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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.7- Wonderful PAsurams on KaNdan kadi nagar Divya Desam!

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


AzhwAr continues with his involvement in archaavatar. He now enjoys the

divya desam of ThirukkaNdam kadinagar, which is in the bank of Ganges river.

In the river bank, he thinks of the southern Thirumaliruncholai and

ThirukkOttiyoor as well. He had described beautifully about the Bhagawathas

of Thirukkottiyoor who call PerumAn as” ThirukkOttiyoor Kesavaa!

PurushOtthamaa!. Thus, he had thought of PurushOtthaman of this

ThirukkaNdankadinagar even at that time.


[There is also another aitheehyam- as narrated to Sri UttamUr Swami by

Samathaamaadhi GuNanidhi ThirukkaLLam vaiyAkaraNa ThiruvEnkatAchArya Swami-

Once there was no rain for few years in ThirukkaNdankadi nagar. People did

not know what to do and terribly suffered. The then helpless king prayed to

the Lord PurushOtthaman of this divya desam and the Lord appeared in his

dream saying, “Bring Sri Vishnu chitthar of Srivilliputthoor and there will

be rains.” Imdeiately it was arranged by the king to bring PeriyAzhwAr.

PeriyAzhwAr rejoiced to enjoy seeing Sri [vaN] PurushOtthaman and sang these

pAsuram. There was huge rain subsequently. ]


In each PAsuram AzhwAr describes the Lord PurushOtthaman’s glories in first

two lines and the beautiful river Ganges in the next two lines.


thangaiyaimookkumthamaiyanaiththalaiyumthadindha emdhaasaradhipOy

engumthanpukazhaavirundhu_arasaaNda empurudOththamanirukkai

gangaigangaiyenRavaasakaththaalE kaduvinaikaLaindhidukiRkum

gangaiyin_karaimElkaithozhan^inRa kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 1.


1. My Raman – the prince of Chakravarrthi Dasarathan- Daasarathi- had gone

to the forest; cut the nose of the sister [soorpaNakai] and the heads of the

brother [rAvaNan]; went back to Ayoddhi to rule victoriously there for 11000

years- Such greatest Lord my PurushOtthaman resides here in this Divya Desam

of ThirukkaNdankadinagar- being in the bank of river Ganges - where simply

by uttering Gangai, Gangai to pay our obeisance with folded hands will rid

of one’s paapam (sins). He is here for us.


This Divya Desa EmperumAn is also called neela mEa perumAL. There is a

separate sannidhi for Thaayaar- PuNdarikavalli; mangaLa vimAnam; mangaLa

theertham. Prathyaksham (seen physically) by Sage BharadwAja maharishi.


PurushOtthaman is referred to in Gita slOkam:

Utthama: purushasthvanya: paramAthmEthyuvAhrudha: |

yO lOkathrayamAvisya vibharthyavyaya Iswara: || (15th chapter-16)


He is different from them and is called Supreme Soul (Paramathma); who,

entering the three worlds (as antharyami), supports them and is imperishable

and is the rule of all.


Karmavasyar (Jeevathmas in leela vivhUthi) and akarmavasyar (mukthathmas and

NithyasUris) – He is beyond both of them and is above all; He is

PurushOtthaman. He is the one with jnAna, bhala, aishvarya, veerya, sakthi,

thEjas – six opulent qualities *shaaDguNyam).


It may be noted that Rama also is referred to as the one with six opulent

kalyANa guNas (Anrusamsyam anurgOsa: kshamaa sathyam thama: sama: |

raaghavam sOpayanthyEthE shaDguNA: PurushOtthamam. Thus this greatest

PurushOtthamam resides here.


Those who fold hands and pay obeisance will have our sins get crushed

(kaNdikkiRadhu) and hence KaNdam kadi nagar.


salampodhiyudambin_thazhalumizhpEzhvaaych chandhiranvengadhir_ancha

malarndhezhundhaNavumaNivaNNavuruvin maalpurudOththamanvaazhvu

nalamthikazhsadaiyaanmudikkonRaimalarum naaraNanpaadhaththuzhaayum

kalandhizhipunalaalpukar_padugangaik kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 2.


