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At 01:59 AM 3/8/99 -0000, you wrote:



>Welcome to the list.


I would like to extend a warm "hello" to all on the list as well. Adi

Shankara has been the primary guidepost on my spiritual "journey." His

words have been copied and parroted by many other "gurus" since his

physical death and merging with Brahman. He alone was the Soul who knew

True Discrimination. He was the First. In his classic writing,

Viveka-Chudamani, I found the way to Myself. His discrimination was

perfect and flawless, and so clear (even in the English translation) that

through this writing I found My ego-self seared away as if within a hot

blaze. Such was of great benefit.


Although my "path" is not absolutely that of Advaita Vedanta (I claim no

path, nor any religion, nor any following), I find myself returning again

and again to the purity of the viewpoints of Advaita Vedanta. The insights

of Adi Shankara, as well as Adi Ramakrishna, seem the most Real and True to

me. Other "gurus" such as Sri Ramana Maharshi, seem to only echo the

teachings of these two greatest souls. Thus, I stand in reverence of

Saints Shankaracharya and Ramakrishna, and no others. Beyond that, my only

teacher is the Grace of Brahman.


With Love,





The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

http://www.serv.net/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

Poetry, Writings, even Live Chat on spiritual topics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Sri. Ram Chandran:

Thank you for welcoming to the list.

It has been said by Adi Shankara that Satsangh is the first step to

final attainment of Jeevan Mukti. I have much to learn from the members

of the list than to offer to others. I am joining this list for its

inclusive nature pertaining to advaita and not demean "other religions,

religious leaders, individuals or groups."







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I would like to introduce myself, I am Arthur Gregory of Redlands, Ca. and

a semi-retired social worker with Riverside County DPSS. I have of course a

wonderful family. Years ago I had the wonderful fortune of studying the

Vivekachudamani with my wonderful spiritual guru Swami Prabhavananda of the

Ramakrishna Vivananda order in Southern California... I spent about four or

five months studying with Swami at an ashram in Trabucco canyan, near

ElToro, Calif. Swami Prabhavananda translated the Vivekachudamani into

English and this work is still widely read. That was my introduction to Sri

Sankara and I might add a more authentic Hinduism than I had been

previously exposed to, that was in the early sixties. Today I have studied

much of Sankara's commentaries and works and they still hold an immediacy

and freshness to me than any other. Currently I teach a free yoga class at

a nearby Hindu temple in Riverside, Calif. and also have a small literary

circle on onelist studying gnostic books and discussing spiritual things. I

am also a member of the Theosophical Society in America (Adyar).




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Greetings Shri Arthur:


On behalf of the list members, let me extend my warmest welcome to you.

Your introductory note is quite inspirational and hopefully, it will

motivate others to undertake projects such as conducting social work

and/or teaching free classes. Please share your knowledge and experience

by posting thoughful articles on the subjects that you studied that are

related to Advaita.


Looking forward to hear more from you,


Ram Chandran

Advaitin List Moderator

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Greetings all,


For several years now the practice of yoga has been a cornerstone in my life.

As you are all aware, the study of yoga also encompasses the study of

Indian scriptures, along with the other yama, niyama, etc. As part of my

growth, this past year I have been coming into contact with sources that are

pointing the way to the higher steps in the practice of yoga, and hence my

desire to be part of this list. Since joining the list and reading the

postings, my depth of knowledge of these matters under discussion has greatly

increased -- much more than if I had been working on my own.


To be on this list means exposure to the knowledge and maturity of others who

are students of sri shankaracharya and advaita vedanta, all of which have

greatly enriched my life and my own knowledge of these most wonderful

philosopies. The study of smskrta is also very close to my heart, and I

greatly appreciate postings with transliteration and translation of smskrta.


I greatly appreciate the postings of the other members and their peaceful and

intelligent way of being.




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Greetings Shri Robin:


Let me welcome you again on behalf of the list members and we are glad

to have you.


I recommend that you visit the Samskrita Bharthi's Cyberspace:


They conduct a correspondence course for interested students and the

course is quite good. The homepage contains lots of linkages relating

to Sanskrit and you will certainly enjoy it.


Visit also Arsha Vidya Gurukulam's homepage:

http://www.samskrita-bharati.org/ and they conduct short courses in

Sanskrit. The list encourage members to post with Sanskrit

transliteration and translations when appropriate.


We are looking forward to read your thoughtful postings.



Ram Chandran

List Moderator

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  • 4 weeks later...
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my name is sulea and am new to this list.


i am familliar with writings by Jaideva Singh and am interested to

participate and learn from discussions concering self realization.


i am sincere in my understanding and hope to hear from the list soon.




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Namaste All!


Just wanted to thank you for having this list and do a quick intro of

myself. My name is Govinda RamKali-Das and I am an Irish/italian born anad

raised in a Catholic family. I knew from a young age this was not right for

me and so I searched until i found Hinduism about 2 years ago. Because of

where I am living now, Arizona, I have had little formal training in

Hinduism but have studied long and hard on my own. I consider Sri Sri

Ramakrishna to be my spiritual master and also recognised the truth in Sri

Vivekananda's (Ramakrishna's disciple) Vedanta philosphy. I have joined this

group to learn as much as possible so please forgive me if I ask foolish or

obvious questions.

Thanx for your patience and time

Hari Aum



<advaitin-owner >


Wednesday, May 19, 1999 7:59 AM

Welcome to advaitin


> Greetings,


> Welcome to the list. Please take a moment to review this message.


