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"The Vedas," by Paramacharya Chandrasekara Bharathi

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I have provided below some excerpts from the book, "The Vedas"

by Sri. Chandrasekharendra Saraswati (Kanchi Paramacharya), published by

the Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay.


The book starts with tributes to the two greatest sages, Vedavyasa and

Adi Sankara:


"I hail Thee, Vyasa, again and again,

Thou, God in human frame,

Thou, scion of Vasistha's ancient race,

It is from Thee that all knowledge springs."


"I salute the sacred feet of Sri Shankara, the

abode of Srutis, Smritis, Puranas and

compassion, and whoever accomplishes

the good of the world."


This book is an excellent source for Vedic religion and traditions for

everyone who wants to understand and appreciate Hindu culture and

heritage. This book represents the vision of the Paramacharya of Kanchi.

The moral monarch points out that the Vedas contain a wealth of

information to guide and ensure the salvation of the human race. In

addition, Vedas also define and classify the Hindu Society outlining the

roles and duties of various categories of people. I believe that

Paramacharya's view points as expressed in this book should be given

serious consideration. Everyone may not have access to this excellent

book, I attempt to summarize certain aspects of the book that deals with

the questions and issues of interest to the list members.


What is the authoritative book on which Vedic Religion is based?


There is no single authoritative text on Vedic Religion. The sacred

texts vary by individual tastes and preferences. Other religions such

as Christianity for example uses "Bible" as the basic text book. In

Hinduism we have no such preliminary religious education and

consequently, confusion and divergence in view points have existed

almost always.


Does Hindu religion mean mere ritual?

Hindu religion does not mean mere ritual and it means DHARMA. To know

Dharma and the principles of Dharma, we must refer to sacred texts on

"Dharmapramana" (True Knowledge of Dharma. The True Dharma is described

in fourteen sacred texts: four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva), six

VedAngas (Siksha - pronunciation, VyAkarna - grammar, Chandas - metre,

Niruktha - etymology, Jyotisha - Astronomy, Kalpa - procedure, Meemaamsa

- interpretation of Vedic texts, NyAya - logic, PurAna - mythology and

Dharma SastrAs - texts containing codes of conduct. Knowledge and wisdom

are enshrined in these and hence these fourteen are also known as

VidyAthAnas. (A summary chart is enclosed at the end for easy



Do Veda and Vedanta Clash? No, not at all!


" There is now-a-days a tendency to bypass the karmas such as Yajnas or

study of the Vedas in the traditional way (Adhyayana) but to go straight

to the study of the Upanishads. As a result, many people are becoming

familiar with the contents of the Upanishads and are even able to

discuss them at length at an intellectual level. However, this has not

produced anyone who has a peace of mind, is free from passions, or has

in practice realized the Truth about the Self or Atman. Why is this so?

The reason is that the preliminary preparation in the shape of complying

with the Vedic injunctions regarding Yajnas and worship has been ignored

and the mind and body have not been disciplined. Hence, to omit to study

the Vedas and perform the Karmas and straightway try to imbibe the truth

in the Upanishads is as wrong as performing only the rituals, taking

their meaning literally and not proceeding further to understand what

the Upanishads say."


What are the duties of a Brahmin?


A Brahmin must perform TWENTY ONE Yajnas everyday based on Agni Hotra -

seven Havir Yajnas, seven Soma Yajnas, and seven BhAga Yajnas. Agni

Hotra is to be done at home. Yajna is done under a canopy erected on

open ground. The Srouta Stura describes the domestic rites - those done

at home.


My comments: In South India, the Brahmins who perform Agni Hotra are

called Agnihotris. Even today few Brahmins in remote villages do

follow this tradition. Twenty years back I had a conversation with an

Agnihotri Brahmin during the Upanayanam of my nephew in a village. He

explained to me his strict disciplined lifestyle: First, He never had

eaten food prepared and served other than by his wife. He maintained

permanent Agni preserved in a mud pot and conducted his Nithya Karma. He

had never stayed overnight other than at his permanent home in the

village. He had conducted his Yajnas regularly every day without any

break. (No vacations!) I do believe that there still some Agnihothris,

somewhere in remote villages performing their duties according to the

Vedic rules. The modern mind of ours has the capacity and potential to

rationalize all our actions and self certify us as a Brahmin! Most of us

in this list (whether born as a Brahmin or otherwise) can ever make such

a false claim. Let us be humble enough to admit our inability to

maintain the high standards as specified in the Vedic Religion.


Who is a Brahmin? Is it not necessary for those other than Brahmins to

achieve evolution?


Paramacharya does not directly answer this question and there should be

good reasons. "Everyone born as a Brahmin has without asking for any

reason necessarily and as matter of duty to learn, study and practice a

Veda Sakha which is one of the branches of the Vedas. A Sakha consists

of first the Samhita, next the BrAhmana, then the Aranyaka at the end of

which appear the Upanishad."


" The performance of Vedic karmas and rituals are for Brahmins and not

for others. But when others perform whatever jobs they are required to

do, lead them to mental upliftment and Self realization. To whatever

caste a person may belong, the zealous performance of one's duties as

laid down and dedicating one's fruit to God lead them to the goal. The

moral monarch quotes the Gita Verse, 18:46 - "Sva karmana tam abhyarchya

siddhim vindanti maanavah." The Paramacharya writes: "The most

important aspect of our worldly lives is to obtain the GRACE OF GOD. It

is the duty of the Brahmins to obtain such a grace for the benefit of

the society. It is the duty of the Brahmins to obtain the goodwill of

the Devatas, who are in the nature of God's officials, to men of



My comments: The Vedic Religion demands much higher standard of ethical

behavior from the Brahmins than by others. They have to perform their

duties unselfishly for the benefit of the entire society. It should be

pointed out that Paramacharya gave guidance and blessings to everyone

irrespective of race, caste and religion. Mahatma Gandhi the modern

reformer of the Caste System in India has said during the conversation

with His Holiness in a goshala in Pallasseni village, Kerala, in 1929

just before his evening meal: " The conversation I am having now with

the Acharya is itself my evening meal for to-day." In summary, those

who spontaneously agree to the higher ethical standards and dedicate

their time and energy to publica service are the Brahmins according to

the Vedic Religion.


Let me conclude with the following quotation from the book: Our Acharya

- Adi Sankaracharya - was a repository of the Dharma contained in the

Srutis, Smritis and PurAnAs. Hence we bow down to him with the following



"Sruti Smrti PurAnAm Alayam karunAlayam

Namami BhagavadpAda Sankaram lokasankaram"

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