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Peace Pilgrim-II

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Some interesting quatations and question and answers from Peace Pilgrim.




Be a sweet melody in the great orchestration, instead of a discordant note.

The medicine this sick world needs is love. Hatred must be replaced by

love, and fear by faith. That love will prevail.



Just concentrate on thinking and living and acting in harmony with God's

laws and inspiring others to do likewise. Every time you meet a person,

think of some encouraging thing to say--- a kind word , a helpful

suggestion, an expression of admiration. Never think of any right effort as

being fruitless. All right efforts bear fruit, whether we see the results

or not.



Every good thing you do, every good thing you say, every good thought you

think, vibrates on and on and never ceases. The evil remains only until it

is overcome by the good, but the good remains forever.



Thoughts to Ponder


There is no glimpse of the light without walking the path. You cannot get

it from anyone else, nor can you give it to anyone. Just take whatever

steps seem easiest for you, and as you take a few steps it will be easier

for you to take few more.



When you know your part in the scheme of things, in the Divine Plan, there

is never a feeling of inadequacy. You are always given the resources for

any situation, any obstacles. There is no strain, there is always security.



When you have constant communion with God, a constant receiving from

within, there is never any doubt; you know your way. You become an

instrument through which a job is done, therefore you have no feeling of



The spiritual life is real life; all else is illusion and deception. Only

those who are attached to God alone are truly free. Only those who live up

to the highest light live in harmony. All who act upon their highest

motivations becomes a power for good. It is not important that others be

noticeably affected: results should never be sought or desired. Know that

every right thing you do-- every good word you say-- every positive thought

you think -- has good effect.


Judging others will avail you nothing and injure you spiritually. Only if

you can inspire others to judge themselves will anything worthwhile have

been accomplished.


I perceived the entirely self-centered life as not worth living. If what

you are doing will not benefit others besides yourself, it is not worth



The Godly way is one of the few simple precepts that even a child can

understand. Truth is simple-- it is just not so simple to live it.

Therefore, immature people tend to hide behind complicated interpretations

in order to avoid living simple truth.


Life is a mixture of successes and failures. May you be encouraged by the

successes and strengthened by the failures. As long as you never lose

faith in God, you will be victorious over any situation you may face.


Live in the present. Do the things that need to be done. Do all the good

you can each day. The future will unfold.


If you give your life as a prayer, you intensify the prayer beyond all measure.


Although others may feel sorry for you, never feel sorry for yourself. It

has a deadly effect on spiritual well-being. Recognize all problems, no

matter how difficult, as opportunities for spiritual growth, and make the

most of these opportunities.


There was a time ---- when I attained inner peace --- when I died, utterly

died to myself. I have since renounced my previous identity. I can see no

reason to dwell upon my past, it is dead and should not be resurrected.

Don't inquire of me---ask about my message. It is not important to

remember the messenger, just remember the message.


Who am I? It matters not that you know who I am; it is of little

importance. This clay garment is one of a penniless pilgrim journeying in

the name of peace. It is what you cannot see that is so very important. I

am one who is propelled by the power of faith; I bathe in the light of

eternal wisdom; I am sustained by the unending energy of the universe; this

is who I really am!


My desire is to strive towards perfection; to be as much in harmony with

God's will as possible. to live up to the highest light I have. I am still

not perfect, of course, but I grow daily. If I were perfect I would know

everything and be able to do everything; I would be like God. However, I

am able to do everything I am called to do, and I do know what I need to

know to do my part in the Divine Plan. And I do experience the happiness

of living in the harmony with God's will for me.


Any praise I receive does not change me, for I pass it right along to God.

I walk because God give me the strength to walk, I live because God gives

me the supply to live, I speak because God gives me the words to speak.

All I did was to surrender my will to God's will.


Questions and Answers


Q. What is the very heart of successful human relations?


A. Loving people, seeing the good in them, knowing that each one is

important and has his order job to do in the divine plan.


Q. can spiritual growth be accomplished quickly or does it take awhile?


A. Spiritual growth is a process the same as physical growth or mental

growth. Five year old children do not expect to be as tall as their

parents at their next birthday; the first grader does not expect to

graduate into college at the end of the term; the truth student should not

expect to attain inner peace overnight. It took me fifteen years. The

spiritual growing up is a very interesting and enjoyable process. There

should be no wish to either hasten it or slow it down. Just experience it

and take the steps towards inner peace and let it unfold.


