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Theosophy and Advaita

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Theosophy incorporates the aspects of Buddhism and Brahmanism and

speculates the nature of the soul based on mystical insight into the

nature of God. The Theosophical Society was founded in New York City in

1875. Since 1882 its International Headquarters are located at Adyar,

Madras, India. It has branches in more than 50 countries. It is a

non-sectarian body of the seekers after Truth who endeavor to promote

Brotherhood and strive to serve humanity. It encourages the study of

Comparative Religion - not a comparative study of religions - Philosophy

and Science to the end that men and women may better understand

themselves and their place in the universe. The Society stands for

complete freedom of the individual in his or her search for Truth. The

article enclosed below describes the basics of Theosophy. We can all

gain lots of new insights to Shankara's Advaita Philosophy in the modern


I want to thank Shri Martin Euser for permitting me to post this article

to this list. He appreciates your comments and I will forward them to



Ram Chandran

Burke, VA



Theosophy Basics I. Science & Religion: Bridging the Gap


Author: Martin Euser (euser)




Did you ever wonder why there is such a big gap between science and

religion? Did you ever see a possibility of bridging this gap?


As a scientist and psychologist I can clearly see the narrow limits to

which science has confined itself. As regards religions, most of them

have big trouble to present a clear, consistent philosophy of life.

Neither of them can answer urgent ethical questions satisfactorily.


So we face the strange situation of science, claiming certain theories

to be a fact of life, while religion claims other visions to be true.


Now, common-sense-logic demand that there is one truth; at least we

cannot embrace two essentially different opinions about life and nature.


In fact there is an old philosophy called Wisdom-Religion that claims

just to bridge this gap. Nowadays this philosophy is called Theosophy,

brought to the West by H.P. Blavatsky under guidance and inspiration of

her teachers (the Masters of Wisdom and Compassion). This will be the

subject of this document. At this place it will be proper to state that

this is not just a fancy philosophy, but, on the contrary, a grand

system of truths based on the spiritual visions of thousands of wise

men, prophets and great founders of religions through the ages. This

philosophy can and should be tested by all serious searchers for truth.

Theosophy gives some guidelines how this should be done. At the end of

this document this will become clearer (if not, put your questions and I

will discuss it). It is most certainly a practical philosophy of life,

what will become apparent if you apply its principles to daily life.


The gap, spoken of above, has not always been there. It has grown

gradually, as science split itself from the theology. Nowadays science

is completely materialistic in its views. Even consciousness is reduced

to materialistic processes. But we can already notice the vague contours

of a new, less materialistic science that incorporates the paradigm of

wholeness or the essential connectedness of all beings. David Bohm was

one of the pioneers in this area.


Paul Feyerabend, a philosopher of science, has shown that scientific

models are comparable to the models of nature, pictured in the old myths

of humanity. See his work ~Against method~, 1975. This should make the

scientists think again about their paradigms. It is totally outdated and

they find themselves stuck in their attempts at understanding nature in

greater depth (I'm not talking about technology).


Plato would say that materialistic science can never arrive at truth,

because it wholly depends on what our senses tell us about the world.

Instead we should develop our inner sense of understanding to such a

degree that we can perceive the causes behind all visible phenomena. Our

outer senses are just a help for living on this outer plane of life.


Theosophy closes the gap between science and religion by providing the

knowledge of the principles of nature which can be recognized by both

religion and science, if properly investigated. In essence, Theosophy is

the core of all great religions and grand philosophies (such as from

Plato and Pythagoras). In its religious aspect it tells us what the goal

of all life is; in its philosophical aspect why things are as they are.

In its scientific aspect it tells show nature works. These three aspects

are all interconnected and should never be separated, because separation

causes a real loss of understanding. Separation also causes science to

lose its ethical basis, which is just what has happened during the last



Knowledge of (esoteric) science gives tremendous responsibilities.

Abuse by selfish minds can cause severe disasters. That's why this kind

of knowledge is severely restricted from being given to humanity. Of

course, sometimes dangerous knowledge is discovered by scientists

themselves, like the secrets of nuclear energy. It has created a real

threat to the safety of mankind.


Well, you might ask, what knowledge is given to this world? This is the

subject of the next section:




Theosophy gives an outline of universal principles, the operations of

which can be recognized by everybody with an open mind. Recognition of

these principles is possible through gradual development of the faculty

of understanding (by unselfish service to mankind combined with esoteric

study). All these principles can be found in the literature of many

religions, especially the mystical sections, e.g., Sufism, Gnosis,

ancient Kabbalah, certain parts of Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., as well in

old myths.


The most important principles or truths are called: "The seven jewels

of wisdom."


