Guest guest Posted November 2, 1999 Report Share Posted November 2, 1999 shrI lalitAyai namah tanIyAMsaM pAMsuM tava caraNapa~NkeruhabhavaM viri~ncih saMcinvan viracayati lokAn avikalam vahatyenaM shaurih katham api sahasreNa shirasAM harah saMkshudyainam bhajati bhasitoddhULanavidhim 2 O Mother viri~ncih: brahma tava: your caraNapa~nkeruha: lotus feet bhava: present in pAMsuM: dust tanIyAMsam: speck of (very subtle) saMcinvan: collecting lokAn: all the worlds avikalam: without any defects viracayat: created shaurih: vishNu enam: the same (the tiny bit of dust from Your lotus feet) shirasAM sahasreNa: by his thousand heads katham api: how does he do (i.e. with great difficulty) vahati: carrying harah: shiva enam: the same (the tiny bit of dust from Your lotus feet) saMkshudya: by powdering it well bhasma uddULana vidhim: smearing the ashes bhajati: serving O Mother; brahma, having gathered the tiniest speck of dust of Your lotus feet, has created the worlds efficiently; shauri carries this speck of dust on his thousand heads with great difficulty; shiva, having pulverized this dust, smears his body with it. commentary: shri shankara begins this stotra with a reverent look at the divine Mother's lotus feet. He ends the stotra also with a similar praise of the greatness of Her lotus feet (verse 98). [verse 1 is the benedictory verse and the last verses 99 and 100 are the phalashruti verses and the stotra may be considered to be starting at verse 2.] In this verse, the great power or potency of the lotus feet of the divine Mother is highlighted. The creation, sustenance and destruction of the entire universe has become possible for brahma, vishNu, and shiva, only through the power derived by them from shri devI. Further, the speck of dust from Her lotus feet is the material cause for this universe. This dust from Her lotus feet provides the blessing for brahma, vishNu and Ishwara to proceed on with their duties of creation, sustenance and destruction. tanIyAmsam: the very subtle, speck of (dust) viri~ncih: brahma, having gathered this very fine subtle dust from the devI's feet and with that, created the upper seven worlds (bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah and satya) and the lower seven worlds (atala, vitala, sutala, rasAtala, talAtala, mahAtala, and pAtAla). avikalam: This may be interpreted as (i) associated with brahma: brahma created the worlds so that one world doesn't get into the way of the other; i.e. with efficiency; or (ii) associated with vishNu: the protection by vishNu is up to the final dissolution; he ensures the existence of the universe in the regular order in which it has been created, up to the time of final dissolution. shauri: coming from the lineage of a yAdava king by name shUra; Shauri sshUrah janeshwarah: shauri is one of the names of vishNu from vishNusahasranAma. vishNu the sustainer is said to be lifting the fourteen worlds, the upper seven in the form of a porpoise (shiMshumAra) and the lower seven in the form of sheSha. SahasreNa shirasAm: sahasrashIrShA puruShah; from shrutI, with thousand heads harah: antakAle prapa~ncam harati harah. The one who destroys the jagat at the time of praLaya is hara. The main essence of the verse is: the greatness of the devI is shown by the total dependence of the creator, the sustainer and the destroyer of the worlds on the dust of Her feet, for carrying out their respective duties. Her greatness is further shown by the fact, that a single speck of dust of her feet provides the material for the creator to create all the worlds, with their various contents. The same speck of dust requires great effort from vishNu to lift the weight with his thousand heads. The mighty shiva has to reduce this tiny speck to ashes by way of destroying the worlds. The meaning of this verse is also graphically explained as follows: The divine Mother was walking in the pleasure garden of shripuram along with the attendants. Brahma after having had darshan of devI, gathered the dust from the path on which devI had walked. With the aid of this dust, brahma created the fourteen worlds. vishNu, having known that all the worlds are only particles of the dust of devI's feet, bears them on his (thousand) heads with great care and reverence. shiva awaits the time of mahApraLaya to have the gains (dust from shridevI's lotus feet) derived by brahma and vishNu. At the time of praLaya, he (shiva) reduces the worlds (dust particles of divine Mother's feet) into ashes and smears his body with that vibhUti. Regards Gummuluru Murthy ------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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