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sree vishnu sahasra naamaavali - post 12

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Post 12


Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


In this post we will see naamaas of sree Vishnu sahasra naamam having the common

thread of "success"- jayam, vijayam, jitha meaning victor, conqueror or

successful person.


1. Om vijayaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 149 occurring in slOkam 16

meaning: the victorious - victory incarnate.


2. Om jEthrE nama: -- naamaa no. 150 occurring in slOkam 16

meaning: ever successful- the conqueror.


3. Om sahasra jithE nama: -- naamaa no.307 occurring in slOkam 33

meaning: the conqueror of 1000 aeons and evil doers.


4. Om anantha jithE nama: -- naamaa no. 308 occurring in slOkam 33

meaning: ever victorious - he alone wins in the end - victor of innumerable.


5. Om samithim jayaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 364 occurring in slOkam 39

meaning: the victor in battles - ever victorious [samithi means battle].


6. Om jitha krODhaaya nama: -- naamaa no.463 occurring in slOkam 49

meaning: he who has conquered or overcome anger. [jithas cha krODhaadhaya:

anEna ithi jitha krODha:]


7. Om puru jithE nama: -- naamaa no. 508 occurring in slOkam 54

meaning: conqueror in diverse ways - here 'puru' means many.


8. Om jayaaya nama: -- naamaa no.511 occurring in slOkam 54

meaning: the victorious, - he who is conquered or won over by his own devotees.


9. Om jitha amithraaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 527 occurring in slOkam 56

meaning: one who has conquered all his enemies - conqueror of the unfriendly.

[koodaarai vellum seer gOvindhan]


10. Om ajithaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 553 occurring in slOkam 59

meaning: he whose city or abode is unconquerable- unconquered.


11. Om vijitha aathmanE nama: -- naamaa no. 626 occurring in slOkam 66

meaning: one who has conquered sense organs - who is won over by devotees.


12. Om Dhanam jayaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 666 occurring in slOkam 70

meaning: he who surpasses wealth - [also arjuna - in gita bhagavaan saya I am

arjuna among pandavaas 10 th chap - 37th slokam]


13. Om aparaajithaaya nama: -- naamaa no.721 occurring in slOkam 76

Also naamaa 866 occurring in slOkam 92

meaning: the invincible - the unvanquished- never conquered by any one.


14. Om dhurjayaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 781 occurring in slOkam 83

meaning: who can not be subjugated- invincible.


15. Om jayanthaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 804 occurring in slOkam 85

meaning: he who conquers always.


16. Om sarva vijjayinE nama: -- naamaa no. 805 occurring in slOkam 85

meaning: he who conquered those who were learned - omniscient and victorious.


17. Om sathru jithE nama: -- naamaa no. 826 occurring in slOkam 88

meaning: one whois ever victorious over his scores of enemies [naamaa 820 of

sri sankara]. Sri bhattar considers this naamaa as "sathrujith sathru

thaapanaaya nama: - meaning - he who torments his enemies and thus conquers



18. Om jitha manyavE nama: -- naamaa no.934 occurring in slOkam 100

meaning: one who has conquered anger [ manyu means anger]


Let krishna's victory over narakaasura bring welfare to all his bhakthaas of the

list as well their kin.


Wishing you all a suucess always.




Vasudevan m.g.

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