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Dear friends,


the ariticle in www.space.com/space library/books


The work of God as Creator is discussed -- the said book dwelves upon

the premise that if creation starting from Bigbang can go on and

sustain on its own without any need for any one (read God) to creat

the worlds and cater to them, where is the need for a God to creat?


I recommend to readers to read the concluding part of "A brief

history of Time' by Stephen Hawking wherein this question is



Even Einstein asked once " How much choice did god have in

constructing the Universe?" Now we have a whole lot of information

based on unasssialable evidence of science that all that was required

for creation was to just switch on the button of the Bigbang and the

rest will be taken care of by itself. The very latest information as

on 30-04-2002 is that there was not just one Bigbang culmianting in a

Big crunch. These are cyclical and keep repeating without the need

for anyone to make them happen or go on. ( Is this not what Krishna

meant when he told Arjuna that he too was born many times before just

as how Arjuna was born again and again?)


But what we must remember is that all these theories on creation and

delusion can be satisfactorily explained in terms of 'how's

and 'what's.(The theory of creation as found in Srimad Bhagavatha

also sustains similar notions on Bigbang and even the Ripple Effect

that was said to have occurred 5 billion yeras after the Bigbang -

when Brahma once again stirred out of his dhyana and looked on all

sides to see if creation wsa going on satisfactorily) But no

scientist can explain 'why' it is happening.

Perhaps it is here the very complicity of God's 'work'comes to the

fore. To quote stephen hawking 'If we find the answer to that, it

would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we would

know the mind of God."

One notion on the question of 'why' as adiyen has understood is that

out of 'apaara karuna' for the souls in distress bound by papa and

punya karma and stuck in the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth,

that God makes creation happen.

may i request our learned friends to part with their knowledge on

the "why" question substantiated by our upanisahds / shastras



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SriRAma Jayam

SrimatE RAmAnujAya nama:


Dear jayasree,


It's nice to read your article. I would like to say a

few things wrt what you have written. I go by physics too but it

can't explain certain things.


Facts in Physics:

(i)Physicists haven't yet understood the matter completely let alone

the mind(of their own and then GOD!). This is because

the "mysterious" gravity is standing alone from the other three

fundamental forces. There is lot of research going on in GUT/TOE

(Grand Unification Theory/Theory of Everything). Stefen Hawking is an

Atheist(he already has a mind set!)and it's very difficult for him to

read the mind of God. (I like SW very much). In psychology,the

rejection rate for any journal article is very high. Mind is not that

easy to be read(God didn't program us like the way HE programmed



(ii)Steady state,Bigbang,and contracting/expanding universe are

eligible candidates that describe the universe. So far no conclusion

is drawn!


(iii)Einstein's famous statement(against quantum mechanics) was "God

does not play the game of dice". He lived like a recluse for more

than two decades(isolating himself from the rest of the physicists)

bothered about some fundamental questions on matter(he was already

way ahead of his contemporaries by trying to unite the gravity(which

poses lot of problems!)with the other three. Unfortunately he wasn't



(iv)We fall somewhere in the middle in the hierarchy of

size/dimension of the universe. We are finite physically/materially

for sure!


I'm going to quote couple of slokas/meanings from BG.


Ch 10(which deals with viBUti yOgA)slokam 40: Lord krSNA says to

ArjunA "There is no limit to My divine manifestations. This is only a

brief description by Me of the extent of My glory"


Lord krSNA is not subject to anything esp. time(HE represents time

and not vice versa). HE is ALWAYS(not born again and again)there but

whenever righteousness is on the decline,HE manifests Himself and

bodies His Self forth to uphold dharmA which HE says in 4th chapter

(JnyAna karma sanyasa yoga)

7 "yadA yadA...srijAmyaham",8 "paritrANAya...yugE yugE"slokams.

HE also says in 2nd chap. 20 slokam "na jAyate...sarIre"(soul is

neither born nor dies). But soul assumes different forms.


Here comes the crux:WHY?


Ch 11(VishwarUpa darshan yOga)48,53 BhagawAn says:"Not even through

the study of the vEdAs,austerity,penance,can you see ME(with four

arms" but "only through undivided/single minded devotion can you see

ME in this form and reach ME(in slokam 54)"


Ch 11. 55. Lord krSNA says "he who performs all his duties for My

sake,depends on Me,devoted to Me,reaches Me". In short we all exist

of His will. HE Himself says that we can't answer why!! Clear from

the foll. slokam


Ch 10,2nd slokam,BhagawAn says "Neither gods nor the great sages know

the secret of My birth. I'm the prime cause in all respects of gods

as well as great seers". There is no answer to the First Cause!!


Quantum mechanics violates the "principle of causality". Without a

cause we can have an effect. If physicists are of this attitude,I

really wonder whether they would ever understand the "mind of God"!


I know only little of BG and incase I've made errors in quoting

slokas,I beg frogivenness from bhaktAs/learned people.


sarvam krSNArpaNam astu


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