> 1. The subject matter shall focus on the writings and thought primarily

> of Advaita Vedanta (non-dual philosophy) due to Saint Shankaracharya.

> 2. The list aims to provide a forum to facilitate courteous exchange of


> 3. The list will not tolerate personal attacks and remarks demeaning

> other religions, religious leaders, individuals or groups.

> 4. This is not an open list but is subject to moderation when necessary.

> 5. Correspondence to the list should not be used to sell any product but


> be used to inform members of books, tapes, lectures or other media

> that are on topic and may otherwise be difficult to locate.

> 6. New members are requested to introduce themselves by replying to this

> notice. Their self-introduction message may be posted or, if their

> interests do not seem germaine to the list objectives, such member

> will be asked to look for another list vof like-minded individuals.

> 7. Later postings which do not adhere to these guidelines could be a cause

> of removal of the member from the group.




> What is an Advaitin mailing list?


> Advaitin Mailing list is an electronic Spiritual Forum to permit people


> believe in Advaita to exchange their viewpoints in a friendly

atmosphere. The

> mailing address is: advaitin .


> What is the Scope of Advaitin?


> Advaitin is a philosophical discussion Forum to study the relationship

> between the individual soul, Atman and the universal soul, Brahman with


> appearance of the World. The Forum will synthesize the fundamental ideas


> Vedanta (philosophical thoughts) in the Upanishads. Members will focus


> viewpoints to recognize the true meaning, profundity, richness and beauty


> Sankara's non-dual philosophy. According to Sankara, the saint

philosopher from





> India, God is infinitely higher and is also infinitely nearer. He is

nearer to

> us than our hands and feet. He is the Soul of all souls. He is neither


> body, the senses, the mind, the ego nor the intellect. He is "I," the

> ever-present witness to all experiences. He is Atman and the Brahman and

is the

> only Reality.


> Sankara's Advaita Philosophy blends Karma and Maya with a logical

exposition of





> the idea of non-dualism. The doctrine of Karma asserts the influence of

past to

> the present. The idea Maya represents the illusionary power which

falsifies the





> appearance of the universe as the Namarupa (various names and forms.)


> to Sankara, Brahman, the infinite consciousness, is the sole reality.


> establishes the essential identity between Atman and Brahman. His Guru

> Gaudapada unconsciously influenced Sankara with the tenets of Buddhist

> philosophy. On the other hand, Sankara's philosophical works show that he


> clearly against the Buddhist thought. The scope of this Forum consists of

> pre-Sankara, post-Sankara and contemporary Advaita (Indian and non-Indian)


> envelopes a broader spectrum of philosophical systems of non-duality.

> Interpretations can expand beyond Indian culture and philosophy and


> will also include personal experiences.


> This list is truly dedicated to Sankara and Vedavyasa and other sages and

> saints of East and West who have contributed to non-dual philosophy. The

> primary purpose of this list is to facilitate meaningful discussions in a

> friendly and pleasant atmosphere. This list will restrict the discussions


> non-dual philosophies that fall within the framework of Sankara's Advaita

> Vedanta. The members of this list do recognize that "self-realization"

is a

> personal experience and consequently personal spiritual experiences are


> than welcome.


> How do I to Advaitin?


> If you have Internet access, the procedure is very simple.


> Go to URL: HTTP://www./viewarchive.cgi?listname=advaitin


> Click <Subscribe to the List>


> Provide your Email address and a password for future access and follow the

> directions. If you don't have Internet access, then send an email to the

> list moderator: Ram Chandran, chandran indicating your



> What is the responsibility of the members?


> This is a spiritual forum and discussants should avoid writing


> materials such as personal attacks, sexual Tantra practices, etc. Most of

us do





> not tolerate abusive personal attacks by any discussant and the list


> may

> forced to ask the offender with repeated offences to leave the list. We


> the discussants to show respect to saints and sages from all religions and

> traditions. When a member violates list policies and objectives, such






> postings are subject to moderation for an indefinite time period. Majority


> the

> members of Advaitin List sincerely hopes to keep this forum free from

> unnecessary regulations and restrictions.


> What are the requirements for New members ?


> New members shall provide a brief background information about their


> in non-dual philosophy to the list members. For a brief time period,


> from the new members shall be moderated.


> Does it cost anything to to Advaitin mailing list?


> ONElist is a FREE service and the web-site is free and Advaitin mailing


> wants to remain as a free service to the world community.


> Why did I never receive the confirmation email?


> The most common cause of this is an incorrect email address.


> Why did I not receiving email anymore?


> The first thing to do is to check the list archives to see if there are

> messages that you have not received. It could be that no one has sent any


> to the lists lately.


> Why did my email to the advaitin list bounce back?


> This could be for several reasons. Most probably, the email from an email

> address is not the same as the one you provided when you registered and


> email is ignored. This feature is to prevent spamming.


> What are the characteristics of Advaitin mailing list?


> Advaitin is presently an unmoderated and unrestricted list. A moderated





> list is a list that requires the list moderator to approve all email

before they



> are

> sent to the list. A restricted mailing list is a list that requires the


> moderator to approve all subscription requests to the list. Advaitin will





> members to send announcements that are relevant and pertain to the List

> objectives. Advaitin wants to remain unmoderated and unrestricted and


> full cooperation from the members to preserve this tradition.


