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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.8-dAsars for those who recite the pAsurams praising Him

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


After enjoyment of archaavatarams in north India, AzhwAr enjoys Srirangam

divya desam. Just by visiting and paying obeisance to Srirangam, is equal to

visiting all divya desams. Srirangam comes as number 1 of 108 divya desams.

Enjoying the divinity and grandness and greatness of Srirangam divya desam,

AzhwAr immerses himself in it with these pAsurams. It is great because of

all BhagawathOtthamas- VaidIka ParamaikAnthins residing therein – as

declared by AzhwAr in first two PAsurams. Yet another greatness is EmperumAn

(Rama) Himself performed ArAdhanai to Lord RanganAtha PerumAL of Srirangam.


maadhavaththOnpuththiranpOy maRikadalvaaymaaNdaanai

OdhuviththathakkaNaiyaa uruvuruvEkoduththaanoor

thOdhavaththiththooymaRaiyOr thuRaipadiyaththuLumbi_engum

pOdhilvaiththathEn_soriyum punalarangamenbadhuvE. 1.


The son (of Sage Saantheepini- thapasvi- KaNNan’s Guru) who had died drowned

in the huge wavy ocean in prabAsa kshEthmam was brought back in the same

form and age (as he had few years ago) by KaNNan (as Guru dhakshiNA to Sage

Saantheepini when the sage and sage’s wife asked for the same dhakshina-

Srimad Bhagawatham- 10-45). Such greatest Lord resides here in this divya

desam of Srirangam- where vedic scholars- with the pure mind (and pure white

clothing) take bath in the river cauveri (koLLidam) due to which the waves

raise high enough to sprinkle on the sides (of the river) where flowers

bloom and shed honey which flows as a separate stream by itself.


mAdhavatthOn- The one who has done thapas- (penance) thapasvi.. – Sage

Saantheepini. Thus, North India also had such thapasvis as the Lord was born

in such places. The south has bhaagawathas due to which those Lords come and

reside permanently in divya desam like Srirangam.


These Vedic scholars are not pure because they take bath in Cauvery. The

river gets purified by their taking bath. Purity is being in the thought of

the Lord (Saarathamam) leaving other kaamyam mentioned in Vedas. They also

perform Nithya karmanushtanam without fail in the river bank which adds

sacredness to the river as well. They wear washed white cloth. Even old silk

cloth is not the best option.


piRappakaththEmaaNdozhindha piLLaikaLain^aalvaraiyum

iRaippozhudhilkoNarndhu koduththu oruppadiththavuRaippanoor

maRaipperundheevaLarththiruppaar varuvirundhaiyaLiththiruppaar

siRappudaiyamaRaiyavarvaazh thiruvarangamenbadhuvE. 2.


The Lord who brought back the four sons of Vaidikan (who had passed away and

disappeared the moment they were born;- they were taken away one by one by

the consorts of Sri Paramapadha Nathan as they wished to see KaNNan in that

cowherd boy form- Srimad Bhagawatham- 10-89) along with Arjunan from

Paramapadham. Such grandest Lord resides in this divya desam of Srirangam-

where srOthriyars (performing vedic rituals, homams, and groom divine fire

in order to perform nithya karmanushtanam without interruption) reside.


Last PAsuram, AzhwAr mentioned about the sandhyavandhanam and here he

mentions about the subsequent karmas like Brahma yagnyam, Adhaara sakthyAdhi

tharpaNam, Vaisvadevam, et al.


marumakan_than_sandhadhiyai uyirmeettu, maiththunanmaar

urumakaththEveezhaamE kurumukamaaykkaaththaanoor

thirumukamaaychchengamalam thirun^iRamaaykkarunguvaLai

porumukamaayn^inRalarum punalarangamenbadhuvE. 3.


