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Gita Satsang: Shrii Gurustotram

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1 akhaNDamaNDalaakaaraM vyaaptaM yena charaacharam

tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


2 aGYaanatimiraandhasya GYaanaaJNjanashalaakayaa

chakshurunmiilitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


3 gururbrahmaa gururvishhNuH gururdevo maheshvaraH

gurureva paraM brahma tasmai shriigurave namaH


4 sthaavaraM jaN^gamaM vyaaptaM yatkiJNchitsacharaacharam

tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


5 chinmayaM vyaapi yatsarvaM trailokyaM sacharaacharam

tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


6 sarvashrutishiroratnaviraajitapadaambujaH

vedaantaambujasuuryo yaH tasmai shriigurave namaH


7 chaitanyashshaashvatashshaantaH vyomaatiito niraJNjanaH

bindunaadakalaatiitaH tasmai shriigurave namaH


8 GyaanashaktisamaaruuDhaH tattvamaalaavibhuushhitaH

bhuktimuktipradaataa cha tasmai shriigurave namaH


9 anekajanmasampraaptakarmabandhavidaahine

aatmaGYaanapradaanena tasmai shriigurave namaH


10 shoshhaNaM bhavasindhoshcha GYaapanaM saarasampadaH

guroH paadodakaM samyakh tasmai shriigurave namaH


11 na guroradhikaM tattvaM na guroradhikaM tapaH

tattvaGYaanaath paraM naasti tasmai shriigurave namaH


12 mannaathaH shriijagannaathaH madguruH shriijagadguruH

madaatmaa sarvabhuutaatmaa tasmai shriigurave namaH


13 gururaadiranaadishcha guruH paramadaivatam

guroH parataraM naasti tasmai shriigurave namaH


14 tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva

tvameva bandhushcha sakhaa tvameva

tvameva vidyaa draviNaM tvameva

tvameva sarvaM mama devadeva SHRII GURUSTOTRAM (Translation)


Salutations are to that guru who showed me the one who is to be known, whose

form is the entire universe and by who pervades over the movables (animals) and



Salutations to that guru who opened the eyes of the blind and cleared the

darkness (cover) of ignorance with the wisdom of knowledge.

Salutations to that guru, who is the Creator, Protector, and Destroyer and who

indeed is the limitless Brahman.


Salutations to that teacher who showed me the one to be known, who permeates

whatever that is movable and immovable, sentient and insentient.


Salutations to that teacher who showed me (by teaching) the Lord of all the

three worlds comprising the sentient and insentient.


Salutations to that guru who is the sun to the lotus of Vedaanta and whose lotus

feet are made radiant by the jewel of all Shrutis (Upanishhads). (The guru who

is well established in the vision of the Shruti and is the one by whom the

Shruti blossoms forth.)


Salutations to that guru whose Awareness is changeless (beyond time), who is

peace, beyond space, pure (free from raaga and dveshha) and who is beyond the

manifest and unmanifest (Naada, Bindu, etc.)


Salutations to that guru who is rooted in knowledge that is power, adorned with

the garland of Truth and who bestows the joy of liberation.


Salutations to that guru who by bestowing the knowledge of the Self burns up the

bondage created by accumulated actions of innumerable births.


Salutations to that guru; the perennial flow of wisdom from the one rooted in

the vision of the Shruti dries up totally the ocean of transmigration (saMsaara)

and reveals (teaches) the essence of all wealth (the fullness, freedom from



There is nothing superior to knowledge of truth; no truth higher than the truth,

and there is no purifying austerity better than the truth; Salutations to that



Prostrations to that guru who is my Lord and is the Lord of the Universe, my

teacher who is the teacher of the Universe, who is the Self in me, and the Self

in all beings.


Salutations to that guru who is the beginning and the beginningless, who is the

highest Deity and to whom there is none superior.


Oh God of all Gods! You alone are my mother, father, kinsman, friend, the

knowledge, and wealth. You are to me everything.

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----Original Message Follows----

Venkatesh <venky



Re: Gita Satsang: Shrii Gurustotram

Mon, 10 Jan 2000 23:13:23 +0000




While we are on Gurustotram, i do remember that part of the Bhagavat Gita

also stresses the importance of service to the Guru.



