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Sri Vilakkoli Perumal, Thoopul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya Desam: Nithya AarAdhana kaimkaryam for VilakkoLi PerumAL and Swamy Desikan : Part X: Seventh SlOkam

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Dear BhakthAs:


Today , adiyEn will cover the Seventh slOkam

of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan

continues with the thoughts about Sarva-vidh

mentioned by GIthAchAryan in the 15th chapter of

Srimath Bhagavath GItA :


visvam SubhASrayavadhIsa vapus-ThvadhIyam

sarvA giras-Thvayi pathanthi tathOsi sarva:

sarvE cha vEda-vidhayas-Thvathanugraha-arTA:

sarvAdhikas-Thvamithi tatthvavidhas-tadhAhu:


Prior to covering the meaning and the additional

comments , adiyEn would like to invite your attention to

supporting the NithyArAdhana kaimkaryam at ThUppul and

ThirutthaNkA dhivya Desam. Please consider support

for this kaimkaryam from every part of the globe.

NigamAntha MahA Desikan's message is for every one

of us. Any amount of support is most welcome.


(meaning of the 7th SlOkam ): Oh ViLakkoLi PerumAnE !

just as your ThirumEni (Divine body) known as

Dhivya MangaLa Vigraham serves as Your body,

the entire gamut of chEthanams(sentients) and

achEthanams(insentients),ALL serve as Your body.

Whatever word one uses to describe any object ,

finally , ALL those words end by pointing at You

as their (objects') indweller (antharyAmi).

Therefore You manifest as ALL objects and

beings of this world. Vedaas prescribe many

karmAs. Why? It is for performing AARAADHANAM


You have ALL objects of Your creation as

Your body, You stand as the boundary of ALL

words , You are worshipped by ALL karmAs .

Therefore , those , who clearly understand

the true tatthvams recognize and salute You

as Para Devathai (Supreme Being without equal

or greater ).


Additional Comments:


Swamy Desikan addresses the Lord of ThirutthaNkA

as "Isan" or SarvEsvaran. Later he is going to

justify why he calls Him as "Isan " and "SarvAdhikan".

The reasons adduced are:


1. SubhAsrayavath Visvam ThvadhIyam Vapu:


The Lord is JagadhAdhAran . The tatthvam that

Brahman is the Sareeri of ALL sentients and

insentients is the central doctrine of

VisishtAdvaitham. SubhAsrayam means that

it is subham (auspicious) and can be experienced

by DhyAnam . BhagavAn's body (dhivya mangaLa vigraham)

is the most auspicious and this SubhAsraya ThirumEni

of PurushOtthaman has the ubhaya lingam of

akhila hEya pratyanIkathvam ( completely free from

any and all blemishes) and anatha-kalyAna guNam

(limitless auspicious attributes). This eternal ,

spiritual divine body (dhivya mangala ThirumEni) ,

which is SarIram for the Lord ; all the ChEthnams

and achEthanmas also form His body.Such a bodily form

of Isan/Isvaran is admitted by all the Upanishads ,

the VedAnthams.



2. SarvA girA: Thvayi pathanthi; tatha: Sarva asi.


" Sarva Deva namaskAram Kesavam prathi-gacchathi"

is the echo of this statement of Swamy Desikan.

GirA: means Veda manthrams as well as words and

Naamams of the Lord. All of these words finally

fall at the feet of the Lord. It is like the flowers

used by ArjunA to perform the worship of Siva ended

at the Thiruvadi of the Lord .Arjuna placed those flowers

on the head of Lord Sivan and the next day, the very

same flowers were seen at the sacred feet of his

Friend and Mentor, KrishNan .Same for all NaamAvaLis

and salutations directed at other gods; they all end up

with Kesavan.


3. SarvE vEda Vidhaya: cha Thvadh anugrahAth arTA:


Sakala veda karmAs (rituals) prescribed in Karma

KaaNDam and performed by the people are indeed

for gaining the anugraham of SrIman NaarAyaNnan,

who stands in His archA form at ThirutthaNkA.


4. tath Tvam adhika:


"oppAr MikkAr ilan" says the AzhwArs. There is no One

Equal to or Greater than SrI DhIpa PrakAsan blessing us

in the form of Archai of SrIman NaarAyaNan at ThirutthaNkA.


5. tatthva Vidha: (ittham ) aahu:


In the earlier slOkam , Swamy Desikan stated that

that Jn~Ani who understands PurushOtthama Tatthvam

is celebrated by GIthAchAryan as "Sarva Vidh ".

Here , NigamAntha MahA Guru asserts that Jn~Ani, who

understands that the Lord as the One having the entire

universe as His sarIram , who is the boundary of all

words , who is the grantor of the Phalans of Vedic rituals ,

the ultimate reciever of all AarAdhanams and who

comprehends that there is no other God , who is equal or

greater than Sriman NaarAyaNa standing in ThiruttaNka

will be saluted as " tatthva Vidh ".


In the next sOkam , Swamy Desikan will salute

the Lord of ThirutthaNkA as ShADgunya sampoorNan.


Sri Maragathavalli SamEtha Sri DhIpa PrakAsa ParabhramaNE Nama:

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan(Sadagopan)

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