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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 3.5- Govardhana kunRu kudaiyaay yedutthAy guNam pORRi..

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


[Let us continue with our PeriyAzhwAr’s nectarine pAsurams after the

Anandhyayana period is completed on Jan 24th- Thai Hastham- KooratthAzhwAn

Thirunaksharam. Please do continue to bless and encourage adiyEn’s daring

efforts to translate with all my limitations.]Govardhana mountain lifting

incident is one of the grandest deeds of KaNNan in Gokulam. Thinking about

it- will make us more and more be awestruck with the effortless lifting of

huge Govardhana mountain for seven days at a stretch by this kuttan- and

with his little finger’s tip. Holding the massive mountain upside down-

thereby protecting even the animals, plants on the mountain during the

torrential downpour.


When cowherd folks were doing dEvathAnthara bhajanam (worship) to

DevEndharan, this happened. This is not like other acts where an asurA was

killed. Here is an act which tamed Devendran’s pride and arrogance. This

destroyed Devendra’s asura swabAvam. When angered Indran sent heaviest

downpour for seven days on cowherd folks (when those cowherd group stopped

Devendra puja and did it on KaNNan as per His instructions), KaNNan

protected the cattle, cowherd people from the rains. kunRu kudiyaay

yedutthAy guNam pORRi. The entire group, the cattle were staying underneath

comfortably without any doubt or fear that the mountain will fall from the

little finger. PeriyAzhwAr now enjoys this Govardhana giri incident in this





pottaththuRRi maarippakaipuNarththa



valaivaayppaRRikkoNdu kuRamakaLir




1. KaNNan- who ate hurriedly and to his heart content the cooked rice

mountains, the streams of curds and ghee (offered in the Puja); who brought

the torrential rains (through angry Indran); who is like a huge ocean (of

mercy); and his mountain (that he lifted and held up) has housed the tribal

women feeding milk to baby deer with the cotton tip (as a feeding nipple).

Such greatest victorious mountain is this Govardhanam.


Like the huge rocks, mountains, mud are all hidden underneath the ocean,

KaNNan (who is like an ocean) consumed the rice, ghee, curd etc.. and

appeared as if he had eaten nothing. When he could eat the whole universe

with everything in its place, this is nothing.


The tribal gypsy women – got the milk from the cowherd folks and fed to

their pet baby deer. They could have used leaf to feed like the calves are

fed. But the deer is too young to drink; hence they made sort of nipple

using the cotton and the tip was soaked into the milk. This Govardhanam is

victorious because it protected the cattle and cowherd folks and conquered

Devendran. Hence koRRam- Jayam.


vazhuvonRumilaachcheykai vaanavar_kOn









2. Devendran- one who did no acts of blemishes- and became Devendran;

(thought he) has become stronger and angered on KaNNan and sent the huge

rain laden clouds in a row (one after another) and rained heavily for seven

days continuously; - KaNNan (EmperumAn- MadhusUdhan) lifted and held the

mountain upside down (maRittha malai). This victorious mountain has housed a

strong female elephant (which has just given birth to little one and which

can not bear to pain of losing the same) has fought and conquered the lion

that tried to attack from behind; thus protecting the little infant elephant

between its four legs.


Thus this mountain grooms and feeds such animals which can even fight and

conquer the lions.











3. The large eyed beautiful Gopasthrees (Gopika ladies) who walk along with

KaNNan; the cowherd folks who rear the cattle; the entire cattle – all of

them came rushing to KaNNan falling at His feet, saying, “please save us

from the torrential downpour” and performed Saranagathi. He, KaNNan- my

Swamy – who has the charka in His hands- lifted the huge Govardhana Mountain

effortlessly and protected them all. This victorious mountain has housed the

strong tribal people refer to their girls working in the fields as “deer

group” joyously, proudly and teasingly and bend their bows to proceed with

their hunting.


emmai saraNenRu kOl… Jeer considers: emmai saraNEnRu koL… For us, you alone

are our Saviour. KaNNan did not have chakrA at that trime; but had the

shining rings in his fingers and that appeared like ChakrA. This is vouched

Swamy Desikan: rathnOrmikA rasmisalAkam”. Also by lifting Govardhana

mountain, the mountain has attained greatness like the ChakrA.


