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Thank God for Osho

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Dear friends,


This one from Maitreya is very beautiful,

and i like to share it with you.

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hari om






Maitreya Ishwara



Thank God for Osho


Beloved Friends


The tendency of many spiritual

teachings to emphasise absolute

concepts can lead to subtle anti-life


When the ultimate reality is presented as

the only reality, the other realms of

existence are often dismissed as illusory

and transitory.

This absolutism misses the point that all

realms of existence, including the

material are equally divine. A rock is

made from the essence of the void, as is

a Buddha. The essence is

consciousness. Its expressions are all

creations of consciousness.

This universe is not eternal, but it is real,

because it exists in space/time,

independent of human observation; and

because it is made of and by the

ultimate reality of the void.

Life is God.

Osho understands this perfectly and his

creation of Zorba the Buddha is totally

and refreshingly pro-life.

Dismissing the world as maya or

transitory is unsophisticated and

unhealthy. We exist as embodied

consciousness in a material world.

Celebrating the pleasure and pathos of

being human is the antidote for serious

spiritual egos and their subtle anti-life


Thank God for Osho and his unique

contribution to spirituality.




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the aspirant, the h,

THE letter to connect to the un-letter-able...


thanks for your reply Greg,

yes you may BE right,

this list is highly intellectual and i enjoy,

most words expressed show deep contemplation into the


I and i are intersted in this #thinking# side of the #story#,

but more inpact on my spiritual development was given to me through meetings

with alive enlightened beings,

sitting silently together in meditation and let " " work, let " "





i never met Osho in the body and was very much biased by the negative

reports of the media until the moment in Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh when by

chance some waste paper fell into my hands and i started reading.

Osho spoke.

For the first time original words had reached me without a filter.

Things developed quite unimaginably and crazy,

too much to write........, but

NOW i've got more than 300 volumes of Osho's discourses

and am not interested in reading them anymore.......


hariH om!


with Maitreya it's a different story,

i met him in the body and i can talk from my experience.

but i cannot put this experience in words,

hari om

HERE we are......


enough for today









-----Izvorno sporocilo-----

Od: f. maiello [egodust]

Poslano: Saturday, December 11, 1999 7:41 PM

Za: firak

Zadeva: Re: Thank God for Osho



hariH OM!


it may be some time before this list can handle the

teachings of Osho.


what i refer to as exoteric vedanta (not unlike all

other spiritual movements), has entrenched itself

in the minds of most of its proponents. expecting

them to--en masse--awaken to the impact of the holistic

reality of the esoteric teaching, is unreasonable.

this is why, although i agree with what is being said

in principle in Maitreya's discourse, THE NEW DAWN,

i don't believe, without the divine intervention he

alluded to, that any group-oriented shift or revolution

of awareness is feasible, at least not from my own

[obviously necessarily limited] exposure to the mindsets

of people in the west.


i wrote the following, in response to someone's inquiry

about my take on Osho.




i would say that Osho (a.k.a. Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh)

was one of the most lucid of all teachers of all ages.

unfortunately, he has received much distorted bad press

which, although based in part on justifiable misgivings

(including egocentrism, demagoguery, and some unmistakably

obtuse ideas resulting from an apparently unaviodable abuse

of drugs in his latter years due to health problems),

overshadowed his otherwise extraordinary brilliance and

profoundly transformative/practical insights.


most notable is the compilation of a series of his lectures

based on his commentary of the Vignana Bhairav Tantra,

entitled, THE BOOK OF SECRETS. this is a monumental work.

one of the best of all time.



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