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ThiruppAvai 22nd verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


These young girls of Ayarpaadi are desirous of only Bhagawath kaimkaryam and

nothing else; not at Srivaikuntam only; but here itself; right then. For

that, they want KaNNan’s divine glances (Kataaksham) on them to shower His

mercy and dayA on them, with all their sins getting dissolved


We have come now at your door step, after getting into very many bodies,

suffered lots and lots of himsa; realized that there is absolutely no

pleasure here in this birth; Still until this birth, we have been sleeping

and now we have woken up from those sense organs which never ever wish to

leave us at anytime; We have woken up those sense organs as well towards You

after greatest difficulty. Do not leave such a property of Yours that has

come at your doorstep- which You had missed for so many ages; [as we had

trespassed Your instructions and have gone away from you]. Please protect us

as if You have got back the property that belongs to You. We will inform You

how we have come. Just look at us with your vailakshaNya divine kataaksham

and there is nothing else that we aspire for.


How have you come? Tell me. Then I will decide if I need to look at or not.

Huge, vast, beautiful expanded kingdoms with all comforts- the kings ruled.

Those kings as if those worlds belong to them at all times and are theirs at

any time for ever; they were proud and arrogant with ahankaara, mamakaaram.

None can shake them- they thought. The thought they are capable of ruling

them whoever comes as an enemy. They do not need anyone’s help/support for

the same. Not even the God’s blessing. They never bow down to anyone. They

over a priod of time, unfortunately lose their kingdoms and do lose

everything that belongs to them.

{Srimath Azhagiya Singar asks: Will such a thing happen? Losing all for such

great kings?- why not? In India itself, it has happened. The kings who had

everything- have lost all theirs and someone else takes over. We have seen

in our own history.}


Those kings- talked about earlier,- now realize that “what is this! Even we

have lost everything- and what shall we do now to get back the wealth

again?- They think and are told by an ardent devotee of the Lord Sriman

Narayanan that only He can help you all. Without Him, nothing can come by

mere human efforts. Due to your own karma, that Lord had given you kingdom,

and He can grant you again- if you prostrate and pray to Him with

unconditional faith. They are now here at your doorstep, with tears rolling

down their cheeks incessantly shedding all their ahankara, mamaraaras (I and

mine) and are standing with folded hands performing anjali. They are

praising your names and are crying for their past arrogance and pride.


Like that we are also waiting at your door step crying. Pelase have mercy on

us and look at us.

Listening to your voice, it does not sound as if you have any sort of

kaarpaNyam (helplessness) or reduction of ahambaavam (pride/arrogance)? You

say that you all have come like those kings who had lost their kingdoms. –

KaNNan appears to have said.

We were also arrogant and having ahankara. Who can be eual to us in this

world? Which girl can be as blessed as we are? We are the most blessed and

most formtunate ones in the world. Our parents and KaNNan’s parenst have

handed over KaNNan to us for our own. He has also agreed to do what they had

mentioned. So, we will get what we were planning. This is what we had in our

minds. That is the ahankaara that we had. Hereafter KaNNan is only ours- we

had that mamakara. You now know how much we have been suffering to wake You

up for going with You to Yamuna- had You been Sarveshwaran.

So why did you say- chief of Nithyasuris (umbarkOmAnE! ParanchudharE!

Ulagalandha UtthamanE!- why did you tell all such lies then? Did you think I

would be fooled and come with you? – He angered on them.

That’s why we made that qualification, KaNNA! Had you been Sarveshwaran- was

mentioned by us only to make you get up like this. Bhishma sent thousand of

arrows to your friend Arjuna ignoring your presence and your saving him, and

then only after 1000s of arrow, You went towards him (Bhsihma) with the

chakrA in your hand declaring, “I am not an ordinary human; I am

Paradevatha”. Please forgive us. We also just instigated your anger in order

to let yourself declare to us.

Then proceed- KaNNan said, pleased.

Had you not pepned your mouth or left it as we are crying, our hearts would

have ached. We have shed our ahankaram, makaram completely and have come to

your doorstep. We have bowed down to Your feet, with no other refuge for us-

not from other demi gods- that we have fully realized. Also we have come to

your paLLikkattu. (bed). It is difficult to get a place on top of your cot;

we will stay right beneath at your feet. We will not however stop you from

keeping us (whenever you wish) on the cot next to Your divine ThirumEni.

Okay. What do you want me to do now?- Tell me. – said KaNNan.

Without any hatred for us, without any anger on us, without any indifference

to us, without any dislike on us, please open your lovely, large red lotus

eyes, slowly towards us, and with those cool merciful glances which can

dispel all the sufferings of your devotees then and there, look at us; with

those eyes that remove the taapam of Nappinnai; with those eyes that accept

the surrender grant mOksham to the saraNagathars (one who surrenders).

Simply look at us. That is what we desire for. Then see what that glances do

to us for yourself. See for yourself if those glances keep us in this place

or lift us to the Other place (Srivaikuntam).

Do you think it can lift you all straight to Srivaikuntam?

Yes. What is the hurdle then? That’s why we never ask for moKsham. Your eyes

which are like the Sun and the Moon appearing together can grant the same by


Without my knowledge they (eyes) can give?

Yes. All your angas (parts of the body) without your knowdlege alone grant

to the devotees.

Alavandhar says: tvadhgrimuddhisya kadhApikEnachith.. .. sakruthkruthOnjali:

… na jAthu heeyathE..

Meditating on yout lotus feet if one performs anjali (Saranagathi) to You,

your lotus feet through that particlualr anjali does removal of all paapams

and grants all sukhams. Without your knowledge when one surrenders to Your

lotus feet alone, that grants mOksham to him-. Like that your glances will

grants us the same as well.


Also you do not take us directly to Srivaikuntam. Adhivaahikars only take

us. Among them, the important ones are the Sun and the Moon. They have given

abhayam to us- through your two lotus eyes. Those eyes are like those Sun

and Moon having just got up. Chandhra Sooryow cha nEthrE.. So, we need not

worry. They (those eyes) will take care.


Also we will hold onto the lotus feet of those Sun and the Moon who are like

Your eyes.

Are they not devathantharam? How can you do that?

DO not stun us with such queries. Archiraahdi DevathAs are all belonging to

NithyasUri Ghoshti – elders say. Muktha: arcchirthina pUrvapaksha: agni-

means: there is a NithysaUri who is the abhimAna Devatha of agni. Dhina: the

day light. – his abhimAni dEvatha is NithyasUri. Like that all archirAdhi

devathas are NithyasUris. Hence, they are blemishless. Nothing wrong holding

onto the feet of those NithyasUris. They are your eyes as well. Hence there

is no devAthAntharam here.


Whatever it is, please look at us now. Then only you will see for yourself,

how these poor girls cry and wait for your darshan.

Also we know that your eyes have anger and mercy as well simultaneously. If

you see with those two eyes, all our enemies will get destroyed and grants

us good until final bliss (mOksha paryantham).


We know of your greatness and your eyes greatness. You simply looked at

those dead cattle at the pond (of Kaalingan) and they got up alive. You are

GopAlan. Is there any life for us- if you have your eyes closed? Please open

them and look at us.

Listening to them, He got up.


Please read from vidwAns' commentaries about other greater details- Srimath

Azhagiya singar ends with such great humility. anything good - the credit

goes to the divine commentary of SrI Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's. Errors,

faults are only due to my lack of understanding.

Sri Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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