Swamy Desikan mentions the same in YadhavAbhyudhayam:

prabUdhArAprathipannasaithyam praasaaramaddhim praburadhbudhAnAm |

sudharsanAdhabhyadhikAmanEshIth pavithnathAm pANisarOjayOgAth ||


When the tribal looked at their women working in the field, they get misled

by the deer eyes and attempted at bending the bow to send arrows at them

(for hunting thinking they are deers)- says Jeer. Whereas

Thiruvaymozhipillai refers to as: The women looking at their men preparing

to bend their bows and arrows, get scared and come rushing towards them and

are consoled by the men saying, “look at these deer’s eyes; they are proud

that they have eyes like you” and admire their eyes.







kadhuvaayppadan^eermugandhERi engum




4. Like the mahout boldly and daringly pushing his hand inside the strong

mouth of the hug elephant to feed the same, KaNNan effortlessly and boldly

inserted His little hand underneath the huge mountain and lifted the

mountain upside down. He is the Swami of Devas including Indran. This

victorious mountain houses the merciful flock of clouds which go to the

mouth of ocean, engulf and attempt to suck the waters of the ocean to its

full content; go up the mountains and rain everywhere impartially.


Jeer compares the elephant in the first two lines to the clouds which appear

like elephant that sucks the waters from the ocean to rain on the lands.

Such a great anubhavam! This rain is not the angry Indran’s rains. This is

rain that comes out of natural process.


vaanaththilulleer! valiyeer_uLLeerEl

aRaiyO! vandhuvaanguminenbavanpOl








5. Oh Devas who are there are swargam! If you are strong, come and take away

the mountain from my little hand- KaNNan appears to be telling the Devas

when he lifted the mountain upside down. He is the One who appeared as

Varaaha (Huge Boar) avatar – he is my Swami and SarvEswaran. This victorious

mountain houses a strong happy elephant which has lost (broken) his tusker

in its excitement somewhere, and which raises the trunk towards the crescent

moon in the sky thinking that that is the part of its tusker.


You all sent the rains. I have lifted the mountain to protect the cattle and

cowherd folks. Come together and attempt to take this mountain and let us

suffer from the rains. – KaNNan appears to be challenging the Devas. Vedas

also have declared KaNNan taking the huge boar avatar as “uddhrudhAsi

varAhENa krushNEna sathabAhunA bhUmirdhEnurdharaNI lOkadhAriNI… The One who

took the whole BhUmi PiraaTTi effortlessly and took her out of troubled

waters- how can this be difficult to life the small (huge) Govardhana

mountain! (which is like the breast of bhUmi PiraaTTi.)


seppaadudaiyathirumaalavan than









6. The most auspicious One- Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan who was earlier

praised by celestial devas; EmperumAn KaNNan lifted the Govardhana mountain

as an umbrella with his small lotus like fingers as the spokes of an

umbrella; with the strong hand and shoulder as the shaft of the umbrella and

the mountain as the cloth. This victorious mountain expands everywhere which

houses beautiful waterfalls bringing with it the valuable gemstones and

pearls making the whole thing appeared as the metallic kavacham for the



Though Devendran sent those rains for destroying the cattle and cowherd

folks, KaNNan- the most merciful Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan- will He kill

them? He will not. He would forgive them, when repented and sought

forgiveness. yEsha: Narayana SrImAn ksheerArNava nikEdhana:. He appeared

based on the pleas and prayers of these devas only.


The waterfalls referred to are the rain waters that have fallen on the

mountains; and not the natural waterfalls of the mountain as the mountain is

not upside down. Swamy Desikan also utters the same in Yadhavabyudhayam.

“abugranakthAnguLi panjaram thath rathnErmikA rasmilAkamantha:

navOdhakakshowmavrutham vyabAseecchathraprakANdam haribhAhudhaNdE..











