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Descending & Ascending path

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Hari Om! My praNAms to you all:


In Bhagawad Geeta every where, Sri Bhagawan keeps suggesting remedies.


a) Sri Bhagawan in verses 62&63 explained on "how a man perishes", this is

descending path...

b) After that he is suggesting how one can attain that status, this is

ascending path.


As I see it there are 8 steps to descend and 8 steps to ascend. May be

there are more or less. But if we keep points from descending path and

ascending path, side by side, we can realize that it is nothing but

"problem and remedy"...


Your comments, discussions are greatly appreciated. Hari Om!


Descending Path:



dhyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesupajayate

sangat sanjayate kamah kamat krodho 'bhijayate |62|

krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smrti-vibhramah

smrti-bhramsad buddhi-naso buddhi-nasat pranasyati |63|


(1) When a man thinks of the objects,

(2) attachment for them arises.

(3) From attachment desire is born.

(4) From desire anger arises.

(5) From anger comes delusion.

(6) From delusion loss of memory.

(7) From loss of memory the destruction of discrimination.

(8) From destruction of discrimination, he perishes.



Ascending Path


raga-dvesa-vimuktais tu visayan indriyais caran

atma-vasyair vidheyatma prasadam adhigacchati |64|

prasade sarva-duhkhanam hanir asyopajayate

prasanna-cetaso hy asu buddhih paryavatisthate |65|


(1) But the self-controlled man, (have self-controll)

(2) moving among the objects with the senses under restraint (since it is

inevitable to move among the objects! have senses under restraint, don't


(3) and free from attraction (don't get attracted)

(4) and free from repulsion, (don't repulse, as a result)

(5) attains to peace. (if you do the above you will attain peace)

(6) In that peace -> (prasada = that which has been attained with great


(7) all pains are destroyed: (you will become non-dualist, so your pains no

more hurt you)

(8) for the tranquil-minded intellect soon becomes steady.




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Dear advaitins,

Greetings. I just want to add few lines from Ramayane , It might be

appropriate in this subject of discussion, if not please correct me. Thank

you & Namaste.



The purpose of this life is not joy in things;

"For a while that's like heav'n, but at last sorrow brings;

"If a soul for mere thing-joys this body should use,

"Tis like giving up life-nectar poison to choose;


"At length it may by divine love's gracious giving-

"No other cause-be here in human form living,

"Man's (women too)life is a raft on Existence'great ocean;

"My grace is the kind wind that gives to it motion;

"A master of truth keeps the helm firm and steady-

"Not easily found, but when found always ready!


"If born here and living as man, this great ocean

"Is not then and finally crossed,

"The soul curses its fate, altho' by its own folly

"And suicide-action 'tis lost.


True love's way gives freedom and joy never-ending;

"Tis found only when time in saints' comp'ny spending;


"Saints'comp'ny comes only with good deeds' assistance;

"Their comp'ny gained frees from this earth-bound existence;


(Taken from A.G Atkins translation of Tulsikrit Ramayana from Uttarkanda)







In a message dated 5/30/99 7:34:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

ls691035 writes:

> Lilia Stepanova <ls691035



> Hari Om!


> > "Madhava K. Turumella" <madhava

> >

> > Hari Om! My praNAms to you all:

> >

> > In Bhagawad Geeta every where, Sri Bhagawan keeps suggesting remedies.

> >

> > a) Sri Bhagawan in verses 62&63 explained on "how a man perishes", this


> > descending path...

> > b) After that he is suggesting how one can attain that status, this is

> > ascending path.



> It is also suggested somethere that it is very difficult to obtain a human

> birth. But which means to ascend are available to an animal, or it is a

> mere chance that it can be born as a human? Not even one of the steps to

> ascend listed is not applicable to an animal. At the same time it looks

> pretty easy to descend to an animal level.


> Thank you


> Lilia



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Hari Om!

> "Madhava K. Turumella" <madhava


> Hari Om! My praNAms to you all:


> In Bhagawad Geeta every where, Sri Bhagawan keeps suggesting remedies.


> a) Sri Bhagawan in verses 62&63 explained on "how a man perishes", this is

> descending path...

> b) After that he is suggesting how one can attain that status, this is

> ascending path.



It is also suggested somethere that it is very difficult to obtain a human

birth. But which means to ascend are available to an animal, or it is a

mere chance that it can be born as a human? Not even one of the steps to

ascend listed is not applicable to an animal. At the same time it looks

pretty easy to descend to an animal level.


Thank you



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> Lilia Stepanova <ls691035

> It is also suggested somethere that it is very difficult to obtain a human

> birth. But which means to ascend are available to an animal, or it is a

> mere chance that it can be born as a human? Not even one of the steps to

> ascend listed is not applicable to an animal. At the same time it looks

> pretty easy to descend to an animal level.


> Thank you


> Lilia

[Madhava Replies:]


Dear Liliaji,


Hari Om!


IMHO, so far we are unable to tackle the animal world. What ever

little knowledge, that has been gained by our scientists regarding animal

world, suggests that animals also can think and act. I guess, there may be

a suggested course for animals as well! It is not surprising that we are

not aware of any such.


In our epics there are plenty of examples where animals behave

better than the so-called humans :-) I went to London recently, there I saw

this good movie "paulie". The whole movie is about a parrot that can think

and talk! It is a real good, beautifully made movie. In our epics also we

have stories like these kind of parrots.


Anyway, yours is a very good observation! A man can descend and

behave like an animal. But he is still --- a human as long as he does not

leave his mortal coil. Epics say that if a man leaves his mortal coil when

he is behaving like an animal, he will take birth like that animal. That is

why a swift remorse is necessary for all our mistakes. This practise is

suggested in all religions. (e.g. one should confess his sins to a



Human is bestowed with an intellect, using which he can correct

himself. Geeta says: "prakRtiM yAMti bhootAni, nigrahaH kiM karisyasi",

means "All beings are bound to their nature, what can refrainment do... "

Mistakes do happen, we try to refrain, in spite of all efforts we may fail.

That shouldn't stop us from attempting again.


A man who does not make any mistake, who doesn't sin --- is GOD

A man who always makes mistakes, who always sins --- is DEVIL

A man who tries to corrects himself, after making any mistake --- is



In my opinion, a man's ability is not in how he keeps himself from

making mistakes, but in how soon he corrects himself and also how soon he

recognizes the sinful desire that is arising in him.


Regards, Madhava

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