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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi- 4.9 Another ten pAsurams on "en Arangan"!

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


In last Pasurams, AzhwAr described that due to the presence of Vaidikas, the

place attained its grandness and is number one of all divya desams. Again he

sings on Srirangam being worshipped by both north and south. (which can be

seen from first two pAsurams).









kaaRRaatta_Osalikkum_oLiyarangamE. 1.


The Lord gave the divine padhukas to Bharathaazhwaan [when Bharatha asked

Rama to come back to Ayodhya- performing Saranagathi]; and the went into the

dense forest to fight in the battle with asurAs (to kill them- letting

Devas live peacefully) and then went back to Ayooddhi to do Raajya

paripAlanam for years.. Such most victorious Lord Sriya: Pathi resides in

this divya desam of Srirangam where the most beautiful huge kuvaLai flowers

move (due to the breeze sounding “ooo” ) resembling the Lord’s most divinely

charming form of ThirumEni (body) color and PiraaTTi’s large darting, well

laid out well spread lotus eyes…


About these Great paadhukas, Swamy Desikan wrote 1008 verses called Padhuka

sahasram.. Rama could have made a vgraham of His and given to Bharatha.

Instead, He gave away His padhukas.. (made of wood) because He considered

Padhukas even grander than Himself. Even Bharatha would have also thought of

the same thing. Now Even resident of Ayoodhi have come to know of Bharatha’s

intention and praise him, though their Rama did not come back.. In fact,

Padhuka raajyam was better than Rama Rajyam..









maRRoruvarkku_aaLaavarE? 2.


Even if it is Periya PiraaTTi, finding little faults with (His) Bhaagawathas

and say so, then, [in that case], “Those Bhaagawathas who have considered me

as their refuge, would not have done such (wrong) deeds- Even if they had

done so, it is only good ones (and not wrong doings)”- the Lord Sri

Ranganathan appears to be saying so, with such Bhaktha vaathsalyam.. who due

to His Parama kaaruNyam and vaathsalyam for His devotee VibheeshaNan, sees

uninterruptedly with His large divine most beautiful red lotus eyes towards

Vibheeshanan’s lankA (surrounded by tall ramparts) in the southern direction

(from Srirangam). Such greatest Lord- My Ranganathan – but for Him should

one serve someone else? (Never..)


PiraaTTi is always most merciful; most compassionate. How can she find

faults with Bhaagawathas? The pAsuram says: even if She does… She will not..

if she does.. Also, it refers to all others as well finding fault including

PiraaTTi. So even if PiraaTTi (darling divine consort of PerumAL) says

somwthing wrong about Bhaagawathas, (AzhwAr says) Lord appears to be saying,

“my Bhagaawathas would never have done such a thing; Even if they had done..

It would be for good only..”. Such a vaathsalyam and dayai does He have on

His devotees.


This does not mean that the Lord relishes our wrong doings; (after Prapatti)

and hence we can continue to do wrong doings.. Note the word.. “they will

not do..”. So, He considers such actions as wrong (which are not in

accordance with saasthras. There is no green signal for us to perform

nishiddha karmam. (duties against saasthras). Sri Manalaval mamunigal also

does not mention about this in his commentary. He only says that with

tremendous love and bhakti for the Lord and in order to get Him quicker and

faster, there are Bhagawathas who pray to Devathantharam for the same and

these errors are like those performed in dream and can be forgiven by the

Lord. The Lord even calls the wrong doings as “adhu” that… - adhu seyyaar..


Note the word “seydhaar enbar pOlum”.. It appears the Lord exhibits such

parama vaathsalyam that He would say, “it is for good only..” He did not

actually say so.. Thus there will still be punishment (though of minor

extent) for buddhi poorvaka paapam (deeds done knowingly against saasthras)

in post prapatti period. This is AzhwAr ThiruvuLLam – says Swamy Desikan-

elaborating this in his magnum opus Rahaysathraya saram


Also, why did He say, “en adiyaar”? the Bhagawaathas are common to both

PiraaTTi and PerumAL. He should have said, “num adiyar (our Bhagawathas).

