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PeriyAzhwAr Thiurmozhi 5.4- [on the day of AzhwAr Thirunakshathram]

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SRImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


[Today is our PeriyAzhwAr Thirunakshathram. It is my privelge to send the

concluding part of PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi on this great day. With folded

hands and with dhaNdavath praNamams again and again at AzhwAr's feet, let me

humbly place this end of this seires at His feet. May He forgive me for my

daring venture with absolutely no ability to take up this task except

Bhagawath, Acahrya anugrahams and AzhwAr's blessings. ]


When the Lord showed Himself to AzhwAr as ThirumalirunchOlai appan, AzhwAr

sang (in last ten 5.3), “I will never ever leave You; Please bless me to get

rid of another birth… AzhwAr had sung KaNNan as little darling Kutti KaNNan

and enjoyed in the role of loving mother Yashodha. He also addressed his

favorite PerumAL ThiruvEnkatamudaiyaan while he sang on KaNNan “Vitthagan

vENkatavaaNan (1.5.3); vEnkatavaaNaRkOr kOl koNdu vaa(2.6.9); nicchalum

theemaigaL seyvaay neeL thiruvEnkatatthu enthaay(2.7.3);” and immersed

himself in the beauty of ThiruvEnkatamudaiyaan. In Tirumala, the Lord does

not have abhaya mudrA and instead, He shows the hand pointing towards His

lotus feet indicating devotees to surrender to His lotus feet to get rid of

future births. That is the answer to AzhwAr’s viNNappam. The Lord thus shows

himself to AzhwAr in ThiruvEnkadamudiayaan divya mangala vigraham. AzhwAr

also thereby understands the way and the goal and surrenders at His lotus

feet, his self, his burden and the fruits of his saranagathi as well. AzhwAr

sings in excitement and ecstasy “due to your grace and bharasweekAram

(acceptance of my saranagthi) I am now blessed with everything and am a

krutha kruthyan (having done what is to be done); I express my gratitude

(krutajathai) to You, Oh Lord ThiruvEnkatamudaiyaan!


AzhwAr concludes his prabhandham in this celebratory, thankful and grateful

mood. The "SenniyOngu " decad (patthu) covers these magnificent thoughts of

a Kruthaj~nan, who has performed Prapatti at the sacred feet of the Lord and

who is comforted by the Lord's acceptance of his prapatthi . PeriyAzhwAr

Thirumozhi started with the concern for the Lord's well being in this evil

world( pallAndu ) and ends with an assurance to the Lord that he (AzhwAr )

has been fully rewarded by Him and that there is nothing else he needs

anymore. [A wonderful eleven pAsurams]


senniyOngu thaNthiruvEngadamudaiyaay! ulaku

thannaivaazhan^inRan^ambee! dhaamOdharaa! sadhiraa!

ennaiyum_ennudaimaiyaiyum unsakkarappoRiyoRRikkoNdu

ninnaruLEpurindhirundhEn ini_en_thirukkuRippE? 1.


Oh Lord of Thiruvenkatamudaiyaan residing on the top of many cool hills

reaching towards the sky! Sakala kalyANa guNa paripoorNanE! (NambhI) Oh Lord

with anantha kalyANa guNAs, who has elected to reside there to confer Your

blessings on all the chEthanAs! DamOdharA! Lord with Chaathuryam! [Oh Master

who has the gift and power to ignore the profound trespasses by Your

devotees [adiyArs] showing Your lotus feet as the only way]! My body and my

possessions – I have marked them all with the ChakrA (showing our sEshathvam

and belongingness to You and You alone). I am seeking Your grace only as the

redeeming fruit for my athmA and its house, the body for serving only You. I

am standing here awaiting your grace. Is there anything else you wish to see

in me to show myself and prove my sEshathvam?


With His eternal nitya vaasam on top of cool mountains, enabling even Devas

and NithyasUris arrive there to pay their obeisance to his lotus feet,

ThiruvEnkadamudiayaan blesses us. Vem + katam- destroyer of all sins. He

stands showing His lotus feet establishing Prapatti saasthra. He is the Lord

with Swamithvam (Lordship), Sowseelyathvam (stoops down to mix with the

lowly us), Sowlabhyathvam (easily accessible) and Vaathsalyathvam

(compassionate and affectionate to devotees like the cow towards its calves;

mother towards her children).


DamOdharA- The One who had his waist tied down with a small rope by a

cowherd woman (mother Yasodha)- such a simplistic easily accessible Lord!

(Sri NammAzhwAr fainted at his sowseelyathvam- singing etthiRam,..

etthiRam..) AzhwAr thus lovingly calls Him as Damodara!

