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SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 77 - Part 1.

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SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 77- viSva-mUrtih.


viSva-mUrtir_mahA-mUrtir_dIpta-mUrtir_a-mUrtimAn |

aneka-mUrtir-a-vyaktah Sata-mUrtiS-SatAnanah ||


om viSva-mUrtaye namah.

Om mahA-mUrtaye namah.

Om dIpta-mUrtaye namah.

Om a-mUrti-mate namah.

Om aneka-mUrtaye namah.

Om a-vyaktAya namah.

Om Sata-mUrtaye namah

Om SatAnanAya namah.


722. viSva-mUrtih - a) He Who has the Universe as His body.

b) He Who has a beautiful Form that finds entry into the mind, eyes,

etc., of His devotees.

c) He Who has mAyA Sakti in the form of the Universe.

d) He Who has a Form that can induce mAyA in everything.


Om viSva-mUrtaye namah.


a) SrI BhaTTar explains the nAma as indicating that bhagavAn has the

whole Universe as His body. He is the Inner Soul who resides in the

hearts of all beings - "ahm AtmA guDAkeSa! Sarva-bhUtAtaya-sthitah"

(gItA 10.19). SrI BhaTTar points out that the reason why the strong

ones always do not always win in conflicts with the weak is because

bhagavAn is sitting in the hearts of the weak also, ensuring that

dharma is preserved at all times and under all conditions. SrI v.v.

rAmAnujan observes that this is why the kauravas, with a might army and

with the support of the likes of bhIshma and droNa, could not defeat

the pANDava-s. nammAzhvAr sings this "viSva mUrti" form of bhagavAn

in tiruvAimozhi 6.9.7:


ulagil tiriyum karuma gadiyAi ulagamAi

ulagukkE Or uyirumAnAi…..


"You are the karma-s; You are the worlds in which they are performed;

You are the Soul of all beings;…" .


SrI Samkara vyAkhyAnam is "viSvam mUrtih asya sarvAtmakatvAt iti

viSva-mUrtih" - He Who has the whole universe as His body or form,

since He is soul of all. SrI rAdhAkRshNa SAstri identifies viSva mUrti

with "viSva rUpam" that bhagavAn revealed in duryodhana's palace and

other instances. He also gives references to the Sruti - "viSvAtmAnam

parAyaNam" ( tait. AraN. 10.13), "Urdhvaretam virUpAksham viSvarUpAya

vai namo namah" (tiat. AraN. 10.14).


The dharma cakram writer comments that in order to appreciate the

significance of this viSva rUpam of bhagavAn, first one should develop

the mental maturity required for that. In the case of arjuna, he asked

Lord kRshNa to show him the viSva rUpam, but when bhagavAn showed the

viSva rUpam to him, he was completely bewildered and confused. This

nAma signifies to us the need for developing our mind so that we can

comprehend the viSva rUpam aspect of bhagavAn.


b) SrI kRshNa datta bhAradvAj uses the meaning of the root viS - to

enter, and gives the interpretation - viSati mano nayanAni satAm iti

viSvA; tADRSI kamanIyA mUrtih yasya iti viSva-mUrtih - He Who

has such an attractive Form that It finds entry into the minds, eyes,

etc., of the good people.


c) d) In addition to the meaning "rUpam" or "Form" for the word mUrtih,

SrI satyadevo vAsishTha gives the additional meaning "mAyArUpA mohikA

Saktih" for "mUrti" from the root murcchA - moha samuchrAyayoh - to

faint, to become senseless, to grow, to prevail, to be a match for.

Thus he gives the following interpretations to the nAma viSva-mUrtih -

"viSvameva mUrtih AkAro yasya sah viSva-mUrtih", viSvameva mAyA =

vimohikA Sakti yasya sa viSva mUrtih"; "vISvasya mohikA Saktih yasya sa

viSva-mUrtih", which can be approximately translated as: "He Who has

the Form of the Universe", "He Who is the mAyA Sakti in the form of the

Universe", or "He Who can bind the Universe with mAyA".

Even though every single thing in this universe is but a clear and

vivid expression of bhagavAn's Sakti, most of us do not recognize any

of that, and we look at our own form and conclude and feel proud that

we are in sole control of that. All this is the result of bhagavAn's

mAyA or leelA.


The common dictionaries do not give this later meaning for the term

"mUrti" (namely, mAyArUpA mohikA Saktih), but Prof. A. A. Ramanathan

has included this interpretation in his collection of amara koSa

vyAkhyAna-s - mUrchyata iti mUrtih.


e) SrI baladeva vidyA bhUshaN links his interpretation for the nAma

"viSva mUrtih" to the previous nAma a-parAjitah. His anubhavam is that

bhagavAn is a-parAjitah or Unconquerable because He resides in and

controls all the bodies of all the deva-s, gandharva-s, mAnava-s etc. -

deva gandharva mAnavAdi sarva SarIrah.


-dAsan kRshNamAcAryan





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