**** tadviddhi praNipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa .

upadekshyanti te j~naana.n j~naaninastattvadarshinaH .. Gita 4:34


Know that, through humble submission, through inquiry, through service

of the sages who have realised the Truth, they will teach you that






Another aspect that i read on one of the articles on the web site was that

if God or any of the Devas get dissatisfied or "angry", one can seek solace

and forgiveness from the Guru as well, but in the case of the Guru, only

that Guru can grant forgiveness.



***cf. shive rushhTe gurustraataa gurau rushhTe na kashchana .

Guru Gita shloka #88

When Shiva is angry Guru can save you. If the Guru is angry nobody can save





Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has also published Voice of the Guru (Guru

Tradition), and Hindu Dharma, both Pujya Swamiji's lectures. The latter one

should be in every household!









>>>>>> At 12:18 PM 1/10/00 -0500, Ram Chandran wrote <<<<<<<

|>"Ram Chandran" <chandran


|>Hari Om Venkatesh:


[big Snip]


<<<<<<< End of original message >>>>>>>



The views expressed in the above email are of a personal

nature and do not, in any way, reflect the views of any

organisation or group of persons.



"Constantly think of what you are, what you want to be, and

what you should do to bridge the gap. Even this thinking will

be beneficial to you. "


His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamiji


Official web site of The Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham





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Hari Om Venkatesh:




Thanks Venkatesh for the informative message on the Genius of Shankara by

Paramacharya Chandrawekaraendra Saraswati of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. Please

share other messages of Periyava by highlighting them through the Email (as you

beautifully did in the above message). This will greatly help the list members

to understand Advaita with broader perspective.


It is Hindu Tradition to greet friends and relatives with 'Namaskar' (to temple

deities, elders, saints and sages). Paramacharya points out that this tradition

is a constant reminder to the Hindus to be humble without ahankara. It is our

good fortune to do namaskara to saints, the great ones, and we should never miss

an opportunity to bow to our elders. Those who have watched the Mahabharata

Episode shown in TV would have noticed that such greetings were offered to both

friends and foes! A small portion of the four part article on the importance of

Namaskara Mahamityam is enclosed below. Those interested should visit the

Website of Kanchi Kamakoti whcih contains an ocean of information on Shankara's



Ram Chandran



Namaskara Mahamityam (by His Holiness Paramacharya Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi



" I have dwelt at length on the greatness and importance of Namaskara (Namaskara

Mahamityam). You may wonder why I chose this topic to talk on. One respectable

person was referring to the sadness to the steady decline among people in

general in the qualities of humility and reverence, in vinaya bhava. I started

thinking about it and possible antidote for it. I thought of placing before you

the outcome of that contemplation. It seems that ever since loud voices have

started being made about equality, freedom, self-respect and so on, decline in

the wealth called vinaya started, leading us to ways of indiscipline and

violence. Talking about "rights" and "rights", we are led into "fights". Viewed

in the economic and social context, it is not as if that these new perceptions

are without a justification. I accept that without any objection. But

everything must operate within limits. If the new approaches are actualised in

practice within properly defined limits, things will be in their places, the

present d

Spiritual advancement had been the main goal of life in this country. Stricken

by the disease of "ahankara", material advancement has come to be considered

all that matters. I have talked about the only remedy that I know of. I

considered it proper to place before you the remedy and the reasons why I think

it is a remedy. That is why I elaborated on the subject. It seemed to me that,

more than anybody else saying it, my saying it will have a deeper impact. When I

say so, does it mean that I am trapped in my "ahankara"? No, that is not my

meaning. It is because of people pursuing "seats of power" mindlessly that loud

slogans are raised in the name of equality, freedom, self respect and the like,

and this din has led to wars. In such a context, I thought that a person like

me, whom fate (providence) has catapulted into a "seat above which there is no

seat and to which there is no equal" and "who does not find fulfillment in the

situation that he does not have to bow before anyone" letting it be known to

You have the namaskara bhagya, which I did not and cannot get. I pray to

Narayana, saying "Namo Namah", that all of you may make full use of the

namaskara bhagya, and receive the highest blessings in life. And I do namaskara

to HIM.




Paramacharya's Concluding Paragraphs of the Web Page with the title: " Namo

Namah" http://www.kamakoti.org/other/miscl/namoh4.html



>Venkatesh <venky


>Namastey !


