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RE: Is is phony or what?

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Hi Jerry,



how the same thing

can trigger two totally different experiences in a human,

in this case Vartman's cyber-space-voice.

i listened with Rahasya yesterday evening for the first time to Vartman

after knowing close to nothing about him before.


We immediately got beamed into the kind of satsang atmosphere

we normally had only experienced sitting with living enlighteneds,

esp. with Maitreya last year



Words are Words

and a poor medium to transfer spiritual energy

or take away negative energies.

This is only possible in the presence of a LIVING enlightened being

and happens mostly in Silence.


Most Satsangs of course contain also words,

questions from disciples,sometimes discourses,

i never really cared very much to ask questions in Satsang,

i didn't even ask Ramesh in Bombay

and the best part for me was at the end

when there was devotional singing

and i could meditate with closed eyes

and when i touched his feet on the next day........


i don't care if Vartman is enlightened or not

i'm only thankful to him to be my "catalyst"


But you are right about these tendencies in the spiritual satsang-circus,

funny again

that also Maitreya talked about this in todays message.

he's also giving cyber-satsang.....

i enclose it.


thanks a lot for a nice message which stands out in the otherwise a little

"dry" advaita-world!









Maitreya Ishwara



Silence is TRUTH


Beloved Friends


Freedom from all suffering is not cheap.

The price of admission to the temple of freedom is

your ego, your unconscious identification with body,

emotions and mind.

This surrender is not helped by immature teachers who

give your spiritual ego another identification.

There are many people sharing Satsang who try to give

seekers a shift in perception, to see yourself as

consciousness. Often they negate the value of

meditation and say you are already intrinsically free

by the fact of being part of the universal


This immaturity gives the spiritual ego another subtle

identification: I am consciousness.

When a Buddha says the same thing, he knows what he is

talking about. Just parroting his words doesn't help.

What does help is taking the Buddha's experience as a

hypothesis to be verified by your experience. This is

the purpose of sitting silently doing nothing. In

silent, relaxed awareness, the truth of consciousness

is revealed.

The "you are already enlightened" teachers are

immature and attract immature believers to their

concepts about truth.

Osho was much more rigorous and his people are largely

free from the great misfortune of an enlightened ego

that seems to plague many disciples of Poonjaji.

Everyone is ultimately God, or consciousness. But just

believing this is a major trap for unaware teachers

and seekers.

Silent awareness beyond all trace of concepts about

truth is the only TRUTH.

Leave the toys of belief and enter the silence of who

you really are.











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Jerry M. Katz [umbada]

Wednesday, January 05, 2000 5:59 AM


[NondualitySalon] Is is phony or what?


Someone do me a favor and go to




And listen to Vartman on one of the sound files. I listened

for about 5 seconds and had to shut it off. My question is,

Why do all these Satsang people sound the same? The same

pacing. The same pausing. The same eternal tone. The same,

'You see'. The same little humor. The same 'in the moment



Why do I feel like I'm being sucked into something? Why do I

feel the current Satsang movement is no different than any

religious movement with their intonations and rituals and

fulfillment of expectations?


Where is the unpredictability? Where is the rebellion? Why

do I have to turn Vartman off and listen to the hum of my

computer if I want to hear something real?


As a boy required to attend synagogue I felt stifled. I felt

more alive and in touch with life when I departed the

synagogue. Somehow I had the insight that just being alone

in the day's sun was as religious and spiritual and Godly as

it gets.


Now I have that same feeling with Satsang. It's bullshit.

Just listen to Vartman. You know anyone can say anything

they want with that pacing and tone of voice and it will

sound spiritual and wonderful. Using Vartman's tone, try

saying the following:


"I'm going to sue your ass in court ... you see ... you

slimy stinking good for nothing bastard ... you piece of

human garbage, you are the lowest form of human existence

.... you see ... you horrible ..."


And don't you hate it when you're reading transcripts of

Satsang and you come upon the clue-in: [laughter]. I hate

that. Just let me read the transcript and I'll decide if

it's funny or not.


So what's my point? Nothing holds. Reality is not to be

found in Satsang with all its good feeling and relaxation

and mellowness and truth. Reality is not found. It is known

to be here and now. You see.






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