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Kundalini Yoga/Kaivalyam etc.

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This is a combined preliminary addendum to the points made by various


The writer once again thanks all for taking pains to add to the knowledge

for benefit of all.

The response of the writer is in brackets and underlined and placed below

the relevant comments by worthy bhaktas.




N.S." s.ramachandran


Dear Sri Ramachandran,


Please visit http://www.vethathiri.org for practical information of doing

kundalini yoga. Kundalini Yoga is not a mystery, not a frightening thing,

and neither it is for a exclusive few. I took initiation from them and I do

practice it and I can say from my experience that is a feeling that has one

has to experience rather than hear or read.



( Fair Sir. You have correctly mentioned. The experience

cannot be told

but has to be 'experienced' )



with warm regards,





rwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 01/20/03 05:33 PM



<vaidyanathiyer@ s.ramachandran





i am really happy you have really takenup this issue. the yoga

kundalini upanishad,which gives complete details as to how it should

be done is with me also. if you are interested then i shall explain

the same. as far as vishitadvaita philosiphy is concerned,they don't

even atempt at realising the self,as it is against their

philosiphy.also they say only god is true,human beings are born out

of karma and utmost can ask for being pardened for this birth.ok they

are pardened then what happens. as far as i know,there are two ways

of reaching the god. one way is by surrendering to him and singing

devotional songs. second by realising the self which is god or

parabrahmam,which can be realised by awakening the kundalini


(Is this an conclusion or a doubt. If a conclusion then the writer

regrets that nothing can be more far from the truth. Please read

below for further details)


which is with in every human being. to do this we may encounter difficult

obstacles,which can be over comecome over a period of time,provided

the individual is keen to do that.this is basic of advaita which was

not agreed upon by sri ramanuja but has been proved by many whom came

later.in kaliyuga mere bhakti is enough to attain the god or

mukti,however realising the self reqires a little bit more

effort,which can be done by yogi's through yogakundalini.this is main

dispute between advaita and vishistadvaita.

i too is a beginer in this attempt.glad i have a friend.


cdr bvn






o.co.in>" cc:




your article is interesting one.this yoga is practiced by all yogis

to control the human body,and realise the self.the side effects are

not because of yoga,but because of not doing it properly.this is done

by great rishis who after long years of thapas,want to merge with

brahman.this is a advaidic concept and not accepted by the vaishnava

acharyas.the yogi attains nirvikalpa samadhi.





( However, if you read what the writer has mentioned towards the

concluding para of his first mail on Kundalini,Yoga does not render itself

to any sect, cult or religion. It is purely an ancient, proven,

scientific, universal code for humans to achieve their purpose, whatever

it may be.


Therefore, it is NOT ADVAITIC ETC...The names like Nirvikalpa Samadhi,

advaitic, Brahman etc. are not appearing in the orthodox exposition on

Yoga. These terms have been concieved, evolved subsequently.


Lastly, accepting or rejecting a concept is immaterial as far as Yoga is

concerned. The Great Patanjali has therefore, very very cleverly and

intelligently codified the principles in Sutra form. Any other form would

have not done justice to the principles.


You may ask what is special about a Sutra form? Briefly, a Sutra is a

terse,linking/hooking word(or words) pregnent with meanings and

interpretations and employe the MOST appropriate words and grammer. The

words are such that they are of universal application and cannot be subject

to ad hoc interpretation. Only one meaning can be attributed to them.


The contents of a Sutra are universal truths which reflects the "What is"



You are right, of course about the side effects which indeed come about due

to faulty practices, which are also clearly outlined in the Sutras.)



----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 01/20/03 09:17

AM -----




01/18/03 07:24 cc:

PM Re: Kundalini etc.


/namastE Sri Ramachandran.


What you say about Kundalini is true. Once you activate it, all differences

vanish. That is one goes beyond /Sri vaishnavism, saivism etc.


It is the definition of a /sanyAsi that he or she does not belong to an

institution. That is, a true /sanyAsi is one who has no human conections

that bind him or her. He/she stands as an individual and only god is

his/her Master.


(There is a slight modification to this point from the Yoga

principles. In yoga the concepts of Sanyasi, God, master etc. are

all irrelevant. What seems to matter is that the individual no longer

exists and an altogether different merged state of an entity seems to



In our times, Mahatma Gandhi was a true /sanYAsi. He belonged to no

institution and yet everybody needed him. That is what happens, when one

becomes a /sanyAsi.