>A tribute to Sri Adi Sankara :

> ..................

>(see http://www.kamakoti.org/souv/1-1.html , The Genius of Bhagavatpada

>{Sri Adi Sankara}), by His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra

>Saraswathi MahaSwamiji:


>best regards




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I think the following verse also belongs to Guru Sthotram


Brahmanandam Parama Sukhadam Kevalam Jnanamurthim

Dwandwaatiitam Gagana Sadhrusham TatvamAsyati Lakhsyam

Ekam Nityam Vimala Achalam Sarvadi Sakshibhutam

Jnanaatiitam Thrigunarahitam SadGurum Tam Namami.


The Bliss of Brahman is the supreme happiness, of the aspect of wisdom

Beyond duality , like the infinte sky , with the aspect of That you are.

One , constant ,pure and unmoving , the witness of all ,

Beyond knowledge , beyond the three modes of nature, That Guru I prostrate to.







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Namastey !


A tribute to Sri Adi Sankara :


Part of the well known Bhaja Govindam is:


"Punarapi Jananam, punarapi maranam

Punarapi Janani, jatarey shayanam.

Iha samsarey, bahu dustarey, kripaya pahey, pahi Murarey"




Repeated birth, repeated death, and repeated lying in the mother's womb-

this transmigratory process is extensive and difficult to cross;

Save me, Oh Destroyer of Mura, through your grace!


Another quote, that seems to be a beautiful, poetic contradiction to the

above is:


Saastram saareera meemaamsaa

Devastu paramesvarah !

Aacaaryaah Sankaraachaaryaah

Santu janmani janmani


"if, in every future birth the sheet anchor of my faith and understanding

is the Saarera Meemaamsa, is my study, if the God I worship is Paramesvara

Himself, if the Guru who will be my refuge is Sri Sankaracharya, it does

not matter how many janmas I am to take. May these three be granted to me

in life after life."


(see http://www.kamakoti.org/souv/1-1.html , The Genius of Bhagavatpada

{Sri Adi Sankara}), by His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra

Saraswathi MahaSwamiji:


best regards





>>>>>> At 08:17 AM 1/10/00 -0500, Ram Chandran wrote <<<<<<<

|>"Ram Chandran" <chandran




|>1 akhaNDamaNDalaakaaraM vyaaptaM yena charaacharam

|> tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>2 aGYaanatimiraandhasya GYaanaaJNjanashalaakayaa

|> chakshurunmiilitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>3 gururbrahmaa gururvishhNuH gururdevo maheshvaraH

|> gurureva paraM brahma tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>4 sthaavaraM jaN^gamaM vyaaptaM yatkiJNchitsacharaacharam

|> tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>5 chinmayaM vyaapi yatsarvaM trailokyaM sacharaacharam

|> tatpadaM darshitaM yena tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>6 sarvashrutishiroratnaviraajitapadaambujaH

|> vedaantaambujasuuryo yaH tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>7 chaitanyashshaashvatashshaantaH vyomaatiito niraJNjanaH

|> bindunaadakalaatiitaH tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>8 GyaanashaktisamaaruuDhaH tattvamaalaavibhuushhitaH

|> bhuktimuktipradaataa cha tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>9 anekajanmasampraaptakarmabandhavidaahine

|> aatmaGYaanapradaanena tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>10 shoshhaNaM bhavasindhoshcha GYaapanaM saarasampadaH

|> guroH paadodakaM samyakh tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>11 na guroradhikaM tattvaM na guroradhikaM tapaH

|> tattvaGYaanaath paraM naasti tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>12 mannaathaH shriijagannaathaH madguruH shriijagadguruH

|> madaatmaa sarvabhuutaatmaa tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>13 gururaadiranaadishcha guruH paramadaivatam

|> guroH parataraM naasti tasmai shriigurave namaH


|>14 tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva

|> tvameva bandhushcha sakhaa tvameva

|> tvameva vidyaa draviNaM tvameva

|> tvameva sarvaM mama devadevaSHRII GURUSTOTRAM (Translation)


|>Salutations are to that guru who showed me the one who is to be known,

whose form is the entire universe and by who pervades over the movables

(animals) and immovables.


|>Salutations to that guru who opened the eyes of the blind and cleared the

darkness (cover) of ignorance with the wisdom of knowledge.

