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hariH OM!


below is an excerpt from my ms AUTOMATIC FREEDOM, hopefully

to be published soon.


it is the fast path utilizing the Self-inquiry method

of Guru Ramana.










What is the fundamental problem with our human condition?

This is the first archetypal question to be philosophically


After reasonable deliberation it's clear that any answer

forthcoming would have to do with one's mental outlook or attitude,

which is evidently responsible for the degree of innate human suffering

or discontent.

The next logical question is: what is responsible for our mental

outlook? Obviously it's our thinking, which is a product of our

philosophy; i.e. our understanding of Life or how we apprehend the


And here we immediately recognize that we have the power to do

something, to make a difference. And, amazingly, the potential solution

--as we will see herewith--is profoundly simple and, depending on our

karma, easy to apply.

This however is the potential log jamb factor: our karma. By

appearances, it can either make or brake us. (The reader should here


the caveat "by appearances," for that is the most important element to


able to come to terms with here; that it is only by appearance that we

suffer any karmic consequences. More on this momentarily.)

The solution is otherwise simply a matter of understanding

(realizing) the nature of one's true identity. This is extremely simple

in principle because it merely involves liberating oneself from the


of identifying oneself with contracted or limited boundaries (namarupas

or names and forms).

And the technique prescribed in Vedanta for accomplishing this is

referred to as Atmavichara (Self-inquiry), where the question "Who am


is posed to oneself and thereupon met with the negation "neti, neti,


("not this, not this, etc").

After x number of encounters with this ultimate of philosophical

questions, the eventual outcome is a shift in awareness from the


of a contraction to an expansion in consciousness, finally resolving the

release of the locus of ego, conferring so-called Liberation. It is


established within oneself that one's true identity can no longer be,

under any circumstances, confined or limited to or by any parameter of

expression--regardless how subtle or expanded in conception it may be.

One's true nature is therefore reasonably unfathomable, inconceivable...

literally unknowable.

And the implication of this itself is unfathomable, inconceivable

....indeed unknowable! And this confers Self-realization.

It's as simple as that.

Problem still? ...

If so, rest assured it is the result of karma. However, take

heart...because the good news is, it can also be dealt with summarily--

and vigorously! How? Utilizing this same Atmavichara technique.

By maintaining focus on one's true nature, and not wavering. Doing so

will defuse the karma. Now, depending on circumstances, it's usually

a gradual process, yet it can also be achieved instantly--which is

exactly what Jesus meant by "taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm!"

Thus the ultimate question--that works like a weapon...a divine

weapon (Brahmastram)--is indeed "Nan Yar?" ("Who am I?").

Ask it whenever you think you're in trouble. With practice,

it will more and more effectively start to quell such programmed

erroneous thinking. This is all it amounts to. Eliminating the

nonsense. Nonsense ideas and beliefs that have accumulated over time,

dictating that one is this [such way] or that [such thing].

Yes, the entire method and process of the Jnanamarg is simply

one of elimination. You clear out the dross...burn away the grey clouds

in the sky of Mind, which then allows the ever-radiant Sun of the Self

to shine through unimpeded...

This is Yoga, Jnana, Samadhi, and Moksha.


OM Ramanarpanamastu

OM Nithyasathyamounananda

OM shaanthi shaanthi shaanthiH

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