(One is not sure about Mahatma Gandhi...although he was useful and

did a lot to country, people etc. bottomline is he too was under the human

illusion of seeking the good of ' HIS' country-men. A real Yogi on the

path to the ultimate flowering of the soul sheds all such mere human

bondages. At some stage even the sense of gender/ me/mine/His etc. melt



The closest one can think of the type of human entities which you

refer may be :


a. Ramana Maharishi

b. Ramakrishna Parahamsa

c. Saint Thyagrajar

d. Shri Madhurakavi Alwar)


/anpuTan, Visu




----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 01/20/03 09:17

AM -----





om>" <mukrupa

Dear bhAgavathAs,


AdiyEn was practising rAja yOgA (BrahmakumAri's), TM (Mahesh Yogi)

and even was taught about kundalini. I was really impressed

by "Thirumanthiram" of Thirumoolar". (I've written about myself quite

elaborately in my introductory mail in Bhakti-list, during June2002)


Once, I was thinking that it was enough to do meditation separately,

which I perfected too, which brought clear mind etc.,


But NOW, after atleast about 15 years of practising those so called

yOgAs, I can say that these are all only "HINDRANCES" to actual

realisation of srIman nArAyaNA. Our SaraNAgathy procedure

objects "Enjoying the pleasure brought out by AtmAnubhavam after



(One is not sure about this aspect Sir...Yoga is clear...atmaanubhavam

is the means and not an end....and there is no pleasure ..it is beyond pain

and pleasure and is an aid to saranagathy)


Although there are plenty of other systems, yogAs etc.,

which of course bring immediate benefits for "lowkIka" matters,


(If you do not mind, let the writer correct the point. Yogas etc. are not

systems for immediate benefits for lowkika matters. Benefits in Lowkika

matters is one of the immediately percetible benfits, but the ultimate aim

and purpose is pursuit of something beyond...Yoga is a journey in that



We HAVE to follow what has been devised for us by our pUrvAchAryAs and

has been practised by our ancestors for millennia.


As visishtAdvaitins, We have been blessed with a COMPLETE system to

be practised lifelong.


(Indeed, what have the Purvacharyas practiced over the millennia ? They


involved themselves in a COMPLETE SYSTEM to be practiced lifelong.

What all does this 'practical things' comprise? Sandhiyavandanam, which

includes Pranayam - prana + ayam i.e. ayem is lengthening, so elongating


prana and thereby live a longer life ? why ? to enable to oneself to

understand this whole gamut of life, universe etc. and ultimately release



We have to seek (or srIman NArAyaNA has to bless us with) a

sadAchAryan to understand the subtle messages conveyed by our



ADiyEn is really proud to have one such AchAryan, who, within a very

short time has changed my PREVIOUS indisciplines and is now preparing

me to undergo "SaraNAgathy" very soon (01.02.03). (I'm mentioning

about srI. Hari of Singapore who does not like to be praised etc., so

I stop with this...)


My humble suggestion to all visishtAdvaitins is 1) to approach an

AchAryan with due respect and learn EVERY SINGLE THING from him. 2)

Do trikAla sandyAvandanA which has everything in it. (japA, yogA,

exercise, prANAyAmA etc).





Sorry to say that "We have butter in Hand but looking for ghee"








----- Forwarded by S Ramachandran/Custody/KamalaMills/HBL on 01/20/03 09:17

AM -----





<nrusimhan@hotma <bhakti-list>,








( Sasthanga Namaskaram's to all of you for even thinking that

this writer can enlighten such a scholarly and devouted set of members.

The writer is totally floored. He is speechless. He will try his best

but requests and humbly begs the members to take everything he says with a

pinch of salt and test with established principles, the great

Acharyas, the sacred texts and the experience of elders.


In the forthcoming notes, he will attempt to provide some






Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


Dear All,

First of all, kindly accept my apologies, in case, by any means I would

offend anyone with this mail, though it is never my intent.


I am so happy to see this e-mail on kundalini as it has given me an

excellent opportunity to share one of the BEST kalakshepams I've heard from

my swamy.


The kalakshepam started with the subject on various popular shastras that

are being condemened by great scholars in support of the Saranagathi

Philosophy. Each shastra is examined one by one.