> Ok, I've d to a list, now how do I send email to it?


> To send email to the list you've d to, send to the address

> advaitin ,


> Is it possible for me to change the displayed name with all my email?


> ONElist just uses the name that you sent with the email. So to change


> change the configuration of your email package.


> What is the No Mail, option about? What is the Digest option about?


> The No Mail and Digest options are available according to the need of the

> members. No Mail option is useful if you are going on vacation and don't


> email to pile up while you are gone. The digest option is useful if you


> want to fill your mailboxes with email. By clicking on the Set Digest

link in

> the User Center, you will receive mail delivery in a digest (mails in


> By clicking on the Set No Mail link in the User Center, you will turn off


> delivery for that list. Mail will not be saved while you are not receiving

> email. If you have Internet access, you should be able to set these


> interactively. Otherwise send an email to the list moderator: Ram

Chandran at:




> chandran


> Can I view the Advaitin List Archieves? Yes!

> Go to Web Site: HTTP://www./viewarchive.cgi?listname=advaitin


> Now you can view all the messages from the current list in the order of


> postings (Date & Time).


> Digest 0 dated Wed Sep 3 00:35:37 1998 contains the following messages:


> 1. Re: Independent existence of the world.

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 2. Test -- pls ignore

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 3. The New List is Effective immediately

> Ram Chandran <chandran (AT) xxxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

> 4. Re: The New List is Effective immediately

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 5. Shamanisam (was RE: Imprecision in religious conversations )

> Madhava Kumar Turumella <madhava (AT) xxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

> 6. Re: Shamanisam (was RE: Imprecision in religious conversations )

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 7. Re: Shamanism

> "f. maiello" <egodust (AT) xxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

> 8. Re: Shamanism

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 9. Re: Shamanism

> Madhava Kumar Turumella <madhava (AT) xxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx


> You can also preview the archive index by CLICKING <Archive Index>

> The Index is arranged from the latest to first as shown below:


> Digest 121, dated Tue Jan 19 03:04:32 1999

> Digest 120, dated Mon Jan 18 03:29:14 1999

> Digest 119, dated Sat Jan 16 03:10:26 1999

> Digest 118, dated Fri Jan 15 03:03:39 1999

> Digest 117, dated Thu Jan 14 02:07:15 1999

> Digest 116, dated Wed Jan 13 02:13:33 1999

> Digest 2, dated Sat Sep 5 05:37:19 1998

> Digest 1, dated Fri Sep 4 06:07:55 1998

> Digest 0, dated Thu Sep 3 06:34:25 1998



> Thanks,


> Ram Chandran

> The List Moderator


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

An introduction - as requested.


A seeker of many years who left their societies' tradition of Christianity for


search of meaning. Buddhism to Hinduism to Occultism to New Age and back to

Esoteric Christianity and then Advaita, which for me covers everything that has


mentioned within all traditions.

>From Kriya to Hatha to Bhakta to Jnana, all yogas now point to the same goal.


Still a teacher of yoga and meditation, Advaita through the auspices of Sri


Maharshi and his lineage, Sri Ramakrishna, the Course in Miracles and Zen have

finally allowed me to see, that which we seek is always here. The trick is to


in this as often as one can - with the sadhana of Vairagya, Viveka and Abhyasa.


For me meaning has become more elusive, for that which we are is



I trust that this introduction suffices,


Yours in Truth



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Hari Om Advaitins:


Good to hear from Russell and Diane and I want to welcome you again on

behalf of the list members. We are looking forward to your thoughtful

articles and comments.


I want to take this opportunity to inform the list members that Shri

Ravi Mayavaram who is instrumental in starting Advaita discussions in

the Internet has recently joined this list. Shri Ravi was responsible

for starting the ADVAITA-L list at the Listserver at Texas A& M

University. Currently, Advaita-L has its new homesite at

http://www.advaita-vedanta.org. It is nice of Shri Ravi to join this

list inspite of his time committment to the management of the other



I am quite confident that Shri Ravi will be able post many articles

related to Advaita philosophy, Sanskrit Slokas (poems) with meanings,

etc. I specially admire his Slokas on Devi worships and I request him

to post them here. Let me take this opportunity to welcome Shri Ravi on

behalf of all of you.


Ram Chandran

List Moderator


Note: I believe that both Advaita-L and Advaitin have the primary goal

to explore and enhance the understanding of Shankara's Advaita

Philosophy. I encourage members to visit the Archive site of Advaita-L.

Advaita-L is endowed with several scholars and members can find

scholarly articles in those archives. The Archives are located at:


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-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----

Fra: advaitin-owner <advaitin-owner >

Til: holmen <holmen

Dato: 1. juli 1999 22:31

Emne: Welcome to advaitin




>Welcome to the list. Please take a moment to review this message.


>1. The subject matter shall focus on the writings and thought primarily

> of Advaita Vedanta (non-dual philosophy) due to Saint Shankaracharya.

>2. The list aims to provide a forum to facilitate courteous exchange of views.

>3. The list will not tolerate personal attacks and remarks demeaning

> other religions, religious leaders, individuals or groups.

>4. This is not an open list but is subject to moderation when necessary.

>5. Correspondence to the list should not be used to sell any product but may

> be used to inform members of books, tapes, lectures or other media

> that are on topic and may otherwise be difficult to locate.

