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ezhil Azhi iRaiyavan - part 1 - thiruch chakkara rAjan thiru vizhA

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Srimadh Azhagiya Singar thiruvadikaLE saraNam


(In this part a brief introduction is given about this mini series)


ezhil Azhi iRaiyavan - part 1 - thiruch chakkara rAjan thiru vizhA

(English menaing for this title is given below)


Dear bAgawathAs,


Our life itself revolves in a chakram in a cyclic way everyday. We

can never forget or get away from the influence of this kAla

chakram in our life. We would want to and continue with some

additions of Sri chakrahtAzhwAr vaibavam narrated brilliantly by

Sri V.Sadagopan. Swami Desikan addressed our Sri ChakrathAzwAr as

"ezhil Azhi iRaiyavan" in "para matha bangam". Meaning "The most

beautiful and majestic looking Chakra rAja perumAL". I will give a

brief meaning of two pasurams namely the first and the last of the

"para matha bangam", a tamil prabhandham that mainly was delivered

to condemn and contain the influence of the other faiths, in the

next part. Swami Desikan worships Sri Chakra rAja perumAL of this

thiruk kudanthai kshEhtram when he begins this prabhandham and as

well as when he ends. These two pAsurams stand as the rakshai (the

wheel that protects) for this prabhandam. But first, I thank Sri

V.Sadagopan for writing this series when it is most required to

glorify Sri Chakra rAja perumAL. These writings are happening as

Sri ChakrapAni kOil in Sri bAskara kshEthram (thiruk kudanthai) is

getting ready to celebrate the mahA samprOkshanam. I thank Sri

V.Sadagopan for encouraging and providing me with an oppurtunity

to add to his writings.



The following tamil verse and its english meanings are written to

provide some taste or rucchi to kick start this mini series. Those

who donot know tamil, please skip this part.


Tamil: Chakkara vAzhkkai (these can be read in Adhami tamil fonts)


vittu vittu pOdappatta veLLaik kOdugaLukkuL oru vEga vAzhkkai.

kannAdith thirAikkuL "lagAn" illAmalEyE kaNgaL kattuNdana.


kaRpanaiyil pala yukthigaL, varai muRaigaL aRaycchi enRa uRu

edukkum. mugam thriyAmalEyE pala mahAnudukal nadakkum.


mudivillamalEya avai muRRup peRum. illatthin

ubasAratthil nALin vErvai ellam AviyAkum. vAych chollil Oru kuLir

mazhaiyum, oru kOdi puNNiaym kidaikkum.


niRaivEratha Ekkanagalin moottai thinam irAvin madiyil iRakki

vaikkap padum.


aranganin uruvil oru kaNam layanam. adaiyinil sAya mun janmangaLin

AsaiyellAm theerum.


vidiyum mun, meendum oru muRai intha boolOgatthil pirakka mun pOl

yanthira vAhana Ottam. avasaratthil thinam anuttAnam, athan pin

arai kuRai vELai thodakkam.


intha kAla chakkaratthil uzhala thiruch chakkaratthiIrkku oru

thiru vizhA ena azhaippu vanthathu.





There are those dotted white lines. We spend our life speeding

between those white lines as a commute between our work and home

every day in the interstate highways. Many of us spend our lives in

the middle lane. Sometime we are even called "those middle laners".

We travel every day for an hour or so either way and spend valuable

time of our lives between those lanes. When we are at our workplace,

we stay focussed in our work. Our eyes are glued to those computer

screens. It is as if our eyes are restrained within that window

without a "lagAn" (Oh yeah we hear "lAgAn" all the time these days!).

We spend most of our time staring at our computer screens. While

doing so we do think of many strategies, frame works, plans and

processes. The combination of all these imaginary work takes the

shape as a "Research". Due to our involvement in many forums, we

keep participating in many "Telephone meetings" for the rest of

the day. They advance these tele commuting a lot these days after

Sept 11. But all of them end without any conclusion. Yet we go for

several rounds of these phone meetings without any resolution and

accumulate our frustrations.


