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Please clarify.

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Dear bhakthas,

I got some questions.The world is created and each

and every soul came to existence due to the Lord Narayana.In this

context, how we can map this to a person who doesnt follow our religion,

for ex - an american.He doesnt know anything about moksha.Human being's

life is defined and how is it defined for animals?.Please clarify.














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Dear Narasimhan,


Here is my opinion. Feel free to disagree.


The material body evolves from from a combination of

the three gunas - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.


The individual soul or jiva takes different bodies as

result of its karma. The jiva acquires karma because

of desires.


Therefore depending on its karmas, jivas can embody as

plants, animals, humans, Pitrs, Bhutas, Devas,

Gandharvas, Apsaras etc. in any part of this universe

or other parallel universes.


Depending on the particular body that a jiva has

taken, it may or may not have access to the Vedic

literature that points to Lord Narayana as the supreme

being. Just because the jiva is ignorant of this

knowledge it does not change the supreme truth or the

supreme being. For example just because a person is

ignorant of the law of gravity, it does not imply he

is exempt from the effects of gravity. Similarly the

eternal law namely VEDIC DHARMA applies to all beings.


- rohit




--- Narasimhan Vijayaraghavan <wasimlara


> Dear bhakthas,

> I got some questions.The

> world is created and each

> and every soul came to existence due to the Lord

> Narayana.In this

> context, how we can map this to a person who doesnt

> follow our religion,

> for ex - an american.He doesnt know anything about

> moksha.Human being's

> life is defined and how is it defined for

> animals?.Please clarify.



> Your's



> N.Vijayaraghavan.










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> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

> To Post a message, send it to:

> bhakti-list

> Archives: http://ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/



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Rohit Iyer


email: iyer_rohit

Home Phone: (408) 445-9693

Work Phone: (408) 543-6668




Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!


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You try to say that they (non-indians) actually dont know their root which

is Lord Narayana.Please clarify.


>Rohit Iyer <iyer_rohit

>Narasimhan Vijayaraghavan <wasimlara,


>Re: Please clarify.

>Wed, 30 Jan 2002 16:48:56 -0800 (PST)


>Dear Narasimhan,


>Here is my opinion. Feel free to disagree.


>The material body evolves from from a combination of

>the three gunas - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.


>The individual soul or jiva takes different bodies as

>result of its karma. The jiva acquires karma because

>of desires.


>Therefore depending on its karmas, jivas can embody as

>plants, animals, humans, Pitrs, Bhutas, Devas,

>Gandharvas, Apsaras etc. in any part of this universe

>or other parallel universes.


>Depending on the particular body that a jiva has

>taken, it may or may not have access to the Vedic

>literature that points to Lord Narayana as the supreme

>being. Just because the jiva is ignorant of this

>knowledge it does not change the supreme truth or the

>supreme being. For example just because a person is

>ignorant of the law of gravity, it does not imply he

>is exempt from the effects of gravity. Similarly the

>eternal law namely VEDIC DHARMA applies to all beings.


>- rohit




>--- Narasimhan Vijayaraghavan <wasimlara


> > Dear bhakthas,

> > I got some questions.The

> > world is created and each

> > and every soul came to existence due to the Lord

> > Narayana.In this

> > context, how we can map this to a person who doesnt

> > follow our religion,

> > for ex - an american.He doesnt know anything about

> > moksha.Human being's

> > life is defined and how is it defined for

> > animals?.Please clarify.

> >

> >

> > Your's

> >

> >

> > N.Vijayaraghavan.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print

> > your photos:

> > http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx

> >

> >

> >

> >


> > - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

> > To Post a message, send it to:

> > bhakti-list

> > Archives: http://ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >




>Rohit Iyer


>email: iyer_rohit

>Home Phone: (408) 445-9693

>Work Phone: (408) 543-6668




>Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!







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I think the jiva is eternally knowledgable about the

supreme soul Narayana, but this knowledge may be

covered by gunas like rajas and tamas. Purification of

the mind is required for the understanding the

absolute truth.


Purification means removal of lust, anger, greed etc.

Then the light of the supreme being will shine by

itself in the mind.


Also let us remember that "Sarva deva namaskArah

kesavam prati gacchati" (Salutation to every deity

ultimately goes to srI Kesava)


This is my humble opinion.







