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Thiruppavai - Acharya Param (NAyaganai Ninra)

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Humble Pranams to all devotees:


We have all heard thiruppavai and some of its inner meanings (Swapadesam) . A

unique hidden meaning

in Thiruppavai Points everyting to Acharya. (In The Acharya Param


in Nayaganai Ninra it all points to Ramanuja.


This Sunday we have Sri VPS Varadan Swami continue his teaching to us, at 6PM

CST. (in Simple Tamil)


This is also available on Tele-Bridge : Ph: 512 225 3050 , Pass: 91544# at

6Pm CST.


Notes on this week's pasuram so we may follow the meanings: (More details during

the Tamil Discourse)





The classic Tamizh poem ThiruppAvai of Sri Goda Devi, or AndAl as she is called

in Tamizh, is the most well-known among the 4000 hymns of the AzhvArs. It is

recited in homes and temples by followers of Sri Ramanuja throughout the world,

every day. And once a year, during the month of mArgazhi (dhanUrmAsa,

mid-December through mid-January), it becomes the central focus for the

month-long celebration leading up to pongal (sankrAnthi, the Festival of the

Winter Harvest).


Throughout the centuries, our AchAryas have provided us with several authentic

interpretations on the inner meaning of these beautiful thirty verses. One

unique interpretation is from the perspective of AchAryaparam (The Greatness of

the Teacher), in which it understood that each of Sri AndAl's stanzas praised

the glory and qualities of the AchArya and the benefits which will accrue to

jIvas due to his grace. It is also clear that since all AchAryas of the

SriVaishnava faith regard themselves only to be servants to the Lotus Feet of

Sri Ramanuja, the noble word 'AchArya' can be taken to refer to Bhagavad Sri

Ramanuja himself.


It should be noted that the although the time that AndAl lived on earth was

several centuries before Sri Ramanuja, her experience of the Divine was such

that it not only conveyed her love and devotion to the Lord, but also the

expectation that He would one day bless the earth with such a Great Soul.


The renowned scholar and vidwAn (Maestro) of KanchIpuram, Sri PrativAdi

BhAyankaram Annangarachariar Swamy, has interpreted the entire ThiruppAvai from

this perspective of praising the glory of Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja. In this brief

write up, only one stanza of Thiruppavai, Stanza No.16. 'Nayaganai Ninra', has

been chosen as an example of how each and every word can be used to refer to Sri

Ramanuja. It is hoped that this small example will encourage readers to seek

out similar explanations of other stanzas, as well.


For convenience the words or group of words from the 16th verse of ThiruppAvai

are taken one be one. The literal meaning is provided first, followed by the

esoteric meaning.


NAyaganai Ninra:

Literal Meaning: Outstanding Leader



SwAmy EmperumAnAr (Sri Ramanuja) occupies the central position in the garland of

our AchArya paramparai . The paramparai begins with Sriman Narayana and Sri

Peria PirattiyAr (The Supreme Queen, Sri Mahalakshmi), and goes through a series

of teachers that precede and follow Sri Ramanuja:


It is not merely his central position, but also his noble AchAryAtvam (nature of

being a true teacher) that compelled Sri Ramanuja to surrender to Sriman

Narayana through the intercession of Sri Mahalakshmi such that all souls could

be redeemed. It is this paradigamatic quality of Sri Ramanuja that inspired Sri

Andal Devi to address him as ‘Nayaganai ninra’. By providing thirumudi

sambandham (connection through his head, or connection through his service to

them) to all earlier Acharyas and thiruvadi sambandam (connection via his feet,

or through their service to him) to all the later AchAryas, Sri Ramanuja served

as the Connection to the Supreme Lord to all of the AchAryas of the Paramaparai.

And, it is in our connection to these AchAryas through our immediate AchArya

that we become connected to Ramanuja, and find our Redemption.


Nandagopan; Sri Krishna's father, Nanda.


Just as Nandagopa had Lord Krishna as his son, Sri EmperumAnAr had Sampathkumar

(the Darling Son, the Lord in His iconographic form at the temple in Melkote,

Karnataka) as his son and called him as ‘selvappillai’ (Cherished Son).


Udaya; Possessor.


This directly refers to one of the noted names of Sri Emperumanar, Udayavar

(Owner). Our AchAryas teach us that Lord Ranganatha (The Lord of the Stage, the

name of the Lord at the temple in Srirangam, Tamil Nadu) handed over the

management of BhUlOkam (the material world) and Paramapadam (The Highest Abode)

to Sri Ramanuja, endowing him with the title Udayavar, meaning nirvAhakar (the

conductor) of ubhaya vibhUthi (the two glories of the Lord, the earth and



Koyil KappAnE; Guardian of the Temple


The word ‘koyil’ simply means Sri Rangam, i.e. Sri Ranganatha’s Temple,

referring to the most revered of the 108 divya dEsams. However, if the general

meaning is taken, it then refers to all temples, divya dEsams and abhimAna

sthalangal (places of reverence). Sri EmperumAnAr introduced the necessary

reforms in the temple administration of Sri Rangam in particular and in all

temples in general.