2. The cool moon- having its shadow form in the waters; the hot sun with its

fiery mouths; are all shivering and getting sacred (as to what this form is)

when Lord Trivikraman took huge form measuring all worlds- the blue hued

Lord with most beautiful ThirumEni shows Himself as PurushOtthaman in this

divya desam of ThirkaNdankadi nagar where my Lord PurushOtthaman resides;

where the most beautiful river Ganges flows swiftly with the flower bedecked

in the matted locks of Sivan and the flowers offered at the lotus feet of

Trivikraman by Chathurmukha Brahma. [When Trivikram took huge form, His feet

was visible in Brahma lOkam and Brahma grabbed the opportunity to offer the

waters to His lotus feet, which fell from there.. Rudran grabbed the

opportunity to take the waters from the Lotus feet of Lord Sriman Narayanan

to cleanse himself of all and become the mangaLa devatha (as Sivan) and took

all Ganges waters on his matted locks]


adhirmukamudaiyavalamburikumizhththi azhalumizh_aazhikoNdeRindhu angu

edhirmukavasurar_thalaikaLaiyidaRum empurudOththamanirukkai

sadhumukan_kaiyilsadhuppuyan_thaaLil sangaran_sadaiyinilthangi

kadhirmukamaNikoNdizhipunalgangaik kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 3.


3. My Lord PurushOtthaman -who blows full air into large mouth of the while

huge Paanchajanyam – Conch Shell; who has the fiery Sudharsana AzhwAn in His

resplendent hand- cuts the heads of asurA enemies on the opposite side. He

resides in this Divya Desam of ThirukkaNdankadi nagar where the river Ganges

started from the vessel (kamaNdalu) of Chathurmukha Brahma while offering

Paadhyam at the Lotus feet of Trivikraman; landed at the matted locks of

Rudran- stayed there for some time and flowed (to the plea of Bhageerathan)

down beautifully and swiftly taking the valuable gem stones along with it.


Bhali’s supporters opposed Trivikraman and were crushed by the Lord is

addressed here.


imaiyavar_iRumaandhirundharasaaLa ERRuvandhedhir_porusEnai

namapuramn^aNukan^aandhakamvisiRum nampurudOththamann^akar_thaan

imavandhamthodangi_irungadalaLavum irukarai_ulakiraiththaada

kamaiyudaipperumaikkangaiyin_karaimEl kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 4.


4. When the Devas (celestial) arrogantly and with self pride ruled thinking

who can conquer us; asurAs wake them up (their ego) and trouble them [later

they –Devas go to the Lord pleading Him for saving them from AsurAs ]and at

those times, Lord PurushOtthaman sends His swords at such asurAs to send

them to Yama’s place. Such grandest Lord PurushOtthaman resides in this

Divya Desam of ThirukkaNdankadi nagar where river Ganges start from the

mighty Himalayas; end at the deep vast oceans- much to the delight of the

people at both banks on the way- with their taking sacred bath – shouting

the glories of river ganges for its tolerant beautiful form and its

purifying guNAs.


[sumai udai perumai] It does not feel sacred whether it can cleanse

everyone’s paapam with so many of them taking snAnam in it; It does not thus

get burdened with its heavy load.


uzhuvadhOr_padaiyum_ulakkaiyumvillum oNsudaraazhiyumsangum

mazhuvoduvaaLumpadaikkalamudaiya maalpurudOththamanvaazhvu

ezhumaiyumkoodi_eeNdiyapaavam iRaippozhudhaLavinil_ellaam

kazhuvidumperumaikkangaiyin_karaimEl kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 5.


5. PurushOtthaman – who is equipped with the most strongest weapons

(AYudhams) that protect us, namely., Plough (kalappai), Bow, most beautiful

fiery ChakrA, Sankhu (Conch shell), Axe, sword, as His ornaments resides

permanently here in this Divya Desam of ThirukkaNdankadi nagar- in the bank

of river Ganges which is capable of absolving all sins accrued over seven

births at one stroke within a fraction of a second.


Since there are no enemies here in this Divya Desam, as river Ganges itself

absolves every one of their sins, the weapons are like His ornaments.


thalaippeydhukumuRichchalampodhimEkam salasalapozhindhidakkaNdu

malaipperungudaiyaalmaRaiththavanmadhurai maalpurudOththamanvaazhvu

alaippudaiththiraivaay_arundhavamunivar avapiradhamkudaindhaada

kalappaikaLkozhikkumgangaiyin_karaimEl kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 6.


