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Acharya Vaibhavam - Denver Oct 27th & 28th - Report.

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Dear BhakthAs :


I am attaching a note from Sriman Mukundan

Vangkipuram Pattangi about the special Acharya Vaibhavam

conference that took place at Denver , Colorado

during last week end. I thank him for this informative

posting and look forward to reading more about the topics

discussed relating to Srimath RaamAyaNam.


The US Chapter of the International RaamAnujA Society (IRS)

one of the sponsors this conference . Sri Mohan Sagar Dampathis

and the Denver Chapter IRS Team , the Midwest IRS Team

as well as other Denver BhakthAs took an active part.

Sriman Mohan Sagar is the Secretary of the US Chapter of

the IRS and this society is registered at Denver , Colorado

with his help. Both Sriman Alwar of India and myself

are deeply grateful to Sri Mohan Sagar for his many

contributions to advance the goals of IRS.


The lives and the Sri Sookthis of our AchAryAs belonging

to Sri Bhagavath RaamAnuja Darsanam from Vadakalai

and TennAchArya Sampradhayam were well covered

at this important conference.


The highlight seems to be the interest on the part of

"non-Indian " bhakthAs to attend and contribute to

the success of this important meeting . AchArya RaamAnujA's

message is universal indeed , since it is based on Vedam ,

whose cosmic relevance and universality of outlook is

very well established from ancient times .


The IRS was founded two years ago as an International

service organization(1) to spread the message of

AchArya RaamAnujA around the world (2)to initiate specific

kaimkaryams at the dhivya Desams and (3)to promote

the educational aspects of our sampradhAyam

through release of CD ROMs and audio tapes for

those , who wish to learn more about our glorious

and tolerant tradition. Sri Mukundan through

www.radioramanuja.com and the Moderators of

the various e-lists are very active in

these areas .The work of IRS is complimentary

to these efforts. Some recent examples

of educational releases of IRS are :


(1) Acharya RaamAnujA Multimedia CD ROM

(2) Lives and works of the 12 AzhwArs : 2 Audio Tapes

(3) Creation of Web pages: http://alwars.tripod.com

(4) Release of 600 plus page monograph on ThiruppAvai

by Sri U.Ve.ChakravarhtyAchArya Swamy


The other IRS projects under development are:


(1) Sandhya Vandhanam Multimedia CD ROm

(2) Lives and works of the 12 AzhwArs :

Multimedia CD ROM

(3) Web pages for Lord Sudarshana Bhagavaan

(4) Web pages for Swamy ParAsara Bhattar


The most demanding and important (future)project

would be to conceptualize and execute a plan to celebrate

AchArya RaamAnujA's Millenium celebrations in India

during His 1000th birthday in cooperation with

one and all , who are dedicated to Sri Bhagavath

RaamAnuja SiddhAntham . This will be in the year 2017 CE.

It is not going to be an easy task but our Parama KaaruNika

AchAryan's grace will provide us the energy and enthusiasm

to stay together and work towards this important goal of

creating an educational edifice for students and research

scholars to come together from all parts of the world

at this center .


Some BhakthAs have suggested the creation of

a deemed University ( Sri RaamAnujA University )

as an appropriate and lasting edifice as our

contribution to keep the bright lamp of AchArya

RaamAnuja SampradhAyam shining from the top of

the hill of sath SampradhAyam . There may be other

views . It will be good to hear form BhakthAs

on this topic. Convening of Committees , definition

of duties and execution of the projects as well as

fund raising will need a lot of work both here

and in India.


Meanwhile , let us continue to pray for

AchArya RaamAnujA's blessings to keep us all

united to travel on the Vedic path established

by him for our benefit.


SrimathE RaamAnujAya Nama:




Attachment from Sri Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi:




>Dear Devotees Humble Pranams:


>It was a truly educational, inspirational and enjoyable

>Acharya Vaibhavam conference in Denver.


>The first conference where we have seen a procession (porappadu) for the

>LORD with about 100 devotees going out in the streets in the USA for

>about 1Hr.

>(About 50 of them Non-Indians and the amount of Pure Devotion (free

>of self ego, lineage & so called knowledge ego was purely inspirational)


>Educational dicussions on :-


>1. Acharyas and their contributions. (MudalAzhwars, Ramanuja,

>Venkatanathar & Mamunigal)

>2. Ramayana (Purpose of RamaAvathara, Vyakyanams on Vali Vadha,

> Mother Sita being sent to Forest, Agni Pariksha etc.)

>3. Purpose of Life, and what can we do towards this purpose.

>4. How is Moksha Gauraunteed?


>Excellent discussions and beautiful answers as per our Acharyas went

>late into the night on Saturday and Sunday.


>Lord and Acharyas blessed Mohan & Madhuri Sagar & the Ramanuja Society

>Team (VishwaChand, Krishnan, Sudarshan, Ranga and all others)

>for the selfless service to the community which was performed with

>grace and smiles.


>Thanks to all the speakers, discussion hosts and all the devotees for

>making this a unique funtion.


>adiyEn will try to write details later in the next post.

>(Especially on the Ramayana Topics as the dicussions were excellent)


>azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam


>adiyEn rAmAnujA dAsan

>Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi



>srirangarAja charaNAmbhuja rAja hamsam

>srimad parAnkusa padhAmbhuja brungarAjam|

>sri bhattanAtha parakAla mukhAbhja mitram

>srivatsachihnna saranam yathirAjameedE||


>I pay homage to Sri Ramanuja, the swan who has chosen

the Lotus Feet of Sri Ranganatha as his refuge;

>who is collecting the pollen and nectar from

the flower-like feet of Parankusa (NammAzhwAr);

>who brightens like the sun the faces of Bhattanatha

(PeriAzhwAr) and Parakala (Thirumangai AzhwAr), and

>who is the refuge of Kuresa!

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Respected Ramanuja Bhaktas,


Madhuri and I, along with my brother-in-law, Ranganath, feel truly blessed to

have had the opportunity to

engage in this wonderful celebration of AzhwAr-AchArya vaibhavam with our fellow

devotees from Denver,

Chicago and Houston. My sincere thanks to all those who participated for all

your hard work and support

in making this conference so successful and spiritually inspiring.


As Sri Mukundan has so well described, the highlight of the occasion was the

processional (porrapAdu) for

Sri Rama pariwAram, that brought bhaktas from both kalais together with Gaudiya

Vaishnavas, and a host of

interested devotees from the Asian Indian and Western communities to rejoice in

the beauty of the Lord on

His palenquin. To me, it served as an unprecedented example of the unifying and

all-inclusive nature of

Sri Ramanuja sampradAyam. The atmosphere of pure service and devotion shown by

all who accompanied the

Lord through the busy streets surrounding Sri RadhaGovinda Temple brought to my

mind and heart images of

utsavams in divya dEshams. At times, it was difficult for me to hold back the

tears of joy that I felt.


A wonderful play highlighting the importance of simple faith by the young

children of our community only

added to the joy of this occasion.


With the Grace of our Divine Couple, Sri RadhaGovinda, the Denver community

looks forward to hosting

another conference of this type in the very near future.


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan





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