|>Salutations to that guru, who is the Creator, Protector, and Destroyer

and who indeed is the limitless Brahman.


|>Salutations to that teacher who showed me the one to be known, who

permeates whatever that is movable and immovable, sentient and insentient.


|>Salutations to that teacher who showed me (by teaching) the Lord of all

the three worlds comprising the sentient and insentient.


|>Salutations to that guru who is the sun to the lotus of Vedaanta and

whose lotus feet are made radiant by the jewel of all Shrutis

(Upanishhads). (The guru who is well established in the vision of the

Shruti and is the one by whom the Shruti blossoms forth.)


|>Salutations to that guru whose Awareness is changeless (beyond time), who

is peace, beyond space, pure (free from raaga and dveshha) and who is

beyond the manifest and unmanifest (Naada, Bindu, etc.)


|>Salutations to that guru who is rooted in knowledge that is power,

adorned with the garland of Truth and who bestows the joy of liberation.


|>Salutations to that guru who by bestowing the knowledge of the Self burns

up the bondage created by accumulated actions of innumerable births.


|>Salutations to that guru; the perennial flow of wisdom from the one

rooted in the vision of the Shruti dries up totally the ocean of

transmigration (saMsaara) and reveals (teaches) the essence of all wealth

(the fullness, freedom from want).


|>There is nothing superior to knowledge of truth; no truth higher than the

truth, and there is no purifying austerity better than the truth;

Salutations to that guru.


|>Prostrations to that guru who is my Lord and is the Lord of the Universe,

my teacher who is the teacher of the Universe, who is the Self in me, and

the Self in all beings.


|>Salutations to that guru who is the beginning and the beginningless, who

is the highest Deity and to whom there is none superior.


|>Oh God of all Gods! You alone are my mother, father, kinsman, friend,

the knowledge, and wealth. You are to me everything.


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|>Discussion of the True Meaning of Sankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy

focusing on non-duality between mind and matter. Searchable List Archives

are available at: http://www.eScribe.com/culture/advaitin/ Contact Email

Address: advaitins



<<<<<<< End of original message >>>>>>>



The views expressed in the above email are of a personal

nature and do not, in any way, reflect the views of any

organisation or group of persons.



"Constantly think of what you are, what you want to be, and

what you should do to bridge the gap. Even this thinking will

be beneficial to you. "


His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamiji


Official web site of The Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham


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Namastey again...


Thank you Ram.


A major part of the web site includes His Holiness' preaching and articles.

Some of His preaching are translated in his inimitable style and are quite

moving and very touching.


Namo Namahah (the text that you had quoted from) was published by the Delhi

Vishnu Sahasranamam Satsangam, and, it has also been translated into

English, and is a brilliant translation. Many devotees agree that it sounds

exactly the way He used to speak.


While we are on Gurustotram, i do remember that part of the Bhagavat Gita

also stresses the importance of service to the Guru. There is a two part

book, titled Sankara's Bhashya on Bhagavat Gita, which is very very

engrossing. I have been searching in vain for the second part.


Another aspect that i read on one of the articles on the web site was that

if God or any of the Devas get dissatisfied or "angry", one can seek solace

and forgiveness from the Guru as well, but in the case of the Guru, only

that Guru can grant forgiveness.


In the recent past, during whatever little service i have been doing for

our Gurus, my life has changed in a major way. Disadvantages and setbacks

in life miraculously turn into advantages. I know for sure that not

everything was a coincidence. At times, i feel blessed to be able to do

some service, albeit insignificant, for our Gurus. My only regret is that i

had not started on it earlier or sooner.


This list is very educational. Congratulations to everyone who has

participated, founded and administered this list. I only hope that i am

able to contribute something.


Best regards








>>>>>> At 12:18 PM 1/10/00 -0500, Ram Chandran wrote <<<<<<<

|>"Ram Chandran" <chandran


|>Hari Om Venkatesh:


[big Snip]


<<<<<<< End of original message >>>>>>>



The views expressed in the above email are of a personal

nature and do not, in any way, reflect the views of any

organisation or group of persons.



"Constantly think of what you are, what you want to be, and

what you should do to bridge the gap. Even this thinking will

be beneficial to you. "


His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamiji


Official web site of The Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham


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