>6. New members are requested to introduce themselves by replying to this

> notice. Their self-introduction message may be posted or, if their

> interests do not seem germaine to the list objectives, such member

> will be asked to look for another list vof like-minded individuals.

>7. Later postings which do not adhere to these guidelines could be a cause

>of removal of the member from the group.




>What is an Advaitin mailing list?


>Advaitin Mailing list is an electronic Spiritual Forum to permit people who

>believe in Advaita to exchange their viewpoints in a friendly atmosphere. The

>mailing address is: advaitin .


>What is the Scope of Advaitin?


>Advaitin is a philosophical discussion Forum to study the relationship

>between the individual soul, Atman and the universal soul, Brahman with the

>appearance of the World. The Forum will synthesize the fundamental ideas of

>Vedanta (philosophical thoughts) in the Upanishads. Members will focus their

>viewpoints to recognize the true meaning, profundity, richness and beauty of

>Sankara's non-dual philosophy. According to Sankara, the saint philosopher






>India, God is infinitely higher and is also infinitely nearer. He is nearer to

>us than our hands and feet. He is the Soul of all souls. He is neither the

>body, the senses, the mind, the ego nor the intellect. He is "I," the

>ever-present witness to all experiences. He is Atman and the Brahman and is the

>only Reality.


>Sankara's Advaita Philosophy blends Karma and Maya with a logical exposition






>the idea of non-dualism. The doctrine of Karma asserts the influence of past to

>the present. The idea Maya represents the illusionary power which falsifies the





>appearance of the universe as the Namarupa (various names and forms.) According

>to Sankara, Brahman, the infinite consciousness, is the sole reality. Sankara

>establishes the essential identity between Atman and Brahman. His Guru

>Gaudapada unconsciously influenced Sankara with the tenets of Buddhist

>philosophy. On the other hand, Sankara's philosophical works show that he was

>clearly against the Buddhist thought. The scope of this Forum consists of

>pre-Sankara, post-Sankara and contemporary Advaita (Indian and non-Indian) that

>envelopes a broader spectrum of philosophical systems of non-duality.

>Interpretations can expand beyond Indian culture and philosophy and discussions

>will also include personal experiences.


>This list is truly dedicated to Sankara and Vedavyasa and other sages and

>saints of East and West who have contributed to non-dual philosophy. The

>primary purpose of this list is to facilitate meaningful discussions in a

>friendly and pleasant atmosphere. This list will restrict the discussions to

>non-dual philosophies that fall within the framework of Sankara's Advaita

>Vedanta. The members of this list do recognize that "self-realization" is a

>personal experience and consequently personal spiritual experiences are more

>than welcome.


>How do I to Advaitin?


>If you have Internet access, the procedure is very simple.


>Go to URL: HTTP://www./viewarchive.cgi?listname=advaitin


>Click <Subscribe to the List>


>Provide your Email address and a password for future access and follow the

>directions. If you don't have Internet access, then send an email to the

>list moderator: Ram Chandran, chandran indicating your interest.


>What is the responsibility of the members?


>This is a spiritual forum and discussants should avoid writing objectionable

>materials such as personal attacks, sexual Tantra practices, etc. Most of us






>not tolerate abusive personal attacks by any discussant and the list moderator


>forced to ask the offender with repeated offences to leave the list. We want

>the discussants to show respect to saints and sages from all religions and

>traditions. When a member violates list policies and objectives, such






>postings are subject to moderation for an indefinite time period. Majority of


>members of Advaitin List sincerely hopes to keep this forum free from

>unnecessary regulations and restrictions.


>What are the requirements for New members ?


>New members shall provide a brief background information about their interest

>in non-dual philosophy to the list members. For a brief time period, postings

>from the new members shall be moderated.


>Does it cost anything to to Advaitin mailing list?


>ONElist is a FREE service and the web-site is free and Advaitin mailing list

>wants to remain as a free service to the world community.


>Why did I never receive the confirmation email?


>The most common cause of this is an incorrect email address.


>Why did I not receiving email anymore?


>The first thing to do is to check the list archives to see if there are

>messages that you have not received. It could be that no one has sent any email

>to the lists lately.


>Why did my email to the advaitin list bounce back?


>This could be for several reasons. Most probably, the email from an email

>address is not the same as the one you provided when you registered and the

>email is ignored. This feature is to prevent spamming.


>What are the characteristics of Advaitin mailing list?


>Advaitin is presently an unmoderated and unrestricted list. A moderated





>list is a list that requires the list moderator to approve all email before





>sent to the list. A restricted mailing list is a list that requires the list

>moderator to approve all subscription requests to the list. Advaitin will





>members to send announcements that are relevant and pertain to the List

>objectives. Advaitin wants to remain unmoderated and unrestricted and expects

>full cooperation from the members to preserve this tradition.


>Ok, I've d to a list, now how do I send email to it?


>To send email to the list you've d to, send to the address

>advaitin ,


>Is it possible for me to change the displayed name with all my email?


>ONElist just uses the name that you sent with the email. So to change this,

>change the configuration of your email package.


>What is the No Mail, option about? What is the Digest option about?


>The No Mail and Digest options are available according to the need of the

>members. No Mail option is useful if you are going on vacation and don't want

>email to pile up while you are gone. The digest option is useful if you don't

>want to fill your mailboxes with email. By clicking on the Set Digest link in

>the User Center, you will receive mail delivery in a digest (mails in group).