ThiruvEnkatamudaiyaan as well, in His uthsava muRthy form, allows Himself to

be tied down with various vaahanam, roopams and alankarams for Maasa,

Varsha, Paksha, Brahmma Uthsavams. Thus ThiruvEnkadamudaiyaan also is



SathirA- Chaathuryaa! He is the Lord with greatest chathuryam (smartness?).

If we grant only moKsham, there will be none aspiring for that and hence we

should be able to grant whatever the devotees wish for as there are many who

come to my Lotus feet with materialistic desires, in this Kaliyuga. Thus, He

establishes His Srinivasathvam (being with SRI at all times in His divine

Chest) and grants whatever one wishes for at this Divya Desam. Later with

His blessings, they get seshtva jnAnam and then performs prapatti in few

births. He is Chaathuryan. He is so merciful. (Swamy Desikan refers to his

chathuryam in Dayasathakam)


BhaktiyOgins need to meditate your feet even when their throats are choked

with phlegm. I have performed prapatti at your feet and have done what is to

be done. appOdhaikku ippOdhE solli vaitthEn. What else do want or expect?

Already I have the chakrA mark on my shoulders. Hence please have mercy on

me and bless me.


paRavaiyERuparampurudaa! nee_ennaikkaikkoNdapin

piRaviyennumkadalumvaRRip perumpadhamaakinRadhaal

iRavuseyyumpaavakkaadu theekkoLee_i_vEkinRadhaal

aRivaiyennum_amudhavaaRu thalaippaRRivaaykkoNdadhE. 2.


[EmperumAn being pleased with AzhwAr’s anubhavam, shows Himself as

Garudaarodan- on Garuda. AzhwAr enjoys the divya darshan on Garuda]

Oh Parama PurushA! The Lord who sits on Garudan and uses that veda svarUpi

as Your vaahanam! After Your acceptance of me with no other recourse as Your

servant in Your role as Sarvarakshakan , the ocean of fearsome SamsAram

(future births) has all dried up and I have no more fear of it. Thanks a

million to Your grace and DayA- the forest of sins, which was about to put

an end to my efforts to seek You as savior- is being burned away totally.

The nectar -like river of Jn~Anam keeps on flowing over and over and has

immersed me with paripoorNa anubhavam.


Swamy Desikan says in desika prabandham (on ThiruvEnkadam): kaduvinaiyar

iruvinayum kadiyum veRpu; ponnulagil bhOgamellAm puNarkkum veRpu). Thus

anishta nivrtthi, and ihsta prApthi are all addressed by AzhwAr.


emmanaa! en_kulatheyvamE! ennudaiyan^aayakanE!

ninnuLEnaayppeRRan^anmai ivvulakinil_aar_peRuvaar?

nammanpOlEveezhththamukkum naattiluLLapaavamellaam

summenaathEkaivittOdith thooRukaLpaayndhanavE. 3.


Oh my king (em mannaa) Oh supreme Lord of my kulam! [En kula deivamE] \ my

master! [nAyakA]! Who else can aspire for the great blessings arising from

Your boon of offering me(adiyEn ) residence under the cool shadow of Your

Lotus feet? The sins exiting in all worlds- is in me and they in such large

amount have tormented me and laid me low and now all those evil spirits are

themselves under Your holy feet and are unable to breathe or move. They

seem to have run away once Your grace has fallen on me and have run and

those sins (paapam and puNyam) transported themselves into all those who

scolded and praised. What a miracle to witness and experience?


When the prapannan leaves the earth, his praarabdha karmas (paapams and

puNyam) that stays would be sent (per saasthras) to those who scolded and

praised respectively. (Desikan refers to this in nirNayaadhikAram)


kadalkadaindhu_amudhamkoNdu kalasaththain^iRaiththaaRpOl

udalurukivaaythiRandhu maduththu_unnain^iRaiththukkoNdEn

kodumaiseyyumkooRRamum en_kOlaadikuRukappeRaa

thadavaraiththOLsakkarapaaNee! saarngaviRsEvakanE! 4.


Oh Lord with mighty shoulders like huge mountains; and powerful resplendent

arms adorning SudarsanAzhwAn and Paanchajanyam! Oh mighty, valorous One

using the greatest divine Saarngam (bow)! In as much as You churned the

milky ocean and filled the (golden pot- kalasam) with sweetest nectar, I

have opened my mouth and drunk fully to my heart content and retained You as

the insatiable nectar (ArA amudhu) and this experience has been melting my

body with ecstasy and Blissful joy. Now, even Yaman can not approach where

my senkOl (scepter of being your humble servant with all the explicit marks-

of Urdhva puNdram and implicit marks of being your eternal servant- A

Srivaishnavan) holds sway.


ponnaikkoNdu_uraikalmeedhE niRamezhavuraiththaaRpOl

unnaikkoNdu_enn^aavakampaal maaRRinRi_uraiththukkoNdEn

unnaikkoNdu_ennuLvaiththEn ennaiyum_unnilittEn

ennappaa! ennirudeekEsaa! ennuyirkkaavalanE! 5.