When it was about very late in the evening, the sweet words from

the home will quench some of the tiredness. We will feel relieved

with those smoothening words. Such words will sometime evaporate

all the sweat we experienced the whole day toiling at our work. The

children are almost at bed and are begging to talk everynight

and fighting to find as to why we are away all the time. Their

"mazhalai" (child language) will cool us off as similar to a paruva

mazhai or seasonal rain. We feel as if we are those crops waiting

for this shower. Those words will realize us with a jackpot of 10

million PuNNiyams. Not knowing how exhausted yet, the older one

will want a pillow fight at the bed and the younger one will want

a nice song to sleep. We do these every day no matter how tired we

are. Thanks Lord, you gave this lowkeekam or else we would live a

life of mere slavery to these office routine ?


By the time we go to bed it is nearing nadu jAmam. We recap the

days events for a minute. We think of many of those unfulfilled

thoughts and dreams. Our such unfulfilled cravings are accumulated

to huge loads of several bags. Not knowing of what to do with those

bags, we unload them onto the lap of night time. ie.. We have no

other way than to lessen our burden as we prepare to goto bed, only

to pick them up from where we left and carry them on our heads

forward in the next day. It is then we decide to see the thiru mEni

of Lord Sri Arangan. His thiru muga mandalam looks so brilliant and

alive. We forget ourselves for a moment on those radiant kArunyap

pArvai. We see HIM speak through HIS eyes, "Please bear all these

trouble if any sometimes, for my sake and enjoy this wonderful life

with our blessings. Nothing happens without MY knowledhge". Soon we

put our head on HIS thiruvadi (in our mind) and close our eyes and

sleep. When we do so we feel, it is as if all those desires of all

the previous janmams are fulfilled.


After some sleep, we once again get up in the very early morning

before sunrise. It is as if we are born again in this boolOgam.

Once again the mechanically driven life, begins. We do our daily

anushtAnam in a hurry. We remember Sri Thondar adip podi AzhwAr.

"thoNdukkE kOlam pooNdu" (thiru mALai 33; I simply dressed up like

a bAgawathA and came to you, it seems you also believed our vEsham

and blessed me.) It seems Sri Ranganathar believes our vEsham

and yet command us with some tasks in this boolOgam everyday.

Then we look at our beloved Lord Sri thEn (Oppili) appan who tells

a forecast for the day through HIS eyes. Sometimes HE smiles,

sometimes he is sober, and so on. After that we once again go

through those guided white lines and reach our work. We begin our

work that was stopped half the way the previous day. When we

dwell in this cyclic life (chakkara vAzhkkai) dictated by perumAL

thiru uLLam, what a pleasant surprise HIS thiru chakrarAja perumAL

sends an invitation to participate in HIS thiru vizhA.


The Sri Chakrapani temple in thiruk kudanthai chakra paditthurai

is scheduled to have the mahA samprOkshanam on Oct 29, 2001. We

will write a brief thala purAnam of this temple and Sri ChakrarAja

mahimai in 8 parts and join Sri V. Sadgopan in his sudarshana

vaibava anubavam. Incidentally Sri SeshAdri Bhattar the AsthAna

Bhattar of the temple (whom adiyEn knew from my childhood) called

for help. They have spent millions of rupees already renovating

the temple. They need help for the yAga sAlai. adiyEn was thrilled

to learn that and agreed to support right away. They have a budget

of Rs 400,000 to be spent on yAga sAlai. adiyEn was asked to

collect and contribute to the tune of Rs. 100,000. adiyEn and Sri

V. Sadagopan have already come up with Rs 55,000 by the two of us.

There are others who may come around to join. adiyEn request

bhakthAs from Kumbakonam and abhimAnis of Sri Chakra rAja perumAL

to join this very rare kainkaryam. adiyEn cannot contain the

joy of writing about Sri ChakrarAjan and the yAgam. There is a

very unique relationship between yAgam and this puNNiya kshEthram

that adiyEn will write in one of the parts.


Please reply by personal mail to adiyEn if you are interested in

this kainkaryam. adiyEn will provide the details for sending the

money is to be sent. ie.. address etc. (By the way, Sri SeshAdri

bhattar DONOT have 80G status for tax relief).


Srimadh Azhagiya Singar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn irAmAnusa dAsan

thiruk kudanthai Sampath Rengarajan



Please be assured that adiyEn will complete the series on Sri

thEnappan and publish it after this.



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