>By clicking on the Set No Mail link in the User Center, you will turn off mail

>delivery for that list. Mail will not be saved while you are not receiving

>email. If you have Internet access, you should be able to set these options

>interactively. Otherwise send an email to the list moderator: Ram Chandran







>Can I view the Advaitin List Archieves? Yes!

>Go to Web Site: HTTP://www./viewarchive.cgi?listname=advaitin


>Now you can view all the messages from the current list in the order of their

>postings (Date & Time).


> Digest 0 dated Wed Sep 3 00:35:37 1998 contains the following messages:


> 1. Re: Independent existence of the world.

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 2. Test -- pls ignore

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 3. The New List is Effective immediately

> Ram Chandran <chandran (AT) xxxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

> 4. Re: The New List is Effective immediately

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 5. Shamanisam (was RE: Imprecision in religious conversations )

> Madhava Kumar Turumella <madhava (AT) xxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

> 6. Re: Shamanisam (was RE: Imprecision in religious conversations )

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 7. Re: Shamanism

> "f. maiello" <egodust (AT) xxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

> 8. Re: Shamanism

> Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

> 9. Re: Shamanism

> Madhava Kumar Turumella <madhava (AT) xxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx


>You can also preview the archive index by CLICKING <Archive Index>

>The Index is arranged from the latest to first as shown below:


> Digest 121, dated Tue Jan 19 03:04:32 1999

> Digest 120, dated Mon Jan 18 03:29:14 1999

> Digest 119, dated Sat Jan 16 03:10:26 1999

> Digest 118, dated Fri Jan 15 03:03:39 1999

> Digest 117, dated Thu Jan 14 02:07:15 1999

> Digest 116, dated Wed Jan 13 02:13:33 1999

> Digest 2, dated Sat Sep 5 05:37:19 1998

> Digest 1, dated Fri Sep 4 06:07:55 1998

> Digest 0, dated Thu Sep 3 06:34:25 1998





>Ram Chandran

>The List Moderator


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Hi my name is Sherri,

I'm joining because I enjoy learning and trying to understand all

faiths. I probably mostly will read and occ. ask questions. If I feel I can

contribute, I will. It is not my goal to offend or in anyway demean others,

so I hope you'll allow me to participate.


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This is about the debate on advaita and the 'discussion' of sexual

practices. Here is an answer from Sage Ramana on an analogous question.

The answer applies to this situation also:

I am telling you that there is no snake. There is only the rope. But you

want to spend time on whether the snake was a cobra or not!

My praNAms to all advaitins.



Prof. V. Krishnamurthy

You are invited to visit my latest book entitled GEMS FROM THE OCEAN OF HINDU





Get your free @ address at

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Welcome to Advaitin and thanks for the informative introduction. We are

looking forward to your thoughtful articles, comments and questions related

to Advaita Vedanta.


Welcome again,


Ram Chandran

List Moderator





>Thank you for allowing me into your advaita forum. My

>name is David and I live in Toronto, Canada. I have

>been a sometime student of advaita vedanta for some time now, >

> >particularly as taught by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi ........



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> damac


> [...]

> ...Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, who is

> Sat Guru to me and lives ever in my

> Heart as my very Self.



hariH OM!


you have thus contributed something of

*immeasurable* worth to the advaitin forum!



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Thank you for allowing me into your advaita forum. My

name is David and I live in Toronto, Canada. I have

been a sometime student of advaita vedanta for some time now, particularly as


by Bhagavan Sri Ramana

Maharshi, who is Sat Guru to me and lives ever in my

Heart as my very Self. I hope that I will be able to

contribute something of worth to the advaitin forum and

I am sure I will learn much.


I find the following from Sri Shankaracharya"s

Vivekachudamani very powerful:

If, by some great penance, that rarity a human

body is obtained, with it"s ability to understand

the meaning of the scriptures, and yet, owing to

attachment to insentient things, effort is not made

to attain the immutable state of Liberation, which

is one"s own true state, then indeed one is a fool

committing suicide. What greater fool is there

than one who does not seek his own good?


**For those who may be interested, the Advent of

Ramana at Arunachala is being celebrated at the

New York Ashrama as well as the Nova Scotia

Ashrama on the following days:

New York City Ashrama--Sunday, Sept.5/99

Nova Scotia Asrama--Sunday, August 29/99

For futher details you may contact the ashrama in N.Y

as follows:

Arunachala Ashrama

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Centre

66-12 Clyde Street, Rego Park, N.Y. 11374

Telephone: (718) 575-3215

E-mail: Ashrama

The above information was taken from the July-Aug;

1999 issue of The Maharshi, a "free bimonthly

newsletter... For those with internet access, this issue

and all back issues are available at< http://www.ramana-

maharshi.org/publish/newslet2.htm> and are also

available from the New York Ashrama, as are many

books by or about Ramana Maharshi and other

books on advaita vedanta. They have a catalogue

available from NY ashram.


In Ramana

David <damac


N.B. I am not affiliated in any official way with the

Ramana ashrams, except as a grateful receiver of

The Maharshi, having bought books and a video.

and having visited the Nova Scotia (Canada) ashram.

I am hoping to attend the celebration in Nova Scotia

in late August. The Nova Scotia ashram is a

residential retreat centre. Write Dennis Hartel at

the NY ashram for details.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello all,


I am a new member to this list and would like to introduce myself. My name

is Thanos and I live in Athens, Greece.