Oh peerless, unparalleled my matchless Father ! Oh Lord who has the power to

command all my five senses to be totally engaged in service only to You! Oh

Master! AtmaswarUpa rakshakaa! [The One who can protect my AthmA from

becoming a slave to others and ensure that I am Your sEshan at all times as

is natural with it]! A goldsmith scratches the gold against the testing

stone (uraikkal) to verify its pure quality. Similarly I have placed Your

names and You as well on my tongue and changed it to transform itself into

that of shining gold from its original nature like the stone shines like

gold itself after so many scratches. My tongue also has attained divinity by

constant scratching of your name (and You). Thanks to that sweet experience

of chanting Your divya nAmAs (divine names), my tongue has now become sacred

and been sanctified. I have now housed You [who is not easily attained even

by Yogis] in my heat cavity. I have also made my lowly self as Your humble



maaRRinRi- faultlessly - I have scratched with You (and the jnAnam about

You) as learnt from the SadhAchArya and their works and not otherwise

misinterpretation of Vedic truths and wrong interpretation of SaasthrAs.

Without violation of any Vedic statements we (have been blessed) faultlessly

have realized the way and the goal (maaRRinRi)

All that was possible only due to your grace on me as my appan (father) As

HrusheekEsan (master of my senses) you have enabled me control my senses.


Unnaik kOndu ennuL vaitthEn.. I placed You inside my heart and enjoyed Your

divya darshan.

ennaiyum unnil ittEn… I placed myself at Your feet.


unnudaiyavikkiramam onRozhiyaamal_ellaam

ennudaiyan^enchakampaal suvarvazhi_ezhudhikkoNdEn

mannadangamazhuvalangaikkoNda iraaman^ambee!

ennidaivandhu_emperumaan! iniyenguppOkinRadhE? 6.


Oh Lord who incarnated as ParasurAmA with the weapon of axe! To destroy the

arrogance of the kings! Oh the Lord with most auspicious attributes (anantha

kalyANa guNAganUka maahaarNavan)! I have painted in the walls of my heart

all of Your most valorous deed and the most bravest deeds completely like

an artist. Oh EmperumAn! Supreme Lordship! Where can You go now after

residing in me? You can not go anywhere and leave me.


I have left You inside me and also painted about Your deeds in the inner

walls of my heart cave. Wherever You go, I also go along with my mind. How

can you thus leave me?


paruppadhaththukkayalpoRiththa paaNdiyar_kulapathipOl

thiruppolindhasEvadi ensenniyinmElpoRiththaay

marupposiththaay! malladarththaay! enRenRu_unvaasakamE

uruppolindhan^aavinEnai unakku_uriththaakinaiyE. 7.


Oh Lord who imprinted Your red lotus divinely beautiful feet on my head as

symbol of Your position as my master similar to the great most valorous

Paandya king who imprinted the fish sign as a mark of his sovereignty over

the mountain of mahA mEru (huge mountain) Meru (after conquering the enemy

in that region)! [You too conquered me controlling me, my sense organs,

removing my ajjnAnam, vibahrItha jnAnam etc..] Oh Lord! The One who broke

the tusker of the mighty elephant (KuvalayApeetam) of KamsA! Oh most

strongest One! The One who destroyed the powerful wrestlers (chANooran and

mushtikan) in KamsA's court! I keep reciting names such as these that remind

me of Your unsurpassed heroism with my tongue that carries the marks of that

exercise. Thus I have been blessed by Your Supreme Self as the eternal

servant of Yourself with the result of my repeated recitation of Your heroic

divine names.


anandhanpaalumkarudanpaalum aidhun^oydhaakavaiththu en

manandhanuLLEvandhuvaiki vaazhachcheydhaay_empiraan!

ninaindhu_ennuLLEn^inRun^ekkuk kaN_kaL_asumpozhuka

ninaindhirundhEsiramamtheerndhEn nEmin^ediyavanE! 8.


Oh Mahaa upakaarI! Most helpful and Most merciful One! Oh tall Lord! The One

who grew huge as Trivikraman! The One with Sudarsana chakram in Your hand!

