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ThiruppAvai 26th verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's divine anubhavam- excerpts

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


Today’s pAsuram: 26th – mAlE maNivaNNA!

In the last PAsuram, GopikAs asked kaNNan to be with each one of them- unnai

arutthitthu vandhOm- Then we will have thirutthakka selvamum sEvaiyum and be

blissful for ever serving You. KaNNan immediately became available to each

one of them. Each GopikA had the immense sowlabhyathvam of the Supreme

Lordship- Sriman Narayanan as if He is just for her; His greatness became

multifold in their heart- with his such exhibition of sowlabhyathvam and His

affection and love for His dearest devotees. He mingled with each one of

them so much; that they all shared their anubahavm with him later to find

out He was equally affectionate and loving to all of them in the same

amount. Each one performed the ThiruvArAdhanam, applied sandal paste;

adorned him with flowers and garlanded Him on His broad divine Chest. He

also showed His happiness by being with them and He even sought to wear

their sari for fun. Parathvam – You are what interest you have on us, who

are illiterate GopikAs- Just because we are your Asrithars, Your vyAmOham

for us is phenomenal. mAlE! Such greatest Lord with love and care for His

devotees and Asrithars!

What have we done to get such love from You! Have you ever shown such love

to so lowly like us! We have such greatest anubhavam with You today and we

can not even tell others (especially our parents) the sweet anubhavams that

You granted to us. Nor do you want us to inform to Your parents. Do you?

maNivaNNA!- AndAL remembers her father’s anjana vaNNanai ppaadi paRa..

thUmaNivaNNanaip paadippaRa.. and thus she calls Him maNivaNNA! The blue

hued gem stone like coloured most valuable (to us) One! When someone gets

such a stone, how enjoyable it would be for someone to be with that stone-

like that we all enjoyed You as if You are that sweet, most valuable gem

stone to us. In spite of Your greatest parathvam, You showed Your

sowlabhyathvam as well- and made yourself available to us so easily that we

can even toed down You with our sari end (mundhAnai mudicchu). You are so

easily accessible now and You made Yourself to us so, with Your compassion

and greatest dayA on us. Your blue hued gem stone (on Your chest) also did

not cause any hurdle to our Anandham. Sarvavidha sulabhA! When one of us

wanted You to be a child for her, You wanted to drink the milk; Your

sowlabhyam is beyond comprehension and only dearest devotees who know their

sEshathva swarUpam can understand this.


Do not tell this to others. What next.

Let us go to Yamuna for bathing and join the elders on their Thirumanjanam

and ArAdhanam to archAmUrthi (for us- You are the One – vibhava mUrthi).

Go ahead.

How can we without You? There is no yamuna without You. There is no day

without Sun; night is no great without moon; no cows without You as

vrushabham (Bull). How did we cry and weep when You pretended

unconsciousness in the clasp of Kaalingan (in that pond). We all yelled at

the bank that we will not go back to Gokulam without You.

Dhivasa: kO vinaa suRyam vinA chandrENa kaa niSa:|

vinA vrushabhENa kaa gaava: vinA krishNEna kO vraja: ||


Where is the nadhI without KrishNA? How will she be there great without the

touch of Your divine Body and ThiruvaDi (lotus feet)? If You come, we will

come. If You don’t go, we will also not go.

Then, if they ask us later, we will say KaNNan did not want to come. Hence

we did not come.

Then, they will ask what all You were doing in His house?

We will tell everything. If You are scared, let us go. We will have fun

going together with You. We will do pUjA for You; They will perform Puja for

the archaa murthi.

Okay. What else do you all need?

We need materials for this Puja. Only You can give. We will also not ask

some random things; we will ask only those used by our elders and scholars

of our sampradyam. hEy KaNNA! When we are talking, do not look somewhere

else. Listen to us attentively.

We need conch shells that can shake and send shivers through all worlds.

This blowing of Sankhu (conch shells) needs to announce the ArAdhanam for

You; It should be understood by all worlds that it is not for some

devathantharam; From the conch shells given by You, the sounds will declare

unambiguously that it is for You- the unparalleled One.

Why do You need to make that sound?

KaNNA! Not that You don’t know. For every good deed done, there are umpteen

hurdles; Even devathas (may be they are the first ones) disturb the

Aradhanam for You. But by listening to the conch shells given by You, they

will be scared as they know what had happened to Indran (Govardhanam), Sivan

(bAnAsuran), Brahma… and others. That’s why we need Conch Shells, similar to

the One that You have.

What else?


We also need huge drums, musical instruments, other percussion equipment,

string instruments, etc.. We also need good singers to sing pallANdu to You

for ever; we need big beautiful golden lamps (kutthu viLakku) flags,

placards) etc.. Only with sounds we can create such an awareness across the

globe.. Didn’t Paramsivan create the vyAkaraNa saasthra with his 14 aksharas

(letters) beating his udukkai (with letters like a, ee, uN.. etc…) When You

blow the Conch Shell (Sankha(, we get the saasthric injunctions- Sathyam

vadha (speak Truth); dharman chara etc.. If not, kshipAmi.. (I will punish).

Thus, people follow their duties without fail (anushtAnams).


If I give those Conch shell, like me, Who in this group will blow the


You only need to blow them.

You said that you all are doing Aradhanam to Me.. why should I do?- KaNNan


Okay. We offer flowers at Your feet and we will recite slokas. What will You

hand and pavazha vaay (beautiful red coral mouth) do? Let them do some work

for us- they smilingly instruct Him/

Do I have all that You ask for?

We don’t know. You are the One who agreed to all elders other day, that You

will help these girls. Oh Alinilaiyaay- The little child reclining on banyan

leaf! (as if You have nothing with You and reclined; You had the entire

leelA vivhUthi and everyone inside at the minutest corner of Your small

stomach. ) whom are You trying to fool? Please give us the necessary

material and come with us.


Please read from vidwAns' commentaries about other greater details- Srimath

MukkUr Azhagiyasingar ends with such great humility. anything good - the

credit goes to the divine commentary of SrI Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's.

Errors, faults are only due to my lack of understanding.

Sri Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







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