I am a student of Advaita Vedanta through the School of Philosophy (HQ in

London UK) which teachings come directly from former Sankaracharya of Jyotir

Math His Holiness Shantanand Saraswati, who left his body on 6th December



We practice Meditation with the help of a Mantra. I have been a member of

this school for about ten years.


My purpose of joining this list is to hear views of people with similar

interest. I do not plan to actively participate in discussions as I don't

believe one gets too far by discussion.






<advaitin-owner >


Sunday, July 25, 1999 5:56 PM

Welcome to advaitin


> Greetings,


> Welcome to the list. Please take a moment to review this message.


> ~*~




> 1. The subject matter shall focus on Advaita Vedanta of Saint

Shankaracharya. The list welcomes members to discuss any subject matter

that is closely related within the scope of non-dual philosophies that

emerged before and after Shankara.

> 2. The list aims to provide a free forum to facilitate courteous exchange

of viewpoints.

> 3. The list will not tolerate personal attacks and remarks demeaning other

religions, other religious leaders, individuals or groups.

> 4. This list encourages free expression of opinions but members who

violate item (3) above will be subject to moderation.

> 5. Correspondence to the list should not be used to sell any product but

the list encourages members to use this forum to inform about books, tapes,

lectures or other media related to spiritual topics.

> 6. New members are requested (please) to introduce themselves by replying

to the welcome mail. The purpose of this introduction is help the existing

members to understand the interests and needs of the new member.

> 7. Postings with repeated violations of List Guidelines could force the

list moderator to ban the the member from postings to the list.

> 8. All postings should be written in text format (ASCII) and should not

contain attachments. Posting with attachments will be rejected to protect

Email from Virus infection.


> ~*~

> What is an Advaitin mailing list?


> Advaitin Mailing list is an electronic Spiritual Forum to permit people

who believe in Advaita to exchange their viewpoints in a friendly

atmosphere. The mailing address is: advaitin .


> What is the Scope of Advaitin?


> Advaitin is a philosophical discussion Forum to study the relationship

between the individual soul, Atman and the universal soul, Brahman with the

appearance of the World. The Forum will synthesize the fundamental ideas of

Vedanta (philosophical thoughts) in the Upanishads. Members will focus their

viewpoints to recognize the true meaning, profundity, richness and beauty of

Sankara's non-dual philosophy. According to Sankara, the saint philosopher


> India, God is infinitely higher and is also infinitely nearer. He is

nearer to us than our hands and feet. He is the Soul of all souls. He is

neither the body, the senses, the mind, the ego nor the intellect. He is

"I," the ever-present witness to all experiences. He is Atman and the

Brahman and is the only Reality.


> Sankara's Advaita Philosophy blends Karma and Maya with a logical

exposition of the idea of non-dualism. The doctrine of Karma asserts the

influence of past to the present. The idea Maya represents the illusionary

power which falsifies the appearance of the universe as the Namarupa

(various names and forms.) According to Sankara, Brahman, the infinite

consciousness, is the sole reality. Sankara establishes the essential

identity between Atman and Brahman. His Guru Gaudapada unconsciously

influenced Sankara with the tenets of Buddhist philosophy. On the other

hand, Sankara's philosophical works show that he was clearly against the

Buddhist thought. The scope of this Forum consists of pre-Sankara,

post-Sankara and contemporary Advaita (Indian and non-Indian) that

envelopes a broader spectrum of philosophical systems ofnon-duality.

Interpretations can expand beyond Indian culture and philosophy and

discussions will also include personal experiences.


> This list is truly dedicated to Sankara and Vedavyasa and other sages and

saints of East and West who have contributed to non-dual philosophy. The

primary purpose of this list is to facilitate meaningful discussions in a

friendly and pleasant atmosphere. This list will restrict the discussions to

non-dual philosophies that fall within the framework of Sankara's Advaita

Vedanta. The members of this list do recognize that "self-realization" is a

personal experience and consequently discussions related to personal

spiritual experiences are more than welcome.


> ~*~

> What is the responsibility of the members?


> This is a spiritual forum and discussants should avoid writing

objectionable materials such as personal attacks, sexual Tantra practices,

etc. Most of us do not tolerate abusive personal attacks by any discussant

and the list moderator may forced to ask the offender with repeated offences

to leave the list. We want the discussants to show respect to saints and

sages from all religions and traditions.When a member violates list policies

and objectives, such members's postings are subject to moderation for an

indefinite time period. Majority of the members of Advaitin List sincerely

hopes to keep this forum free from unnecessary regulations and restrictions.


> What are the requirements for New members ?


> New members shall provide a brief background information about their

interest in non-dual philosophy to the list members. For a brief time

period, postings from the new members may be subject to moderation.


> Why did I not receiving email anymore?


> The first thing to do is to check the list archives to see if there are

messages that you have not received. It could be that no one has sent any

email to the lists lately.


> Why did my email to the advaitin list bounce back?


> This could be for several reasons. Most probably, the email from an email

address is not the same as the one you provided when you registered and the

email is ignored. This feature is to prevent spamming.


> What are the characteristics of Advaitin mailing list?


> Advaitin is presently an unmoderated and unrestricted list. A moderated

mailing list is a list that requires the list moderator to approve all email

before they are sent to the list. A restricted mailing list is a list that

requires the list moderator to approve all subscription requests to the

list. Advaitin will permit members to send announcements that are relevant

and pertain to the List objectives. Advaitin wants to remain unmoderated and

unrestricted and expects full cooperation from the members to preserve this



> ~*~

> Ok, I've d to a list, now how do I send email to it?


