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how could such a raamaa do that - post 4

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Post 4

Dear sree vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,

In post 1, to 3, we saw how sree vaalmeeki maharishi described the guNangaL -

various charecteristics of sree raamaa. We had a list of 117 guNams from 29

slokams. In this post also we will continue the study of raama gunam description

by his father - king dhasaratha, when he thinks about the coronation of raamaa

as the prince and how people will accept him etc.


sargam 1 of ayOdhyaa kaaNdam- describing raamaa's guNa nalangaL - or SRSN


>From now on dhasaratha thinks as follows: [slokams 35, 36, and 37 describes how

king dhasaratha thinks "before I die, will raamaa become king" etc and hence not

taken up here for elaboration].


vrudhDhikaamO hi lOkasya sarva Bhootha anukampaka: |

maththa: priyatharO lOkE parjanya: iva vrushtimaan || 2-1-38


lOkE = in the country,

maththa: = better than me,

priyathara hi = (he is) better liked,

vrushtimaan = raining,

parjanya: iva = like the rain bearing clouds,

vrudhDhi kaama: = desires development of,

lOkasya = world,

sarvaBhootha + anukampana: = has equal compassion towards all living creatures.


Meaning: king dhasaratha thought - Is not Rama better, as a raining cloud to

the earth, better liked by people than me, as he desires the development of the

world and has equal compassion towards all living beings.


yama sakra samO veeryE bruhaspathi samO mathou |

maheeDhara samO dhruthyaam maththas cha guNavath thara: || 2-1-39


veeryE = in valour,

yama sakra sama: = equal to yama and indhra,

mathou = in wisdom,

bruhaspathi sama: = equal to bruhaspati,

dhruthyaam = in courage,

maheeDhara sama: = equal to earth,

guNavath thara: = has better virtues,

maththa: cha = than me.


Meaning: king dhasaratha thought - Rama is equal to yama and dhEvEndhra in

valour, to bruhaspathi in wisdom, and to a mountain in courage. He is more

virtuous than me."


Slokam 40 not considered since here dhasaratha thinks about his attaining

svargam - heaven.


ithi Evam vividhais thaisthair anya paarthiva dhurlaBhai: |

sishtair aparimEyais cha lOkE lOkOththarair guNai: || 2-1-41


ithi yEvam = in this way these virtues,

vividhai: = various,

guNai = virtues,

lOkE = in the world,

anya paarthiva durlaBhai: = Not at all seen in other kings,

thaisthai: = those which are

sishtai: = the remaining

guNai: = virtues,

aparimEyai: = which can not be counted,

lOkOttarai: = are best in the world,


meaning: Rama had many other virtues beyond hitherto stated virtues not to be

seen in other kings. His virtues cannot be counted and they are the best in the



Slokam 42, 43 not considered since it states about dhasaratha getting aged, he

and his ministers deciding to make raamaa as prince.


poorNa chandra aananasya atha sOkaapanudham aathmana: |

lOkE raamasya bubudhe sampriyathvam mahaathmana: || 2-1-44


bubudhe = (He) recognised,

raamasya = Rama,

poorNa chandhra aanana: = one who has a face like a full moon,

mahaathmana: = great wise man,

lOkE sampriyathvam = liked by the people,

atha: = and,

aathmana: sOkaapanudam = will remove his worry.


Meaning: He recognised that if Rama was coronated as king, he will not have

worries as Rama had beautiful face as a full moon; was a great wise man; and was

liked by the people.


Slokams 45 to 51 are not considered since these deal with king calling all

ministers and people and how they were seated etc. ithi sreemadh raamaayaNE

ayOdhyaa kaanDE prathhama sarga: ||

This completes the first chapter of Ayodhya Kanda in Srimad Ramayana.

Chapter [sarga] 2 Introduction

Theme of sarga 2 : Dasaratha mentions his desire about coronating Rama before

the assembly of people. All people in the assembly unanimously and delightfully

accept it while describing all of Rama's virtues.