7. Like the king cobra (SarbarAjan) reclining holding on the earth, KaNNan

lifted the huge mountain and placed the same on his five fingers of his

hand. This victorious mountain houses the lady monkeys singing lullaby to

their little ones to sleep, in praise of their ancestors (and friends of

Hanuman) which went across the ocean and destroyed the lanKA city



The way KaNNan lifted with his fingers spread and holding the mountain

effortlessly appeared like the AdhisEshan with all his heads holding the

earth. Swamy desikan also blesses us with the same content in his sloka:

phANAbirAmaprasruthAnguLIka: priyAngarAgavyathishangapANdu:

bhujasthadhIyO girINA babAsE bhUmaNdalEnEva bhujangarAja:


the lady monkeys praises the HanumAn and the fellow ancestor monkeys thereby

instilling interest Bhagavath, BhAgawatha kaimkaryam in its young ones as












8. When the angry huge ferocious clouds, like the strong warriors sending

fierce arrows, send the torrential down pour on the cowherd folks, KaNNan

lifted the mountain as if he places the kEdayam (discuss) to the defence for

the forthcoming arrows. This victorious mountain has housed the saintly

sages doing penance and ferocious tigers sitting beside completely soft and

saint-like (due to the kataaksham and touch of those sages), with their

necks scratched by the sages.


When even the natural ferocious angry tigers become so saint like, how can

the Devendran, the angry clouds be continuously raining! Naturally not. They

will also be transformed and controlled soonest. Swamy Desikan’s



irammadhArChirvyathishangadhIptha: pANow harEradhripathisChakASE!

prathyasathramindhrENa mumukshithAnAm prayukthamukkHAtha ivASaneenAm ||











9. KaNNan- one has the unparalleled divine face which sucked the strong

poothanai’s breasts- dhAmodharan- lifted the huge mountain as if it is the

strong pillar for everyone to come under. This victorious mountain whose

name is Govardhanam houses the monkeys which jump from branches to branches

(with the little ones carried on their tops) to show and teach their young

ones how to jump.


There are many mountains in the world. This mountain is the most blessed one

for the same to be lifted and placed on the lotus hand. He is not only

KaNNan who sucked the breast of Poothanai; also the mischievous one who got

himself caught and tied down to the mortar by Yasodha.







munneRRin^araiththanapOla engum




10. The lines that appear on his palms, the red lotus fingers and palms,

hand never show their sign of pain, weakness or tiredness when lifting the

huge mountain for seven days without interruption or rest. The blue hued

KaNNan lifted the victorious mountain which houses the large clouds that

appear like the white hair on top of the head.


Seven days- it was raining cats and dogs. The fingers, nails, hands, lotus

like hands never showed any sign of weakness or tiredness. It is as fresh as

ever. The lines also appear as clear as the first day. How is the ThirumEni

(divine body)? It is just the same – fresh, youthful blue hued beautiful

form as fresh and cheerful as ever. Everyone thought that it should be some

sort of magic. Bu only when they saw the other places full of waters, and

finally devendran coming down to perform saranagathi at his feet and

Govindha pattaabhishekam and praised him, they could believe that it was all



Thus it is not unusual for EmperumAn the Sarva sakthan to take care of few

individuals for seven days so effortlessly. It is part of His nature and

duty. Itr is His mercy. He always takes care of all worlds and at all times.

He carries them at all times. He is NaaaraayaNan. The rain almost has

stopped and hence the clouds appear white and look like white hair on the












11. The One who reclines on AdhisEshan- the one who danced on the poisonous

snake KaaLingan and sent the same away from the pond; one who rides on its

enemy GarudA – KaNNan lifted the Govardhana mountain as umbrella. About this

victorious mountain as an umbrella Sri Bhattanathan of SrivilliputthUr

(where Srivaishnava paramaikAnthins reside) composed these ten songs. Those

who have the pure mind to read (and recite) these ten pAsurams will be

blessed to attain SrivaikuNtam.


EmperumAn does not have any partiality on one and enimity on the other. He

reclines on Adhiseshan; tamed the KaaLingan. Rides on its enemy. So he

considers everyone same. [gajam vA vIkshya simham vA vAygram, vA(S)pi

varAnanA. nAhArayathi santhrAsam bhAhU rAmasya samsrithA- Those who are

devoted and surrender to EmperumAn never get any trouble from anyone else.

Where are the cowherd folks? Where are the devas? There can be no

compatibility. Still he saved the illiterate, poor cowherd folks from the

strong devas. Those who read them can have their own anubhavams and enjoy

various glories and Acharya sishya, ParamAthma jeevathma, relations and also

the greatness of Sarva rakshakan Sriman Narayanan. He is sujana

saarvabhouman who lifted effortlessly the huge mountain and protected the

cattle and cowherd folks. Those who are paramaikAnthins who understand his

Parathvam and the supremacy of Sriman Narayanan; who recite these pAsurams

will sure attain Srivaikuntam.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE saraNam


Namo Narayana




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