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MangaaLya Stavam

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Dear BhakthAs :


A good friend , who has supported number of

Kaimkaryams before asked me this question.

I though t the topic would be of wide interest to

lot of BhakthAs . Hence I am copying the lists.

>Dear Shri Sadagopan


>Please accept my humble obeisances.


>I was listening to Shri Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachar's

>Kuari Ondrum Illyai Govinda on cassette. In the

>discourse he mentions about "Mangalyam Stava in Vishnu

>Dharma" and emphasises the need for reciting this



>I was wondering whether you would be able to help

>me in getting this sloka.




MangaLya Sthavam is part of VishNu DharmOttharam IthihAsam.

It is found there in the 43rd Chapter.I thas been recited

and quoted by AchArya SaarvabhoiumAs like ParAsara Bhattar ,

Swamy Desikan and others .It is customary to recite this slOkam

for kaarya Siddhi and removal of all amangalams (Inauspiciousness)

including bad dreams ( dhussvapnams)and anishtams . This is a prayer to

Lord VishNu for ever increasing MangaLams .The slOkAs of

Pulasthyar end with the refrain: (MamAsthu MangaLya vivrutthayE

Hari:) .


It contains 50 slOkams .It is set as a conversation between

ThAlbhya Rishi and Pulasthya Rishi. Former asks two questions and

Pulasthyar responds with a response constituted by 48 SlOkams.

Recitation of this precious sthOthram reminds one of the Paratattvam

of the Lord Sriman NaarAyaNan .It acknowledges that This Supreme

Lord is responsible for the Creation-Sustenance and destrcution

of the Universes and celebrates the many avathArams of His

( VarAha , Narasimha , Vaamana , HayagrIva , Raama , KrishNa

avathArams)to bless the chEthanams.


For young women , recitation of this sthOthram is rcognized

to result in marriage to a good husband (Soumangalyathvam),

and all anishta nivrutthi.


More thamn all these abhIshta Phalam s, there are deeper

structures in meaning in this MangaLa ShtOthram .


Sri VisishtAdhvaitha PrachariNi SabhA has reelased few

years back a small pamphlet on this SthOthram with

Tamil translations by Srirangam M.S.RajagOpAlAcchAr

Swamy . It may be still avialbale there , if it is not

out of print now.


I will quote and comment on one or two slOkams

in the future.


Sri ApAmaarjana SthOthram is another sthOthram

from Vishnu DharmOttharam , which is fit for

daily paarAyanam for sakala KshEmams.



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Namo NarayaNa!


This sthotram is published by Lifco and readily available. The book contains

Mangalyasthavam and a couple of other stotrams. Mangalyasthavam sthotram has

brief, short summaries for each slokam in this book. Mukkoor

Lakshminarasimhachariar was always recommending to recite the slokams on Sri

Lakshimnrisimhan in this stotram.


Thanks & Regards,


Jayshree Narasimhan

AT&T Singapore

+65-379 6912 (O)

+65-379 6886 (F)

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Sri Satagopan



I have seen the MAngaLya Stavam published by Little Flower Company, T'Nagar in


in sanskrit and Tamil. One of the astrologers in Srirangam recommended someone

to recite this Stavam for wealth (free of debt) and Kalyana prApti.



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Sadagopan writes:

> For young women , recitation of this sthOthram is rcognized

> to result in marriage to a good husband (Soumangalyathvam),

> and all anishta nivrutthi.


Dear Sri Sadagopan Maama,


Thank you for bringing the details of this stavam to light.

I do have one doubt about the applicability of this prayer,

which I ask respectfully. As prapannas we are taught that

we must not seek anything other than the Lord Himself, and

that for this too only the Lord must be the means. We are

'kRta-kRtyas', ones that have done all that need be done.

Further, Sri Krishna tells us in Sri Bhagavad Gita, "To

act alone is your right, and never the fruit..." (karmaNy

evAdhikAras te, mA phaleshu kadAcana).


Is it correct then to recite this prayer for the sake of

some personal kshemam, such as marriage, etc.? I ask this

out of clarification so that we can know the proper place

for these powerful prayers in our daily life.


With respects,



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Dear Sri Mani and others,


I believe that it is all in the attitude. Even

after one has performed Saranagati, one cannot

rest; instead one's duties continue on. Rather

than going into a long discussion on what I mean

by attitude, adiyEn will pose two positions.


1) I pray to the Lord to provide me with wealth

and other mangaLams, not for my own betterment,

but so that I may serve Him better; for example,

I can donate more to His temples and serve more

of His devotees.