> To send email to the list you've d to, send to the address

advaitin ,


> Is it possible for me to change the displayed name with all my email?


> ONElist just uses the name that you sent with the email. So to change

this, change the configuration of your email package.


> What is the No Mail, option about? What is the Digest option about?


> The No Mail and Digest options are available according to the need of the

members. No Mail option is useful if you are going on vacation and don't

want email to pile up while you are gone. The digest option is useful if you

don't want to fill your mailboxes with email. By clicking on the Set Digest

link in the User Center, you will receive mail delivery in a digest (mails

in group). By clicking on the Set No Mail link in the User Center, you will

turn off mail delivery for that list. Mail will not be saved while you are

not receiving email. If you have Internet access, you should be able to set

these options interactively. Otherwise send an email to the list moderator:

Ram Chandran at: chandran


> Can I view the Advaitin List Archives? Yes! Go to Web Site:


> HTTP://www./viewarchive.cgi?listname=advaitin

> You can view all the messages from the current list in the order of date

& time of their postings.


> You can also preview the archive index by CLICKING <Archive Index> The

Index is arranged from the latest to first as shown below:


> Digest 211, dated Tue May 4 04:13:55 1999

> Digest 210, dated Mon May 3 04:02:10 1999

> Digest 209, dated Sat May 1 04:06:25 1999

> Digest 208, dated Fri Apr 30 04:08:54 1999

> .......................


> Thanks,


> Ram Chandran

> The List Moderator


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Guest guest

Hello one and all!

My name is Roopa. I'm from India currently living in U.S.A.I'm a very

staunch believer in the principle of "advaita", or Aham Brahma asme. It may

be because from my childhood days my parents encouraged me to believe that

every one is capable of achieving success, though the definition of success

itself may vary with each mind that thinks about it as a concept against a

social obligation.

On the other hand it may be because I'm too egoistic to let an external god

control my life. But, the extended implications of this belief in an

individual's life beyond the elemetary, is something I'm looking for through

discussion in this group.

with the hope happiness for everyone






> Welcome to advaitin

>29 Jul 1999 20:59:15 -0000




>Welcome to the list. Please take a moment to review this message.






>1. The subject matter shall focus on Advaita Vedanta of Saint

>Shankaracharya. The list welcomes members to discuss any subject matter

>that is closely related within the scope of non-dual philosophies that

>emerged before and after Shankara.

>2. The list aims to provide a free forum to facilitate courteous exchange

>of viewpoints.

>3. The list will not tolerate personal attacks and remarks demeaning other

>religions, other religious leaders, individuals or groups.

>4. This list encourages free expression of opinions but members who violate

>item (3) above will be subject to moderation.

>5. Correspondence to the list should not be used to sell any product but

>the list encourages members to use this forum to inform about books, tapes,

>lectures or other media related to spiritual topics.

>6. New members are requested (please) to introduce themselves by replying

>to the welcome mail. The purpose of this introduction is help the existing

>members to understand the interests and needs of the new member.

>7. Postings with repeated violations of List Guidelines could force the

>list moderator to ban the the member from postings to the list.

>8. All postings should be written in text format (ASCII) and should not

>contain attachments. Posting with attachments will be rejected to protect

>Email from Virus infection.



>What is an Advaitin mailing list?


>Advaitin Mailing list is an electronic Spiritual Forum to permit people who

>believe in Advaita to exchange their viewpoints in a friendly atmosphere.

>The mailing address is: advaitin .


>What is the Scope of Advaitin?


>Advaitin is a philosophical discussion Forum to study the relationship

>between the individual soul, Atman and the universal soul, Brahman with the

>appearance of the World. The Forum will synthesize the fundamental ideas of

>Vedanta (philosophical thoughts) in the Upanishads. Members will focus

>their viewpoints to recognize the true meaning, profundity, richness and

>beauty of Sankara's non-dual philosophy. According to Sankara, the saint

>philosopher from

>India, God is infinitely higher and is also infinitely nearer. He is nearer

>to us than our hands and feet. He is the Soul of all souls. He is neither

>the body, the senses, the mind, the ego nor the intellect. He is "I," the

>ever-present witness to all experiences. He is Atman and the Brahman and is

>the only Reality.


>Sankara's Advaita Philosophy blends Karma and Maya with a logical

>exposition of the idea of non-dualism. The doctrine of Karma asserts the

>influence of past to the present. The idea Maya represents the illusionary

>power which falsifies the appearance of the universe as the Namarupa

>(various names and forms.) According to Sankara, Brahman, the infinite

>consciousness, is the sole reality. Sankara establishes the essential

>identity between Atman and Brahman. His Guru Gaudapada unconsciously

>influenced Sankara with the tenets of Buddhist philosophy. On the other

>hand, Sankara's philosophical works show that he was clearly against the

>Buddhist thought. The scope of this Forum consists of pre-Sankara,

>post-Sankara and contemporary Advaita (Indian and non-Indian) that

>envelopes a broader spectrum of philosophical systems ofnon-duality.

>Interpretations can expand beyond Indian culture and philosophy and

>discussions will also include personal experiences.