Together, these jewels give a sublime, practical system of ethics,

incorporating the idea of Universal Brotherhood (the essential

connectedness of all beings). These jewels can be used to build a system

of science, which is based on consciousness as a primary factor. Those

that want to know more about the jewels than is said in this essay are

referred to the bibliography at the end of this article(the books

mentioned there are now on the web!)


First Jewel


The first jewel concerns the doctrine of reincarnation or reimbodiment.


Theosophy proceeds from a spiritual point of view. It says that

consciousness is prior to form or manifestation. Consciousness imbodies

itself periodically in a suitable form. Socrates talks about this in

Plato's Phaedo.


This doctrine really is about the law of cycles. All processes in

nature are of a cyclic nature. There are literally hundreds of examples

in nature that substantiate this law. Some more examples: the seasons in

nature growth of seeds, fruition, decay, death and rebirth of new seeds

fever revolution of planets around the sun civilizations valencies in

the periodic system of chemical elements processes of thought (a thought

is born, can grow and can die.) This particular example will be

explained more fully in theosophy basics, part 2, because of its special

importance in getting control of your life.


What looks like an unconnected bunch of examples, is in reality related

to each other by a process called: the analogical workings of nature.


Second Jewel


The second jewel is the old doctrine of Karma (law of cause and

effect)which is about the restoration of harmony (equilibrium) after



This law states that every action produces a reaction that is in accord

with the action. This law is active on all planes of being: physical,

psychologically and spiritually. The Christian bible has the proverb:'As

ye sow, so ye shall reap', which is exactly the same idea.


Karma is the universal law of justice, perceptible to the mind's

eye(cf. Plato). There is no other logical consistent explanation forth

very great differences between people than provided by this jewel of

wisdom and the twin doctrine of reincarnation. It also is the most

difficult principle to grasp, because of its endless ramifications and

applications to all aspects of life.


Those who believe in blind chance may do so, but they are really

incapable of explaining many phenomena like telepathy, clairvoyance,

etc. Also, it is downright amazing to me that relatively few people

observe the intelligence working through nature, configurating a single

cell into a human body, and, maybe even more striking, the intelligence

that is unfolding right under their noses in their children growing up.

There are very marked stages visible in the above mentioned processes

and I don't think that materialistic science will ever be able to

explain these stages and processes.


Theosophy gives at least some hints about the forces, energies, that

play a role in these processes. It says, for example, that the principle

of conservation of energy extends to all planes of nature, including the

mental plane. This makes sense, don't you think? Thought-energy is a

powerful energy which certainly has its effects on the mind of oneself

and of others. It is being conserved, though the forms it is being

expressed through are being subject to change and transformation.


Third Jewel


The third jewel concerns the doctrine of hierarchies.


This principle of nature is not well-known. Yet Plato and Pythagoras

taught it in their academies. They stated the hierarchical structure of

nature to be a fact. Indeed, we can observe some remarkable examples in

nature and elsewhere that point clearly in this direction:


Our body is organized in a most hierarchical fashion. It is composed of

organs, which is itself composed of tissues, which are composed of

cells, which are in its turn composed of certain structures, etc.


The many kingdoms of nature have a certain hierarchical relationship

which can only be mentioned briefly here. The mineral kingdom can be

said to have a relation to the human body. (think only of the bones in

the human body) The plant kingdom uses minerals in its chemical,

physiological processes. The animal kingdom uses the mineral and plant

kingdoms. The human kingdom uses (or maybe better: misuses) all

kingdoms below it. (an example of a remnant of the plant kingdom in the

human body is: hair).


There are other kingdoms which cannot be elaborated upon now, but may

be briefly mentioned. Above the human kingdom there are divine kingdoms

(why would the human race be the most evolved species in the universe?

It isn't.)


In man himself there is most certainly a hierarchy of beings


For simplicity I only mention some:


the mineral and plant parts in man (bones, resp. hairs) the animal part

in man the thinking part in man the inspirative part in man


This will probably raise some questions. In theosophy basics, part 2,I

say a bit more about these parts. Mark that these ideas were well known

among many of the ancient peoples. On Hawaii we can find the

Huna-religion which just treats of the same ideas as found in this

example. Of course, Plato, Pythagoras, Confucianism, the Kabbalah and

also Christianities (body, soul, spirit) refer to the fact of the

composite human nature.


Societies have inherently such a structure. There is a government

(which does a good or bad job.), there are states, counties, towns,

families and individuals.


Because intellectual knowledge is higher valued than real wisdom, we

see the deplorable picture of governments that are not able to really

help their people. The accumulated wisdom of all ages is available tho

those who want to listen and think it over. In lit. 1 one can find more

about this jewel, which is also called the doctrine of emanations,

because hierarchies are a result of emanations from the Spirit (Self)

configurating Itself in matter in various degrees or states.


