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how could such a raamaa do that - post 5

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Post 5

Dear sree vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,

In post 1 to 4, we saw how sree vaalmeeki maharishi and king dhasaratha

described the guNangaL - various charecteristics of sree raamaa. We had a list

of 117 + 23 guNams. In this post also we will continue the study of raama gunam

description by the assembled kings, ministers and people of ayOdhyaa [as

described by sri vaalmeeki maharishi in his raamaayaNam].


ichchhaamO hi mahaa baahum raghu veeram mahaa balam |

gajEna mahathaa yaantham raamam chathra aavrutha aananam || 2-2-22


ichchaama: hi = we desire,

raamam = Rama,

mahaa baahum = who has long arms,

raghu veeram = hero born in clan of Raghu,

mahaa balam = having great might,

chhathra aavrutha aananam = his face covered by white umbrella,

yaantham = going,

mahathaa gajEna = by great elephant.


Meaning: people say to the king dhasaratha - All of us want to see Rama, with

long arms, the hero with great might, born in the clan of Raghu, his face

protected by a white umbrella, moving on a great elephant."


[Note: 1. we recite this slOkam during the manthra pushpam in the daily ijyaa -

perumaaL aaraadhanam - daily prayer to the lord. Perhaps we do that without

really having the exact reference even though knowing it is from raamaayaNam. At

least that was case with me- and perhaps, many will be like me in the list, I


2. in "people" specific mention is made as braahmaNaas - means king consults

these people before taking any specific major decision. ]


slokams 23 to 25 not taken up since people say it is good to hear crowning of

raamaa as prince.


thE tham oochu: mahaa aathmaanam poura jana padhai: saha |

bahavO nrupa kalyaaNa guNaa: puthrasya santhi thE || 2-2-26


thE = those kings,

poura janai: saha = along with urban and rural citizens,

oochu: = spoke,

tham = about him,

mahaa aathmaanam = the great soul,

nrupa: = Oh king,

thE = your,

puthrasya = son,

santhi = has,

bahava: = many,

kalyaaNa = auspicious,

guNaa: = virtues.


Meaning: Those kings together with urban and rural citizens after hearing those

words spoke to the great soul Dasaratha as follows: "Oh king! your son Raamaa

has many auspicious virtues".


guNaan guNavathO dhEva dhEva kalpasya Dheematha: |

priyaan aanandhanaan kruthsnaan pravakshyaamO~dhya thaam sruNu || 2-2-27


dhEva = Oh king,

adhya = now,

pravakshyaama: = (we shall) tell,

kruthsnaan = various,

thadh guNaan = those virtues,

Dheematha: = of your wise son,

sruNu = listen,

dhEva kalpasya = equal to celstials,

guNavatha: = virtuous,

priyaan = liked by all,

aanandhanaan = give happiness.


Meaning: Oh king! we shall tell you now the various virtues of your wise son,

listen to them. His qualities are equal to those of celestials. They [the

qualities] are liked by all. They give happiness to all."


dhivyair guNai: sakra samO raama: sathya paraakrama: |

ikshvaakubhyo~api sarvEBhyo hi athiriktho vishaampathE || 2-2-28


vishaampathE = Oh lord of the people!,

raama: = Rama,

sakra sama: = equal to DhEvEndhra,

dhivyai: = in heavenly,

guNai: = qualities,

sathya paraakrama: = having a true valour,

athiriktha: = greater than,

sarvEbhyO api = all,

ikshvaakuBhya: = kings of ikshvaaku clan.


Meaning: "Oh king! Raamaa is equal to DhEvEndhra in heavenly qualities. He has

true valor. He is greater than all the kings born in ikshvaaku clan."


raama: sathpurushO lOkE sathyas sathya paraayaNa: |

saakshaadh raamaadh vinirvruththO Dharmaschaapi sriyaa saha || 2-2-29


raama: = raama,

sathpurusha: = is good person,

lOkE = in the world,

sathya sathya paraayaNa: = interested in truth and righteousness,

raamaath = by raama alone,

Dharmas cha api = Dharma,

sriyaa saha = along with wealth,

vinir vruththa: = arranged,

saakshaath = without separation.


