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A very Scary Question!!

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Respected Vaishnavas,


When I ponder over this question that I am

going to present, I always get a very unsettling, unhappy, even a shocking or a

jittery feeling. The question is this: WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF GOD??


Well, every "thing" should have an origin, atleast according to human

perception. If Sriman Narayana is God, what about his origins, I mean, has he

always been resting on the bed of Sesha?? The question thats arising in my mind

is, shouldn't he have an origin, or something that created him??


Well, if you cite the First Law of Thermodynamics which states, "Energy can

neither be created nor be destroyed", and somehow relate that energy to God,

then I can be partially convinced. Only partially because, the human

intelligence (ahem!!) in me will then question the origin of that energy!!


Can I take convunce myself by saying that since I am only "human" and anything

that's linked to being human, be it thoughts, perception, or whatever, is

subject to being imperfect?? And therefore understanding those high issues is

beyond the realm of my limited, imperfect intelligence??


I was thinking about this last night when I was just about to sleep, "who

created God??", and trust me, I didn't have good sleep at all, infact I woke up

to a nightmare.


I request all of you learned souls to kindly address my question,


1) Philosophically


2) Logically


3) Scientifically,


or anything that best addresses the issue.


AzhwAr EmperumanAr Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE Saranam.


Adiyen Yathindra Pravana Dasan,


Kidambi Soundararajan.






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Respected Sir :


Your question is not at all scary. Why should it be? it signifies a sane,

enquiring mind. However, before proceeding - not that this ignorant writer

wants to commit anything concrete so as to raise any hopes in any of you

about a possible answer, with regard to the points you have raised - one

would like to ascertain the quality of such a mind as yours which is in an

enquiry mode.


You may well ask why the motive needs to be known. Point is, what the mind

searches for, the mind will find. In that sense all search(es) are futile.

Assume for a second that you have found God or know about his origins in a

logical, scientific manner. What then? Will you be able to recognize

through your normal cognative 5 senses God or even intellectually

understand the logic/scientific explanation?


No offence meant, but this is vital. If you reply in the affirmative, then

your are lost because recognition is within the field of the

mind/experience and memory. In other words, you are still wobbling within

the limited circumference of the known, knowledge. If on the contrary your

reply is in the negative, then a new issue crops up namely, your original

question will continue to be unanswered and the search will go on.


Where does this end? and ultimately lead to ? Therefore, it is essential

to know the motive, reason, rationale for your wanting to find out.

Invariably, 99.9999% of us, not excluding the writer in the least, common

folks create a desire first and then set out to achieve it methodically,

systematically, scientifically, logically, rationally. We try to fit the

findings into our pattern of experience/memory/knowledge.


In a state of non-desire, where there is no reason but an earnest enquiring

open mind and approach perhaps one may find an inkling of an answer!!. In

this state thoughts do not function. Thought is a by-product of

knowledge/experience and is always limiting because its parents (knowledge)

is limited. When thought is not, then that which ought to be may perhaps be



In the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Chapter I,Sutra 3 says " Tada drushtu

swarupe avasthanam", meaning "then i.e. when the mental modifications

(outlined in the previous Sutra) are ceased or calmed then the Seer abides

or resides in the original form". What is this original form ? Note, this

is genderless. No size, description, boundaries is given anywhere.


This also is not to be taken as "whether Patanjali is suggesting that the

individual is God etc..". No Sir, this is far from the Truth.


When silence abides in the mind, then a newness occurs and this newness

will perhaps give you some insights into some of the questions you have



The writer is acutely aware that to some of you the above may seem somewhat

vague, mysterious or downright meaningless, but WHAT IS IS. Full Stop.


Such an enquiry should be the base for an ongoing discovery. Are you dead

serious? The level of seriousness one is talking is : "if one were to push

your head into a bucket of water and hold it, after a few seconds you will

struggle, the mind will become numb and there will be a deep desparation in

your entire being, every nerve center will yell for life". Once your head

is taken out you will breath a sigh of relief and then your knowledge will

take over and thoughts will once more start playing with your mind.Are you

this desparate? You need to be, incidentally. If yes, if you can muster

such a lion hearted courage, then through these fora all of us,including

this writer can take a deep journey into eternity.