Q. How can one find inner peace.


A. To find inner peace, or happiness, you must go through the spiritual

growing up, you must leave the self-centered life and enter the

God-centered life--- the life in which you see yourself as part of the

whole and work for the good of the whole.


Q. What is God?


A. We lump together all things that are beyond the capacity of all of us

collectively to understand--- and one name we give to all those things

together is God. Therefore God is the creative force, the sustaining power,

that which motivates toward constant change, the overall intelligence which

governs the universe by physical and spiritual law, truth, love, goodness,

kindness, beauty, the ever-present, all pervading essence or spirit, which

bind everything in the universe together and gives life to everything in

the universe.


Q. why are people unhappy?


a. People are unhappy because they are out of harmony with God's will.


Q. In your opinion what is the number one world problem?


A. The number one world's problem is immaturity. We choose to live at a

small fraction of our real potential. In our immaturity we are greedy; some

grab more than their share so that others starve. In our immaturity we are

fearful; we build armaments against one another, resulting in war.


Q. What is the kundalini?


A. The awakening the kundalini could originally have meant the awakening

of the divine nature-- but some I know use the word to mean plugging into

the source of universal energy.


Q. What does it mean to awaken the kundalini?


A. Those who are interested in forcing spiritual growth think about

awakening the kundalini. Those who have good sense, live in spiritual life

and await spiritual unfoldment.


Q. Are you willing to forgive people who do evil things even before they

are sorry?


A. I don't need to forgive people, for I harbor no animosity. If they do

evil things, I feel compassion for them because I know they have hurt

themselves. I hope they will be sorry, because I want them to be healed.


Q. When does illumination come?


A. The time when you raise high enough in consciousness to look at things

through the eyes of the God-centered nature is often called illuminating



Q. Why are you a vegetarian, and how can you be sure you are consistent?


A. As to my vegetarianism, I do the best I can. I have never refrained

from doing something I believed was right because I could not do it

perfectly. I do not believe it is right for me to ask someone else to do

my 'dirty work' for me. I would not kill a creature, and I would not ask

someone else to kill it for me, so I will not eat the flesh of the creature.


Q. Why does God exist?


A. God is the life force without which the universe would not exist. God is

expressed though out the physical and spiritual universe. (sat and chit?)


Q. Who is Jesus?


A. Jesus was a great spiritual teacher who walked the earth. His life was

governed by the indwelling Christ. He taught us, ours could be too.


Q. What do you tell people who ask if you are a Christian.


A. I am not, and have never been, a part of any particular faith. I am

deeply religious woman who has taken the inner way to a religious life, not

the scholarly way or the way of early training. I will never say this is

the only way. It is of course an excellent way. And people are free to

choose and develop in their own way.


Q. Are you an Avatar, a diving incarnation?


A. I am a pilgrim for peace, inner peace and outer peace. I walk in prayer

for peace. I try to inspire others to pray and work for peace also. I

would gladly be a 'server'; one who returns again and again to help people

towards a more spiritual life.


A. Is the Messiah concept immature? Was Jesus the Messiah? Are you a Messiah?


A. Yes, the Messiah concept is immature. Immature people look for a

Messiah instead of looking for the Christ within. Jesus was a great

spiritual teacher. I am teaching how to live God's laws. In each being

there is a divine nature called by various names. After sufficient

lifetimes it begins to govern the being. That being stands out from the

crowd. There have been quite a few. The important thing is that it can

govern you.


A sage declares in Vedaas!


sR^invantu viswe amR^itasya putraaH!

ayo dhaamani divyaani santi,

Vedaaha metam amR^itam mahaantam

aaditya varNam tamasH parastaat

tvameva viditvaa amR^itatvameti

naanyaH panthaa vidyate yanaaaya||


Listen you all the sons of immortality! (what a way to address!)

and you too the indwellers of the heavens!

( I have some good news for you all)

I have realized the immortality, the highest of all,

It is of the nature of light of consciousness beyond the


you too can realize that and become immortal

there is no other path to arrive at this other than knowledge.

(But it is your birth right since you are the sons of immortality!)


Peace Pilgirm repeats:

Remember this: 'BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD'. Don't ever forget who

you are! You cannot be where God is not.



Hari Om!





K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117


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