Yoga Shastram: Essence - You put effort to know him. Condemened, due to

numerous reasons. An example was cited by Shri swamy. A rich man exercises

everyday to maintain his body, i.e he needs the tools to maintain it. A


man works a lot and hence his body is in shape due to the very reason that

he is a worker by nature. The poor man needs no tools.



physical aspect as a primary tool !! The mind, very roughly lets for

the sake of simplicity refer this as

Chitta, is the starting point. If you read the Yoga Sutras, which is

divided into 4 chapters

the first is "Samadhi padha" and deals with definitions, gross

meanings of what all Yoga

covers. The next chapter "Sadhana Pada" deals with the practical

aspect i.e. the How -to



In the first part, Asana (i.e. the physical aspect) ranks third next

to Yama and Niyama which

are social and personal principles. You can readily see therefore,

that the physical aspect

is nothing to do with exercise as commonly understood. In fact, the

subtler purpose of

mediation is to attempt to understand the constant movements inside

the mind.


The economic status (rich or poor) is of no relevance here. Nor is

the body ' maintained'

as a culture. Unregulated, erratic and unconscious movement of the

limbs, senses, and

mind are all sought to be brought into the realm of conscious and

deliberate focus to attain

something other than the gross existence.


Finally, Tarka, Vyakarna are philosophical and theoretical tools to

enable us to

understand the finer aspects of thinking and thoughts, but Yoga is

the only Sastra which

is firmly rooted in practice. Practical, physical, mental effort is



Therefore, Yoga is a way of life. The Sandhyavandanam which is

standard for the poor and

rich man has the seeds of Asana, Pranayama, Saranagati. Everything.

Should we condemn

it just because of economic state of the person?)


Similarly, the tools

like yogabyasam etc are for those who do not work:) i.e who donot service

the ultimate after performing saranagathi. But for a person who has done

saranagathi, he needs no special exercise or efforts. The kuntalini is in

him and he is in the state of bliss all the time.


Sir, one chooses the Yogic path to discover something beyond the

known. From a general

service to one-self, the person when he comes in contact with Yoga

undergoes a cathartic change. What is the nature of this change?

The person becomes aware that he/she and the body/senses is not the be

all and end all. That all the pains, sufferings etc. including the maya

needs to be put to order, rest and resolved; that he/she can use only this

body/mind/breath to do this;


The first stricture under Yama is Ahimsa,next Satya,next Asteya.

These are nothing but

social rules which the individual has to adhere in the path of Yoga.

You will immediately

see that all these are connected with society i.e.man's relation to

society and his immediate

surroundings.This includes compassion, pity, empathy, "Prati paksha

Bhavana" (seeing the

other point). These are base principles are to be complied before

he/she graduates to Asana and Pranayama.


It is very obvious therefore, that the person is deeply involved in

the service of his fellow

beings which includes animals, plants, insects also. He is not

concerned with God at this

point. Please read the Patanjali Yoga Sutras.


So please do not misunderstand and condemn Yoga which is the generic

term, while the

offshoots are Bhakti Yoga, Laya Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jyana

Yoga. But all are

Yoga, if you will note. Incidentally, whichever system you take,

whichever path or method you

employ it has to go through the core disciplines outlined in the

Sutras. All the

SriVaishnawa acharyas, all Gurus, all Saiva acharyas, advita, Dwita,

Sri Ramanuja, All the greats who are our preceptors, all have trod

on - knowingly or unknowingly as an divine instinct,the path of

Yoga and arrived at their respective Pedestals


So please do not underestimate Yoga. The core of Bhagwat Gita and

Krishna's discourse

is Yoga. The Greatest and highest Yogi is Krishna Himself.Can you

deny or contradict that ?


Even for Sarnagathi one has to go through the disciplines of Yoga-

Sutra II-1 which says

"Tapah, Swadyaya Iswarapranidani Kriya Yogah:"


Each of the Alwars are nothing but a symbol of Yogic

achievement. The only nomenclature we humans can use to describe

their path is "bhakti Yoga". Being immersed in the goodness of the Lord

is itself a form of Samadhi,an one-pointed focus which is the Dharana,

Dhyana and Samadhi (the last three components of Ashtanga Yoga) - Sutra



What happens in saranagathi? You give up all and surrender. You give

up all which means

you also give up Your self. You are no longer there to experience

the Saranagathi. There is

only the purity of Silent and reverential surrender. How does one

achieve this? Only

by constant practice - which is what the Yoga Sutras endorse

"Abhyasa Vairagya

Tannirodha". - Sutra I-12


Finally,the proof of the pudding is in the eating. You are free to

quote and give whatever

instances which come to your mind and you will see it will fit into

one or the other

components of Yoga.