Meaning: "Raama is the world renowned gentleman. He is keenly interested in

truth and righteousness. Only Raama can make both righteousness and wealth

combine without separation."


prajaa sukhathvE chandhrasya vasuDhaayaa: kshamaa guNai: |

budhDhyaa bruhaspathEs thulyO veeryE saakshaath sacheepathE: || 2-2-30


thulya: = equal to,

chandhrasya = moon,

prajaa sukhathvE = in making people happy,

vasuDhaaya: = earth,

kshamaa guNai: = in the quality of forgiveness,

BhruhaspathE: = brihaspati,

budhDhyaa = by wisdom,

saakshaath = actually,

sacheepathE: = to DhEvEndhra,

veeryE = in valour.


Meaning: "He is equal to moon in making the people happy; equal to the earth in

the quality of forgiveness; equal to Bruhaspathi in wisdom and verily to

DhEvEndhra in valour."


Dharmajna: sathya sandhas cha seelavaan anasooyaka: |

kshaantha: saanthvayithaa slakshNa: kruthajnO vijithEndhriya: || 2-2-31


Dharmajna: = knows righteousness,

sathya sandha: = is true to his word,

seelavaan = has good character,

anasooyaka: = has no envy,

kshaantha: = has patience,

saanthvayithaa = consoles those in troubles,

slaksha: = speaks good words,

kruthajna: = has gratitude,

vijithEndhriya: = has controled the senses.


Meaning: "Raama knows all righteousness. He is true to his word and has good

character. He has no envy. He has patience. He consoles those who are in

troubles. He speaks good words. He has gratitude. He keeps senses under



Now to list the guNams as stated by ministers, kings and people:


1. mahaa baahum = who has long arms,

2. raghu veeram = hero born in clan of Raghu,

3. mahaa balam = having great might,

4. bahava:kalyaaNa guNaa: santhi = has many auspicious virtues.

5. Dheematha: = wise

6. dhEva kalpasya = equal to celstials,

7. guNavatha: = virtuous,

8. priyaan = liked by all,

9. aanandhanaan = give happiness.

10. Dheematha: = wise,

11. dhEva kalpasya = equal to celestials,

12. guNavatha: = virtuous,

13. priyaan = liked by all,

14. aanandhanaan = give happiness.

15. dhivyai: guNai: sakra sama: = equal to DhEvEndhra in heavenly qualities,

16. sathya paraakrama: = having a true valour,

17. ikshvaakuBhya: sarvEbhyO api athiriktha: = greater than all among the kings

of ikshvaaku clan.

18. sathpurusha: = good person,

19. lOkE sathya sathya paraayaNa: = interested in truth and righteousness in the


20. saakshaath raamaath sriyaa saha Dharmas cha api vinir vruththa: = by raama

alone Dharma along with wealth is arranged without separation.

21. prajaa sukhathvE chandhrasya thulya: = equal to moon in making people happy,

22. kshamaa guNai: vasuDhaaya: thulya: = in the quality of forgiveness equal to


23. budhDhyaa BhruhaspathE: thulya: = by wisdom equal to brihaspati,

24. veeryE saakshaath sacheepathE: thulya: = actuallyequal to DhEvEndhra in


25. Dharmajna: = knows righteousness,

26. sathya sandha: = is true to his word,

27. seelavaan = has good character,

28. anasooyaka: = has no envy,

29. kshaantha: = has patience,

30. saanthvayithaa = consoles those in troubles,

31. slaksha: = speaks good words,

32. kruthajna: = has gratitude,

33. vijithEndhriya: = has controled the senses.


We will continue to have more guNams stated by people in next post. Please

pardon me if you find some repeats. That is because different people spell it

out and as you have it in original raamaayaNam.




Vasudevan m.g.

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Dear Sir,

I have been reading all the 5 postings and very much eager to know the details

of your question "How could such a raamaa do that?". Can you post that?




"M.G.Vasudevan" <mgv wrote:Post 5

Dear sree vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,



Vasudevan m.g.

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