The Lord saved Abhimanyu (the nephew)’s son Parikshith not to be destroyed

by the asthram (apANdavaasthra prayOgam- Sent by Asvatthaaman with a pledge

to destroy the complete lineage of Paandavas); thus He saved and protected

the PaaNdavas from the fear of their lineage being extinguished (Srimad

Bhagawatham- 13-16) advising them at the appropriate time as their friend,

philosopher and Guide (guru mukham. Such most merciful Lord- Parama

upakArakan – KaNNan resides in this Divya Desam of Sri rangam where red

lotus flowers bloom like EmperumAn’s divinely beautiful Thirumukham (face);

the black kuvaLai flowers like His dark huge ThirumEni (body) in the bank of

river Cauveri and thus the whole place appears like the very Lord



When AsvatthAmA sent that asthram, Arjunan attempted to send the answering

asthram in response; Sage vyAsa immediately cautioned saying, 12 years the

citizens will suffer due to that (perhaps it is Nuke missile ).. Arjuna

stooped. When the same thing was requested to AsvatthAma asking him to take

back the asthram, he unwillingly did so, but with an intent to only send the

asthram to the future generation of Paandavas (namely.. Parikshith in the

womb of Utthara)..


koonthozhuththaisidhakuraippak kodiyavaLvaaykkadiyasolkEttu

eenReduththathaayaraiyum iraachchiyamum_aangozhiya

kaan_thoduththan^eRipOkik kaNdakaraikkaLaindhaanoor

thEnthoduththamalarchchOlaith thiruvarangamenbadhuvE. 4.


Listening to the hunch back maid Mantharai, cruel hearted Kaikeyi asked for

going to the forest leaving the loving mother Kowsalya and the kingdom given

by father Dasaratha; Rama went walking in the hard dense dark forest (to

destroy the enemies). Such greatest Lord – ParamAthmA- is here residing at

Srirangam full of gardens of flowers with dripping honey with a desire to

mingle with BhAgawathas (who are like honey);


peruvarangaLavaipaRRip pizhakudaiya_iraavaNanai

uruvarangapporudhazhiththu ivvulakinaikkaNpeRuththaanoor

kuruvarumbakkOngalarak kuyilkoovumkuLir_pozhilsoozh

thiruvarangamenbadhuvE en_thirumaalsErvidamE. 5.


With a boon not to get killed even by most powerful celestial devas,

lankEswaran RaavaNan was brimming with arrogance and pride; His ten heads

were effortlessly rolled by the most strongest dharmO vigrahavaan- Lord Rama

in the battle field and blessed this world with jnAnam (Saranagathi jnAnam

with His Rama charama slOkam)- Such most merciful Lord- Parama dhayALu

resides in this divya dEsam of Srirangam which is my AndAL’s darling Lord’s

residence; where cuckoo birds coo; flowers fall from the kOngu trees in

abundance; filled with charming beautiful gardens.


keezhulakil_asurar_kaLaik kizhangirundhukiLaraamE

aazhividuththu_avarudaiya karuvazhiththavazhippanoor

thaazhaimadaloodurinchith thavaLavaNNappodiyaNindhu

yaazhinisaivaNdinangaL aaLamvaikkum_arangamE. 6.


Sending the divine strong chakrAyudha, in order not to let the asura clan

again sprout, He destroyed the asuras (including the ones that were in the

fetuses); Such a samhARa kartthA- Hari resides in this divya Desam of

Srirangam, where bees sing merrily (in praise of Lord Ranga) inside the

flowers drinking honey, with the white powders stuck on their bodies (picked

from such flowers)


Let those divine bees (acharyas) take us to the divine lotus flowers (His

lotus feet)


kozhuppudaiyasezhungurudhi kozhiththizhindhukumizhththeRiya

pizhakkudaiya_asurar_kaLaip piNambaduththaperumaanoor

thazhuppariyasandhanangaL thadavaraivaay_eerththukkoNdu

thezhippudaiyakaavirivandhu adithozhumseerarangamE. 7.