As regards your point on such a person being in eternal bliss and not

requiring any

bodily exercise it is absolutely true, but look at the irony of the

whole thing. When

a person attains full saranagathi and is in that state, he has

already stilled his mind

and body,limbs, senses - Sutra II-40 says "Sauchya...Parai..." i..e

inner and extenal

cleanliness being established, there comes about a distinct

distaste/indifference to

for ones own body and senses." Think about this deeply.


Such a person does not need anything obviously to support. So the

preliminary has to be gone through before the finals are taken. And the

preliminary discipline is Yoga.



The rich man has a power. If someone doesn't give what is due to him, he

will send 10 people to scare


( which means he is not following the path of Yoga because

he is indulging in Himsa )


and threaten and get the same. The poor man has

a power that is superior to this rich man's power. When anything unjust is

done to a poor man, if he heartily curses, it will bring 10 rich men to the

roads in no time. If in the lowkika life we see this happening, then in the

spiritual life, one can imagine what is the state of the one who has

performed saranagathi


( Sir, Saranagathi HAPPENS please,it just takes place. One


perform. You can only make yourself fit for the LORD's glance

and behold

Saranagathi has taken place. The mind has to be emptied for

the pure

to occur.


to the ultimate("akinchanaha; ananyagadhihi;

asaranyaha, tvath paadaravindhayugalam saranamaham prapadhye") when


to the one who performs the yoga etc to bring out the kuntalini by his/her

own efforts.


(Again, going purely by the canonical text of Yoga i.e

the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Kundalini effort is not relevant.

Kundalini is

not even mentioned. So the question of practice of Kundalini


itself does not arise. However, this does not mean that the


is inconsequential. It has its own relevance and place.)


The Yoga shastra is being condemed due to this path.

(Yoga is not a path. Yoga is Yoga. QED.The Yoga principles

are an eternally assertive truths which require no refutation

nor acceptance. For instance it says " The mind has thought

patterns" Can you justify, or refute or accept or reject

or condemn it? Beat your head against this wall how muchsoever

and no result will happen. The truth will continue to be

valid for 1000 years and beyond.)


I.E when

one puts his/her own efforts to seek the almighty, he/she actually ends up

enjoying the effort that was put in by him/her and hence on all

probabilities falls for the self i.e the atman.


(Very true, but the irony of this point is ask yourself the

basic question?

Why are you born ? why do you do something at all? Try to not

do anything

and be still? No activity or sleep will not yield anything.

Even a base animal

like the miniscule plankton in the sea has to put effort for

mere survival.


The human's effort is to attempt to see and achieve if posisble

that which is beyond

his gross self to that end he/she has to make efforts, either

physical or mental or psychological or materially, or

emotionally or spiritually. Any path, but

nonetheless effort of body mind and breath to know the LORDs blessings.


You can't take Lord's designs for granted.


Again the vision of the Great Patanjali has to be appreciated.

Over 2000 years

ago he contemplated that perhaps on Jan 17, 2003, such-and-such

a person

may have some apprehensions on this aspect of enjoyment of

benefits of

Yogic efforts. Therefore, one needs to keep an answer ready.

The Sutras

say in Chapter three appropriately titled "Vibhuti Pada" powers

which the

efforts will yield. These powers might be tempting and are


says "Te samadahatusarga....siddha:" i.e. these powers in the

worldly states

are obstacles.


Patanjali has already foreseen your doubt and responded in HIS


that these are obstacles. One should not be deluded by these


which are but a symbol that the person is on the right track.)



This means, yoga shastra

lets you enjoy your effort and before the time you seek the almighty, it

puts you in a trap


(Pardon the writer saying so, but this is utter nonsense and one can

proclaim it gustily aloud. Yoga is a gift to Mankind by Sriman Narayanan

conveyed through his trusted lieutenant Adi Seshan who came down to earth

on the express command of Maha Vishnu and who codified the canons of Yoga.

Something which is based on the Vedas and has come down divinely from the

blessings of the Divya Dampadhis can it ever ever be a TRAP? Please take

back such baseless conclusions !!!!. Please, Sir, Patanjali is depicted

with the Shanka and Chakra and is a

representative of that Greatest of the Great Maha Vishnu. )



where you think YOU had the capability to find HIM and it

was all YOUR efforts.


(One is not sure where your respected self has got these

ideas/concepts. Yoga

does not talk of gender. It does not talk of God. It does not

talk of Brahman.

