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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.6- Call your children with His divine names and enjoy!

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas


In last ten, AzhwAr mentioned about naama sangeertthanam¡¦s glories and how

it takes one up in the path leading towards Paramapadham. Even if you do not

wish to utter his divine names, at least name your children after his names

and while calling them, you (unknowingly) utter his names thereby.- AzhwAr

beautifully advises us here.


In the order of Vedas describing PraLayam (Cosmic dissolution) first and

then the creation (srushti), AzhwAr elaborates death first (in last ten) and

now the birth of children.


kaasumkaRaiyudaikkooRaikkum angOr_kaRRaikkum

aasaiyinaal angavaththappEridum aadhar_kaaL!

kEsavanpErittu neengaLthEniththiruminO

naayakann^aaraNan tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 1.


1. Desirous of silk cloth, a couple of jewellery, do not name your children

after few jeevathmas (sentient being) and achethanas (non-sentient beings),

living therein. Oh ladies! (sthrees! MaadhargaaL) Name your children after

Kesavan¡¦s name and rejoice (uttering that sweet name) and get some goodness

(irumin) in your lives (puNyam); The mother of children whose names are

after SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan- Narayanan- our master (naayakan)

(naaraayaNan tham annai) ¡V will never ever enter into hell thereafter.


If we name after our relatives¡¦ names; or the village chief¡¦s name or some

demi god¡¦s, perhaps they get pleased and give as gift some jewel or a piece

if cloth. But even they are temporary- in their present lives; and it is not

their wealth [it if given to them by the Lord Sriman Narayanan]. Due to the

divine name of Narayanan, (namely Kesavan and others), when uttered, the

mothers never enter hell. This is also applicable to all other names listed

in following pAsurams.


Here maadhargaaL (ladies are addressed) ¡V in next PAsurams, he calls

nangaigaaL- and hence he may address only ladies as ladies are the ones who

take care of home and children more. Or maadhargaaL- also may mean-

ignoramuses. Thus, by naming the children after the Lord Sriman Narayanan¡¦s

names, the mothers become great like Yasodha and Kausalya.


Here when AzhwAr addresses the Lord¡¦s names, he also means PiraaTTi¡¦s

names, Acharyas¡¦ names. ¡V comments Sri UttamUr Swami.


angorukooRai araikkuduppadhanaasaiyaal

mangiyamaanidasaadhiyin pEridum_aadhar_kaaL!

sengaNedumaal! sireedharaa! enRu_azhaiththakkaal

nangaikaaL! naaraNan tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 2.


2. Oh ladies- Having a mean desire to get a piece of cloth around your

waist, you name your children after those human beings (who give you such a

small cloth)! Oh ladies- who listen to good words (hitha vaarthai) when

spoken! Foolish ladies! Call your children as PundareekaakshA! (Red lotus

eyed One!) Vishnu! Sridharaaa! and The mother of children whose names are

after SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan- Narayanan- our master (naayakan)

(naaraayaNan tham annai) ¡V will never ever enter into hell thereafter.


uchchiyil_eNNeyum suttiyumvaLaiyum_ukandhu

echchampolindheer_kaaL! enseyvaanpiRar_pEritteer?

pichchaipukkaakilum empiraan_thirun^aamamE

nachchumin naaraNan tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 3.


3. Oh mothers! Who are blessed with the wealth of children! Why do you

consider getting that small bangles, the oil for the head or the forehead

gem stone and name after human beings (other than Narayanan¡¦s names)? Even

if you are asked to go begging for a living, you should only desire for

naming your children after our most merciful, most helpful (Parama

upakArakan- ParamOdhAran, Parama kaaruNikan) Sriman Narayanan¡¦s names

alone. (because) the mother of children whose names are after SarvEshwaran-

Sarvashakthan- Narayanan- our master (naayakan) (naaraayaNan tham annai) ¡V

will never ever enter into hell thereafter.

maanidasaadhiyilthOnRiRRu Ormaanidasaadhiyai

maanidasaadhiyinpErittaal maRumaikkillai

vaanudaimaadhavaa! gOvindhaa! enRu_azhaiththakkaal

naanudain^aaraNan tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 4.


4. If you name your children after those beings who are born as humans (who

are also samsaaric afflictions like you only- if not worse), there is no

way, you can be blessed with even material wealth (leave alone

Srivaikunatm). If you call your darling children as ¡§Paramapadha nAthA!

Maadhavaa! Sriya: Pathi! Govindhaa! Then the mother of children whose names

are after SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan- Narayanan- who is the Swami of our

AthmAs- who resides in our AthmAs- our master (naayakan) (naaraayaNan tham

annai) ¡V will never ever enter into hell thereafter. Naan udai naaraNan

narakam- pugaaL.


Here naan udai naaraNan- Jeer interest as ¡§My NaaraayaNan¡¨ Thiruvaaymozhi

Pillai interprets (considering this as something special) saying, ¡§The One

who has us- the AthmAs- as His house- sareeram- He- being NaaraayaNan.

Jeevathmas are all Naaraas. And He is the master of us. Why do you leave the

master¡¦s name and have others¡¦ name instead?