Fourth Jewel


The fourth jewel is the principle of the unique characteristic of every

being and class of beings. This is a rather abstract principle to grasp.


The idea behind this principle is that every being, consciousness,

manifests itself in just that form that is in accordance with the

developed qualities of the reimbodying consciousness. Human

consciousness takes a human form (body), animal consciousness reimbodies

into an animal, etc. More specifically stated, a horse-consciousness

becomes a horse; a rose-consciousness becomes a rose, etc.


This brings up the question of heredity. Materialistic science tells us

that the cause for a rose-seed developing into a rose lies in its genes.

Well, to be sure, heredity exists, butat is only a secondary phenomenon.

We can ask a question: what are the causes for a certain pattern of

genes to exist? This question can never be answered by science as it is

now. Theosophy gives some general clues when we combine the seven jewels

together. At this point I should point out that there are many questions

of detail which require a life-long studying research. At the end of

this document I will provide some keys to be used in this kind of



It should be clear by now that this principle reverses the point of

vision regarding heredity: heredity is not a cause for our character,

but just the result of our character that we built during ages and ages.

Heredity confines itself to the physical aspect of man.


Fifth Jewel


The fifth jewel of wisdom concerns the principle of progressive



Now, evolution as it is understood by Darwin and his followers concern

it with the transformation of forms and the survival of the fittest.


Theosophy regards these processes as secondary processes and states

clearly that consciousness is the primary factor in evolution. It

doesn't deny a struggle between beings, but points out that there is

actually a lot of cooperation in nature. Indeed, we begin to understand

a little more of the intricate ecosystems, symbiosis, mimicry, etc.(a

nice question for you: why do zebras have black and white stripes that

make them very visible to lions, etc.- certainly not an evolutionary

advantage for them?)


Evolution means literally, to evolve, to manifest certain qualities (of

consciousness in matter!). No phenomenon is possible without an active,

intelligent force. Each phenomenon is evolved from Universal Life-Matter

in a long line of differentiations. At the same time it is Life,

involved in Matter.So, we have two concurrent processes, instead of just

an empty transformation of forms as the Darwinists will have us believe.


Now, regarding the term progressive evolution, it is stated that there

is a gradual development of qualities of consciousness, as can be seen

in the different kingdoms of life. Plants are more evolved than

minerals. Animals are more evolved than plants, men are more evolved

than animals (some people may think differently.). Of course, we see men

often behave like animals (this is a part of our nature) but there are

also many examples of unselfish people who sacrifice their own life for



Man has evolved the thinking faculty to some degree, animals have this

faculty in a latent condition.


Progressive evolution states that beings in a certain kingdom develop

their consciousness by experience in this world, they reincarnate in the

same kingdom until they have reached the limit of possible experience in

this kingdom. Then these beings can enter the next higher kingdom, after

a certain period. In this new kingdom they can evolve higher aspects of

consciousness. This fifth jewel is clearly connected with the third one,

hierarchies, and the first one, reincarnation.


In fact all these jewels are indissolubly interconnected. Those who

wish to pursue the subject of evolution, as theosophy describes it,

further are referred to lit. 2. (online on the web)


For men, it is taught, there are still a lot of aspects of

consciousness that can be developed. To give two important examples: the

faculty of understanding (discernment) and the faculty of

inspiration(consciousness of the essential unity of all beings). This is

our great task. Nowadays we mostly let control our lives by our lower

desires and impulses. Instead, we can use the faculties of Imagination

and Will to create a powerful image of Brotherhood, cooperation and

peace. This fascinating subject is elaborated in part 2 of theosophy

basics. It is really a most effective way of changing the mental

atmosphere (noosphere) on this planet. Plato says: 'Ideas rule the

world', and he is right. Of course, we should also perform the necessary

actions to help realize our ideals.


All the great Teachers of humanity point out the way out of human

misery. This is further elucidated in the next two jewels.


Sixth Jewel


The sixth jewel of wisdom states that: duality is the basis for all



Krishna speaks about the 'pairs of opposites' in the Bhagavad Gita.

*1)Mind and Matter are the two poles of manifestation. The interaction

of these two poles causes all progress and regress. This, again, Isa

most profound subject with profound philosophical implications.


We can choose between selfish action or selfless service for the

Benefit of to the whole. Those who act selfishly confine their

consciousness to a very narrow area of existence and experience.


Those who work for the benefit of the world extend their consciousness

to higher planes of consciousness. Of course, this is a gradual process.

In Buddhism, there is a teaching about the Path of Compassion. Those who

work for the benefit of others, who have no feelings of separateness

from others (the greatest heresy in Buddhism) tread this Path( not for

themselves, but for others). They refuse Liberation or Nirvana when

faced with the possibility of acquiring this, because they do not want

it as long as others suffer in misery. They do not desert the poor

orphan humanity. This is the most sublime ethics ever conceived in the

entire history of mankind!