It does not talk of finding HIM. It does not talk of YOUR



It simply declares : The mind is the seat and sole repository

of a human and

with the help of the mind, using the body and breath as support

one can

perhaps come closer to investigating the ultimate reality,

which is again

left undefined. It declares the obstacles,)


This state is often described as "Kaivalyam" (the "Edu

Nilam" in tamizh).


It has been mentioned that going to hell is better than

being trapped in Kaivalyam,


(Would sincerely appreciate if you could

substantiate as to where this is mentoned?)


the reason being, one will get back to this

world from hell and will be given a chance to think of the almighty while

those who are trapped in kaivalyam (it is one of the mokshams as mentioned

by our Purvacharyars) are never freed until the almighty really wants to

free them.


(Which is perfectly alright since it is the Lord's wish.

What is wrong ?)



And hence, Kaivalyam is probably the worst place one should not

go to.


( Respected Sir something is definitely missing in your analysis

The writer is aghast. If you are a votary of Saranagathi, then

no place is worst as long as you are under

the shadow of the Great Cosmic Emperor MAHA VISHNU


Will you ever even conceptually contemplate your children in a


situation ? So even Kaivalyam is a heaven if one is under

true saranagathi.)



Swamy concludes that, due to the various reasons cited above, those paths

need not be adapted for those who have fallen under the protection of Shri

Ramanujar's Saranagathi tattvam. He continues saying that there is nothing

called "Your Effort" to seek him. You belong to him. Our hands do not try


know us. They do their duty


(How do you define duty? Duty is effort in the right direction. And

what is the right

direction ? Right direction is in the direction of the path of Yoga

which is physical, mental

psycholigical, psysiological, emotional activity (effort in other

words) towards a goal

beyond the mundane affairs on the material plane.)



and have maha-vishwasam with the atman, that it

will take care of them. Similarly we must do our service to him and must

have the maha-vishwasam on him that he will take care of us and the need


other shastras will eventually fade away.



(Sir you are tempting the writer to elaborate a small anacdote about

Lord Shani's powers with Lord Shiva. Once during a debate


everyone declared that Lord Shani will not spare anyone for

his legendary 7-1/2 yrs 'grasp'. Lord Shiva proudly threw

a challenge that He will try to outwit Lord Shani in his endeavours.

Lord Shani

coolly declared "It is fated thus...no one can be spared...when the

time comes I will

do my duty and 'grasp' anyone so destined. Nothing can outwit me...


The challenge was accepted. Lord Shiva said that " Ok Mr.Shani Sir,

tell me the date and time when I am supposed to be under your

grip, and I will try to avoid it. Yo You have to eat

humble pie and say sorry to all if you are defeated?"


'Fair' was a terse remark by Lord Shani who promptly gave a specific

date and time when

Shiva's 7-1/2 yr turn was due to commence.


The day dawned. A few minutes before the relevant time, Lord Shiva

was frantic. He

quietly changed himself into a dark bacteria which thrives in the

sewerage and go himself

into one of the deepest, darkest stream of undergroud sewerage/dirt

and filth.


After an hour past the alloted time, Shiva assumed his real form and

came out to his

proper abode in the heavens and proudly declared that He had

outwitted Lord Shani.


Everyone was eagerly awaiting Lord Shani's apology. Lord Shani being

what he is

casually declared "Look Sir Shiva, why don't you accept defeat?"


Shiva and all were surprised. "Look, how can you say as such. You

could not reach me"


Lord Shani enquired innocently "Oh ! sorry, that is true, but now

that the contest is

over can you tell me where were you during that time?"


Proudly Lord Shiva told him and the others about his bacteria form in

the gutters.


Lord Shani merely said " Sir, but then you were residing in my

drawing room". The darkest

corners, vilest places, the most ugly and dirty place is where I

reside. So at that time

you had already come into my own parlour Sir Shiva. I did not invite

you. You came

of your own volition.


So too Sir, you have meantioned "Mahaviswasam, duty, saranagathi

etc." as

away and superior from Yoga, which are nothing but dis-jointed words

which in a Sutra single

word form is called "Yoga". )


All credits go only to my swamy "Shri Chaturvedi Swamy" and anything that


incorrect is purely my mis-interpretation and my apologies for the same.


Om Tat Sat


Yatheendra Pravanam Vandhe RAMYA Jaamaataram Munim


Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan,

Lakshmi Narasimhan

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