Slokams 1 to 10 not considered here, since these deals with king dhsaratha tells

all those assembled how he deals with the kingdom.


anujaathO hi maam sarvair guNair jyEshtO mama aathmaja: |

purandhara samO veeryE raama: para puranjaya: || 2-2-11


mama = my,

jyEsta aathmaja: = eldest son,

raama: = Rama,

purandhara sama: = equal to dhEvEndhra,

veeryE = in valor,

para puranjaya: = conqueror of cities of foes,

anujaatha: hi = born along with,

mamai: = my

sarvai: = entire,

guNai: = qualities.


Meaning: King says - My eldest son Rama is equal to Devendra in valor. He is the

conqueror of cities of enemies. He is equal to me in all qualities.


tham chandhramiva pushyeNa yuktham Dharmabhruthaam varam |

youvaraajyE niyOkthaa ~smi preetha: purusha pungavam || 2-2-12


preetha: = Joyfully,

niyOkthaa~smi = I shall appoint,

tham = that Rama,

chandhram iva = like moon,

yuktham = together,

pushyEna = with pushya star,

varam = best,

Dharma Bhruthaam = among protectors of righteousness,

purusha pungavam = excellent man,

youvaraajye = to the realm of prince.


"Joyfully, I shall appoint Rama, who shines like the moon together with pushya

star, who is the best among the protectors of righteousness and who is an

excellent man, to the realm of prince."


anuroopa: sa vai naatho lakshmeevaan lakshmaNa agraja: |

thrailOkyamapi naathhEna yEna syaan naathhavat tharam || 2-2-13


lakshmaNa agraja: = Brother of Lakshmana (Rama),

naathhEna = as lord,

yEna = by whom,

thrailOkyam api = even the three worlds,

syaath = will have,

naathhavaththaram = the best master,

sa: = That,

lakshmeevaan = glorious,

anuroopa: = fitting,

naathha: vai = Lord.


"If Rama becomes the lord, the three worlds also will have the best master. He

is a glorious man. That Rama is the only fittest lord for the kingdom."


To list out guNams of raamaa as stated by his father:

1. maththa priyathara: - he is better liked than me,

2. parjanya: iva vrushtimaan - raining like the clouds,

3. lOkasya vrudhDhi kaama: - desires development of world,

4. sarvaBhootha anukampana: - has equal compassion towards all living creatures.

5. veeryE yama sakra sama: - in valour equal to yama and indhra,

6. mathou bruhaspathi sama: - in wisdom equal to bruhaspati,

7. dhruthyaam maheeDhara sama: - in courage equal to earth,

8. maththa: cha guNavath thara: - has better virtues than me.

9. lOkE vividhai: guNai: anya paarthivadurlaBhai: = in the world such various

virtues not at all seen in other kings,

10. thaisthai: sishtai: guNai: aparimEyai: lOkOttarai: = those which are

remaining virtues which can not be counted are best in the world,

11. poorNa chandhra aanana: - raama has a face like a full moon,

12. mahaathmana: - great wise man,

13. lOkE sampriyathvaan -liked by the people,

14. aathmana: sOkaapanudavaan - will remove his worry.

15. veeryE purandhara sama: = equal to dhEvEndhra in valor,

16. para puranjaya: = conqueror of cities of foes,

17. sarvai: guNai: hi anujaatha: = born along with entire qualities.

18. pushyEna chandhram iva yuktham = like moon together with pushya star,

19. Dharma Bhruthaam varam = best among protectors of righteousness,

20. purusha pungavam = excellent man,

21. yEna naathhEna thrailOkyam api naathhavath tharam syaath = as lord by whom

even the three worlds will have the best master,

22. lakshmeevaan = glorious,

23. naathha: anuroopa: = fitting head or Lord.


We will see how the assembled kings ministers and people describe raamaa's guNam

in next post.




Vasudevan m.g.

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