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how could such a raama do that - post 2

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Post 2

Dear sree vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,

In post 1 we saw how vaalmeeki maharishi described the guNam of raamaa. We had a

list of 32 guNams. In this post also we will continue the study of raama gunam

description by sri vaalmeeki maharishi.

sargam 1 of ayOdhyaa kaaNdam- describing raamaa's guNa nalangaL - or SRSN.


kula uchitha mathi: kshaathram svaDharmam bahumanyathE |

manyathE parayaa preethyaa mahath svargaphalam thatha: || 2-1-16


kula uchitha mathi: = attitude suitable for his social rank,

bahu manyathE = giving due respect to,

kshaathram Dharmam = kshathriya righteousness,

manyathE = thought

thatha: = by following that rightousness,

parayaa preethyaa = by great love

mahath = great,

swarga phalam = fruit of heaven.


Meaning: That Rama, having an attitude suitable for his social rank, giving due

respect to his kshatriya righteousness, believed that by following the

righteousness he would attain great love towards all and through it the fruits

of heaven.


naasrEyasi rathO yascha na virudhDha kathaaruchi: |

uththara uththara yuktheenaam cha vakthaa vaachaspathir yathaa || 2-1-17


na ratha: = not interested (in),

asrEyasi = actions not beneficial,

na virudhDha kathaa ruchi: = no taste in tales opposing righteousness,

uththara uththara yuktheenaam = in showing series of strategies,

vaachaspathir yathaa = like brihaspathi,

vakthaa = a fluent speaker.


Meaning: Rama was not interested in actions, which are not beneficial. He had no

taste in tales opposing righteousness. Like vaachaspathi, his eloquent speech

contained a series of strategies for action.


arOgastharuNo vaagmee vapushmaan dhEsa kaalavith |

lOkE purusha saarajna saadhu: ekO vinirmitha: || 2-1-18


arOgaha: = person without disease,

tharuNa: = young man,

vaagmee = speaker,

vapushmaan = person with a good body,

dhEsa kaala vith = knew time and place,

purusha saarajna: = grasper of essence of men,

Eka: = the one,

saadhu: = gentleman,

lOkE = on earth

vinirmitha: = created,


Meaning: Rama was a young man without any disease. He was a good speaker. He had

a good body. He knew both time and place. He could grasp the essence of men. He

was one gentleman born on earth.


sa thu srEshtair guNair yuktha: prajaanaam paarthiva aathmaja: |

bahischara iva praaNo baBhoova guNatha: priya: || 2-1-19


sa: = that,

prajaanaam = to people,

priya: = loving,

paarthiva aathmaja: = prince,

srEshtai: = with good,

guNai: = virtues,

yuktha: = contained,

baBhoova = existed,

praaNa: iva = like spirit,

bahischara: = moving outside,

guNatha: = by virtues.


Meaning: People loved the virtuous prince Rama, and treated him as their spirit

moving outside.


samyagvidhyaa vrathasnaathho yathaavath saanga vEdhavith |

ishu asthrE cha pithu: srEshtO baBhoova Bharatha agraja: || 2-1-20


vidhyaa vrathasnaathha: = after bathing in the discipline of education,

samyak = properly,

saanga vEdhavith = After knowing saangaveda,

yathaavath = as prescribed,

Bharatha agraja: = elder brother of baratha (Rama),

baBhoova = was,

srEshta: = better than,

pithu: = father,

ishu asthrE = in archery.


Meaning: - After completing his education properly, Rama after knowing the

science of archery as prescribed was better than his father in the use of bow

and arrows.


kalyaaNa aBhijana: saadhu: adheena: sathya vaagruju: |

vrudhDhair aBhivineethascha dhvijair Dharma arthha dharsiBhi: || 2-1-21


kalyaana aBhijana: = having born in a good clan,

saadhu: = gentleman,

adheena: = not a feeble man,

sathya vaak = speaker of truth,

ruju: = straightforward man,

aBhivineetha: = properly trained by,

vrudhDhai: = elderly,

dhvijai: = wisemen,

Dharma arthha dharsiBhi: = who realised righteousness.


Meaning: Rama, having born in a good clan, was gentle minded. He was not feeble.

He spoke truth. He was straightforward. He was properly trained by elderly wise

men, who knew righteousness.


Now to list out the guNam

1. kula uchitha mathi: = one who has attitude suitable for his social rank,

2. kshaathram Dharmam bahu manyavaan = one who gives due respect to kshathriya


3. kshaathram Dharmam mahath parayaa preethyaa manyathE = by following that


he developes great love to all.

4. kshaathram Dharmam mahath parayaa swarga phalam laBhathe ithi manyathE = by

following the kshathriya Dharmam he thought will give fruit of heaven.

5. na asrEyasi na ratha: = not interested in actions not beneficial,

6. na virudhDha kathaa ruchi: = has no taste in tales opposing righteousness,

7. uththara uththara yuktheenaam vaachaspathir yathaa = in showing series of

strategies he is like brihaspathi,

8. vakthaa = a fluent speaker.

9. arOgaha: = person without disease,

10. tharuNa: = young man,

11. vaagmee = speaker,

12. vapushmaan = person with a good body,

13. dhEsa kaala vith = knew time and place,

14. Eka:purusha = the one man [only man - because of saakshaath vishNu as stated


15. saarajna: = grasper of essence of men,

16. saadhu: = gentleman,

17. prajaanaam priya: = loving people,

18. paarthiva aathmaja: = prince,

19. srEshtai: guNai: yuktha: = he has good virtues

20. guNatha prajaanaam praaNa: iva bahischara: = contained by virtues, to people

he is like spirit moving outside

21. samyak vidhyaa vrathasnaathha: = properly bathed in the discipline of


22. saanga vEdhavith = knows the various parts of vEdha,

23. ishu asthrE pithur srEshta: = in archery better than father,

24. kalyaana aBhijana: = born in a good clan,

25. adheena: = not a feeble man,

26. sathya vaak = speaker of truth,

27. ruju: = straightforward man,

28. vrudhDhair dhvijair aBhivineetha: = properly trained by elderly and wisemen,

29. Dharma arthha dharsiBhi: = who realised righteousness.


Dear bhakthaas, see the list grows. We will continue in next post.




Vasudevan m.g.

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