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FAQ on Advaitin

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Greetings Advaitins:


First, I want to thank all you for the scholarly discussions and I feel

privileged to serve as the list maintainer of this scholarly forum.

Second, I want to specially thank the leaders of this forum - Sadananda,

Charles Wikener, Swami Atmananda and Prof. V.K. for their for providing

scholarly articles, discussions and answers. Third, I want to recognize

Aikya, Nanda, Greg, Frank, Gummuluru, Temple for their continued

enthusiasm and participation. Finally, I want to request the silent

majority of this group to break their silence by posting articles or



Thanks again for your cooperation and understanding.



Ram V. Chandran

Burke, VA



(Advaitin and some pertaining to ONElist)


How do I to Advaitin?


If you have Internet access, the procedure is very simple.


Go to URL:


Click <Subscribe to the List>

Provide your Email address and a password for future access

and follow the



If you don't have Internet access, then send an email to the

list owner: Ram

Chandran, chandran indicating your interest.


What is the Scope of Advaitin?


Advaitin is a philosophical discussion Forum to

study the relationship

between the individual soul, Atman and the universal soul,

Brahman with the

appearance of the World. The Forum will synthesize the

fundamental ideas of

Vedanta (philosophical thoughts) in the Upanishads. Members

will focus their

viewpoints to recognize the true meaning, profundity,

richness and beauty of

Sankara's non-dual philosophy. According to Sankara, the

saint philosopher from


India, God is infinitely higher and is also infinitely

nearer. He is nearer to

us than our hands and feet. He is the Soul of all souls. He

is neither the

body, the senses, the mind, the ego nor the intellect. He is

"I," the

ever-present witness to all experiences. He is Atman and the

Brahman and is the

only Reality.


Sankara's Advaita Philosophy blends Karma and Maya with a

logical exposition of


the idea of non-dualism. The doctrine of Karma asserts the

influence of past to

the present. The idea Maya represents the illusionary power

which falsifies the


appearance of the universe as the Namarupa (various names

and forms.) According

to Sankara, Brahman, the infinite consciousness, is the sole

reality. Sankara

establishes the essential identity between Atman and

Brahman. His Guru

Gaudapada unconsciously influenced Sankara with the tenets

of Buddhist

philosophy. On the other hand, Sankara's philosophical works

show that he was

clearly against the Buddhist thought. The scope of this

Forum consists of

pre-Sankara, post-Sankara and contemporary Advaita (Indian

and non-Indian) that

envelopes a broader spectrum of philosophical systems of


Interpretations can expand beyond Indian culture and

philosophy and discussions

will also include personal experiences.


This list is truly dedicated to Sankara and Vedavyasa and

other sages and

saints of East and West who have contributed to non-dual

philosophy. The

primary purpose of this list is to facilitate meaningful

discussions in a

friendly and pleasant atmosphere. This list will restrict

the discussions to

non-dual philosophies that fall within the framework of

Sankara's Advaita

Vedanta. The members of this list do recognize that

"self-realization" is a

personal experience and consequently personal spiritual

experiences are more

than welcome.


What is the responsibility of the members?


This is a spiritual forum and discussants should avoid

writing objectionable

materials such as personal attacks, sexual Tantra practices,

etc. Most of us do


not tolerate abusive personal attacks by any discussant and

the list owner may

forced to ask the offender with repeated offences to leave

the list. We want

the discussants to show respect to saints and sages from all


Majority of the members of Advaitin List wants to keep this

forum free from

unnecessary regulations and restrictions. New members shall

provide a brief

background information about their interest in non-dual

philosophy to the list




What is an Advaitin mailing list?


Advaitin Mailing list is an electronic Spiritual Forum to

permit people who

believe in Advaita to exchange their viewpoints in a

friendly atmosphere. The

mailing address is: advaitin .


Does it cost anything to to Advaitin mailing list?


ONElist is a FREE service and the web-site is free and

Advaitin mailing list

wants to remain as a free service to the world community.


What is ONElist's policy on SPAM?


ONElist has taken several measures to discourage spam, or

unsolicited commercial


email. Part of the registration process involves responding

to an email message

that ONElist sends out. This is to ensure that every list

r is using a


valid email address and be held accountable if they spam.

Only rs to a

list may send email to the list. All archived messages on

the ONElist web site

have had the sending email addresses removed. This is to

eliminate address



Why did I never receive the confirmation email?


