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Clarification on VibheeshaNa and Bharatha's SaraNagathi

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


There was a point in one of the posts: (under a different subject)

>The prapatti did by Sri BharathAzhwAn, for Sri rAmA to return to ayOdhyA


not yield result, though the act of performing the surrender was clearly


according to the books, whereas VibheeshaNa saraNAgathi yielded results for


though it was not done according to the books. I mean to say that actually

VibheeshaNA was in the sky and emberumAn was in the ground when the

saraNAgathi was done.


I discussed with Sri Hari at great length and based on that discussion given

below is the clarifcation/ enrichment for our understanding.


Swamy Desikan has taken up the above cases in great detail.

(as he can visualize Dec 2001 discussion in our list 700 years ago:-)

It is all in his abhaya-pradAna sAram. (it is a rahasya grantham and needs

to be

studied under a bonafide AChArya. However, let us refer the same without

going into

details for clarifying our doubt (or my doubt).


Swamy has ascertained the meaning of SrImath rAmAyana's incidents that are

related in the above context. The prapatti done by SrI bharatAzwAr was


successful. Also, the prapati done by SrI vibhIshaNAzwAr was also in

accordance with SAstra.


Firstly, let us see the Prapatti (SaraNAgati) done by SrI bharatAzwAr [Refer

foot note 1]:


When SrI SeeTA PiraaTTi and SrI rAman were in SrI chitra kUtam forest, SrI


(SrI bharatAzwAr) came and pleaded before SrI rAman and requested him in

several ways to return back to ayOdyA and ascend the throne. At last, SrI

bharatan did prapatti at the divine lotus feet of SrI rAman and did the same

prArtanA to SrI rAman. But SrI rAman did not return to ayOdyA. Is the

prapatti of SrI bharatA a failure? No. It was only successful. To conclude

this, one has to study the SAstra properly and fully and then make

conclusion. It has to be noted that, before bharata's prapatti, one other

prapatti at SrI rAman's feet (which was done by thousands of dEvas) was

expecting its result. The dEvas (demi-gods) who assembled during the yAgam

done by SrI daSarata wanted freedom from the evil rAvaNan. Therefore, they

did prapatti at the lotus fee of SrIman nArAyaNan. SrIman nArAyaNan gave

"abhayam" and thus promised them the result of their prapatti. Therefore,

SrI rAman (who is SrIman nArAyaNan in incarnation) did not immediately

return back to AyOdyA. SrI rAman, as per his previous satya sankalpam

(unchangeable real will) which he had for the prapatti done by dEvas,

proceeded. By doing so, he never made the prapatti done by SrI bharatAzwAr

to fail. This is the very important point to be noted. He immediately gave

his SrI pAdukA (SrI SaTakOpa swAmi) to SrI bharatAzwAr. SrI pAdukA is

representation of his tiru-vadi though tiruvadigal (divine lotus feet) is

the direct phalam (fruit) for the prapatti done by SrI bharatAzwAr. Here,

SrI bharatAzwAr's prapatti succeeded to an extent and he made paTTAbhiShEkam

to SrI pAdukA of SrI rAman and did all divine services to it. Even layman

appreciated SrI bharatAzwAr's excellence and noble nature.


SrI rAman made the prapatti of dEvas to succeed by killing rAvaNan and then

completely made the prapatti of SrI bharatAzwAr to succeed by returning to

AyOdyA (quickly by pushpaka vimAnam) and ascending the throne. It has to be

noted that SrI bharatAzwAr did not do any other efforts other than the only

prapatti which he

did at citra kUtam for SrI rAman to return to AyOdyA and ascend the throne.


The prapatti of SrI bharatAzwAr was thus completely successful. SrI rAma


made the prapatti of dEvas as well as the prapatti of SrI bharatAzwAr

successful without any mutual contradiction or clash between them.


Next we take up SrI vibhIsha-AzwAr's SaraNAgati (prapatti):[refer footnote



The prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr was perfectly as per Sastra. It was


perfect SAstra-vidhi-vihita niyata-panchAnga-bharanyAsam. He was standing in

air above the sea and this never affect prapatti's angams. One can remember

SrI drOwpadi's SaraNAgati and the physical condition that she had during


time. The angam and the five angis of prapatti as per SAstra are perfectly

present in the prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr.


1. AnukUlya sankalpam in the prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr: SrI

vibhIshanan did updEsam to rAvaNan and asked him to return SrI seetA to SrI

rAma. Therefore, he wanted to do and did that which is pleasing for the

tiruvuLLam of SrI rAman.