>This list is truly dedicated to Sankara and Vedavyasa and other sages and

>saints of East and West who have contributed to non-dual philosophy. The

>primary purpose of this list is to facilitate meaningful discussions in a

>friendly and pleasant atmosphere. This list will restrict the discussions

>to non-dual philosophies that fall within the framework of Sankara's

>Advaita Vedanta. The members of this list do recognize that

>"self-realization" is a personal experience and consequently discussions

>related to personal spiritual experiences are more than welcome.



>What is the responsibility of the members?


>This is a spiritual forum and discussants should avoid writing

>objectionable materials such as personal attacks, sexual Tantra practices,

>etc. Most of us do not tolerate abusive personal attacks by any discussant

>and the list moderator may forced to ask the offender with repeated

>offences to leave the list. We want the discussants to show respect to

>saints and sages from all religions and traditions.When a member violates

>list policies and objectives, such members's postings are subject to

>moderation for an indefinite time period. Majority of the members of

>Advaitin List sincerely hopes to keep this forum free from unnecessary

>regulations and restrictions.


>What are the requirements for New members ?


>New members shall provide a brief background information about their

>interest in non-dual philosophy to the list members. For a brief time

>period, postings from the new members may be subject to moderation.


>Why did I not receiving email anymore?


>The first thing to do is to check the list archives to see if there are

>messages that you have not received. It could be that no one has sent any

>email to the lists lately.


>Why did my email to the advaitin list bounce back?


>This could be for several reasons. Most probably, the email from an email

>address is not the same as the one you provided when you registered and the

>email is ignored. This feature is to prevent spamming.


>What are the characteristics of Advaitin mailing list?


>Advaitin is presently an unmoderated and unrestricted list. A moderated

>mailing list is a list that requires the list moderator to approve all

>email before they are sent to the list. A restricted mailing list is a

>list that requires the list moderator to approve all subscription requests

>to the list. Advaitin will permit members to send announcements that are

>relevant and pertain to the List objectives. Advaitin wants to remain

>unmoderated and unrestricted and expects full cooperation from the members

>to preserve this tradition.



>Ok, I've d to a list, now how do I send email to it?


>To send email to the list you've d to, send to the address

>advaitin ,


>Is it possible for me to change the displayed name with all my email?


>ONElist just uses the name that you sent with the email. So to change this,

>change the configuration of your email package.


>What is the No Mail, option about? What is the Digest option about?


>The No Mail and Digest options are available according to the need of the

>members. No Mail option is useful if you are going on vacation and don't

>want email to pile up while you are gone. The digest option is useful if

>you don't want to fill your mailboxes with email. By clicking on the Set

>Digest link in the User Center, you will receive mail delivery in a digest

>(mails in group). By clicking on the Set No Mail link in the User Center,

>you will turn off mail delivery for that list. Mail will not be saved while

>you are not receiving email. If you have Internet access, you should be

>able to set these options interactively. Otherwise send an email to the

>list moderator: Ram Chandran at: chandran


>Can I view the Advaitin List Archives? Yes! Go to Web Site:


> HTTP://www./viewarchive.cgi?listname=advaitin

> You can view all the messages from the current list in the order of date

>& time of their postings.


>You can also preview the archive index by CLICKING <Archive Index> The

>Index is arranged from the latest to first as shown below:


>Digest 211, dated Tue May 4 04:13:55 1999

>Digest 210, dated Mon May 3 04:02:10 1999

>Digest 209, dated Sat May 1 04:06:25 1999

>Digest 208, dated Fri Apr 30 04:08:54 1999



> Thanks,


>Ram Chandran

>The List Moderator



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  • 1 month later...

Dear Ram Chandran,


Thank you for your welcome to the list.

I am currently studying Indology related disciplines at University. My

affinity is with Ramana Maharshi.





> Greetings,


> Welcome to the list.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Intro: Came across list todays date. Back ground is awakened Kundalini

in 1954 thru

practice of Swami Vivekanandas Raja Yoga...

Was led to this thru a Guru in crossed paths,

after had read Paramahamsa Yogananda`s

Autobiography, and at a later date was a

lessons student at SRF. My intentions are

at the present time to acqaint myself in

the flow of the list, and feel if I can help in

input, will post.


In attempting to acqaint myself with the list

on todays date, could not find a workable

link in the archives, other than what is currant

on this date, you may advise if there is a way

to access older archives, and if not will become

aquainted as the days progress.


Thank You,


Dale L. Parks

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Welcome Again Dale:


The older archives can accessed by several methods:

First, Archives are maintained at the following two sites:


Archives at eScribe.com

URL: http://www.eScribe.com/culture/advaitin/

The latest postings are visible and the rest of over 3200 are invisible. Use

the search window and type for example <shankara>. Then all postings with the

thread with the key word <shankara> are listed.

If you want to collect articles by month, then use the following two step


Step 1: Type for example <Nov 99>

In Step 2, search <Nov 99> in the body of the message.

All messages will be listed on the screen fifty at a time.


Archives at Onelist.com

URL: /archives/advaitin/

Digests 0 to 429 are listed and they are organized by date and the latest is



I hope this answers your question.


Ram Chandran


Note: We are 'Truth' Seekers and we have to always look for the hidden and

invisible TRUTH!


>dalerdmaster (Dale Parks)



>In attempting to acqaint myself with the list

>on todays date, could not find a workable

>link in the archives, other than what is currant

>on this date, you may advise if there is a way

>to access older archives, and if not will become

>aquainted as the days progress.


>Thank You,


>Dale L. Parks

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