Guest guest Posted October 28, 1999 Report Share Posted October 28, 1999 Namaste Everyone, I am forwarding a mail sent to a seeker at another forum, that goes into more detail from the Turiya "standpoint" for your comments... Please disregard the first paragraph, its not applicable to this forum. ~dave "Dave Sirjue" <Dave_Sirjue on 10/20/99 10:43:16 AM Tim Gerchmez <fewtch cc: auroconf (bcc: Dave Sirjue/EOG/Enron) Concluding remarks on Non-Duality Dear Tim, I'm glad you decided to take a breather from the forum since the discussion was getting nowhere or as you put it plainly -nonsensical. Everyone appears to know, interested in pushing their viewpoints and very few were really listening to the other or the real issues. I appreciated and respected your stance Like you, I have been realizing more and more, how little the mind knows about anything. We like to fool ourselves and pretend that we know by holding on, defending and hiding behind all sorts of layers of beliefs, imaginations, ideas and assumptions, secondhand information that we adopted or borrowed from others, but which which really is a deception, drug, smoke-screen or simply a PACK OF LIES ! that lulls us to sleep, forgetful of our basic insincerity - the fundamental lie of the I thought ..I am this or that. (whether it is body, mind or soul.) When shocks and crisis in our life, penetrates our defensive armour, hopefully we start getting truthful about ourselves and our mind,and there is a candid confession that - I (as mind) DON'T KNOW WHAT A SINGLE THING IS or COMPLETE IGNORANCE !!, then true wisdom begins; the mind dissolves or becomes humble, childlike, silent, open and receptive to the revelation of Truth or true Knowing from the Intuitive Heart - by Identity; beyond our usual mind processes of logical reasoning, deduction, induction or inference. This understanding is the true means to eradicate the ego or "I" and cut the root identification with mind or thoughts, once an forever. "I" (the mind) means -to know- but the ground is taken from under its imaginary feet, when we declare.. I don't know, in reply to the inquiry "Who am I ?". The "I" cannot stand up without knowledge. So now, there is no turning back, one takes the risk, with no guarantees, assurances or certainty and jumps into the Unknown, beyond mind, beyond the known. Really, what has the known, the surface life, given me but pain, sorrow, disappointment. (admittedly with comfort and pleasure but at a minimal, just enough to keep on the desiring and hoping game.) Enough is enough. One starts trusting the Unknown and Death - the door to the Deathless, the Timeless, the Unborn, the Eternal.. One faces one's fear of letting go, invites and surrenders to Death the Supreme Teacher i.e. death of the (surface) known and falls helplessly into an Unknowable Mysterious Delight. And where is the hesitation of losing, the intelligent ones offers the limited and transient in exchange for unlimited and permanent, with gratitude. Once seen forever seen. Yoga, for example, is skillful at using breath, sound (mantra) and light (vision) to indirectly and temporarily quiet the disturbing symptoms of the mind, so that one gets a brief glimpse of the underlying reality. For example when the breath is quiet the mind is quiet, or the sound of the mantra drowns out the noise in our head, again a glimpse of silence. This is merely a therapeutic drug or trick, as ego remains suppressed in seed form. Simply, one is just distracted by the object of meditation and the ego is ready to spring back to life thereafter. Now there is no longer the conditioned surface mind to act as a barrier, distorting or clouding our vision, with its prejudices, biases, preferences and so on, which superimposes on Reality. Just a Clarity, an Openness or Emptiness that includes and accepts everything; no resistance or motive for anything to be otherwise... grass is green, sky is blue, birds fly, dogs bark.. Things are always changing.. arising and disappearing in that Void. Aah! the wonderful state of Suchness.. ever full of surprises ! "you" as the separate one has vanished, there is no longer any seer or seen knower or known, subject or object.. there is just That Universal Consciousness and YOU ARE THAT, but THAT includes the gross, subtle and causal states, in its transparency and openness. >From that "standpoint" , the gross world, the sun, moon, galaxies arises in YOU, The breeze blow through YOU (not on you). You are universally responsible and compassionate towards All which is Your own Self (YOURSELF), just as you previously treated your liver or kidney, in your prior ignorance.. Have a relaxed and surrended day! Regards ~dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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