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Sri vELukkuDi swamy's Visit to Houston, Texas

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Bhagavathas in Houston, due to the nirhEtuka krupa of SrimannArAyaNa, were

given an opportunity to glimpse what His divine grace can bring, in the form

of a brief visit to Houston by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy and family

during the period May 20 - May 22.


Five events were scheduled for Sri Swamy's Houston visit:


* Discourse on Sri Rama Soundaryam at the Meenakshi temple on the morning

of 5/20/01 (English/Tamil)

* Discourse on the great devotee of SrimannArAyaNa, AmbarIsha (from

SrimadBhagavatham) on the evening of 5/20/01 (English)

* Discourse on the secrets of KrishNavathAram (evening, May 21,


* ThiruvArAdhanam (20, 21, 22)

* Brief Lecture on Sri VaishNava lakshaNam (30 minutes on May 22 morning,

swamy had to catch a flight at noon on 22nd)


Sri KrishNan swamy's insightful mastery of the vedic/upanishadic/puraNic

thought and the consummate ease with which he brought to fore the

consistency of conceptual truths amongst the scriptures and azwaar/achaarya

sri sookthis/aruLiccheyals was enthralling. It is difficult to describe

the awe Sri Swamy's upanyasams engender, but they do drive home a constant

truth, that the Sidhhantham that we call Sri VaishNavam, when properly

represented through the wisdom/divine abilities of an exalted bhAgavatha,

removes all doubts about the paratvam of SrimannArAyaNa and at once gives

solace from samsaric tribulations, the truth that when SrimannArAyaNa is

looking out for us, there is no need for us to take ownership of our own

destiny (Akinchanyam, ananyagathitvam, ananya sharaNathvam).


The fact that KrishNan swamy could communicate this central, difficult

message of Sri vaishNavam to disparate audiences (disparate by

background/conditioning), in English and Tamil, with a kind of telling ease

while dwelling on different topics, spoke volumes about Sri Swamy's treasure

house of knowledge, wisdom and God-given abilities. Every one of those in

Houston that had an opportunity to listen to any of the upanyasams, were

left with a desire thirsting for more (aNNikkum amudhoorum en nAvukke, as

madhura kavi Azhwaar would put it).


When one has experienced something uniquely elevating and enchanting (filled

with mAdhuryam), it is difficult to know whom to thank or where to begin.

On behalf of all those who had the good fortune of experiencing Sri KrishNan

swamy's thirukkaN amudham, I would like to thank the organizers of this trip

(Sri Mukundan Patangi, Sri Sampath Kumaran and family, Sri Sudarshan, Sri

Mohan Sagar et al) for making this possible.


Of course, to thank Sri KrishNan swamy for his kindness in putting up with

our innumerable apachArams inflicted upon him and his family, in the guise

of upacharam, would require a tome in itself. KrishNan swamy was kind,

considerate and forgiving of all our short comings in Acharam and

anushTAnam, while Sri Swamy's devimAr was the epitome of patience and

compassion amidst a gruelling, difficult schedule. I would like to offer

our gratefulness and heartfelt thanks for this unique opportunity, and

express the hope that with SrimannArAyaNA's grace, we will have similar

opportunities to learn and be enchanted by the mAdhuryam that epitomizes sri



Aazhwaar EmberumAnAr Jeeyar thiruvaDigaLE sharaNam


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan


sridhar srinivasan

Houston, Texas.




- SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

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