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Peace Pilgrim-III

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Notes on the Steps Towards Inner Peace




The steps towards inner peace are not taken in any certain order. Just

take whatever steps are easier for you and as you take a few steps, it will

be easier to take few more. These can be expanded or contracted.


I. The four preparations


(1) Right attitude towards life: - This means stop being an escapist. By

willing to face the life squarely and get down beneath the surface of life

where the verities and realities are to be found. The problems become

opportunities in disguise. Individual problems and collective problems to

be met squarely.


(2) Bringing our lives into harmony with the laws that govern this

universe. ( Following one's Dharma). Created are not only the worlds and

the beings, but also the laws that govern them. (Laws exist at physical

level and in psychological level. I should not hurt some one physically

nor I can hurt someone mentally. There are laws at spiritual level too.

Every action at each level has a reaction at all levels.) In so far as we

disobey these laws, we create difficulties for ourselves by our

disobedience. We are our own worst enemies. If we are out of harmony

through ignorance, we suffer somewhat; but if we know better and are still

out of harmony, then we suffer a great deal. Included are the laws that

evil can only be overcome by good; and the only good means can attain a

good end; that those who do un-loving things hurt themselves spiritually.

These laws are the same for all human beings and must be obeyed before

harmony can prevail.


(3) Find your special place in the Life Pattern: Everyone is unique in the

cosmic plan. No two people have the exactly the same part to play in God's

plan. There is guidance which comes from within to all who will listen.

They just need to be realized and lived. God never guides us to break

divine law. (Start doing things you enjoy that not only help you but

others around you- He has given you everything you have. What is that you

can give back to him with all the love and commitment, do that as your

best. In the process you will discover what is the God's plan for you,

ultimately it is that which makes you in harmony with yourself and with the

world around you).


(4) Simplification of life: This brings inner and outer well-being,

psychological and material well-being, in harmony in ones life. ( Operate

at a need level. Any thing beyond ones need is greed. Eat what you need.

Collection and aggrandizement more than what one needs make one to be more

dependent than one should be. As one simplifies the life, one discovers

that ones need level goes down rapidly.) When I brought my life need level,

I thought I would entail a great many hardships, but I was quite wrong.

Instead of hardships, I found a wonderful sense of peace and joy, and a

conviction that unnecessary possessions are only unnecessary burden. ( We

come into this world carrying nothing and leave this world carrying

nothing. Why do we have to collect unnecessary physical and psychological

burdens that we really do not need).


II Purifications


(1) Purification of the body: This has to do with my physical living

habits. I used to eat all the standard foods. I shudder now to think of

what I used to dump in this temple of the spirit. Now I eat mostly fruits,

nuts, vegetables, whole grain and perhaps a bit of milk and cheese. This

is what I live on and walk on.

you would thing purification of the body might be the first area in which

people would be willing to work, but from practical experience I have

discovered it is often the last.


(2) Purification of thought: If you realize how powerful your thoughts are,

you would never think a negative thought. They can be a powerful influence

for good when they are on the positive side, and they can and o make you

physically ill when they are on the negative side. I don't eat junk foods

and I don't think junk thoughts. Junk thoughts can destroy you even more

quickly than junk food.

If you are harboring the slightest bitterness towards anyone, or any unkind

thoughts of any sort whatever, you must get rid of them quickly. They are

not hurting anyone but you. It is not enough to just do right things and

say right things - you must also think right things before you life can

come into harmony.


(3) Purification of Desire: Since you are here to get yourself in harmony

with the laws that govern human conduct and with your part in the scheme of

things, your desires should be focused in this direction. It is very

important to get your desires centered so you will desire only to do God's

will for you. You can come to the point of oneness of desire, just to know

and do your part in the Life Pattern. When you think about it, is there

anything else as really important to desire?


(4) Purification of motive: What is your motive for whatever you may be

doing? If it is pure greed or self-seeking or the wish for

self-glorification, I would say, DO NOT DO THAT THING.


III Reliquishments


(1) Relinquishment of self-will: You can work on subordinating the lower

self by refraining from doing the 'not-good' things you may be motivated

towards- not suppressing them, but transforming them so that the higher

self can take over your life.


(2) The relinquishment of the feeling of separateness: We begin feeling

very separate and judging everything as it relates to us, as though we were

the center of the universe. Even after we know better intellectually, we

still judge things that way. In reality we are all cells in the body of

humanity (this is exactly the vishishhTadvaitic concept) We are not

separate from our fellow humans. The whole thing is a totality. It is only

from higher view point that you can know what it is to love your neighbor

as yourself. From that higher viewpoint there becomes just one realistic

way to work, and that is for the good of the whole. As long as you work

for your selfish little self, you are just one cell against all those other

cells, and you are out of harmony. But as soon as you begin working for

the good of the whole, you find yourself in harmony with all of your fellow

human beings. It is the harmonious way to live.


(3) The Relinquishment of all attachments: No one is really free who is

still attached to material things, or to places, or to people. Material

things must be put in their proper place. They are there for use, not to

abuse. when they are outlived their usefulness, be ready to relinquish them

and perhaps pass them on to someone who does need them. Otherwise it will

possess you. In this materialistic age great many of us are possessed by

our possessions. We are not free. Also you don't possess any other human

being, no matter how closely related that other may be. Any thing that you

strive to hold captive will hold you captive. If you desire freedom you

must give freedom.


(4) The relinquishments of all negative feelings: One negative feeling even

the nicest people possess is WORRY. Worry is not concern, which would

motivate you to do everything possible in a situation. Worry is a useless

mulling over things we cannot change. One should realize that - No outward

things -- nothing, nobody, nobody from without -- can hurt me inside

psychologically. I recognized that I could only be hurt psychologically by

my own wrong actions, which I have control over; by own wrong reactions ( I

can control them too) or by my inaction.


These are my steps towards inner peace that I wanted to share with you.

There is nothing new about this. This is the universal truth. I only

discussed about these things in everyday words in terms of my own personal

experience with them.




Steps discussed by Peace Pilgrim, are based on years of her own evolution

and experience. They are very similar to the seven steps discussed in

YogavaashishhTa as sapta bhumika. It is essentially two basic steps -

sanyaasa and yoga involving purification of the mind and ascertion of one



Hari Om!





K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117


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