Seventh Jewel


The seventh jewel is about knowing the essence of all life.


What is the origin of all things? How does the One Essence becomes the

manifold? These questions are really most fundamental in philosophy. It

refers to the Source of all manifestation.


Is it possible to know the origin of life? Yes, Theosophy answers. In

the heart or core of each being Universal Life is to be found.'Thou Art

That', the Upanishads say. Every human being can discover this Divine

Spark inside by gradually evolving higher aspects of his/her

consciousness. This will result in a realization of the connectedness of

all beings. This realization can be called 'enlightenment' and is really

stepwise, gradual process.


Mark that evolution is the expression of inner faculties of

consciousness. It has nothing to do with color of skin, etc. By treading

the Path of Compassion, not for one self, but for the whole, one is

bound to discover the core or essence of things.


To be realistic, this will take many reincarnations. Of course, this

doesn't matter, because there is no end to evolution.


The only thing that matters is the right application of the right

understanding of the ancient wisdom to daily life by using your



Some keys for the scientist-philosopher.


The main purpose of all that has been said is to demonstrate the

existence of a coherent, consistent philosophy of life, which shows us

the rationale for ethical behavior. Who would best stupid to hurt his

fellow men when he understands that by doing so he is really hurting

himself? The essential connectedness of all beings is a central theme in

this philosophy.


The second purpose of this document is to provide some stimulating

thoughts for those scientists (or people who are really interested in

science) who understand that a synthesis between old religious truths

and science is a possibility. Now, I cannot provide a finished, complete

system of deductive methods of esoteric science. A lot of building

blocks are already provided, however, by Theosophy. A combination of

inductive and deductive methods may be in place for the diverse



An important principle can be found in the statement:


"nature works along analogical lines." Macrocosmic processes are

analogical to microcosmic processes.


The application of the seven jewels of wisdom is possible bousing this

master key of analogy.


The Hermetic axiom: "As above, so below" is to be applied in every

direction conceivable. A deep study of the third jewel, along with the

other jewels of course, will yield surprising results, I think.


Also, a study of old myths and sacred literature will furnish food for

deep contemplation. H.P. Blavatsky tells us, in the Secret Doctrine,

that seven keys of interpretation must be applied to each symbol and

allegory to fully understand what is meant.


As far as I have been able to establish, these seven keys are:

geometrical, numerical (e.g., Ancient Kabbalah), physiological (&

anthropological), physical-chemical, metaphysical, astronomical (&

Ancient astrology, now hardly available), and psychological (in the

sense of: "Man, know thyself"and thus know nature). Geoffrey Baborka

(author of 'The Divine Plan')seems to have researched this question

about what these keys are thoroughly and I may write about his findings

in a next update of this article.


This is really a master-project, which none can undertake alone.

Nevertheless, I hope some daring minds will take up the challenge of

synthesizing religion, science and philosophy into one system along the

lines sketched. The broad outline of this system is already given to us

by Theosophy. I recently discovered (June, 1996) that Vitvan has done

some valuable work in this direction [see introductory note of mine in

theosophy corner or link to Kabbalah/Gnosis/Theosophy archive on my



Science will need to incorporate consciousness as a basic factor into

its system, otherwise it will fail to fulfil its real task: helping

people to understand how nature really works, thus motivating them to

act and think according to the principles of the timeless wisdom hidden

in the book of nature; principles which are, to some extent, revealed by



Notes 1) Krishna is conceived of as the Logos by the famous Brahmin

Subba Row, in his ~Notes on the Bhagavad Gita~, Theosophical University

Press. Subba Row also analyzes the fundamental misunderstandings that

have crept into Hinduism and Buddhism. Mme. Blavatsky and G. De Purucker

have done this too, to some extant in their writings, including the

misunderstandings that plague Christianity, and other monotheistic

religions. Gerald Massey and Alvin Boyd Kuhn have devoted a lifetime of

research pertaining to these matters (especially in connection to the

restoration of the original ideas behind the Christian Bible).


Bibliography. [see also a fuller bibl. in theosophy basics, part 2]


1. Fundamentals of the esoteric philosophy, G. de Purucker. This file

is in Adobe Acrobat 3.0 format. Be sure to download an Acrobat 3.0

reader at Adobe's site or a suitable Netscape plugin at Netscape's site.

2. Man in evolution, G. de Purucker. New paradigma regarding evolution

3. More online theosophical books

4. Katherine Tingley manuals on theosophy A series on some of the main

tenets of theosophy


WebSite: http://www.euronet.nl/users/euser/articles.htm

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