2) I will not pray to Him for anything, as I know

He will provide me with what I need to do, and if

He provides with me such wealth then I will spend

even more on Him and His kainkaryam.


Which of these two positions is appropriate? Or,

is one position to be considered superior to the



In this context, the anecdotes that have been

posted in these groups in the past, of Sri Parasara

Bhattar's life and his behaviour are important

lessons for us.


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

TCA Venkatesan


--- Mani Varadarajan <mani


> Sadagopan writes:

> > For young women , recitation of this sthOthram is

> rcognized

> > to result in marriage to a good husband

> (Soumangalyathvam),

> > and all anishta nivrutthi.


> Dear Sri Sadagopan Maama,


> Thank you for bringing the details of this stavam to

> light.

> I do have one doubt about the applicability of this

> prayer,

> which I ask respectfully. As prapannas we are taught

> that

> we must not seek anything other than the Lord

> Himself, and

> that for this too only the Lord must be the means.

> We are

> 'kRta-kRtyas', ones that have done all that need be

> done.

> Further, Sri Krishna tells us in Sri Bhagavad Gita,

> "To

> act alone is your right, and never the fruit..."

> (karmaNy

> evAdhikAras te, mA phaleshu kadAcana).


> Is it correct then to recite this prayer for the

> sake of

> some personal kshemam, such as marriage, etc.? I ask

> this

> out of clarification so that we can know the proper

> place

> for these powerful prayers in our daily life.


> With respects,

> aDiyEn

> Mani





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SrImathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namah:

Dear Sri TCA Venkatesan,


With deu regards to what you indicated beautifully, I would like to metion

that that i have heard very often from our Simhapuri Sri Hari Swamin:


It appears Sri Bhagavath Ramanuja used to mention that:

After one's performance of SaraNagathy at the feet of Lord,

1. if one worries about his mOksham, (Athma vichaaram) that implies he lacks

mahAviswAsam (unconditional and unfliching faith) on Him.. and

2. If one worries about his current life, the job, children's education,

marriage, etc., etc., (the dhEha viccharam) then he is an athiest.. (!)


Naturally so, Sri KooratthAzhwAn never asked for even regaining his sight

(and did after being pestered by Sri Ramanujacharya with so much effort) and

asked for jnAna kkaNN (and physical eyesight) afterall..


(So am I doing it?- Sshhhhh...Don't ask... )



Narayana Narayana

NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan



you wrote:


Dear Sri Mani and others,


I believe that it is all in the attitude. Even

after one has performed Saranagati, one cannot

rest; instead one's duties continue on. Rather

than going into a long discussion on what I mean

by attitude, adiyEn will pose two positions.


1) I pray to the Lord to provide me with wealth

and other mangaLams, not for my own betterment,

but so that I may serve Him better; for example,

I can donate more to His temples and serve more

of His devotees.


2) I will not pray to Him for anything, as I know

He will provide me with what I need to do, and if

He provides with me such wealth then I will spend

even more on Him and His kainkaryam.


Which of these two positions is appropriate? Or,

is one position to be considered superior to the



In this context, the anecdotes that have been

posted in these groups in the past, of Sri Parasara

Bhattar's life and his behaviour are important

lessons for us.


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

TCA Venkatesan




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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Sri Madhavakannan,


You are right. Sri Mukkur Swami also talks about

this mahaavisvaasam and how it is needed in

every moment of one's life. All of us seem to

lack it except perhaps for some rare moment.

This is why I think we all need an acharya's

guidance all the time. We may think we can

approach Him directly, but if there is even

a small question left in our minds, then that

approach no longer works.


adiyEn madhurakavi daasan

TCA Venkatesan


--- Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan


> SrI:

> SrImathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namah:

> Dear Sri TCA Venkatesan,


> With deu regards to what you indicated beautifully,

> I would like to metion

> that that i have heard very often from our Simhapuri

> Sri Hari Swamin:


> It appears Sri Bhagavath Ramanuja used to mention

> that:

> After one's performance of SaraNagathy at the feet

> of Lord,

> 1. if one worries about his mOksham, (Athma

> vichaaram) that implies he lacks

> mahAviswAsam (unconditional and unfliching faith) on

> Him.. and

> 2. If one worries about his current life, the job,

> children's education,

> marriage, etc., etc., (the dhEha viccharam) then he

> is an athiest.. (!)


> Naturally so, Sri KooratthAzhwAn never asked for

> even regaining his sight

> (and did after being pestered by Sri Ramanujacharya

> with so much effort) and

> asked for jnAna kkaNN (and physical eyesight)

> afterall..


> (So am I doing it?- Sshhhhh...Don't ask... )


> Regards

> Narayana Narayana

> NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




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