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removal of the veil of ignorance

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1. It is emphatically stated in the shruti in mahAvAkyAs and

in various other contexts that Brahman and Atman are one and

the same. The jeeva, in ignorance, does not see this identity

and goes through what the jeeva considers as the birth-death-

rebirth cycle and the pairs of opposites of the jagat. As the

jeeva evolves spiritually, these thick layers of ajnAnam covering

the jeeva gradually get removed, and the SELF shines through and

the jeeva concept crumbles. Advaita philosophy talks about removal

of the veil of avidya for the jeeva to behold the SELF in all its



2. In a different context, Isha upanishhad verses 15 and 16 talk

about removal of a veil also and my comment pertains to this. Isha

upanishhad verses 15 and 16 are:


hiraNmayena pAtreNa satyasyApihitam mukham

tat tvaM pUshhan apAvr^Nu satyadharmAya dr^shhTaye 15


The face of truth is covered with a golden disc. Unveil it, O, Pushhan,

so that I who love the truth may see It.


Pushhan ekarshhe yama sUrya prAjApatya vyUha rashmIn samUha tejah

yat te rUpam kalyANatamaM tat te pashyAmi yo sAv asau purushhah, so'ham asmi 16


O, Pushhan, the sole seer, O Controller, O Sun, offspring of prajApati,

spread forth your rays and gather up your radiant light that I may behold

you of lovliest form. Whosoever is that person (beyond) that also am I.


A mumukshu, a vedanta student, as his/her life as a human is coming to an

end, prays on Pushhan, the Sun to remove the radiant form so that this

dying mumukshu will have a glance at the paramAtma behind that veil. Isha

upanishhad verses 15 to 18 are appropriate ones for one to contemplate at

the moment of "death" and also the appropriate ones to include in a eulogy

of a vedantin.


[isha upanishad verses, or the statement in 1 above are not to be

interpreted as meaning that Brahman is to be sought *on the other side*

of the veil. That is not so. Nor do they mean that Brahman realization is

*after* the removal of the veil. Both space and time which are implied in

above loose their meaning.]


Now, my question is: Both 1 and 2 above deal with unveiling so that one

can behold Brahman. Can Isha upanishhad verse be interpreted in the same

way as the unveiling of the veil of ignorance ? If so, is the radiant

brightness of the Sun equated here to the screen of avidya of 1 above ?

In advaitic texts, screen of avidyA is equated more to a cloud cover of

the Sun which masks the bright Sun.



Gummuluru Murthy


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