--- Narasimhan Vijayaraghavan <wasimlara


> You try to say that they (non-indians) actually dont

> know their root which

> is Lord Narayana.Please clarify.


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>Dear bhakthas,

> I got some questions.The world is created and each

>and every soul came to existence due to the Lord Narayana.In this

>context, how we can map this to a person who doesnt follow our religion,

>for ex - an american.He doesnt know anything about moksha.Human being's

>life is defined and how is it defined for animals?.Please clarify.



> Your's


> N.Vijayaraghavan.



Shree Vijayaraghavan,


Here are my thoughts:.


Every life form is looking for happiness - uninterrupted, unlimited

absolute happiness - and that seems to be the purpose of life -

whether American and Indian. All pursuits in life - pravR^itti or

nivR^iit - that is gaining something or getting rid of something is

only to accomplish this end.


In the human, the intellect has evolved to the degree he cannot but

ask questions at one stage in life or not - what is the purpose of

life? -and this is what is stated in the Mu. Up. pariiksha lokaan

karmachitaan brahmano .... . Philosophies - or dharshanaas have

evolved to explain essentially this - what is jiiva? or individual?

what is this world that one has to deal with -Is there a creator and

if so what is His/her qualifications? why did He create? what is the

relation between the Jiiva and the creator and Ultimately how one can

achieve what one wants to achieve - the absolute uninterrupted,

unlimited happiness. In answering the above questions, one becomes

aware of why normal means of knowledge - pratyaksha and anumaana

cannot lead to answers to these questions and why shabda or shaastra

alone are the means of knowledge. This automatically lead to Veda

and Vedanta as the ultimate means for knowledge. How achaarya-s

interpreted the Vedic teachings and why you feel that Ramanuja's

interpretation of the Vedic teaching is correct.


The bottom line is - before one discusses these issues with American

or anyone, one should one self be sure about the knowledge.


Second way of teaching is living or leading the values and teachings

of the Achaaryas by following strictly with complete faith and

understanding - manasaa vaachaa karamana - and your life itself will

be a teaching for those who would like to follow by seeing the

virtuous life.


Hari Om!



K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117





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  • 4 years later...
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Kodavanti Subrahmanyam (12 May 2006)




Sun rises in the east and sets at west


Mid day sun is very hot an experience


What is reality and what is false


Is there any raise and fall of the sun?




Around the sun, the planets are moving


Earth's movement causing day and night


None can imagine the earth stops moving


All miracles, our mind is full of misery.




Imagine when the earth has no movement


Imagine when the earth has no spin


Imagine when round the clock sun-shine


Imagine when round the clock darkness.




Just like this we are in the peril


Just like this we are in the bondage


Just like this we are in the darkness


The indwelling Sun, to teach the truth.




Meditate, Meditate, Meditate, Med--


Till the Ray of the Divinity in thee


Till the Ray of Sunshine sparks in thee


Worry not remain in MERRY HAPPINESS






1) Take time to MEDITATE. It is the price of POWER, to enjoy the BLISS of indwelling SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS for ever lasting peace and Happiness, the real Goal of human life.


2) Take time to sing a song since MUSIC means Melodious, Universal, Spiritual, Individual and Creativity. Learn Music not to earn money but to maintain long life with health and happiness.


3) Take time to LAUGH. It is the MUSIC OF THE SOUL.


4) Take time to SERVE. Service to humanity is service to GOD. (Manava sevaye Madhava Seva)


5) Take time to WORK. It is the price of SUCCESS.


6) Take time to PLAY. It is the secret of PERPETUAL YOUTH.


7) Take time to READ. It is the way to KNOWLEDGE.


8) Take time to be FRIENDLY. It is the road to HAPPINESS.


9) Take time to LOVE AND BE LOVED, it is the nature of being alive. Without this, we can scarcely live. (Created by: Subrahmanyam Kodavanti, Visakhapatnam

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Hurricane horror spread miles and miles


Hurry the people to move miles and miles


Worry the people no matter rich and poor


Bury' hard-earned assets make them roar.




Hurricane's mind always works on destruction


People's mind is always works on construction


Hurricane shows no mercy of any religion


People always embrace of their own religion.




Surrounded by destruction, the eye is calm


Even spread over miles Cyclone's eye is calm


Shy not to say human is also having such eye


Visible only to the enlightened, the Third Eye.