2. prAtikUlya-varjanam in the prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr: When SrI

AnjanEyan came to the court of rAvaNan as messenger of SrI rAman, the evil

rAvaNan attempted to do harm to SrI AnjanEya. SrI vibhIshaNAzwar at that

instant, wanted to stop rAvaNan from harming SrI AnjanEya and rescued SrI

AnjanEya from the evils of rAvaNan. Also, SrI vibhIshanAzwAr immediately

(after his debate with rAvaNa in court) simply left all his

wealth and all that is associated with rAvaNa and came to surrender SrI



3. mahA viSwAsam in the prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr: SrI

VibhIshaNAzwAr clearly had the firmness in his mind that SrI rAma is

"sarva-lOka-SaraNya" - the protector/refuge for entire universe. Also, he


to do prapatti at the lotus feet of SrI rAman who was surrounded by millions

of vAnara soldiers without any fear though he very well know that these

soldiers of SrI rAma will cause harm to him because he is coming from


place. His mahA viSwAsam "rakshayatIthi" is indeed great.


4. GoptrutvavaraNam in the prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr: SrI vAlmikI

rAmayaNa words in the very same context "rAghavam SaraNam gata:" clearly

brings out the gOptrutva-varaNam because the verse conveys the upAya-varaNam


requesting SrI rAman to be his (vibhIshaNa's) upAya - rakshaka protector/



5. kArpaNyam in the prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr: The loud voice &

words of SrI VibhIshaNa out of his ananya-gatitvam and Aakincanyam like

"swarEna mahatA mahAn", "rAvaNO nAma durvrata", "praNAdaSca mahAnEsha:


bhayamAgatam" etc., clearly brings out the kArpaNyam.


Thus the prapatti done by SrI vibhIshanAzwAr is having all the required

SAstra-prescribed five angams. With these five angams, the angi, is clear


the words "rAghavam SaraNam gata:nivEdayata mAm kshipram". That is, the

Aatma-rakshA-bhara-samarpaNam done by SrImath VibhIshaNAzwAr is clear here.

"nivEdayata" in this context not just means "inform my arrival" but stresses

the prapatti angi. Therefore, his SaraNAgati is SAstra-prescribed



The concept of sahEtuka (and nirhEtuka) krupA in this context has been

discussed in detail in these lists few years back and the tiruvuLLam of

SrImath SaTakOpa, SrImath nAtamuni, SrImath yAmunAchArya, SrImath rAmAnuja

has been brought out by scholars like Sri Satakopan swamin, Sri Anand K

Karalapakkam and others. Let us not take up again.


SrI rAman himself did SaraNAgathi before samudra-rAjan. But that prapatti

failed definitely. This is because, SrI rAman (being paramAtmA SrIman

nArAyaNan) does not have the qualifications which are prescribed for one to


prapatti (bhara-nyAsam). Also samudra rAjan is not qualified to accept

prapatti (bhara-swIkAram).


Please note that prapatti is only a sAdyOpAya. The sidhdOpAya is SrIman

nArAyaNa. The other sAdyOpAya is bhakti (upAsanam as told in vEdAntam with


own angams). Prapatti/bhakti is to be practiced only as per the

prescriptions of Sastras. If done as per SAstra, they will never fail


the sAdhyOpAya anushTAnam by jeevan does vaSikaraNam of the

sidhdOpAya paramAtma SrIman nArAyaNa and the paramAtmA SrIman nArAyaNa

gives the results without fail. Bhakti and prapatti are not the same. They

are different but they give the same result (in this case, nitya bhagavath

kanikaryam). Each has its own prescribed angams. The yOgyata


for a person to do bhakti is different from the yOgyata for a person to do

prapatti. All these are defined in the SAstra


Erudite scholars may kindly correct me. Anything good is due to Sri Hari's

lucid explanation and points and all mistakes and faults are mine.


[1] "muRpAdarAna dEvargaL paNNina prapattikkAga rAvaNa vadattukku


piRpAdArAna SrI BharatAzwAn paNNina prapattikkAga mINDum

tiruvabhiShEkam paNNi rAjyam paNNugayum virudhdamAna padiyAlE SrI

bharatAzwAnukku prapatti paNNina pOdE parama-palam cadakkenat

talai-kaTTiRRillayEyakilum, avarukkuk kaikEyi

varattAlE prasaktamAna avadyam tIrum-padi,

maravadiyait tambikku vAn paNayam vaiththup-pOi vAnOr vAzha (SrI periyAzvAr

tiru-mOzhi 4-9-1)

enkiRapadiyE appOdu sAkshAth palamAna tiruvadigaLukkupf prathi-nidhiyAna SrI

SaTakOpanAlE saphalatvam solli, pinbu pUrva-prati-jnyAtmAna dEva

kAryam talai-kaTTinavARE SrI pushpaka vimAnattAlE sAkshAth palamAna

tiruvadikaq swayam-AagatangaLAi ayatna labdangaLanapadi sonnAn."

