri for his response on Mahalakshmi

( now that he has discovered that he is my brother-in-law - I dare

to disagree with him!) Malolan Cadambi and lakshmikumar for referring

me to Shree Vedanta Deshika-s answers to related questions of these



Like all scientific investigations answer to any question will lead

to more questions and more funds needed for investigations etc.


The answers are informative and educational but raised lot more

questions as well. I did not know that Lakshmi was born to Bhrugu

before - I presume this is the same Bhrugu of the tittiriiya

upanishad- Bhrugu valli -who was the student of VaruNa, his father -


Interestingly Lord says in Giita in Vibhuuti yoga - maharishhiiNaam

bhR^iguH aham - I am BhR^igu maharshii among all the mahaa rushiis.


In another story - Shree Venkateswara descendence to the Earth as

Sriinivasa - there is a story circulated where Bhrugu goes to Brahma

loka, VaikunTa and Kailasa to find out who is the most compassionate

Lord among the Trinity - and ended up kicking Lord Vishnu on the

chest for which Lakshmi gets annoyed for kicking her own abode. I

get puzzled about someone cursing Lord NaaraayaNa who is very abode

of everything - May be this is all his Leela - In that case being

leela, no other explanation is required or valid.


VaikunTa loka is different from VaikunTa - interesting information.

In terms of loka-s - seven above and seven below - I heard satyaloka

or Brahmaloka where saatvik guNa is predominant - First time hearing

about VikunTa loka different from VaikunTa - a mirror image of

VaikunTa!- Why mirror image though?


I want to thank all the respondees and for the reference provided.


Hari Om!



K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117


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Dear Sri Sadananda,


As your nephew, perhaps I should now step in to mediate :-)


Before continuing into more details on these issues, I think that

it is important to note the relative importance of stories such

as the ones that you suggest below in the context of our

satsampradAyam. There are two different types of stories

contained within our sAstras, the purAnas and itihAsas. The

latter of these include Sri Ramayanam and Mahabharatam, and as

the name would suggest (itihAsa - it happened like this), are

considered by our AchAryas to be accurate historical accounts of

specific incidents in the time of the vibhavAvatharas.


PurAnas, on the other hand, are stories that are "ever new."

While we really can never be sure about their historical

significance, we must recognize that these accounts have taken a

certain amount of poetic license in order to foster devotion in

those who read or hear them. What is of great importance to a

SriVaishnava is the saulabhyam or accessibility of the Lord and

His Consort to this Universe that seemingly remains so distant

and detached from Them. Consequently, what is emphasized are

some of the Divine Couple's anantakalyAna guNas. The purAnas

describe Their kindness (as is the case in the Bhrigu incident),

Their good natured mischief as children, Their superhuman

tendencies, etc., all in an effort to reveal to us one of the

most important qualities of the Divine, His Accessibility and

Willingness to Save.


AchAryas and AzhwArs go to great lengths to describe how these

qualities come from the Divine Love for all the beings in this

Universe. It is a Love that far surpasses anything that we could

even begin to feel in return, and is of such a level that it can

actually motivate the Lord to totally sacrifice His position as

the solely independent Reality such that He can "rely" on the

simple affections of His devotees.


I think that seeing these stories for what they are worth in

their context may deepens one appreciation of them, but at same

time put them into proper context.


Regarding the mirror image idea, this requires a deeper

understanding of the purAnas in relation to the upanishads. As I

am far have not been taught much about this yet from my teachers,

I will defer this to more erudite members of this forum.


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan




K. Sadananda <sada


Monday, March 19, 2001 7:34 AM

Story of Maha Lakshmi and Jaya Vijaya-s


> I want to thank Shreenivaas Vijamuri for his response on


> ( now that he has discovered that he is my brother-in-law - I


> to disagree with him!) Malolan Cadambi and lakshmikumar for


> me to Shree Vedanta Deshika-s answers to related questions of


> type.


> Like all scientific investigations answer to any question will


> to more questions and more funds needed for investigations etc.


> The answers are informative and educational but raised lot more

> questions as well. I did not know that Lakshmi was born to


> before - I presume this is the same Bhrugu of the tittiriiya

> upanishad- Bhrugu valli -who was the student of VaruNa, his

father -


> Interestingly Lord says in Giita in Vibhuuti yoga -


> bhR^iguH aham - I am BhR^igu maharshii among all the mahaa



> In another story - Shree Venkateswara descendence to the Earth


> Sriinivasa - there is a story circulated where Bhrugu goes to


> loka, VaikunTa and Kailasa to find out who is the most


> Lord among the Trinity - and ended up kicking Lord Vishnu on


> chest for which Lakshmi gets annoyed for kicking her own abode.


> get puzzled about someone cursing Lord NaaraayaNa who is very


> of everything - May be this is all his Leela - In that case


> leela, no other explanation is required or valid.


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>Dear Sri Sadananda,


>As your nephew, perhaps I should now step in to mediate :-)


>I think that seeing these stories for what they are worth in

>their context may deepens one appreciation of them, but at same

>time put them into proper context.


>adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan



Thanks Mohan for bringing the vision behind these pauraaNic stories.

I wholehearted agree with you. There is a message of the ananta

kalyaaNa guNa-s of the Lord emphasized in all these pauraaNic stories

- good over evil and love and compassion of the Lord for his

devotees. I recognize that - my questions on the pauraaNic issues

are more information than questioning the motivation. I did not know

that Lakshmi was born to BR^igu until Shree Srinivaas pointed out.


I understand the saadhana aspect and how these stories help us

inculcate bhakti.


Other questions related to Jiiva and hierarchy of jiiva-s, avidya

are more trying to understand fundamentals of VishishhTadviata. As

I am studying them, unless these questions are answered to ones

satisfaction, it is difficult to proceed. These are essentially labor

pains one has to go through - I am questioning my understanding and

the concepts and not the aachaarya-s. I have great regard for all of

them and our sages who were so compassionate to pass on the knowledge

to the generations to come.


Thanks for taking time to respond.


Hari Om!





K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117





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