AsurAs- whose only nature is to commit blunders and trouble saadhus- their

arrogance, pride were all simply crushed with their flesh, blood sprouting

out like bubbles – they were all destroyed by EmperumAn and His temple is

this divya desam where the river cauveri flows swiftly with such current

that the sandal trees are snatched away from the nearby mountains and pulled

with its waters roaring as an offering at the lotus feet of Lord Ranga. Such

kalyANa guNas filled river exists here in this divya desam


valleyiRRukkEzhalumaay vaaLeyiRRuchcheeyamumaay

ellaiyillaaththaraNiyaiyum avuNanaiyum_idandhaanoor

elliyampOdhu_irunchiRaivaNdu emperumaan_kuNampaadi

mallikaiveNsangoodhum madhiLarangamenbadhuvE. 8.


With the strong horn on His face, Adhi varaaha PerumAn appeared; with the

lion faced showing His lustrous teeth appeared Nrusimhan; He destroyed the

asurA (HiraNyAkshan) and brought the earth on his Horn (in Varaaha

avatharam) – This perumAn’s residence is this divya desam where at nights,

bees hum singing in praise of Lord’s kalyANa guNas; and drink the honey,

blowing the stems of jasmine flowers like conch shells in the broad streets

(praakaaram) of Srirangam.


The asurA just by looking at the lustrous teeth was half dead.

Bees when flying spreads its wings which appear to be making some sort of

hissing sound / music. Such an ordinary sound itself is interpreted by

Bhagawathas of Srirangam (like PeriyAzhwAr) as the verses / songs in praise

of His kalyANa gUNAs and they start singing. Such a divine place.


kunRaadukozhumukilpOl kuvaLaikaLpOlkuraikadalpOl

ninRaadukaNamayilpOl niRamudaiyan^edumaaloor

kunRaadupozhiln^uzhaindhu kodiyidaiyaarmulaiyaNavi

manRooduthenRalumaam madhiLarangamenbadhuvE. 9.


The Lord – who is like the rainy clouds that reside on top of the mountains

full of waters ad hence appear dark and beautiful (showering rains with no

partiality absolutely); like the dark kuvaLai flowers; like the noisy, blue

deep dark ocean; like the group of beautiful peacocks spreading their

feathers; dark colored Lord who has greatest amount of love for His

devotees-Such most beautiful Lord Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan resides in

this divya desam where the cool, gentle breeze enters through the mountains;

grabs the fragrance from flowers on the way; enters the streets of Srirangam

surrounded by tall ramparts and hug gently the tender breasts of narrow

creeper like waisted ladies..


EmperumAn with his tremendous love for His devotees showers His love and

mercy on them with no partiality like the rainy clouds; He is like the

kuvaLai flowers – grand one and is most beautiful; He dances and plays like

the beautiful peacock when He sees His favorite devotees like Gopika



When the ladies of Srirangam come running towards the temple rushing for His

darshan not to miss the timing; they get exhausted, their heavy tender

breasts are also carried by them; their narrow waists hurt with their

running; they taka quick rest and the gentle breeze perform kaimkaryam to

them making the a bit relaxed with its fragrant air on them.


paruvarangaLavaipaRRip padaiyaaliththezhundhaanai

seruvarangapporudhazhiththa thiruvaaLan_thiruppadhimEl

thiruvarangaththamizhmaalai vittuchiththanviriththanakoNdu

iruvarangameriththaanai EththavallaaradiyOmE. 10.


SithA pathi Sri Raman blessed everyone with his killing of Raavanan in the

battle field when Raavanan came with such grand boons and great armies, with

a winning strategy etc.. Such victorious Lord Sri Ramachandran resides as

Sri RanganAthan in Srirangam and about this divya desam- Sri vishnuchitthar

has sung these ten pAsurams in Tamil and those who read them and recite

them, capable of praising EmeprumAn who had killed Madhu kaitabhar asurAs-

are our masters and we are their dAsars (says AzhwAr).


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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