6.the rain laden clouds roared and flocked together and rained torrentially

and at that time, Lord with his little hand effortlessly lifted the

Govardhana mountain as an umbrella to prevent the heavy down pour destroy

the cattle and calves and cowherd group. Such most merciful Lord

PurushOtthaman of VadamathurA resides here in this Divya Desam of

ThirukkaNdankadi nagaram, where sages perform yaagams in the bank of river

Ganges and finally take sacred bath completing the yaagam, and while doing

so, the swift river with its current pushes the instruments and tools used

by Sages in the yaaga.


viRpidiththiRuththuvEzhaththaimurukki mElirundhavan_thalaisaadi

maRporuthezhappaayndhu_araiyanayudhaiththa maalpurudOththamanvaazhvu

aRpudhamudaiya_ayiraavadhamadhamum avariLampadiyaroNsaandhum

kaRpakamalarumkalandhizhigangaik kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 7.


7. Picking and breaking the bow [in Kamsa’s yaaga saalai], pushed the mighty

elephant Kuvalayaapeetam (and broke its tusker), kicked the head of his

mahout sitting on top of the elephant, fought and destroyed the strong

wrestlers (who were kept by Kamsa to kill KaNNan), raised himself and jumped

into the palace of Kamsa and kicked Kamsa off his life. Such most merciful

Bhaktha vathsalan- PurushOtthaman resides in this Divya Desam of

ThirukkaNdankadi nagar- where [looking at the beauty and divinity of this

Divya Desam, Devendran comes on his airAvadham elephant] the waters from

AirAvadham’s forehead flow and the kumum (bindi- saandhu} on the forehead

and the kaRpaka flowers of young damsels of Devas mix [while taking snAnam-

bath] with the flow of river Ganges.


Looking at the great divya Desam excites the elephant (airAvadham) and hence

the waters from its forehead flows further more. Also only old women wear

ThirumaN srIchoorNam; young ladies wear sanndhu- bindi on their foreheads as

Kaaminis perhaps.


thiraiporukadalsoozhthiNmadhiLthuvaraivEndhu thanmaiththunanmaarkkaay

arasinaiyaviya_arasinaiyaruLum aripurudOththamanamarvu

nirain^iraiyaakan^ediyanayoobam nirandharam_ozhukkuvittu iraNdu

karaipuraivELvippukaikamazhgangai kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 8.


The king of Dwaraka (surrounded by wavy oceanic waters and tall ramparts);

the most helpful cousin to Panccha paaNdavas (five sons of his aunt Kunthi

Devi) and blessed them with their kingdom, by crushing DhuryOdhans and his

brothers; - PraNathArtthi haran; bhUbhAraharan; PurushOtthaman resides

permanently in this Divya Desam of ThirukkaNdankadi nagar where in both

banks of river Ganges, huge yaagas are performed from which smokes emanate

to fill the skies and make the whole place most fragrant and the tall

pillars of these yaaga saalais are also pushed and taken along with the

swift turbulent waters of river Ganges.


vadathisaimadhuraisaaLakkiraamam vaikundhamthuvarai_ayOththi

idamudaivadhariyidavakaiyudaiya empurudOththamanirukkai

thadavaraiyathiraththaraNiviNdidiyath thalaippaRRikkaraimaramsaadi

kadalinaikkalangakkaduththizhigangaik kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 9.


The mathurA (in the North); SaaLagrAma kshEthram; Vaikuntham (like) Dwaraka;

AyOddhi and the vast Badrikasramam are all residences of our Lord

PurushOtthaman who lives on his own here at this Divya Desam of

ThirukkaNdankadi nagar, where river Ganges flows so swiftly, violently and

turbulently, with such a current sending shivers through mountains, cutting

the earth into two in eth banks letting the trees fall into the valleys,

touching the topmost leaves of even tall trees and stirring even the vast

deep oceans.


[AzhwAr must have been blessed to enjoy the Lords of other Vadakku Divya

Desams and thus lists down them as well in this PAsuram]


moonRezhuththadhanaimoonRezhuththadhanaal moonRezhuththaakki moonRezhuththai

EnRukoNdiruppaarkku_irakkamn^an_kudaiya empurudOththamanirukkai

moonRadin^imirththumoonRinilthOnRi moonRinilmoonRuruvaanaan

kaan_thadampozhilsoozhgangaiyin_karaimEl kaNdamennumkadin^akarE. 10.