Shouldn’t He? – Note that PiraaTTi is referred to for only if.. Even if she

finds fault… Hence, it should encompass anyone who finds faults with

Bhagawathas and report to PerumAL including PiraaTTi- then PerumAL would

say, “en adiyaar.”. Makes sense.


Also, Those who have surrendered to PiraaTTi for Purushaakaram

(recommendation) then surrender to PerumAL with her reco. Then only they

become His Bhagawathas. Until then, the sins do not get destroyed. Only then

PerumAL will say.. “en adiyaar adhu seydhaar”.


Such Parama kaaruNikO Bhagawaan- Bhaktha vaathsalyan- My Lord EmperumAN

Ranganthan- (my darling AndAL’s dear Lord) – if He is here- right here at

Srirangam, why should someone serve others? Would anyone serve anyone other

than Him?..









aatkoLvaanamarumoor_aNiyarangamE. 3.


The One who crawled and broke the two large marudha trees; broke (the tusker

and killed) the angry, cruel, huge Kuvalayaapeetam elephant, pralambAsuran,

Kesi asuran, sakatAsura, and wrestlers at MathurA- and relished the noise

emanated when he broke each one of the above. He is the Lord who keeps a

ladder for the jeevan (who has performed Saranagathi at His feet) to ascend

to Parampadham through the lustrous Sun rays and once jeevan reaches

Paramapadham, He takes the ladder away (vaangi) and grants aprAkrutha

sareeram, Paripoorna BrahmAnubhavam and eternal service and absolute Bliss –

Thus EmperumAn enslaves the jeevan and His place is here at srirangam- the

most beautiful One.


The ladder- as mentioned by AzhwAr is veary beautiful. Thus, nacha

punaraavartthathE.. One who has gone (to Paramapadham) never returns. Even

if he wishes, he will not be sent by PerumAL. [He will not wish any way- as

he has suddha satva guNam only). Till He gets that sareeram and guNAs, there

may be a possibility, which is taken care by PerumAL.


padhinaaRaamaayiravar dhEvimaar_paNiseyya







irumaandhupon_saaykkumpunalarangamE. 4.


The Nathan of 16000 spouses at Dwaraka – the Lord KaNNan- Sarva naayakan-

MaNavaaLan stays here at Srirangam divya desam, where the red lotus flowers

bloom fully (in order to look like the lotus flower from the divine navel of

PerumAL) and the river cauveri takes the best of flowers from its banks and

runs proudly enjoting the beauty of Srirangam divya desam.


Like the 16000 beautiful spouses the lotus flowers (so many of them) in the

river bloom matching EmperumAn’s navel lotus, and reminding us of Dwaraka

nAthan (with his spouses) in Srirangam.










puLLaraiyanpukazhkuzhaRumpunalarangamE. 5.



[When AzhwAr sang about Azhagiya Manavalan of Srirangam as Dwaraka manavalan

in 4th pAsuram, he remembers Dwaraka incident and sings that here]. To the

Sage Narada, He appeared as the most wonderful Koormam (Tortoise), then

river Ganges, later as the deep vast ocean, the whole earth; the large huge

mountains; as the four faced One (Brahmaa); as four Vedas; as the yagna; as

the Vishnu Himself. (Thus, realizing the Lord and His glories and

manifestations), with tattva jnAnam, Sage Narada realized and similar to

going to Koorma, Ganga, Samudrams again and again, I come to You and you are

my Acharyan – He praised the Lord. Such grandest Lord reclining here at

Srirangam where birds sitting on beautiful flowers in the river cauveri

chirp about the glories of Garuda (their pakshi raajan) in babbling words.









thisaiviLakkaayn^iRkinRathiruvarangamE. 6.


