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what an AtmajnAni has to do every morning

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Thank you for this posting. It would be wonderful to have this in

audio (if any member has it) format, on the Advaitin site. The poetic meter

is inspiring and thrilling when chanted.


If anyone would like to see the romanised sanskrit parts in Indian scripts,

there are 2 URLs for conversion:


http://velankar.hypermart.net/#TOP (for html in devanagari script)



http://www.alkhemy.com/sanskrit/web-interface/index.html ( for gif and ps

formats in devanagari, tamil, telugu, kannada, gujarati, bengali scripts).


The conversion is best when the encoding is done in Itrans scheme( in Help








----Original Message Follows----

Gummuluru Murthy <gmurthy



what an AtmajnAni has to do every morning

Mon, 24 Jan 2000 09:21:38 -0330 (NST)






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shrI shankarAcArya in His benovalence and with disciples'

AtmavidyA as the primary objective has given three verses

which suggest what an AtmajnAni has to keep in mind every

morning. [This does not mean that AtmajnAni has to make

a conscious effort to chant or remember this every morning;

this would be a natural part of AtmajnAni; however the way

poems read is as part of the daily doing for an AtmajnAni.

The translation is by me and may be deficient.]



prAtaH smarAmi hR^idi saMsphuradAtmatattvaM

saccitsukhaM paramahaMsagatiM turIyam.h

yat svapnajAgarasuShuptimavaiti nityaM

tad brahma niShkalamahaM na ca bhUtasaMghaH 1


I remember (with reverence) every morning, that I am not

the body made up of the five elements; that I am that

blemishless brahman that go through the three states of

waking up, dream and deep sleep without being affected by them;

that I am that satcitAnandarUpa which paramahaMsAs strive for;

that Atmatattva is shining brightly in my heart.


prAtarbhajAmi manasAM vacasAmagamyaM

vAco vibhAnti nikhilA yadanugrahena

yanneti neti vacanairnigamA avocaM

stam deva devamajamacyutamAhuragryam.h 2


I worship every morning that parabrahmah, that is beyond

manas and the sense organs; that by whose grace all the

sounds of knowledge get their shine (I am interpreting

vAco here as the sound or expression of knowledge; I would

appreciate if any one suggests a better translation); whom

the shrutI describes by the words neti neti and glorify

as aja (without birth), acyuta (without destruction) and

as Adi puruSha.


prAtarnamAmi tamasaH paramarkavarNaM

pUrNaM sanAtanapadaM puruShottamAkhyam.h

yasminnidaM jagadasheShamasheShamUrthau

rajjvAm bhujangama iva pratibhAsitam yai 3


I bow to that prabrahman in who the world shines like

the snake on a rope; who is the light that dispels ignorance

like the sunshine dispels darkness; that is full, sanAtana

and AdipuruSha.



shlokatrayamidaM puNyaM lokatrayavibhUShaNam.h

prAtaH kAle paThedyastu sa gacchetparamaMpadam.h


These three verses are praiseworthy in all the three worlds

and provide puNya; and those who chant these verses every

morning attain moksha.




Gummuluru Murthy


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