The most common cause of this is an incorrect email address.


Why did I not receiving email anymore?


The first thing to do is to check the list archives to see

if there are

messages that you have not received. It could be that no one

has sent any email

to the lists lately.


Why did my email to the advaitin list bounce back?


This could be for several reasons. Most probably, the email

from an email

address is not the same as the one you provided when you

registered and the

email is ignored. This feature is to prevent spamming.


What are the characteristics of Advaitin mailing list?


Advaitin is presently an unmoderated and unrestricted list.

A moderated mailing


list is a list that requires the list owner to approve all

email before they are


sent to the list. A restricted mailing list is a list that

requires the list

owner to approve all subscription requests to the list.

Advaitin will permit

members to send announcements that are relevant and pertain

to the List

objectives. Advaitin wants to remain unmoderated and

unrestricted and expects

full cooperation from the members to preserve this



Reference URL:


Suggested Maturity Level: For People Over 17,

non-restricted & non moderated.

Public Archives:


Goal: Discussion of Sankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy

to focus on the

true meaning, profundity, richness and beauty of

non-duality between mind and



What does the list owner do?


Overall, the list owner is responsible for keeping the list

interesting and

on-topic. The list owner is also responsible for promoting

the mailing list. If

the mailing list is moderated, the list owner must approve

all email before they


are sent to the list. If the mailing list is a restricted

list, the list owner

must approve all rs before they can to

the mailing list. If

the mailing list is an announcement list, then the list

owner is the only person


who can send email to the mailing list.


Can the list owner add people to list without their



No! The List Owner uses two features: (1) Invite Users

Feature and (2) Add

Users Feature. The Invite Users Feature sends out an email

to people telling

them how to to the list. The Add Users Feature

s people to

the list. If the people being d have never

registered with ONElist

before, they are sent a confirmation email to validate the



How do I un-?


To un- from any lists you are on, or to change your

subscription from

normal to digest mode and back, click on the User Center

link on the menu bar on


the left. To access the User Center screen, type in your

email address and

password and click the 'login' button. Options to change

your email address or

password, to which your subscription from normal to digest

mode and back, or to

un- are all available on the User Center screen.


Ok, I've d to a list, now how to I send email to



To send email to the list you've d to, send to the


advaitin ,



Are there any limits on the number of messages sent by a

r to



ONElist has no restrictions on the number of messages sent

to a list.


Is it possible for me to change the displayed name with

all my email?


ONElist just uses the name that you sent with the email. So

to change this,

change the configuration of your email package.


What is the No Mail, option about? What is the Digest option



The No Mail and Digest options are available according to

the need of the

members. No Mail option is useful if you are going on

vacation and don't want

email to pile up while you are gone. The digest option is

useful if you don't

want to fill your mailboxes with email. By clicking on the

Set Digest link in

the User Center, you will receive mail delivery in a digest

(mails in group).

By clicking on the Set No Mail link in the User Center, you

will turn off mail

delivery for that list. Mail will not be saved while you are

not receiving

email. If you have Internet access, you should be able to

set these options

interactively. Otherwise send an email to the list owner:

Ram Chandran at:



Can I view the Advaitin List Archieves?



Go to Web Site:



Now you can view all the messages from the current list in

the order of their

postings (Date & Time).


Digest 0 dated Wed Sep 3 00:35:37 1998 contains the

following messages:


1. Re: Independent existence of the world.

Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

2. Test -- pls ignore

Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

3. The New List is Effective immediately

Ram Chandran <chandran (AT) xxxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

4. Re: The New List is Effective immediately

Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

5. Shamanisam (was RE: Imprecision in religious

conversations )

Madhava Kumar Turumella

<madhava (AT) xxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

6. Re: Shamanisam (was RE: Imprecision in religious

conversations )

Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

7. Re: Shamanism

"f. maiello" <egodust (AT) xxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx

8. Re: Shamanism

Gregory Goode <goode (AT) xxx (DOT) xxxx

9. Re: Shamanism

Madhava Kumar Turumella

<madhava (AT) xxxxxxxx (DOT) xxxx


You can also preview the archive index by CLICKING <Archive


The Index is arranged from the latest to first as shown



Digest 3, dated Sun Sep 6 05:37:58 1998

Digest 2, dated Sat Sep 5 05:37:19 1998

Digest 1, dated Fri Sep 4 06:07:55 1998

Digest 0, dated Thu Sep 3 06:34:25 1998

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