[A tough pAsuram and commentary to tralsnate- please forgive me for my



moonRu yezhutthu adhanai- The PraNavam consisting of three aksharas

(letters) which are the seeds and essence of three Vedas;

moonRu yezhutthadhanaal- nigaman, niruktham, vyAkaraNam- taking the grammar

from these akshara saashras.

moonRu yezhutthu aakki- considering the three meanings namely, anaya

seShathvam, ananya saraNathvam and ananya bhOgyathvam


moonRu yezhutthai- interpreting the three letters as above-

yERRuk koNdu- taking the praNavam in such an entirety, with the meanings

impregnated as described above enshrined in it;

iruppArkku- Those who are blessed with such a divine consideration;

Irakkam nangu udai em PurudOtthaman- on whom showers mercy and dayA by

PurusHotthaman (who resides)


moonRu adi- In Trivikrama avatar- he asked for three measures of his feet

nimirtthu- [with one step] took huge form

moonRinil- BhUmi (earth), anthariksham (space) and swargam (heaven)

thOnRi- vyaapitthu- occupied them (viLangi) or manifested ?

moonRinil- For measuring the worlds; For the sake of Devendran (and to be

come Upendran) and for Mahabhali to enjoy seeing the Trivikrama avatar;

moonRu uruvanaan- Three aspects (forms) of Supreme Lordship -Narayanan

namely, Seshithvam, SaraNyathvam, PrApyathvam…

kaan- forest of Badrikashramam (in that)

thada pozhil- vast, well spread out gardens are found-

soozh gangain karai mEl kaNdam ennum kadi nagarE… - Kandan kadi nagar in the

bank of River Ganges surrounded by such gardens in the forest of



Thus, in Thiruppallandu AzhwAr had mentioned that “naadum nagaramum

nangaRiya namO narayana yenRu—naamam pala paravi… Let the whole world be

known about this grand divine NAMO NARAYANA..


He expresses here about the sacred praNavam and the philosophy, essence of

Vedas enshrined in it. The three (anaya seShathvam- not being a servant to

anyone else, ananya saraNathvam- There is no refuge other than Him and

ananya bhOgyathvam- there is no bliss and enjoyment other than serving his

lotus feet for ever and ever) are to be realized by us- the devotees of

Sriman Narayanan.


Also, Seshithvam- being The Master for everyone and every being in the

Universe (including all demi gods- Rudran and Brahmaa), SaraNyathvam (Him

Being the sole refuge and none else- Him being one one and only unparalleled

and peerless and none above Him and equal to Him), PrApyathvam (Him being

the only Goal).


That’s why BadrikAshramam is referred to as forest (by poorvacharyas) for He

is the Rishi for Thiruvashtaaksharam… and hence is addressed here.


pongoligangaikkaraimalikaNdaththu uRaipurudOththamanadimEl

vengalin^aliyaavillipuththoorkkOn vittuchiththanviruppuRRu

thangiya_anbaalseydhathamizhmaalai thangiyan^aavudaiyaarkku

gangaiyilthirumaalkazhaliNaikkeezhE kuLiththirundhakaNakkaamE. 11


Sri vishnuchitthar of Sri villiputthUr, which is unaffected by the cruel

Kali yuga, sang these ten Tamil PAsurams with bhakti and desire on the lotus

feet of Sri PurushOtthaman of ThirukkaNdankadi nagar, lying in the bank of

river Ganges, which roars while flowing with its swift currents. Those who

are blessed with the tongue (which listens to them) with an ability to

recite these pAsurams will be blessed to take bath in the river Ganges and

stay permanently at the lotus feet (which are unparalleled and are most

blissful and enjoyable- equal to each other) of Sriya: Pathi Sriman



Not just bathing in the river Ganges. This river touches the Lord’s lotus

feet and thus bathing in it and then living at the shadow of His lotus feet

at ThirukkaNdankadi nagar- there is nothing like it. That is the phalanx

(fruit) of reciting these pAsurams- says AzhwAr.


AzhwAr resided in this place for some time crushing the presence of Kali

purushan (Kaliyum kedum kaNdu koNmin) and hence AzhwAr blesses us with the

line.. “unaffected by Kali..”.

PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE saraNam


Namo Narayana




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