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A sloka by Dhruva from Srimad Bhagavatam

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Dear Fellow Bhaktas,


Recently by email I received a query about a sloka cited

by Dr. N.S. Anantha Rangacharya in an article from a couple

yaers back entitled "Vedic Tradition of Revelation".

The sloka is extremely beautiful and pregnant with meaning

so I wanted to share it with the rest of you. (Dr. NSA's

original article can be found at



The question concerned the source of the sloka cited in the

following paragraph:

> In effect all spiritual apprehension is a revelation

> or communication. Divine knowledge reveals itself to

> the chosen one. The idea of 'antharvANi' (inner voice)

> or 'bhagavadvANi' signifies this:

> 'yO antah pravishya mama vAchAmimAm prasuptAm sanjIvayathi'.


I conveyed the question to Dr. NSA through his grandson

and Dr. NSA obliged me immediately. The sloka is from

Srimad Bhagavatam, 4.9.6, when young Dhruva is blessed

with the divine vision of Narayana:


dhruva uvAca


yo 'ntah pravisya mama vAcam imAm prasuptam

sanjivayaty akhila-Sakti-dharah sva-dhAmnA |

anyamS ca hasta-caraNa-sravana-tvag-AdIn

prANAn namo bhagavate purushAya tubhyam ||


Entering within me you have awakened my speech

and enlivened all my senses and energy -- my

hands, feet, ears, sense of touch, and my life

breaths -- by your presence. Salutations to

you, O Supreme Person!


The Bhagavatam really is wonderful. My gratitude goes to Dr. NSA

for showing me this sloka.


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,


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This is one of my favorite verses.




dhruva uvAca


yo 'ntah pravisya mama vAcam imAm prasuptam

sanjivayaty akhila-Sakti-dharah sva-dhAmnA |

anyamS ca hasta-caraNa-sravana-tvag-AdIn

prANAn namo bhagavate purushAya tubhyam ||


Entering within me you have awakened my speech

and enlivened all my senses and energy -- my

hands, feet, ears, sense of touch, and my life

breaths -- by your presence. Salutations to

you, O Supreme Person!




Incidentally, mani that is exactly why I listen to KrishnaPremi bhagavatam

which is par excellence and probably unmatched. 4 years back In July 98, I

got so affected by bhagavatam that I conducted a bhagavata saptaham in san

diego - not that I know anything but I could not contain the krishnabhakti

inside me - my first attempt. bhagavatam can simply floor you. But watch

out. You may turn into a recluse or a Monk! that is how much it affects me.

My wife's pastime is to listen to krishnapremi bhagavatam while she drives

and cry on the way to business meetings!


adiyen krishna

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