AzhwAr considers only himself as naan (I) and glorify His Lord as per

Jeer¡¦s commentary- which is also enjoyable.


malamudaiyooththaiyilthOnRiRRu Ormalavooththaiyai

malamudaiyooththaiyinpErittaal maRumaikkillai

kulamudaikkOvindhaa! gOvindhaa! enRuazhaiththakkaal

nalamudain^aaraNan tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 5.



5. For the one which is born out of the repository of dirt, and other

wastes, and contain all flesh, blood, bones etc., you name after the same

one who is also ¡§imperfect¡¨ and waste reservoir like you, there is no way

you can redeem yourself for future births. [instead], if you call your

children as Govindhaa! Then, the mother of children whose names are after

SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan- Narayanan- our master (naayakan) (naaraayaNan

tham annai) ¡V will never ever enter into hell thereafter


naadumn^akarum_aRiya maanidappErittu

koodiyazhungik kuzhiyilveezhndhuvazhukkadhE

saadiRappaayndhathalaivaa! dhaamOdharaa! enRu

naadumin naaraNan_tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 6.


6. Mixing with the lowly human beings in the village and suburbs,

publicizing to everyone the names of your children after those lowly human

beings and do not fall down.. Instead, desire for calling them as

Dhaamodharaa! The Sakataasura mardhanaa! The one who destroyed SakatAsurA!)

etc. And let the whole world know His glories thereby. And then the mother

of children whose names are after SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan- Narayanan-

our master (naayakan) (naaraayaNan tham annai) ¡V will never ever enter into

hell thereafter.


maNNilpiRandhumaNNaakum maanidappErittu angu

eNNamonRinriyirukkum Ezhaimanisar_kaaL!

kaNNukkiniya karumukilvaNNann^aamamE

naNNumin naaraNan_tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 7.



7. Naming your children after the beings who are born out of the earth and

go back to the same (from prakrithi back to praktithi) there is no good that

we can get. Oh shameless beings! Who think that you are fearless after

naming such lowly humans! Desire for naming your children after the divine

names of dark rainy cloud like Emperumaan (who has aprAkrutha divya mangaLa

vigraham) and then the mother of children whose names are after

SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan- Narayanan- our master (naayakan) (naaraayaNan

tham annai) ¡V will never ever enter into hell thereafter.


nambin^ambiyenRu naattumaanidappErittaal

nambumpimbumellaam naalun^aaLil_azhungippOm

semperundhaamaraikkaNNan pErittazhaiththakkaal

nambikaaL! naaraNan tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 8.


8. Naming your children as nimbi, pimbi etc.., after few lowly beings (who

do not even have any Athma guNas-and calling them as the one with great

Athma guNa ¡V Nambhi and naming our children after them), with a (false)

faith of accomplishing something great. Even that faith will vanish after

sometime (few days- or months or even years- as you would realize that they

too would vanish soon), Instead, oh most virtuous ones! Name your children

after the most beautiful red lotus eyed Lord, then the mother of children

whose names are after SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan- Narayanan- our master

(naayakan) (naaraayaNan tham annai) ¡V will never ever enter into hell


ooththaikkuzhiyil amudhampaayvadhupOl ungaL

mooththirappiLLaiyai enmukilvaNNanpErittu

kOththukkuzhaiththuk kuNaalamaadiththiriminO

naaththakun^aaraNan tham_annain^arakampukaaL. 9.



9. Like the nectar that passes out of the foul smelling, rotten sewage pipe,

name your children (who is also the repository of a human body like you-

mootthirapiLLai- yOnijar)- who is born of you, after the divine name of the

Lord (so that your children¡¦s name becomes sacred and pure which purifies

you like nectar) and if you call them in such sweet names, bathe them, dress

them and play with them (calling such a divine name each time), then the

mother of children whose names are after SarvEshwaran- Sarvashakthan-

Narayanan- our master (naayakan) (naaraayaNan tham annai) ¡V will never ever

enter into hell thereafter.

seeraNimaal thirun^aamamEyidaththERRiya

veeraNitholpukazh vittuchiththanviriththa

OraNiyoN_thamizh onbadhOdonRumvallavar

pEraNivaigundhaththu enRumpENiyirupparE. (2) 10.


10. The most valorous Sri Vishnuchitthar of SrivilliputthUr sang these ten

PAsurams describing elaborately the glories of divine names of Emperumaan

and advises (us) to name our children after His divine names. Those who

learn these nine PAsurams and the tenth (this one) will be blessed to be at

Paramadham forever and ever blissfully.


Here AzhwAr addresses himself as Veerar (valorous) as he is the one who

unambiguously established the Parathvam of Sriman Narayanan in the assembly

of Paandya king.


[so, name your children beautifully with His names.. and call them lovingly

with full name and enjoy.. Nowadays, people break the names to intolerable

levels.. Spoiling the very name itself¡K Srinivasan name becomes Seenu¡K Or

Seemaachu.. Narasimhan becomes Nacchu.. (poison).. Parthasarathy is

Paacchaa. Srikaanth is Cheekaa. Lakshmi is Yecchimi or lacchu. Krishnan is

Kittu or Kittaa. To top it all Ramanujan is Ramaanju¡K Desikan is Desi..

Alas! This is worse than nambhi pimpi.. I supposeļ ]


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLe saraNam


Namo Narayana




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