Finding answers to questions which you have posed imply an journey where

there is no termination, but only arrivals. Long time may have to be given

to proceed.


Hope the writer is not trying to either frighten or make things difficult,

but believe the writer Sir, Neither are things very easy. The subject

covered in your question includes the entire cosmos and beyond.


By the way the writer hopes you are a practitioner of the Nitya karmas,

especially the Sandhyavandanam and Gayathri? Are you regular? What is your

Bhava or attitude? Routine, mechanical gestures or deep reverence - please

do not answer on this mail, but ask yourself. This is extremely vital and

relevant for discovering the right answers. Note the grammer , it is

present continuing It is a constant journey. The more you chant the more

clarity may reign. Occasionally, you may come across an iota of the answer

through a flash. Do not try to capture and store in your memory. IT is not

the stuff experience, memory, knowledge is made of.


More importantly, what is your approach to the -generally avoidable by

many - question of Death. Are you afraid to die?

These are essential preliminary questions which you need to discover and

answer within yourself. Is your quest something to do with a remote

feeling of having got lost in this 'big bad' world?


To come to your need to have a rationale, logical, scientific reply. See

the immediate fallacy of this query? Do not be upset, because this is a

normal query. But see for yourself that when you ask you want to find an

answer, store it away into your memory and then go to sleep i.e. get

involved in routine. Even if by chance you manage to find the answer you

want to explore further? What if you come to the end of the whole thing?

Becuase the next logically question will be where is the beginning etc.


How much are you interested in the Vedas? The Vedas can be your best Guru.

Can you question when the Vedas were created? where is their end? what is

their form? Beyond a certain point, even science cannot answer.

Intelligence, knowlege are of little use here.


Does this imply that we should not enquire at all ? No Sir, by all means,

enquiry is must. Discontentment is highly desirable than contentment.

Contentment is stagnation. constant discontentment is welcome. It assures

constant renewed discovery. But the spirit of enquiry must be tempered

with many other factors which in Yogic principles are called "ashtanga" or

8 limbs (ashta - eight, anga- limbs). These are Yama, Niyama, Asana,

Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.


Does it mean the writer is indicating that everyone takes up Yoga and finds

an answer? No Sir, this is not a propaganda or justification for Yoga or

anything else. The point is, Yoga as a physical, mental and spiritual

discipline helps one to some extent to progress in the right direction, if

one may put it briefly. The progress is constant until one drops dead

naturally. There is no assurance but with the end (of the body) being

assured and certain, the mind gets into a delusion and hence constantly

churns out such queries. Yoga focuses on these aspects and to some extent

helps man get rid of time, space and other disburbances so that in the end

the Reality, whatever you may call it, whatever name you may give - you

call this Narayana, Mr.John will call This "Jesus", Ibrahim may choose to

call HIM as "Allah" or someone else may choose to call it the nameless.


One hopes the thread is kept active by interested members.


Tat Tvam Asi.

Om Tat sat




<panardasan@yaho ramanuja,




03/21/03 10:44 A very Scary Question!!


Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Respected Vaishnavas,


When I ponder over this question that I am going to present, I always get a very

unsettling, unhappy, even a shocking or a jittery feeling. The question is this:



Kidambi Soundararajan.





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Scientifically and rationally answering for ur query


1.Has anybody been able to accurately (with conviction

so to speak )predict the age of the universe ?


2. Has anybody till date found the answer for the

cliched question "Hen first or the egg ?"


If so many inconsequent things like these are beyond

the preception of the Human Mind , then one can

understand this human brain's inability to know or

understand the origin or the where abouts of THE



Sometimes , that is, more often than not "IGNORANCE IS



Your quest is not wrong , but do we mere mortals

really have that in us to pursue and understand the

ORIGIN OF GOD ,frankly i dont think so...



Sowmya Vijayaraghavan




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