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SrI vishNU sahasra nAmam - Slokam 81 - tejo-vRshah.

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SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam – Slokam 81.


tejo-vRsho dyut-dharah sarva-Sastra-bhRtAm-varah |

pragraho nigraho vyagro naika-SR’ngo gadAgrajah ||


om tejo-vRshAya namah

om dyuti-dharAya namah

om sarva-Sastra-bhRtAm-varAya namah

om prgrahAya namah

om nigrahAya namah

om vyagrAya namah

om naika-Sr’ngAya namah

om gadAgrajAya namah


763. tejo-vRshah – a) He Who showers His splendor on His devotees in

the form of His protection.

b) He Who showers rain through the sun.

c) He Who showers His radiance on everything.

d) He Who showers His fierce weapons on His enemies in defense of His



Om tejo-vRshAya namah.


The two roots applicable to this nAma are given by SrI satyadevo

vAsishTha as: tij – niSAne – to whet, or tej – niSAne, pAlane ca – to

whet, to protect, and vRsh – secana – to rain, to shower. tejah also

can refer to tejas – luster, light, brilliance, splendor. varshati

iti vRshah. Thus, the nAma can mean One who showers brightness, One

who showers protection, etc.


a) SrI bhaTTar emphasizes the meaning “protection” in his

interpretation: evam suhRt-pAlana lakshaNam tejo varshati iti

tejo-vRshah – “Thus He showers splendor in the form of protection of

the good-hearted beings. So He is tejo-vRshah”.

As all of us know, SrI bhaTTar sees a connection through the sequence

of nAma-s, and the current nAma-s are being interpreted as referring to

the kRshNa incarnation. So here the protection of the cows and the

cowherds that we saw in the previous nAma is being referred to.


SrI v.v. rAmAnujan explains the nAma as referring to bhagavAn showering

His tejas or Sakti on His devotees in the form of His protection. The

innocent folks in AyarpADi loved kaNNan with all their hearts, and He

showered His Grace and protection on them even as the mother cow

secretes the milk for its calf with all its heart.


b) The word tejas also refers to water, and SrI Sa’nkara uses this

meaning in his interpretation – tejasAm ambhasAm Aditya rUpeNa

varshaNAt tejovRshah – He always showers rain through the medium of the

sun. SrI ananta kRshNa SAstri elaborates: tejAmsi AdAya Aditya

rUpeNa varshati vA.


The dharma carkam writer points out that just as the sea water, which

by itself is unusable for most purposes, is converted by the sun into

potable and usable water, so also the thought of bhagavAn distills our

mind and purifies it from bad thoughts. Just as we cannot live without

water, we cannot live without Him either. Just as the sun keeps

functioning behind our conscious thoughts to purify the sea water into

a form that is usable by us, so also His Grace is always functioning to

purify our thoughts constantly.


c) The anubhavaam of SrI kRshNa datta bhAradvAj is that this nAma

indicates that He showers His luster on everything because of His

divine and auspicious Form – SrI vigrahAt tejasvinah prabhA kiraNAh

sarvatah prasaranti. Whatever radiance a living organism has, is a

result of a miniscule fraction of His tejas.


d) SrI baladeva vidyA bhUshaN has yet another different interpretation:

sva-bandhu rakshAyai cakrAdi duh-sahAni tejAmsi varshati iti

tejo-vRshah – He Who showers His magnificent weapons such as the cakra

(on the enemies) in the cause of protection of His bhandu-s (devotees),

is tejo-vRshah.


-dAsan kRshNamAcAryan




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