You have entered my heart and rejuvenated me and made my life truly a

blessed one! You seem to have accomplished by reducing Your love and

affection for the seats of AdisEshA and GarudA as places of Your residence

and come all the way to me to pick my heart as the place of residence much

more lovingly than Your AdhisEshan and Garuda. Thinking about this

magnificent blessings and mercy, dayA, compassion of Yours on aDiyEn, I am

going to rest now with a heart filled with gratefulness and eyes filled with

tears (of joy and overwhelming emotion due to Your mahOpakAram on this

lowly soul – aDiyEn). I will

keep remembering the mahOpakAram You did all the days of my life and feel

relieved from worries of any kind.


Aidhu noydhaaga vaitthu- athi swalpamaaki- [Making them reduced in affection

and choosing my heart as the best choice of residence]


Panikkadalil paLLikOLaip pazhakavittu Odivandhu_en

manakkadalilvaazhavalla maayamaNaaLan^ambee!

thanikkadalEthanichchudarE thaniyulakE_enRenRu

unakkidamaayirukka ennai_unakku_uriththaakkinaiyE. 9.


[A really a marvelous pAsuram- one can not resist and control his tears when

reading and reciting this brilliant pAsuram] [it appears as if] You have

forgotten Your habit of resting comfortably on the cool, milky ocean and run

away from there to reside in the ocean of this heart of mine! Oh Lord who is

capable of performing such miraculous deeds (maaya manila nambhI)! Oh Lord

of Periya PiraaTTi -MahA Lakshmi ! Oh Samastha kalyANa guNa paripooRNA! Lord

full of auspicious guNAs! You have discarded the matchless places of Your

erstwhile residence such as Milky ocean and the orbit of the Sun and have

chosen this lowly heart as your preferred seat of residence. Your sowseelya

guNam is beyond description.


thadavaraivaaymiLirndhuminnum thavaLan^edungodipOl

sudaroLiyaayn^enchinuLLE thOnRum_en_sOdhin^ambi!

vadathadamumvaikundhamum madhiLthuvaraapathiyum

idavakaikaL_ikazhndhittu enpaal_idavakaikoNdanaiyE. 10.


Oh the most lustrous Lord! The One who shines like a resplendent flag on the

top of the lofty mountain! How great is Your affection (vaatsalyam) on me!

You have cast aside Your preferred residences at the milky ocean,

Srivaikuntam and the city of mighty ramparts, dwarakA

and have chosen to reside inside me.


vEyar_thangaLkulaththudhiththa vittuchiththanmanaththE

kOyilkoNdakOvalanaik kozhunkuLirmukilvaNNanai

aayarERRai_amarar_kOvai andhaNar_thamamudhaththinai

saayaipOlappaadavallaar_thaamum aNukkar_kaLE. 11.


Sri Vishnu chitthan of Veyar kulam has sung these pAsurams on Cowherd Boy

GopAlan with the hue of dark blue rainy cloud and those who recite these ten

verses of VishNuchitthan in whose heart resides Gopaalan – the sweetest

nectar of Parama VaidIka Brahmins - will never ever be separated from the

Lord (as a shadow of His which never leaves Him) and will be blessed with

the Nithya kaimkaryam for Him, who is the bull among the cowherds of



A great pAsuram- Sri UttamUr Swamy elaborates beautifully in his commentary.

As AzhwAr had already declared that the Lord Sriman Narayanan- Bhaktha

vaathsalyan stays in his heart cave mercifully and his mind being filled

with VishNu- Appropriately named VishNu chitthan. (refer to all earlier

pAsurams – thanikkalE, vadathadmum; etc..)

Who is the one residing there in his heart?- Kovalan- the cowherd Boy- the

ultimate of Sowlabhyam.. and is the sweetest nectar.

AyarERu- The cowherd Bull (KaNNan) and AmararkO- the king of NithyasUris.

Thus Sowlabhyam and Parathvam is here addressed brilliantly by AzhwAr.

Chaayai pOla paada vallAr thaamum aNukkarkalE - Should not be interpreted

based on words arrangement that those who sing coolly (understanding the

cool rainy clouds like KaNNan) [though it is correct literally. Instead,

Chaayai (shadow) should be combined with aNukkargaLE giving a better

enjoyable meaning i.e. Those who sing these pAsurams (verses) will be

blessed to be with the Lord like the shadow.. (Chayai is placed in the front

(in 4th line) for rhyming (ethukai) (says Sri UttamUr Swamy)


[My sincere and humble thanks to each and every Bhagawatha of the list for

patiently bearing with adiyEn’s rambling. If anything good in it, it is due

to the great pAsurams of AzhwAr and the greater anubhavams of Acharyans in

their vyAkhyAnams. Thanks to those who wrote publicly and privately

encouraging me for my every post. That gave me tremendous strength.]

PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadikaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana




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