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my pranams to all bhagavathas,

adiyen kesavan from chennai,india.i have a general

query addressing to

everyone.we say in our siddhantha that we put thiruman on our

forehead in order

to accept god's lotus feet.hence the auspicious thiruman is

considered as equivalant

to that bhagavan's thiruvady.if this is true then how come in all the


we put thiruman on the bhagavan's forehead.then it means that the

lord's thiruvady

is put on his own forehead isn't it.hoe can this be possible.we used

to put the

thiruman on both the utsavar as well as the moolavar's forehead.this

is very confusing to me.

hence i request an explanation for this at the earliest.your opinion

is also solicited

on the question as well.

thasan from kesavan.

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----- Forwarded by Narayanan K M/TKM_IND on 06/02/2002 08:03 AM -----


Narayanan K M



05/02/2002 cc:

08:06 AM Re: query(Document link:

Narayanan K M)






Sri. Kesavan,


You wrote,

if this is true then how come in all the


we put thiruman on the bhagavan's forehead.then it means that the

lord's thiruvady

is put on his own forehead isn't it.hoe can this be possible.we used

to put the

thiruman on both the utsavar as well as the moolavar's forehead.this

is very confusing to me.





A valid and interesting question.

The reason why we put 'thiruman' on the forehead of the Lord was discussed

by our Poorvacharyas.

The reason our Acharyas attributed goes like this....


' When a mother feeds her beloved child with cooked rice mixed with Milk,

she would also secretly partake]

of little morsel of that food.(ever noticed?).. In the same vein, Our Lord,

approving the ways of his devotees has Thiruman on his forehead.'


Another reason attributed by Poorvacharyas..


' We all know that It is only Holy feet our Lord is the soul refuge to get

us of out of our troubles..

even for Lord, it is His Own Sweet Feet is the savior'..






KM Narayanan







<asvkesavan@y bhakti-list

ahoo.com> cc:



11:36 PM







my pranams to all bhagavathas,

adiyen kesavan from chennai,india.i have a general

query addressing to

everyone.we say in our siddhantha that we put thiruman on our

forehead in order

to accept god's lotus feet.hence the auspicious thiruman is

considered as equivalant

to that bhagavan's thiruvady.if this is true then how come in all the


we put thiruman on the bhagavan's forehead.then it means that the

lord's thiruvady

is put on his own forehead isn't it.hoe can this be possible.we used

to put the

thiruman on both the utsavar as well as the moolavar's forehead.this

is very confusing to me.

hence i request an explanation for this at the earliest.your opinion

is also solicited

on the question as well.

thasan from kesavan.






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Sri Kesavan wrote:

"hence the auspicious thiruman is considered as equivalant

to that bhagavan's thiruvady.if this is true then how come in all the

temples we put thiruman on the bhagavan's forehead"



This subject was discussed in the list before. Pl. refer to

the URL below.




You can find more discussions on this if you search the archives.




namO nArAyaNA






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I will try to answer some of your questions, primarily to test out my own

concepts. I would request the more learned membersof the group to

correct me if I am off the mark.


"bath sobha" <sbath2000wrote

> It is not uncommon to find a person(male or female)

> devoted to Sri Vaishnavism and residing either in

> India or abroad is forced to live a single life by

> virtue of circumstances or job. I have read in one of

> the e-mails in these columns that it is a great sin to

> cook and eat alone.The above mentioned people are

> compelled to eat and cook alone for majority of their

> time in the house.If such a living is a dosham, is

> there any method for eg. spiritually that is advocated in the

> saastras to circumvent the dosham.?


"bhungcate te tvagham pApA ye pachanti AtmakAraNAt"- BG III.13

Those who cook for themselves eat only sin.


I think this is what you are referring to. What is really meant is that we

should return to society a part of all that we have gained from it. To try

and keep or hoard our riches, without giving back anything in return is


It is a metaphor on ethics which need not be taken literally. Everyone

has to devote a part of ones time, wealth and abilities to serve others in


> Will serving cooked food to birds or other

> animals before such a person sits down to eat can be

> considered as a solution to the problem?


Not really.

" tairduttan apradAyaibhyoh yo bhungthe stena eva cha" - BG III.12

(He who enjoys what was given by them, without returning it is verily a


If we look at this line closely, the strong language suggests that society

has a right

to a share of our, shall we say, " gains". So charity is not a matter of

volition.It is obligatory.

Therefore parting with a pittance is not the answer.

We are to retain only what we really need and return the rest to society in

the form of service and charity.


"vaisnava jana to tene re kahiye je peed parAyi jAne re

para dukhe upkAr kare so ye man abhimAn na Anere"


( Only he who understands the suffering of others can be called a Vaishnava

He will help others in distress without conceit. )



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