Third Eye is quiet and calm, no disturbance at all


Round around surrounded worries, care not at all


Greed, games of politics, desires do not care at all


Aground the mind to focus one or no thought at all.




Third eye is full of mercy lull the body with mercy


Skill is at will to kill the mind, view the full mercy


Vanish religious mind, banish thought force thee





Third Eye is the God, the spirit all in one


The happiness, enjoyment also all in one


The Bliss Eternal, turning point all in one


The Truth, the Sweet Fruit of life all in one.




Attitude changed, Ideas changed really a wonder


Work is changed, Worship is changed, a wonder


Look is changed, Luck is changed, what a wonder


Changed personality, is really a great wonder!




***** January 5th, 2006.

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“O M Y G O D !”

Kodavanti Subrahmanyam smkodav@gmail.com


Who are You, how are You and how old are You?

Where are You and what is Your date of birth?

What is your Mother tongue and who are your parents?

Do you have fluency of languages of the world?

What is your religion? Tell me, if You do not mind.


Are You a Graduate, Professor, Engineer or Philosopher?

Where is Your School? Is it on Earth or in Heaven?

Name the School and University; Teacher and professor

Do You have licence to drive on land, sea and air?

Do You have learner licence? Tell me, if You do not mind.


Are You a vegetarian, non-vegetarian or non-eating saint?

Do You like sweet, hot, cool drink, hot drink or cocktail?

Are You free from all diseases or in need of medical advice?

Did You visit any hospital for heart and pulse check-up?

Health is wealth, a fact. Tell me, if You do not mind.


How much do You earn; how do You do, earning?

Daily, monthly, yearly or earning while learning?

Dollars, Dinars, Euros, Yens, Rupees, Riyals or what?

Your wage, currency and purchasing power, tell me

Are You a spend thrift? Tell me, if you do not mind.


Are You married, having children and grand children?

Are You having problems like your children and my children?

Are You living in a rented house, own a flat or Bungalow?

Is Your dwelling place fully furnished or un-furnished?

Having place to park? Tell me, if You do not mind.


Who are Your Bankers and what is Your account?

Do You have Credit Cards, Master and Visa cards?

Can You provide a Short Term Loan to any person?

Worry not, repayment, may be, in easy instalments,

I do not want that loan. Tell me, if you do not mind.


Do You have any thing, which untouched with money?

Give me that, purchase of which without money

This aspect of money is not coming to the minds of many

Kindly guide me; you have extraordinary, if any

In what way I can impress You. Tell me, if you do not mind!



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Subrahmanyam Kodavanti smkodav@gmail.com


O my dear mind if you don’t mind, mind yourself

It’s full of Super consciousness, bliss of your Self

A Lead Kindly Light, Lead the goal of your Self

Detachment Attachment, learn with ease yourself. O my dear mind- -


Detach body consciousness, know the art of bliss

Attach Inner Vision Consciousness, don’t miss

Death of thoughts O God! Bliss Eternal is assured

A bright spark tuned on to you, centres cured. O my dear mind- -


Burden of the body bundled to heaven, not hell

Misery of the mind also is not too late as well

Merger of the mind with the Devine a good will

Conscious sleep, beautiful boon with cosmic bell O my dear mind- -


Inward journey, the habit you deserve to lead

Good symptoms a proof you are in good mood

Location and vacation of centres a good deed

Calming down the mind always elderly heed O my dear mind- -


Happiness, Happy moods elevating henceforth

Sorrow, no question at all vanish thenceforth

Religion, politics, man made ones whence forth

Class and creed to care none at all to put forth O my dear mind- -


Beyond religion, no doubt but, flow with religion

A Golden River emerged really in every religion

All are saints, no doubt creators of each religion

Doubt not, the bliss with in, not to quit religion O my dear mind- -


A Master’s mind, no doubt to respect, a must

A Master’s wish, no doubt to lit lamp, a must

A Master’s Vision, no doubt, emerge its best

A Master, no doubt, guides thee till the last. O my dear mind- -


Rich and poor, no matter, who ever are thee

Your presence is a must to eliminate thee

Forgive and forget me, Golden Eye, O thee

A blissful motion, emerged to goodbye, thee O my dear mind- -


O God, what is your religion? I don’t know

O God, what is your profession? I don’t know

O God, What is your nativity? I don’t know

O God, What is your language? I don’t know O my dear mind- -


*** *** ***

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