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SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 85 - sarva-vij-jayI.

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SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 85 - sarva-vaij-jayI.


805. sarva-vij-jayI – a) The Conqueror of those who had learnt all


b) He Who is Omniscient and Victorious.

c) He Who had won over the hearts of the all-knowing



Om sarva-vij-jayine namah.


The nAma consists of sarva + vid + jayI. (sarva means "all" – sarati

iti sarvah; vid – j~nAne – to know, or vid – vicAraNe – to discuss;

ji – jaye - to conquer).


a) SrI BhaTTar's interpretation is that He won over the learned

people (among the asura-s who were believers in the efficacy of

following vedic procedures etc. for acquiring special powers, which

then were misused to harm the followers of dharma) by His sweet words

and convincing arguments.


b) SrI Sa'nkara treats the nAma as "One Whos sarva-vit", and "One Who

is "jayI". His explanation for the nAma is that bhagavAn is

Omniscient (sarva-vit) and Victorious (jayI) – sarva-vishayam j~nAnam

asya iti sarva-vit; AbhyantarAn bAhyAn hiraNyAkshAdInSca dur-jayAn

jetum Seelam asya iti jayI (He Who is complete in knowledge, and He

Who overcomes the internal foes such as desire, and also the mighty

external foes such as the demon hiraNyAksha). SrI rAdhAkRshNa SAstri

gives reference to the Sruti for the nAma sarva-vit: yah savar~jnah,

sarva-vit (muNDa. 1.1.9, 2.2.7). He also provides the link between

the two part of the nAma – because He is sarva-vit, He is able to

conquer the inner enemies such as kAma and krodha.


SrI vAsishTha comments that it is by knowing the inner secrets of

one's enemy that one can be assured of victory over the enemy. Since

bhagavAn is the Knower of everything – sarva-vid, He is the Conqueror

under all circumstances – jayI.


A different anubhavam is given by SrI cinmayAnanda: Even those who

boast of their wisdom –" Prattlers of wisdom, however eloquent in

their discussions, must become utterly silent in their moments of

samAdhi, in the presence of the Self, SrI nArAyaNa" – So He is sarva-



SrI kRshNa datta bhAradvAj interprets the term sarva-vit as a

reference to the all-knowing brahmA and the like, and since He is

above them all because of His Supreme and perfect knowledge, He is

sarva-vi-jayI – sarvam vidanti it sarva-vido brahmAdayah; tAnapi

niratiSaya sarva~jnatayA jayati iti sarva-vij-jayI.


c) SrI baladeva vidyA bhUshaN gives the same meaning for the term

sarva-vid – all-knowing, as the other interpreters have given, but

interprets the word jayI not in the sense of victory over an

adversary, but as One Who is held in a position of respect and esteem

by very learned people – His interpretation is that the Lord had a

distinct position of eminence and glory with the all-learned people

such as vasishTha, vAmadeva, etc. – sarva-vitsu vasishTha

vAmadevAdishu jayo mahotkarsho'sya nityam asti iti sarva-vij-jayI.


-dAsan kRshNamAcAryan

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