Kodi thonrum thOrana vassal kAppAnE; Kodi: Flag; Thonrum: Appear; ThOrona:

Festoon, decoration; VAsal: Entrance; KAppAnE: Guard (Gatekeeper)


Gatekeeper of the flag and festoon laden Entrance


'kodi’ and ‘thOranam’ are adorning the entrance gate to the Highest Abode,

Paramapadam. The Gate-keeper of the doors to Paramapadam is Swamy EmperumAnAr.

Without the grace of Sri Ramanuja, salvation from samsAra and attaining Moksha

is not possible.


Manik kadavam thAl thiravai; Mani: Gems; Kadavum: Doors; ThAl: Latch; Thiravai:



Open the doors adorned with gems.


The followers of Vedic culture recognize that there are nine gems, known as the

navarathnas in Sanskrit, that are more sacred and more precious than all the

other treasures in this world. Similarly, Sri Ramanuja provided all of us with

nine precious works that lucidly bring the Eternal Truths of the Vedas to all of

us. These nine works are: Sri BhAshyam, VedAntha Deepam, VedAntha SAram,

VedArtha Sangraham, Geetha Bhashyam, SaranAgathi Gadyam, Sri Ranga Gadyam, Sri

Vaikunta Gadyam and Sri Nithya Grantham. We seek the blessings of Sri Ramanuja

to opening our hearts and minds such that we can learn and understand the

meanings of all these nine works.


Ayar sirumiyaromukku thal thiravai; Ayar Sirumiyar: Cow Herd girls, the

residents of Vrindavan, where Sri Krishna spent his childhood; ThAl Thiravai:

Open the latches of the door.


The cowherd girls of VrindAvan are simple and innocent. Those of us bound to

this world are also just as innocent and ignorant when it comes to proper

spiritual understanding. So, Sri Ramanuja’s help is sought to get enlightenment.


Mayan mani vannan nennelE vai neyarnthAn; Mayan: Person of astonishing acts;

Mani: Valuable gems; vannan: Similar to; nennelE: refers to nannela: Already

(past tense); Vai neyarnthAn: narrated.


It has been already predicted by the Lord.


The valuable Gem who performs astonishing acts is none other than the Supreme

Lord Himself.. NennelE refers to sAstras, Vedas, itihAsas, purAnas, etc., that

are part of parcel of the Lord's Nature and are therefore, are already known to

Him. Vai neyarthAn refers to how the sacred scriptures foretold of the birth

and glory of Sri Ramanuja. In the Puranas, the expected avatharam of Bhagavad

Sri Ramanuja is mentioned as, ‘Kalou Ramanuja smratha ha:’ (in the age of kali

(ignorance) Sri Ramanuja will be born ), ‘Kalou kaschit bhavishyathi' (This

will certainly happen sometime in the age of kali) Sri Andal points out the

references about the prediction of Bhagwat Ramajuja’s birth in the ancient



Thooyomai vandOm; Thooyamai: With pure heart; VandOm: We came;


We have come here with a pure heart.


Our hearts become pure when we realize that the Acharya is the Means to

realizing God, and as such, should be given a level of importance that is

greater than event that given to God. That is our purity of mind. AndAl implies

that with such purity, we are here.


Thuyil ezha paduvan: Thuyil: Sleep; Ezha: to awaken; pAduvAn: sing;


We woke up from sleep by our own singing.


We wish to get rid of our sleep of ignorance or mAya. We sing our AchAryan's

praises and get realization (we wake up).


VayAl munna munnam mathAthe yamma:


VayAl: By mouth; munna munnam: In the first place; mathAthe amma: Do not



Oh Acharya, you should not forsake us and you should accept us as your sishyas

and bestow your grace upon us.


Nee nEsa nilai kadavam neeke:


Nee: You (Acharya); nEsa: Dear; nilai: Main; kadavam :Doors;

neeke: Open (Remove)


An entrance to a mansion or palace is generally made up two doors that are used

to cover one entrance. Similarly our rahasya mantras, the mantras that the

AchArya graces upon us as part of the sacrament of panchasamskAram are all in

two parts. The request is to teach the rahasyas which are twin in nature.


Kadavam neekkudal: Kadavam: Doors; neekkudal: Open;


'Kadavam neekkudal' means unfold the meanings of the rahasya mantras which are

in two parts.


In summary, Sri AndAl directly address Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja on our behalf by

praising him that he is the chieftain of all Acharyas, controller of both the

worlds, reformer of temples, and recognizing that without his permission

entering the gate of paramapadam is not possible. She also reminds all of us

and him that his glorious birth has been foretold in the purAnas.


She then beseeches him on behalf of all of us too grant the opportunity to learn

his works which are nine in number, and to explain the inner meanings of all the

three rahasya mantras. This plea is based on our understanding and our

experience that the AchArya is regarded to be greater than the Lord Himself.

It is with this pure heart that we praise the Acharya and humbly request him.

Therefore, AchArya should grant out prayers and should not reject us.





Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE sharanam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi





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