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Dear ALL,


Sri RAmAnuja Mission Inc. of Srirangam Srimadh Andavan PeriyAshramam

request the pleasure of your presence for the Telestothram &

Prabhandham Classes on this Saturday between 12:30pm and 1:30pm EST.


The dial in details are as follows :-



Number :- 1-512-225-3000

Passcode :- 69693#




Pl. note that the passcode changes every month. We request all the

participants to keep checking the Telestothram E-Groups at

http://www. or your E-Mail for any change in the

passcode. In case of any changes we will will keep bhaagavathaas

posted. Sorry for any inconvenience that may be caused due to this.





Agenda :-


Prabhandham :-


1. Amalanadhipiran (On Lord Sri RanganAthan at Srirangam)

2. Kanniun Sirudhaambu of Madurakavi Aazhwaar on Swamy Nammaazhwaar

(New. First 3 Verses)

3. Thiruppallandu & Thiruppalliezhuchi Thaniyans

(Ramanuja Daya.., SriShailesha Daya.., Lakshmi Naatha..,

Yonithyamachyutha..., MAtha PithA yuvathayas...,

Tamevamathvaa Para (Thiruppalliezhuchi)..., Minnaar Thadamadhil

soozh, Pandian kondaada, mandangudi enbar maamaraiyor)



Stothram :-


1. Ashtabujaashtakam (New, First 3 Verses)

2. KAmAsikAshtakam



For Sri RAmAnujA Mission



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