(abhaya-pradAna sAram, adhikAram 3 SaraNAgathi tAtparya prapanjakam)


[2] "sarvagnya samhitAdhikaLil sonna AnukUlya sankalpAdhigaLum adanga ip

prakaraNattili kANalAm…"

(swAmi SrIman nigamAnta mahA dESika's SrI abhaya pradAna sAram,

adhikAram 4 prakaraNa tAtparya nirNayam)


AchAryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana

aDiyEn dAsAnu dAsan



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Hari Hari,


Many many thanks to Shree. Madhavakannan for the mail

on Sharanaagati. Adiyen would like to add few words in

this regards. Adiyen has listened to Upanyaasams

describing the 6th angam of Sharanaagati i.e. "Aatma

Niksheepam". Learned Bhaagavathaas may throw more

light on this. If Adiyen is wrong, may kindly be

excused and corrected.


Hari Hari




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Pranams Sriman Madhavakannan


After reading this one doubt arised. Hope you will



When Lord knows saranagati made by vibhishenan was

correct as per perfect sastra vihita(even if a

jeevatma didn't surrender as per sastra, Lord would

take that jeevatma also) and He also knows that He is

going to take him, Why did Lord asked every others




raji sridhar

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dear Smt Raji Sridhar,

Your question made me enjoy Sri Rama's KalyANa guNAs.

He was Lord's incarnation. dharmO vigrahavaan. Still, He hid the Lordship

qualities in Him during this avtaar. AtmAnAm mAnusham manyE rAmam

dasarathAthmajam. He called himself as just son of Darasaratha, a mere human



When VisheeshaNan surrenders to Rama, Ramam being dharmO vigrahavaan, letss

other key personnel in His group to give their opinions. That is His

Greatness. He could have simply said, "I know. No body need to talk. I am

accepting VibheeshaNan. " Knowing Rama's valour others would have swallowed

their words that they had in their minds.


Sugreevan said, "He is from the enemy's camp; His own brother; It is a

tactical move on RavaNan to send him here. Also, He has got a very dangerous

weapon with him.


(what visheeshaNan had was only a gadhA in his hand. nothing else. how could

that be a very dangerous weapon which can destroy Rama. (vyAkhyAna

chakravartthi Sri Periyavaacchaan PiLLai in his Ramayana thanislOkam

vyAkhyAnam says: Sugreeva did not mean the gadhA as the dangerous weapon. He

meant that posture of VibheeshaNan.. "anjali mudhrA" and tears rolling won

his cheeks.. That anjali mudrA and uttering "saraNam" perforing SaraNAgathy,

is the most dangerous weapon to conquer Rama! (what a beautiful



It is Rama's kalyAna gunA' sowseelyam to have asked for Sugreevan's

HanumAn's comments before he decides. Rama was a king; Sugreevan was also a

king; Rama had actually sought Sugreevan's help in his venture. So it was

natural for Rama to have asked others for their opinions.


Sugreevan said" He ie bad with wrong intention. Do not accept him.

Hanumaan said, "He is good; He helped me (when I was captured.). Accept him.


Rama said, "I take Sugreevan's statement as well as Hanumaan's. I will take

Sugreevan's statement "he is bad":. Hanumaan's statement "Accept him."



Rama says."anyone who surrenders- whoever that being is- it is my vow to

protect him (or it)." our AchAryAs have been moved by the this categorical

declaration and pledge and always glorify this in their Sri Sookthis. The

meaning of this slokA (sakrdEva prapannAya ... vratham mama.") is: That

individual who has surrendered himself only once pleading that he is to be

protected, to him, I assure complete protection and this is my vow."


Later Rama immediately performed VibheeshaNa pattAbhishEkam then and there

befroe even winning over Ravanan. I have heard this is upanyasam. It seemss

Sugreevan asked as to why he did that? What will happen if tomorrow Ravanan

comes and surrenders? You have already made VisheeshaNan the king.


Rama answered." I will give Ravanan (if he comes and surrenders) ayOdhyA.."

(what a quality and kalyANa guNA!) [it is not even Rma's kingdon now. It is

Bharatha's (or PadhukA's)How could Rama say that? Rama's brothers are not

like other brothers .. namely, Sugreevan, Vaali; Ravanan, VibheeshaNan, et

al. Here they are daasa bhUthars and Sesha bhUthars.]

Please forgive me for my indulgence. Learned scholars correct /supplement


SrI SeethalakshaNa Hanumath samEtha Sri Ramachandra parabrahmaNE namah:


Narayana Narayana

NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan




----Original Message Follows----

RAJI SRIDHAR <sridharaji

Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan

CC: bhakti-list

Re: Clarification on VibheeshaNa and Bharatha's SaraNagathi

Fri, 7 Dec 2001 08:10:36 -0800 (PST)


Pranams Sriman Madhavakannan


After reading this one doubt arised. Hope you will



When Lord knows saranagati made by vibhishenan was

correct as per perfect sastra vihita(even if a

jeevatma didn't surrender as per sastra, Lord would

take that jeevatma also) and He also knows that He is

going to take him, Why did Lord asked every others




raji sridhar



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