The spouse of Paandava kings – Draupadi – she had taken a vow to tie her

tresses only after the death of DuryOdhanan and Kauravas; and the Lord made

her tie her hair by (arranging for) destruction of Kauravas completely in

the battle field and made his cousins- Paandavas (aunt’s sons) as kings and

later in order to let their lienage rule, He saved Abhimanyu’s son in

Utthara’s womb. Scuh most merciful lord- Parama dhayaaLu- Parama krupALu-

SarvEshwaran resides here for ever in Srirangam where Bhakti yOgis,

Prapannas, Sages, Siddhars et al prostrate from afar; go near His lotus feet

coming nearer where the Lord’s divya mangaLa vigraham glows with the lamps

lit beautifully in the sanctum sanctorum.









chezhumaNikaLvitteRikkumthiruvarangamE. 7.


He appeared as deceitful dwarf Brahmachari Boy (Vaamanan) and removed the

sins of Mahaabhali, snatched away the three worlds that he was ruling and

within a fraction of a second pushed him down to PaathaaLa lOkam. Such

greatest Lord resides in this divya desam of Srirangam, where the gem stones

shine glowing to its fullest level, on the heads of Adhisehsan (whose body

the Lord reclines on the same) like the gem stones impregnated on the huge










thaaLsaayththuththalaivaNakkumthaNNarangamE. 8.


Touching the heart of HiraNyakasipu (literally) and tearing open his chest –

the Lord Nrrusimhan killed the cruel raakshasa king- letting the crown break

and fall down; the eyes of raakshasa burst out; holding his head strong,

with the mouth shouting with pains. Such most strongest – most victorious

Lord resides in Srirangam, where paddy fields grow like the tall red lotus

flower like divine lotus feet which grew huge (in Trivikrama avataram) and

the stems bend (due to its heaviness of rice) down and the tip touches the



The lotus flowers which were hidden before by the well grown tall paddy

fields at the banks of the river cauveri are now visible with their tips

touching them (as if they touch the red lotus feet of the Lord).









sempodiyaadiviLaiyaadumpunalarangamE. 9.


The One who took avataram of Mathsyam, Koormam, Narasimham, Vaamanam, three

Ramams (Parasu Raman, Bala Raman, Kothanda Raman), Krishnan, and Kalki et

al, - taking such avatharams to protect the virtue and saadhus and to

destroy the wicked (asurAs) – Such grandest Lord’s temple is Srirangam divya

Desam- where the swans (male and females) jointly swim on the red lotus

flowers, climb to the bank of the river and drop the powders stuck on their

bodies on the flower bed on land.


EmperuMAn’s avatharams are based on only His krupaa and His sankalpam. Along

with His appearance, the krupa roopi PiraaTTi (the embodiment of daya-

mercy) also takes the respective avatarams to be with the Lord as Nithya





oruvaaLan maRaiyaaLan_OdaadhapadaiyaaLan





thirukkaN_kaLvaLar_kinRathiruvarangamE. 10.


Sriya: Pathi emperumAn- who has the Pakshi rAjan Garuda as His vehicle; who

rules all the worlds; who has the most strongest Nadhakam (sword); who

instructs saasthras and Vedas; who has the army that never runs away from

the enemies; (He does not run and lets the enemies run away with fear); the

Lord of all Iswarans (demi gods); the rule of days and nights; my ruler and

master as well; the most merciful and benefactor in all seven worlds; -

resides permanently reclining on Adhiseshan having his yoga nithrA

(aRithuyil) in Srirangam.









iNaipiriyaadhiruppar_thaamE. 11

EmperumAn- who sent the most strongest fiery divine chakrA to save from the

clutches of death when the elephant GajEndra AzhwAn called Adhi moolamE..

(Primordial Chief!) for saving him as He is the only refuge- resides

willingly on his own at this diyva Desam (Koil- ArAdha aruLamudham pothindha

kOil- says Swamy desikan) where (everyone from) north India and South India

come together to pay their obeisance. About such grandest divya Desam- sand

Sri Vishnuchitthar of Sri VilliputthUr – who has the tongue that speaks

truth always; who serves the Lord truthfully and sincerely- in chaste Tamil

verses and those who are able to recite this sweet Tamil pAsurams will be

blessed to reside for ever at the unparalleled lotus feet of EmperumAn.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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